Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 300 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Karen fisher

    Renewable energy is the future, we cannot continue to rely on fossil fuels

  • Lance Johnson

    I have major concerns about the stability of the caravan standing due to major earth works; pollution from dust, noise and traffic as well as a detrimental effect on natural habitats which have been... Read more

  • Margaret Johnston

    There was a failure to consult correctly. There are significant environmental issues if this goes ahead in the planned area. Substation at Wineham Lane would be a more suitable site. A272 access would... Read more

  • Matthew Oakes

    I fully support the expansion of the wind farm. The UK needs more green energy.

  • Michael Charles Leete

    I oppose the Rampion 2 project for the following reasons:- 1. It will have an adverse effect on our local environment because the turbines would 2.5 times the height of Rampion 1 and very visible from... Read more

  • Batcheller Monkhouse (Batcheller Monkhouse) on behalf of Mrs Nicola Crichton-Brown (Mrs Nicola Crichton-Brown)

    31 October 2023 Our Ref: DNB785/HC The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Directorate Temple Quay House Temple Quay Bristol BS1 6PN Dear Sirs, [REDACTED] Rampion 2 response to section 56... Read more

  • Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)

    1. We act for Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail) and have been instructed to submit relevant representations on its behalf. As a statutory undertaker affected by the proposed DCO we... Read more

  • Nikki Tees

    The short term and long term effects to local marine life will never fully recover from the installation. The equipment, such as the blades are not recyclable, so the benefits re energy production do... Read more

  • Paul Cross

    More detail required exactly where the proposed cabling will come ashore. Elmer and Climping are both missing from the map. The noise from piling will be intolerable for Elmer residents. Sea bed... Read more

  • Meera Smethurst on behalf of Peter Black (Peter Black)

    Dear Sir / Madam, As long-term residents, we are writing to express our extreme concern and absolute opposition to the use of Dragons Lane for this project. The lane is simply not suitable for heavy... Read more

  • Rt Hon Jeremy Quin MP

    Potential impact on constituents.

  • Spencer Shires

    I object to the increased height of the new turbines, and the fact that it will fence in the south coast causing a barrier to the migratory routes of our at risk bird population not to mention the... Read more

  • Sue Piercy

    We are very concerned about the impact the Rampion 2 proposal will have on the area around where we live. Aside from Rampion 2 being very much an Onshore development (despite being touted as an... Read more

  • Susan Edna Baker

    I approve of green energy initiatives. Although the sea bed will be damaged by building the turbines, once they are built the sea bed should be left alone to colonise with sea grasses and weeds. I... Read more

  • TC Rampion OFTO Ltd (TC Rampion OFTO Ltd)

    TC Rampion OFTO Limited owns and operates the offshore transmission system associated with the Rampion offshore windfarm. This includes the offshore substation, on and offshore cables, the Twineham... Read more

  • Worthing British Sub Aqua Club 1323 (Worthing British Sub Aqua Club 1323)

    This response represents the views of members of Worthing BSAC dive club #1323, also members of Guildford BSAC who regularly dive this area. This is our contribution of feedback to the proposals... Read more

  • Zachary Wingfield

    I approve


    This dreadful proposal is characterised by having minimum benefits and maximum drawbacks despite huge costs:- -We are being asked to accept what is being described as only an ”extension” to the... Read more

  • Ben Morris

    the timescale and potential noise, dust and unknown people

  • David John Clarke

    Tourism is absolutely vital to the West Sussex coastal community and hence to the wellbeing of all residents. Given the catastrophic scale of fires which broke out in Southern Europe and elsewhere... Read more


    I live very close to the sea here, in Littlehampton. I try and swim in the sea daily unless the tides are too choppy and always avoid looking east, where Rampion 1 scars the skyline. The very idea of... Read more

  • Emily Mulcare-Ball

    I object to the proposals for Rampion II. I believe Oakendene was chosen as during the initial stages there were very few objections from the Cowfold area as local people were unaware of the size and... Read more

  • Gillian Henn

    The planet is dying, and if we don’t do this as part of the bigger picture of using green energy so will we. Even if you do not agree with climate change isn’t it better to have it than not. I see the... Read more


    The money involved should be used for research into using LESS electricity, and nobody knows what the impact on the local environment will be, whether on land or in the sea.

