
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 251 to 300 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Richard Shepherd-Barron

    This project will cause unbelievable stress and inconvenience to everyone living in this area and the AONB. In addition, is the technology stable and strong enough to still be viable shouild this... Read more

  • Sarah Clark

    The local roads and rail network, even with proposals already outlined, cannot cope with the anticipated traffic. This is a rural area and the rurality will be destroyed if This much construction... Read more

  • Sarah Thompson

    I oppose the Sizewell C project for the following reasons@ - It will take more than ten years to build, years of lorries thundering up and down the A12 pumping carbon dioxide, cadmium and lead into... Read more

  • Sheree Malkin

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding... Read more

  • Suffolk Coast Acting for Resilience (SCAR) (Suffolk Coast Acting for Resilience (SCAR))

    The aim of SCAR is to preserve and protect, for future generations, the Suffolk coastline, tidal rivers and surrounding land area. SCAR is a strategic partnership of organisations and individuals of... Read more

  • Suffolk New College (Suffolk New College)

    As BD Manager at Suffolk New College I wholly agree with the Sizewell C proposal. As a college we are looking at how we can support young people and the wider community with their career and... Read more

  • The Coal Authority (The Coal Authority)

    The Coal Authority were notified by NNB Nuclear Generation (SZC) Limited (letter dated 03 July 2020) that an application for a Development Consent Order has been made to the Planning Inspectorate. I... Read more

  • Victoria Proctor

    I believe that the duration and size of the construction phase of Sizewell C taking into consideration the land use, the sound and the light will lead to a net loss of wildlife species in the area.... Read more

  • Virginia Storey

    Suffolk coastal society is totally dependent upon tourism. If Sizewell C and D are built it will destroy tourism to our coastland. Minsmere RSPB will be devastated. The A 12 will be chocked with... Read more

  • Anne Wegner

    I am concerned about the following issues with respect to Sizewell C - significant negative effects on local community: jobs only for lower-skilled employees limiting personal growth, lack of suitable... Read more

  • Brigitte Walker

    I wish to register concern about the development’s long-term – in some cases irreparable -effect upon and damage to the heritage coast, the AONBs and ancient landscape of Suffolk coastal. I wish to... Read more

  • Cakes and Ale Holiday Park (Cakes and Ale Holiday Park)

    I am concerned about the following: The increase in traffic especially on minor roads which are likely to become "rat runs" Noise of building the train line Effect on the local widelife Negative... Read more

  • Coddenham Parish Council (Coddenham Parish Council)

    Coddenham Parish Council has already submitted comments during the pre-examination stage of the process and in accordance with the information and advice contained in the Sizewell C Summer 2020... Read more

  • Diana Howard

    My husband and I live in Marlesford, looking out at fields that stretch towards Wickham Market, with the A12 500 yards away. We are very concerned about the extra traffic Sizewell will bring, the... Read more

  • Dunwich Parish Meeting (Dunwich Parish Meeting)

    Building on an eroding coastline with an insufficient impact statement. Damage to tourist industry the mainstay of the local economy. Environmental damage to a world-renowned and highly sensitive... Read more

  • Ian KH Galloway

    Relevant Representation of Mr I Galloway, [Redacted] I am a resident of Kelsale cum Carlton Parish and have contributed to responses made to EDF Energy during the Pre Application Consultation Phases.... Read more

  • Jack Broom

    Objection to Sizewell C Planning Inspectorate Sept 2020 Jack Broom [Redacted] I am opposed to the proposed development for the following reasons: During the building of Sizewell B in December1990, I... Read more

  • Janet Fendley

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the development on mainly environmental grounds. Daily I hear concerns linked to our environment in... Read more

  • Joan Breese

    I am totally against the construction of Sizewell C The future is in renewable energy sources, advanced battery systems, advanced building construction to include solar and wind generation The impact... Read more

  • Julia Brown

    Environmental concerns at every impact level from human,animal,flora and fauna level. Life threatening proposed build for many endangered species. Loss of habitat irreplaceable..mitigation measures... Read more

  • Libby Eves

    Dear Sir/Madam I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: -Outdated and dangerous... Read more

  • Morgan Dadd

    As a local home-owner I am interested in updates re the development, having previously expressed my concerns to Stephen Burroughes at East Suffolk Council as follows. To have an area of natural beauty... Read more

  • National Grid Ventures (National Grid Ventures )

    This is a Relevant Representation submitted by National Grid Ventures (NGV) requesting that NGV are treated as an Interested Party throughout the Examination process of the Development Consent Order... Read more

  • Ray Mumford

    Sizewell C is nothing more than a horrendously expensive vanity project. When Cameron’s government was promoting this, their mantra was “not a penny of public money would go into it, it would ALL be... Read more

  • Sara Cozens

    I object to the planning application due to the environmentsl imoact.

