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Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Sylwadau perthnasol (sylwadau cofrestru)

Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.

Yn dangos 4401 i 4500 o 4813 o sylwadau, gyda'r rhai mwyaf newydd yn gyntaf.

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  • Katie Marie Steel

    The main issue for me will be the increase in noise and pollution.

  • Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce (Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce)

    Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce fully supports the development of the Emergency Runway into an operational runway. This project will improve the resilience of Air Traffic in the South East of... Darllen mwy

  • Laurence Skinner

    As a local resident who would be impacted by the opening of a second runway I oppose this proposal on a number of fronts: e.g. the impact on the environment; increase in aircraft noise; further lack... Darllen mwy

  • Linda Carol Gilbert

    The prospect of more flights overhead, especially at night, will be detrimental to the health and well-being of everyone affected. The roads around Gatwick cannot cope with more vehicles. Extra... Darllen mwy

  • Luke Bidwell

    Would it be possible or agreeable for the take-offs from the northern runway be for flights that are north-west, north or north-east bound and flights that are south-west, south and south easy bound... Darllen mwy

  • Lynne Eyre

    The high volume of air traffic noise, especially early in the morning and at night, currently cause distress & impacts the quality of life for residents an increase in flights would have a... Darllen mwy

  • Malcolm George Evans

    Already too many flights causing too much noise and atmospheric pollution caused by travel to and from airport and flights themselves. Flights take off and land too early and late already.... Darllen mwy

  • Malcolm Thomas

    Flight paths are as I under stand a approx. 3Km wide. What changes are to be made to the flight paths and what restrictions will there be on night flights?

  • Marilyn Drury

    Increase in aircraft noise Increase in pollution affecting my health Impact on the environment Devaluation of our property

  • Marilyn Shaw

    Increased and unacceptable level of air pollution in Horley. Increased noise disturbance in this area already. Greatly increased over flying of both Gatwick and Heathrow aircraft. Much increased... Darllen mwy

  • Michael Burdett Ward

    I object to this proposal on environmental grounds. The extra flights would lead to a massive increase in carbon emissions at a time when these need to be reduced. Suggestions by the industry that... Darllen mwy

  • Michael David Croker

    The main issue is that this proposed expansion of operation inherent with a second runway flies in the face of the recommendations in the Climate Change Committee's 6th carbon budget that 'there... Darllen mwy

  • Michael Kerr

    The noise from flights landing at Gatwick is appalling. It has already greatly increased in frequency and many aircraft fly too low. A further increase in Gatwick traffic would render my garden... Darllen mwy

  • Mr Colin Shaw

    Increased and unacceptable level of air pollution. Increased noise disturbance in location already subject to overflying by Gatwick and Heathrow flights. Increased road congestion on already... Darllen mwy

  • Mr T Martin

    Increase in aircraft noise, impact on climate change, devalue my home and wellbeing through increase in aircraft movements, lack of surface transport decline in air quality, lack of affordable housing... Darllen mwy

  • Nicholas Anthony Blackwell

    Totally against Gatwick expansion. It is unforgivable that only relatively recently Gatwick’s plans for expansion were denied in favour of Heathrow. And yet here we are again. Gatwick already has MORE... Darllen mwy

  • Paul Beck

    I live near to Gatwick and under various of their flight paths, I have concerns about the environmental, noise and business aspects of the plans and its effect on both the immediate and wider areas. I... Darllen mwy

  • Paul Heard

    My main issues are noise and lack of sleep due to noise of aircraft taking off and landing, and the disruption this causes to my daily life, the effects of lack of sleep and the effects emotionally... Darllen mwy

  • Pauline Jean Leighs

    * Objection - Increase in noise, increase in road traffic - Destruction of the countryside in aonb's - Increase in aviation fuel pollution

  • Peter Whitcombe

    The proposal is contrary to any idea of reducing emissions and all forms of pollution (including noise and light). The local area is already over-populated and the infrastructure cannot cope already.

  • Richard Drinkwater

    My property is close to the present flight paths and a new northern runway would probably significantly increase aircraft movements over my property.

