
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 100 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Jenny Baker

    I would like to see the airport open once again.

  • Johannes Kramer

    I am in support of the application as having an airport is of significant importance for the country and the area, now and certainly in the near future. If the land were be used otherwise (e.g... Read more

  • John Copeland

    I have followed this topic for some time and have read many articles related to Manston Airport, unfortunately there is much misinformation about plans for its future. My outlined view is very... Read more

  • John Lawrence

    I intend to make known the disatrous effect that housing would have on the infrastructure of the Isle of Thanet, and also some concerns should this DCO go ahead in it's present form. I believe that... Read more

  • John OCallaghan

    Manston International Airport is very important for the future of aviation in this country. Freight from the airport will be essential after we leave the EU. The airport will provide the extra jobs... Read more

  • Judith Castle

    I strongly object to the reopening of Manston Airport. Having lived in the town for several years when the airport was open, I have experienced the deafening noise and pollution when flights came... Read more

  • Julian Eagle

    I live in Thanet and am a Private Pilot I want to show how the scheme will benefit light aviation in the UK and in particular in the South East where there is a shortage of hanger space and many other... Read more

  • Julie Windsor

    I have an interest in what happens to Manston Airport through friends in Thanet some of whom have historic connections to it. Also from the point of view that, it seems to be the case, that.the jobs... Read more

  • Juliet Anne Brazil

    1. Manston Airport is an asset of national significance and must be reopened as an airport in order to assist and accommodate the ever increasing aviation demands for both cargo and passengers, and to... Read more

  • Kelly Ann Beasley

    Manston as an airport is a necessity to the people of thanet and surrounding areas. Using the airport as,primarily, a cargo airport would also go some way in relieving the pressure on the other... Read more

  • Kevin Michael Spain

    Local infrastructure could not cope with the excess housing IE roads ;schools ;hospitals ;other medical services and water. Each unit of 5000 houses equals a minimum of 10,000 new jobs required in a... Read more

  • L king

    Manston airport is vital to the local area with jobs, commercial travel and cargo with young people growning in the area to es the chance for jobs I aviation.

  • Lab-Tools Ltd. (nano-science) (Lab-Tools Ltd. (nano-science))

    1) Travelling via Manston Airport rather than Heathrow saves 2 working days and hundreds of pounds in additional expenses, per business trip, a significant expense for a micro-SME, multiple times per... Read more

  • laurie bulmer

    Manston should be returned to commercial aviation

  • Leonard Atkins

    Since the closure of the former airport myself and my family have enjoyed a better, quieter and less polluted life, and as such I believe out of a basic human right for us to do so. I am sure that... Read more

  • Liam Coyle

    1. Manston as an Airport is essential to the local economy 2. The RSP Plans will be the catalyst that starts the regeneration of the area. 3. The job creation is urgently required.. 4. Thanet is... Read more

  • Linda James

    The Isle of Thanet is one of the poorest parts of the South East. Unemployment is high with opportunities for the population very low? The airport has always been important to the people of Thanet’s... Read more

  • Lisa Jones

    I wholeheartedly support the reopening of Manston Airport as a freight hub with ancillary aviation related businesses and services and with the prospect of some passenger services at a future date. I... Read more

  • Lynne Hunter

    My representation is simple, I believe Manston should remain as an airport primarily to provide much needed jobs in the area. Thanet is a deprived area and needs a major boost to the economy on an... Read more

  • Malcolm Rendle

    I am contacting you to express my views on the future of Manston Airport. I wish first off to make it clear that I do not express these opinions based on some whimsical nostalgic connection with... Read more

  • Margaret Fields

    I am in support of Manston airport opening with the high unemployment in Thanet Manston Airport would bring apprenticeships,training and jobs for area

  • Mark Bedingfield

    I’m very much for the reinstatement of Manson as an operating airport and wish to be kept informed of the update of this process. I’m in favour of manston to open as an airport. To bring new jobs... Read more

  • Mark Crutchlow

    Support for the future job opportunities for my family. The benefits to the local economy. The preservation of existing open space.