  • Jason Sangster

    Don’t do it. More wind and less disruptions to the seaside towns between the IOW and Selsey

  • John Morton

    The local impact must be given more significantly consideration especially for a project that has dubious merits, are Rampion’s claims about the energy they can produce justified/ accurate, is the... Read more

  • Maria Natale Hacon

    I refer to the most recent letter received from Rampion 2 / RWE dated 25th September 2023 re The Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm Order 202X. I, Maria Hacon, am one of the four Trustees of land located at... Read more

  • National Highways (National Highways)

    National Highways ('NH') act as the statutory consultee on behalf of the Department for Transport Secretary of State with regards planning matters, including DCOs. We will be concerned with proposals... Read more

  • Olivia Ball

    I object to the proposals. I believe that the DCO proposal represents a material change, and is now so different from the one consulted on, that it requires a reopening of the consultation: I would... Read more

  • Patrick Clayton

    Offshore wind farms bring significant benefits for the UK in terms of energy self-sufficiency. They help reduce the use of fossil fuels which are contributing to a rise in sea levels and which should... Read more

  • Ruth Aldred

    Please do not build the Rampion 2 substation right next to Cowfold village. We are a village not an Industrial Revolution. If you ask Sussex Police I am sure they will support the objections,... Read more

  • Sally Lewis

    Being a frequent visitor to the west sussex coast with friends and family living on the coast it is essential that the local impact must be given more significantly consideration especially for a... Read more

  • Sara Taiyo

    I'm excited to hear about the application for an area up to approximately 196km2 comprising up to 90 wind turbines and associated foundations, inter-array cables connecting the turbines to up to three... Read more


    Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm Project - Application for development consent order (‘DCO’) REPRESENTATIONS ON BEHALF OF SUSIE CLARE FISCHEL OF [REDACTED] 1st November 2023. Management [REDACTED] extends... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Alec Lauder

    I have occupied [REDACTED] on a seasonal basis since 1996. My family and I have greatly enjoyed the peace and quiet that prevails in the surrounding area as well as the prospect over open fields and I... Read more

  • Andrew Griffith Member of Parliament for Arundel and South Downs

    I am writing in my capacity as Member of Parliament for Arundel and South Downs to register as an Interested Party in relation to RWE’s application for the construction of the Rampion 2 Offshore... Read more

  • Angela D Warr-King FRICS

    I spend most weekends in Nyetimber/Pagham close to Aldwick Bay and object to Rampion 2. The 22 miles of coastal wind turbines,only 8 miles offshore and 140m tall,will have an enormous visual impact on... Read more

  • Anthony Woolfenden

    I am strongly against the wind farm proposals which I believe will cause major damage to the environment, major disruption to develop, and questionable value and effectiveness. Among my concerns about... Read more

  • Carol Matthews

    This project t will adversely affect the flow of traffic on an already congested arterial road

  • Chiara Angela Vagnarelli

    My serious concerns: Disruption to the eco-system during the 5 year construction phase. This would include the movement of Dolphins and any Harbour Porpoises from the Bay, they could move up to 50... Read more

  • Christopher Nigel Guy

    1) The wider effect of an immediate traffic-bottleneck lasting many years. 2) Unacceptable increase of air pollution (caused by 1) with specific effect in Cowfold. 3) Adverse environmental impact of... Read more

  • Cowfold Parish Council (Cowfold Parish Council)

    Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm Development Consent Order Letter of Representation from Cowfold Parish Council – dated 2 November 2023 This letter of representation is made by Cowfold Parish Council on... Read more

  • Donovan Harrison

    I would like to record my opposition for the proposed development of the Rampion 2 Sub-Station at Oakendene for a number of reasons; - the local impact on traffic management created by the need to... Read more

  • Eleanor Owens

    I travel very short distances through cowfold, Horsham and partridge green for work as a gardener. It’s already such a struggle to keep to my timetable due to traffic and this will make it impossible... Read more

  • Elizabeth Rosaline Anne Hammond

    The proposed turbines should be at least 14 miles off shore according to government guidelines. This would mean that shipping would be affected. There are many sites that are far more suitable and... Read more

  • Findlay Walter

    I think it’s a brilliant idea

  • Gordon Murphy

    As someone who dives and recreationally fishes the area, I can see that Rampion has been a massive benefit to sea life, partly due to the addition of massive amounts of underwater structure. Now it is... Read more

  • Guy Everett

    My main concern is the visual impact from both the Sussex coast and National Park. The new turbines are 2.5 x bigger than existing Rampion 1 and bigger than recommended by the Government given the... Read more

  • Hubbard Fisheries ltd (Hubbard Fisheries ltd)

    Impact of fisheries in and around the proposed Rampion 2 build site. - Environmental impacts (damage to fish and shellfish stocks etc). - Movement of sediment/aggregate. Increasing the risk of... Read more

  • Hugh Miller

    noise,dust,reduction of air quality,severe congestion on road at Brookside Holiday Park,concerns over wildlife,massive loss of quality of life,devaluation of caravan prices(already happening)concern... Read more