  • Robert Anthony Yorke

    We are the victims of considerable aircraft noise from their take-offs and landings at the single existing Gatwick runway. This can be at any time of day or night and the aircraft often fly directly... Darllen mwy

  • Robert Dunn

    We live in a designated Area of outstanding natural beauty and a conservation area. Aircraft noise is already a serious nuisance, and at odds with the AONB designation. Increasing aircraft traffic in... Darllen mwy

  • Russell Simmons

    If the works go ahead then our lives (Ie that of my family who live at my address) will be significantly worse off due to noise and air pollution. Whilst we moved to our hours within the last 5 years,... Darllen mwy

  • Sally Parsons

    I object to the expansion Gatwick

  • Sally Williams

    My main concern is noise and once again the flights directly overhead are on the increase both day and night. I dread what it will be like should an additional runway be allowed so I fully object to... Darllen mwy

  • Selina Mifsud

    Aircraft noise here is already intolerable. It keeps us awake at night. We are concerned about impact on air quality. Increased aviation is environmentally ruinous.

  • Simon Bates

    Noise impact to the local area & increased traffic

  • Stephanie Byard

    Gatwick expansion should not be approved. They are big enough, have lied about previously changing flight paths & brought/continue to bring misery to newly overflown communities. One plane a minute... Darllen mwy

  • Stephen Andrew Joy

    More noise more traffic more pollution. more noise more traffic more Pollution I live in horley and over the last few years planes fly over my house now and the noise has increased. And we don't have... Darllen mwy

  • Stuart Pritchard

    Gatwick should not even be where it is now let alone be allowed to expand. The environmental impact cannot be offset in any way. The major increase in pollution by the additional flights, the mass... Darllen mwy

  • Timothy John Henderson

    I am concerned about the implication of this project on the Government commitment to tackle carbon emissions.

  • Alison Littlewood

    Concerns are, living under the take off flight path we are noticing the plans getting lower. With so many more planes taking off with an extra runway we are being exposed to a greater degree of noise... Darllen mwy

  • Annette Poultney

    Concerned about increased noise from aeroplanes and airport infrastructure, environment damage, traffic congestion and further airport expansion at a later date.

  • Belinda Gray

    The current volume of flights into Gatwick is causing excessive noise and pollution. Any increase in flights should be balanced against the impact on those under the flight paths. We already suffer... Darllen mwy

  • Belinda Hard

    I am totally against it. The airport keeps trying to get this through. Using the safety runway as an additional runway. More noise from the aircraft. How can planes be net zero? This is rubbish. There... Darllen mwy

  • Cary Charman

    With this new runway, Gatwick seeks over 101,000 extra flights a year (285,000 to 386,000), with 76m passengers (from 46.6m in 2019) travelling on the M23 and residential roads, and one of the worst... Darllen mwy

  • Daniel Westlake

    Any airport expansion that increases overall emissions could be incompatible with the UK's legal commitments to reduce pollution. We have a global CO2e budget that is non-negotiable. Exceeding this... Darllen mwy

  • Derek Godden

    Before any extension takes place, Gatwick Airport authorities, along with local councils (Borough or County level) should make an effort to improve the existing airport and surrounding environs. The... Darllen mwy

  • Diana Maria Gwynn

    The amount of aircraft’s already populating the sky in our area causing a constant noise pollution. This has a real (negative) impact on the lives of real people on a daily basis. We should do... Darllen mwy

  • Edward Brooke Crutchley

    We have been particularly affected by Gatwick arrivals overflights, night and day, since the 2013 flightpath changes. In 2016, Gatwick promised improvements which have not been fulfilled. We are... Darllen mwy

  • Elinor Skipper

    We are already plagued by noise and pollution, with no help from the airport to mitigate. This will worsen things and have a negative impact on the value of my property.

  • Emily Lane

    I commute to London everyday, the trains are overcrowded, the infrastructure can’t cope as it is. The airport has RACC concrete sort that first! I also live locally and don’t want to see and hear... Darllen mwy

  • Francine Dupont

    Concerns about the amount of aircraft taking off and flying low over my property, particularly early morning and late at night

  • Graeme Vincent Short

    Extra air pollution, extra noise, more fossil fuel being burnt by maneuvering aircraft. No quiet ground running area at Gatwick. Air traffic control will need to expand to contain the flight paths... Darllen mwy

  • Guyan William Foley

    I am very concerned about the expansion of Gatwick Airport and the2nd runway on the towns and villages in it flight paths.

  • Helen Harber

    There is already noise and air pollution from the current airport which is disturbing to live near. Also in recent years there has been a huge increase in taxi drivers and holiday makers using the... Darllen mwy

  • Jacqueline Doherty

    I object to this development because: 1) It will cause more air pollution. 2) It will cause more noise pollution. 3) It is unnecessary as less people are flying since Covid. 4) We already suffer with... Darllen mwy

  • Janet Pierce

    Living under a flight path into Gatwick, I’m very aware of the increase in air traffic over the past 30 years. I consider the present volume of traffic to be the maximum that should be permitted but I... Darllen mwy

  • Jeffrey Probyn

    I object to the further expansion at Gatwick. No only does the expansion breach green targets but the noise from low flying aircraft is already intolerable. In addition, Gatwick can nearly run a... Darllen mwy

  • Judy Lawson

    The environmental affects caused by increased flights, increased traffic with associated parking, etc.