  • Mark Daley

    I feel that to ease the severe overcrowding of freight/passenger flights in airports in the south of England a new airport is needed. Gatwick has only one runway and is operating at near full... Read more

  • Mark Dowling

    I support the application as I am anxious for a working airport to be preserved in Thanet to provide additional access opportunities for both business and leisure. I am a strong supporter for the... Read more

  • Martin Hughes

    Marston is well placed for flights to the Continent and is so much nearer than Gatwick and the other London Airports. With a small alteration to the Rail link from St Pancras International the Rail... Read more

  • Martin Rogers

    I am an economist with a interests in finance, primarily, and transport. The retention of Manston airfield is an emotive local issue, but I believe it needs to be considered in the wider context of... Read more

  • Martin Sutton

    Dear PINS, I am writing to give you my views on the recent acceptance for scrutiny of the intended development for aviation use of Manston Airport in Kent. I feel that it is vitally important both... Read more

  • Michael S G Child

    My representation will progress as I read the documentation. I have already been in email contact with pins about submission document issues. I am hoping that when/if RSP publishes the application... Read more

  • Mike Jackson

    An open Manston Airport gives our community here on the Isle of Thanet the potential of not just jobs for skilled or non skilled workers both at the airport, but for the surrounding community and... Read more

  • Mr Adrian Pearce

    I fully support this application to re-open Manston Airport

  • Mr Lee Taylor

    I believe that Manston Airport should be retained as a strategic resource given that the United Kingdom, once it extricates itself from the European Union will require increased levels of freight... Read more

  • Mr Leo gair

    Manston as an civil airport with connections to rail and motorway.

  • Mr R. King

    The prospect of employment and the reopening up of the airport are very important for the area and Kent as a whole. With the prospect of 17.5 thousand dwellings due to be built by 2031 in the area... Read more

  • Mr Rodney Giddins

    1. Manston Airport is one of a handful of existing airports capable of handling large cargo and passenger aircraft. Major operational airports in the South East are at capacity so Manston could be... Read more

  • Mrs Anne Ammundsen

    As residents of Broadstairs in Thanet my husband and I are totally in support of Manston Airport reopening and wish RiverOak Strategic Partners the best of luck in their endeavours to do so. Thanet... Read more

  • Mrs Brenda Chubb

    I am in full support of the application for a DCO made by Riveroak Strategic Partners. I feel that the plans submitted are concise and prove to me that the development of Manston Airport is of vital... Read more

  • Mrs Freda Parker

    We live on the flight path and fully support the return of the airport to Manston. This will bring much needed employment and income to Thanet.

  • Mrs Lesley Hopkins

    I think Manston Airport will be a great advantage to everybody and stop all the traffic on the roads to Heathrow and Gatwick

  • Mrs Patricia Worsfold

    1. I live in Thanet and in past times I have flown from Manston to various European destinations. Since the closure I have flown from Gatwick on several occasions and needed to hire taxis to get to... Read more

  • Natalie Sharpe-Defloor

    I am supporting the DCO. I want the airport to remain for aviation use only, to be reopened as a cargo hub, maybe short haul passenger flights.

  • Neil Ralph

    Manston Airport reopening will be the single prospect for regeneration in Thanet. It will allow the largest employment opportunities and will enable the local area to prosper. It will also be of... Read more

  • Nicholas Borda

    We moved to the area after the airport stopped trading and had been purchased for conversion to industrial and housing use. Should the airport status be reinstated this will have a massive impact on... Read more

  • Nigel Morris

    I am registering because I feel that the proposal put forward by RSP will provide much needed investment and employment for the local community. Manston is a national asset and must never be used for... Read more

  • Nigel Padgham

    I support continued aviation use of Manston, and retention of the current runway in any plan (no asset stripping). I believe the Avia report was too dismissive of the massive expected increase in... Read more

  • Paul Dunk

    I believe Manston Airport can provide the viable capacity if it expanded its few aprons to thirteen plus, offering reliable capacity for cargo carriers that currently operate over in Amsterdam Airport... Read more

  • Paul Saffrey

    Cargo training general aviation

  • Paul shea

    Thanet needs an airport to create jobs, Not just on the site but also surrounding businesses which it would need. This airport was a major freight hub and could be once again, freeing up space at... Read more

  • Paul Watkins

    I support the DCO application as the retention of Manston as an airport is supported as an economic advantage factor for the prosperity of East Kent. Neighbouring local authorities have long promoted... Read more

  • Pauline Chapples

    Apart from the fact of saving a very important historical bespoke airfield for future generations it has economic advantage for Thanet. Gatwick and Heathrow are already overcrowded,. The M25 is... Read more