  • James Scott

    Although we have received numerous communications from RWE's agents Carter Jonas since July 2020, it is clear that their goal has been to cover the minimum of formalities that the planning process... Read more

  • James Smethurst (James Smethurst) on behalf of James Smethurst (James Smethurst)

    I strongly object to the Rampion 2 proposals a substation at Oakendene. I grew up in Cowfold, and am aware that there has been an almost complete lack of information in the village until after the... Read more

  • Jean Feldberg

    Having consulted with Eric Smith and his Team, it is welcome news that the wind farm off the coast of Worthing has definitely improved the ecosystem. Also, two years after completion it is apparent... Read more

  • John Money Dodwell

    My concerns are: Effect on the local seabed environment and ecosystems (Black Ledge, the East and West Ditches and Winter Knoll are all sites for breeding Black Bream and/or "nursery areas" for... Read more


    Kingston Parish Council strongly opposes the application for the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm. Council first raised its concerns during consultations held by Rampion in the lead up to this application... Read more

  • Lynda Agate

    I would like to know if the method to install these is to blow up the sea bed thus killing all the fish. Secondly if this is the case members of bognor sea restoration have been planting lots of kelp... Read more

  • Marisa Potter

    The marine wildlife has been thriving recently due to the trawler ban. Whilst good for green energy long term, what about the short term impact on wildlife in the initial construction phase.


    We have been fishing the bay between Selsey and Beachy Head since the 1970's (our Managing Director has been fishing here since the 1950's). Our main concerns of Rampion 2 are based on our experience... Read more

  • Nicholas Martin

    We object to the use of Michelgrove Lane for site traffic in support of Rampion 2 as laid out in drawing number 42285-WOOD-CO-ON-PN-MD-0019. We object to the use of Michelgrove Lane for the following... Read more

  • Paul Steven Walker-Dendle

    I fully support the planned extension of the wind farm

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail (Royal Mail)

    Royal Mail (RM) does not have an in principle objection to the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm DCO proposal but is seeking to secure mitigations to protect its operations during the construction and... Read more

  • Selsey Town Council (Selsey Town Council)

    Rampion 2 consultation response from Selsey Town Council Selsey Town Council supports the need to invest in renewable energy infrastructure, including wind farms. This Council recognises that we have... Read more

  • Susan Mustafa

    The timing of this project is just not fair as it comes Just when the seabed & related life are beginning to recover after the ban on trawling along this coastline. Whilst I am in favour of greener... Read more

  • Susan Turok

    The proposal by Rampion for their stage 2 project shows a gross misconception of the environment & infrastructure surrounding the site Although the access route is Kent Street it is in fact a single... Read more

  • Susan Woolfenden

    I am objecting to the wind farm proposals. I agree with the need to find new energy sources, but this scheme will be harmful to the environment, will cause major disruption in its creation, and all... Read more

  • Tom Munns

    I am very excited for the proposed rampion expansion to move forward. We need as much renewable energy as we can get.

  • Virginia Santer

    Whilst offshore wind is a fantastic source of sustainable power, the plans are likely to have a detrimental effect on the marine life that has regenerated since the installation of the existing farm... Read more

  • Wendy Franey

    I most strongly object to such a large scale development of the windfarrm so close to the coast line. To have turbines of up to over 300 metres is totally unacceptable. Not only will they be a serious... Read more

  • (Maria) Teresa Natale

    REF:  OBJECTIONS TO THE RAMPION 2 OFFSHORE WIND FARM AND ASSOCIATED INFRASTRUCTURE I am writing to you as a trustee of land located at Lyminster, West Sussex [Land Registry reference:  WSX228882].... Read more

  • Adur District Council (Adur District Council)

    These are officer level comments on behalf of Adur District Council: Adur District Council declared a climate emergency in July 2019. As part of this declaration, the Council has made a commitment to... Read more

  • Andrew Clyne

    I object to the proposed route that was rejected by local residents in September 2021 at a public meeting. Our lives will be blighted by the proposed route and there are other options that I believe... Read more

  • Brian David Gill

    We must pursue all routes towards dealing warming, as a matter of the greatest importance...... I am in favour of any reasonable developments to avoid global warming - and this appears to be one such... Read more

  • Brighton & Hove City Council (Brighton & Hove City Council)

    The following provides the Relevant Representation of Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) in response to the application by Rampion Extension Development (RED) Limited for a Development Consent Order... Read more

  • Charles Roderick Worsley

    Representation from Charles Worsley in response to issuance of a letter under Section 56 of the Planning Act 2008 on behalf of Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm (The “Proposed Development”) I, Charles... Read more

  • Conan Sturdy

    I feel the proposed development of a new wind farm off the coast of Littlehampton would damage the sea bed. The Help the Kelp project which is slowly regenerating the kelp forest would be damaged and... Read more