  • Julie Constable

    I live in a village already affected by Gatwick flights and am extremely concerned about the impact a second runway will have. I am registering initially and will comment further as appropriate

  • Linda Stewart

    I have an interest as a local resident affected by flightpaths

  • Louise Bailey

    I strongly object to this proposal to bring Gatwick’s northern runway into permanent use. Gatwick is located in a rural position, well away from London. The flight paths affect rural neighbourhoods... Darllen mwy

  • Luca Belpassi

    I have a vested interest as I sit under the flight path in the plans. The increased flights would have a negative impact on local residents and there must be some compromise. Night flights need to be... Darllen mwy

  • Mark Heselgrave

    Gatwick is seeking a new runway which would result in an extra 100,000 flights per year. Much of Surrey and Sussex are already impacted by noise and pollution from aircraft. This can only worsen if... Darllen mwy

  • Michael Mancey

    I am slightly in favour of an additional runway at Gatwick Airport. I have spent most of my life living close to international airports - Heathrow 31 years, Gatwick - 44 years. I worked airside at... Darllen mwy

  • Mrs Kim Frazer

    The increase in traffic on road and rail will have huge impact on locals. Further congestion of all roads as the rail line cannot be increased and roads are already overloaded at peak hours. No... Darllen mwy

  • Nicholas Charle White Anderson

    For me, the 24/7 concentrated flight paths introduced without consultative planning in 2013/2014 are a major reason for lack of sleep at night and rest and relaxation in the day. I cannot have people... Darllen mwy

  • Paul Parry

    My home is likely to be adversely affected by additional aircraft movements resulting from development of the North Runway at Gatwick. I want to be informed about the proposed development.

  • Paula

    Exssecive noise

  • Sandra Imrie

    I believe the UK transport infrastructure should be re-aligned to increase/improve road and rail public transport links within the UK rather than increase global aviation pollution. For the benefit of... Darllen mwy

  • Sharpthorne & West Hoathly Development Group (Sharpthorne & West Hoathly Development Group)

    We are already impacted by noise pollution from aircraft and a second runway will increase our exposure. More emphasis on quieter less polluting aircraft using Gatwick is urgently required.

  • Sheila Rainton

    Additional aircraft flying overhead polluting the area even more Additional traffic on the surrounding roads which are already busy & subject to numerous accidents on the motorway which has no hard... Darllen mwy

  • Stephanie Turnbull

    My home in Burgess hill is a stack location for aircraft and will be affected by the extra planes

  • Susan Bryant

    Concerned about pollution,noise,extra traffic, harm to wildlife, taxis parking and littering.

  • Susan Short

    There is too much aircraft noise NOW. Air traffic control allows short cuts and corner cutting allowing an increased noise footprint in thee local areas

  • Susanna Allan

    There are already too many flights over the area with loud aircraft. And I don’t think there should be more flights considering environmental issues. I oppose a new runway.

  • Tim Thompson

    Will additional flights be expected to fly around the village of Cowden as exhorting flights do and not over it?

  • Tom Nicholls

    - noise pollution - affect on local population capacity - traffic

  • Ami Nicholls

    I live in Charlwood and so this will have an enormous detrimental impact on me and my family. We moved here knowing that the airport would cause some minimal noise however, the beautiful area, schools... Darllen mwy

  • Annalisa Glenwright

    Deeply concerned about environmental and climate impact, plus the enormous increase in aircraft flying over the village. Already the later large aircraft takeoffs are unbearable. Deeply concerned... Darllen mwy

  • Antonia Thompson

    My main concern is for the environment impact almost doubling the number of flights would have on the area. In addition the affect on the local infrastructure would be detrimental to the local... Darllen mwy

  • Carol Marie Jackson

    I am concerned about the increase in air and noise pollution around my house. I am also concerned that public footpath and cycle access to Gatwick Train station as well as the airport is going to... Darllen mwy

  • Caroline Lowe

    I object to this application for a variety of reasons. They are as follows:- 1. Environmental impact and the affects of climate change. 2. Noise pollution to the area with increased traffic. 3. Impact... Darllen mwy

  • Dirk Marinus Johannes van Schie

    Increasing the number of flights inevitably will make it more difficult to control climate change, which clearly is already having disastrous effects around the world. For me personally, it seems... Darllen mwy

  • Gareth Huntley

    I fully support the proposal to bring the 2nd runway at Gatwick into regular use. I genuinely believe there will be benefits for the local communities. Aircraft will only continue to become greener so... Darllen mwy

  • Gary Upton

    The noise from over head planes (to and from Gatwick) is already at an unacceptable level and a second runway at Gatwick will only worsen the problem.