  • Sarah Cousins

    I would like to make these points: • Nuclear Power using Uranium has too high a risk if something goes wrong • There are more sustainable, cleaner and safer power alternatives we should be considering... Read more

  • Sarah Eves

    I object to sizewell C. It will cost way to much. It won't provide enough jobs to balance out the cost and upset to the local area. No real plans for decommissioning-and how to do it and the cost. No... Read more

  • Steve Guyton

    New Roads and Construction Site The impact of over a thousand HGVs and hundreds of buses on the A12, an already over used link through the county, will create terrible congestion. Having studied the... Read more

  • Susan Seabrook

    I wish to register the following observations and concerns relating to the proposed Sizewell C and D developments and to object in the strongest terms to their Planning Application. 1. Nuclear power... Read more

  • Dr. J Cadogan

    Concern about lack of transparency about final visual configuration of Sizewell C Concern about noise pollution esp during construction Concern about traffic and impact on air quality, and sheer... Read more

  • Elisabeth Walker

    wish to register concern about the development’s long-term – in some cases irreparable -effect upon and damage to the heritage coast, the AONBs and ancient landscape of Suffolk coastal. I wish to... Read more

  • Hilary Ward

    1 Site Selection • I believe the project is too big for the site proposed. • Two Nuclear reactors squeezed into 32 hectares is nonsensical. • The site on the fragile Heritage Coast could be at risk... Read more

  • Ivor Murrell

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: The Site 1. The site identified for Sizewell C... Read more

  • John Parsons

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. I believe that the site is wrong, and that the industrial development of this area would be sacrilege, having an adverse impact on... Read more

  • Mr Jonathan Hamlyn

    I am a owner occupier of a property known as [Redacted]. This is a property which will be directly affected by the proposed construction and operation of the northern park and ride. I am concerned... Read more

  • Nacton Parish Council (Nacton Parish Council)

    EDF should adopt a rail-led strategy during construction phase. This will reduce the environmental impact on the whole area and will mean that no Freight Management Facility is needed. The Suffolk... Read more

  • Naomi Adelson

    As somebody who grew up close to the East Suffolk coast, I am concerned about the impact of Sizewell C on the local community, landscape and wildlife. I am now a practising doctor and I also have... Read more

  • Nicholas John Ward

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Our local community of Theberton and Eastbridge in our area of East Suffolk have repeatedly asked EDF Energy to explore alternative... Read more

  • Richard Bodek

    My representation is that Sizewell C will devastate the local countryside, kill local tourist and hospitality industry and traffic and worker impacts will be horrific. Pleases think again.

  • Robert Alan Hoggar

    a. The potable water demand for this Sizewell C&D EPR nuclear twin reactor would be more than the area could supply. Local town Leiston would be at riske of a water shortage as a result.Local... Read more

  • A.P.Whittle

    Hinckley point is vastly over budget, Hitachi has pulled out of Wylfa in Anglesey, and we are worried about Chinese involvement in our infrastructure. This would be a dangerous vanity project for our... Read more

  • Chris Wheeler

    I fully support the PINS representations made by TASC and Stop Sizewell C. I strongly object to approval of the DCO application for Sizewell C on the following grounds (amongst others): 1. Need. The... Read more

  • David William Green

    I am concerned about the environmental impact of the project during and after construction

  • Imogen Robinson

    As a long term resident of Suffolk, and someone who cares passionately about this area where I and two previous generations of my family lived and worked in, I wish to register the following concerns... Read more

  • Jane Healey

    That the energy produced by Sizewell C can be environmentally better and more quickly delivered by renewable solar and wind turbines. Nuclear energy is inflexible in terms of responding to increased... Read more

  • John Poll

    My objections to the building of Sizewell C include the following points: Transport - I am concerned about the enormous impact of the proposed traffic volumes on the local community. New roads and... Read more

  • Julian Kenny

    Submission to Planning Inspectorate Regarding Sizewell C This is the relevant representation of Julian Kenny to the Planning Inspectorate regarding NNB Generation Company (SZC)Limited DCO Application... Read more

  • Karen Poll

    I am concerned about the following: Transport - concerns about the vast increase in traffic on roads already busy, particularly at the Theberton end of the network where the proposed new bypass would... Read more

  • Lucy Whittle

    The proposed application is in an triple SSI. Nuclear power is more expensive to produce than renewables. The decommissioning costs have not been taken into account. Sea levels are rising which could... Read more

  • Mrs Susan J Stone

    1.East Suffolk is one of the lowest rainfall areas in the UK. Existing demands on water from farming, housing and tourism are already high and droughts, as experienced this spring, are leading to... Read more