  • Douglas David Loxton

    I fully support the proposal to extend the Rampion Wind Farm in order to strengthen the provision of renewable energy in the South East. I find the current turbines to be an ninteresting and pleasant... Read more

  • E P Hobden

    Impact on properties and disruption

  • Emily Seex

    Please can you maximise green energy output, to protect the area these are to be placed from rising sea levels and extreme weather events. It would be better if these where nationally owned so we can... Read more

  • Irene Mary Mitchell

    Rampion 2- a summary of the scenario as at October 2023-10-18 The proposed windfarm will consist of up to 90 turbines spread along the coast between Worthing and Bognor Regis. and sited 8 miles from... Read more

  • Karen Royall

    Why is it that I am unable to find any kind of visualisation of the impact from our shoreline of this wind farm? What evidence is provided on the effect (short/medium/long term) of migration, marine... Read more

  • Laura Munns

    I strongly believe this project should go ahead. We need to invest in as much green/renewable energy as possible and this is a way to do that

  • Lindsay Mason

    Not needed. Will damage sea life and restoration of sea beds. Kill animals. Ruins the asthetics of the outlook. Don’t make as much energy as they use to produce

  • Linsey Miller

    Disruption to traffic in local area, causing polllution and noise, difficulty of access to Lyminster Road No consideration for impact on 120 caravan owners or house owners on the opposite side of the... Read more

  • Littlehampton Town Council (Littlehampton Town Council)

    Dear Sirs Response from Littlehampton Town Council to the Rampion 2 Wind Farm Proposal These proposals were considered by the Town Council at its meeting held on 12 October 2023. The Council welcomed... Read more

  • Lynda Marshall

    It is unsettling how the Rampion 2 Environment Statement (ES) selectively deploys information and evidence to assert that transformation of our natural seascape will have “negligible” adverse impacts... Read more

  • Lynette Regan

    Dear Sirs, We am writing to you because we (my partner and myself) are deeply concerned regarding the Rampion Extension project that has proposed a temporary access road on the field directly North of... Read more

  • Maria Teresa Camilleri

    I, Teresa Camilleri am one of the four Trustees of land located at Lyminster, West Sussex (Land Registry Ref: WSX228882).  This land is directly impacted by the proposed changes to the onshore cable... Read more

  • Marine Management Organisation (Marine Management Organisation)

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, Due to the length of our response and the available word count in this box, the Marine Management Organisation will be emailing our Relevant Representation and Principle... Read more

  • Knight Frank LLP (Knight Frank LLP) on behalf of Oakendene Estate -- Langlands-Pearse and Others (Oakendene Estate -- Langlands-Pearse and Others)

    A representation document has been sent to rampion2@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

  • Pulborough Parish Council (Pulborough Parish Council)

    From a local standpoint the concern would be the proposed compound at Washington. Considering the extra traffic that this would this generate on already busy roads through Pulborough given the... Read more

  • Sussex Wildlife Trust (Sussex Wildlife Trust)

    Sussex Wildlife Trust is registering as an Interested Party to raise comments on the progression of the Development Consent Order application for the Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm. Since climate change... Read more

  • The National Trust (The National Trust)

    The charitable purpose of the National Trust is set out in statute. Specifically, section 4(1) of the National Trust Act 1907 establishes the National Trust “for the purposes of promoting the... Read more

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party for the proposed scheme. The Woodland Trust is the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity, aiming to protect native woods, trees... Read more

  • Timothy Franey

    I strongly oppose the expansion of the Rampion Wind Farm, with up to a further 90 turbines, at possibly double the height of the original Rampion turbines. I have a house that is on the seafront in... Read more

  • Waverley Borough Council (Waverley Borough Council)

    Waverley Borough Council has declared a climate emergency and supports the expansion of renewable energy in consultation with local communities. The Council has no further comments to make and does... Read more

  • West Sussex County Council (West Sussex County Council)

    Please send email sent today by Amy Harrower on behalf of West Sussex County Council.

  • Worthing Borough Council (Worthing Borough Council)

    Worthing Borough Council Comments (officer level response) Worthing Borough Council declared a climate emergency in July 2019. As part of this declaration, the Council has made a commitment to work... Read more

  • Anthony Towers

    Who is going to pay for it? The cost just gets added to consumer bills. It is useless when there is no wind. The contractor is guaranteed to get paid. This type of project needs to be entirely in the... Read more

  • Diane Ward

    Proximity to holiday caravans at Brookside Caravan Park where I have a holiday home. Dirt and dust from 6 months plus work. Vibrations and noise. Insurance issues for caravans.