  • Gatwick Hotel Association (Gatwick Hotel Association)

    I am writing on behalf of the Gatwick Hotel Association to express our enthusiastic support for Gatwick Airport's Northern Runway. Our association, comprised of various local hotels, has a vested... Darllen mwy

  • Jason Tracey

    I believe the increased runway capacity will lower the value of our home due to the increased noise. we have already been affected by the flight path move in recent year which now means aircraft fly... Darllen mwy

  • Joanna Chelimala

    Creating additional runway and essentially 24/7 traffic will generate unbearable noise for the residents in my area, the current traffic is already too heavy, Gatwick Airport is not positioned to be... Darllen mwy

  • Julie Louise Upton

    The noise from overhead planes leaving and landing at Gatwick is already intolerable particularly at night. I have lived at the current address for 30 years and the noise form the planes had got... Darllen mwy

  • Margaret Elias

    1huge increase in noise.2huge increase in emissions.3the first two items will severely impact on the quality of lives.4we are constantly being told to embrace net zero policies and reduce consumption... Darllen mwy

  • Mark Francis

    Additional flights at Gatwick will increase emissions, and therefore impact Climate Change. There is no logical reason to further impact the lives of millions by having additional flights at Gatwick.... Darllen mwy

  • Mrs Marion PA Forrest

    Environmental issues Rural area with insufficient road infrastructure and narrow roads to cope with increased traffic Noise pollution Huge increase in aircraft traffic and noise during last three... Darllen mwy

  • Olivia Tracey

    We already experience an increased noise level due to the changes in the flight path in recent years, whereas when we first bought our property in 2017, planes were much higher in altitude, they now... Darllen mwy

  • Peter Lydiard

    I oppose the development of increased capacity at Gatwick and all other UK airports as it is currently incompatible with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Increased airport capacity will... Darllen mwy

  • Peter Toogood

    Need to approve northern runway ASAP. Need to release all airport reserved land south of the airport for development ASAP. I approve of the relocation and use of the northern runway as proposed.... Darllen mwy

  • Robert Carmichael

    I support the plan. Gatwick airport is well positioned to serve the South by being near to most of the population, near to the M25 and realively close to London by train. It is also not too close to... Darllen mwy

  • Sue Elizabeth Noblett

    Too much pollution no to another runaway

  • Trevor Stevens

    The operation of this new runway will significantly increase noise pollution where I live ( and also many other house holders in Smallfield and Horley) as the flight path will be much closer to my... Darllen mwy

  • William Elias

    1.increased volume of aircraft movements 2.use of the northern runway will bring arriving/departing aircraft over more properties.3.increased aircraft movements will bring more emissions.4more... Darllen mwy

  • Alan Lambert

    Air traffic over Ewhurst is already extensive and causes significant noise pollution. I am concerned that with two runways operational this will become unbearable for residents.

  • Chris Le Tissier

    Gatwick needs another runway as the present one is overloaded leading to regular holding time prior to landing and the lengthy queues to take off. Both of which lead to more polluting gases being... Darllen mwy

  • Claudia Talsma

    I live nearby. I can see and here the planes daily. The noise pollution, light pollution and general pollution not just from the planes but also the cars that just block all the roads already. Its... Darllen mwy

  • Clive Lavington

    Gatwick Airport introduced a flight path a few years back that allowed planes to turn a tight right when taking off in an easterly direction putting full throttle climbing planes directly over... Darllen mwy

  • Colin Marden

    I have live very loca l u to gatwick for some 10 years now and bleive I'd done correctly would be agent boost to the area

  • David Murray Pannell

    I am very much in favour of this Northern runway and increased capacity project at LGW.

  • Elizabeth Anne Rae

    Impact on local community (small villages over run with traffic), detrimental effect on health and wellbeing through increased air traffic noise, pollution and impact on environment, loss of habitat... Darllen mwy

  • Helen Burr

    Register an interest to ensure I have a voice in the proceedings. I oppose any increase in aircraft noise and deplore the negative impact on climate change that additional flights will create. My home... Darllen mwy