
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 350 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Paul Whitelock

    I wish to raise a number of concerns regarding the Planning Application for Sizewell c I am concerned that the site would become a significant store of nuclear waste and contaminated structures in an... Read more

  • Simon Rixon

    I write being a local resident local to Sizewell to register a serious concern and consideration regarding the proposed Sizewell expansion. My concern is the traffic and road safety aspects during the... Read more

  • Audrey West

    1. The site is situated on a receding coast and will become an island when sea levels inevitably rise. Dangerous radioactive waste from the two new reactors will be stored on site along with that from... Read more

  • Belinda Strachan

    Funding - Chinese involvement is unacceptable. No information as to how this project is to be funded. The costs are out of proportion to the benefit Reactor is outdated and known to be unreliable.... Read more

  • Diana Cadogan

    See my concerns about the Sizewell C project: Site Selection The project should not be located in Sizewell so close to Minsmere which is of such ecological importance. Being so close to the coastline... Read more

  • Jill Pass

    My representation is for interest in the following: Stratford / Farnham bypass and how it will affect the local environment. The construction method of the bypass The location of the bypass How the... Read more

  • Julia Wheeler

    I fully support the PINS representations made by TASC and STOP SIZEWELL C FLOODING: The planning application for two new nuclear reactors looks to be sheer madness. From reports read the site could... Read more

  • Julie Tillcock

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. I believe there was a staggering lack of information during the consultations and this application. I support Suffolk County councils... Read more

  • Katie Sharif

    I object to the construction of a further power station, the impact on the local environment, wildlife habit ,surrounding countryside will far out way any benefits to the local economy. Nuclear power... Read more

  • Marion Gaze

    1. By the completion of this power station it will no longer be necessary as we will have enough renewable cheaper energy. 2.Nuclear Energy has never been economic because of the cost of the build,... Read more

  • Paul Tillcock

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. I believe there was a staggering lack of information during the consultations and this application. I support Suffolk County councils... Read more

  • Richard Dwelly

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed development of Sizewell C which I oppose on the following grounds: This site on the Suffolk coast is very vulnerable to rising sea levels... Read more

  • Shona Hardie

    1. Large nuclear power stations have had their day. If Sizewell is built it will be a very expensive white elephant by the time it is finished. 2. “Green” energy is cheaper. Existing wind and solar... Read more

  • St Peter's Church Theberton (St Peter's Church Theberton)

    Increased construction traffic through our villages At peak up to 700 HGVs, 700 LGVs, 650 buses and thousands of Sizewell C-related cars would use the B1122 through Yoxford and Middleton Moor, with a... Read more

  • Parish Councillor Wissett (Parish Councillor Wissett) on behalf of Wissett Parish Council (Wissett Parish Council)

    The Parish council does not support EDF Energy’s proposed freight transport strategy due to the fact that (1) it is not a sustainable strategy, because an increased proportion of rail transport (and... Read more

  • Andrew McDonald

    1 Process: The current proposals do not address significant development impact issues that have been repeatedly raised in previous rounds of consultations by SCC, ESC and the great majority of East... Read more

  • Ben Coxon

    To many hgvs on unsuitable roads. Crime associated with the itinerant labourers transit camps. Too much hgv pollution Too much hgv noise. Too much hgv damage to roads and hedges. Not a big enough... Read more

  • Carole Lee

    I am not opposed to nuclear power and I acknowledge that Sizwell A and B have been well run (we often use that beach). But, I am strongly opposed to the Sizewell C project: The size is far too big for... Read more

  • Chris Quinn

    As a resident of Leiston I wish to voice my concerns and opposition in relation to the building of Sizewell C. There are a number of areas I would like to address - Whatever EDF's Transport plans in... Read more

  • Chris Ure

    Sizewell is a totally unsuitable location for a twin-reactor nuclear power station to be built. It is on a very vulnerable and unstable part of the east coast which remains at ongoing risk of flooding... Read more

  • Christine Bryant

    My concerns include the following: - Effects on A12 and related minor roads along route to be taken by SZC-engendered traffic, with particular ref to safety issues (road repairs, emergency escape... Read more

  • Mr Stephen Chamberlain

    My Family concerns about Sizewell C. Only France and England still build Nuclear Power stations, they are considered obsolete technology, and take years to build. None of the EDF-EPR nuclear power... Read more

  • Neil Ford

    Dear Sirs/Madam, I wish to raise the following issues of concern and objection to the plans for Sizewell C. 1. Location of site It is the wrong project in the wrong area, ie. an area designated as an... Read more

  • Nicki Bell

    This is the relevant representation of Nicki Bell to the Planning Inspectorate regarding the NNB Generation Company Limited DCO Application for Sizewell C New Nuclear Power Station and associated... Read more

  • Nigel Smith

    I am writing to object to the construction of Sizewell C. The negative impacts of the proposed development of SZC are so severe that adequate mitigation is not possible – though there are measures... Read more

  • Patricia Fridd

    The environmental impact Sizewell C will have on wildlife is indisputable. RSPB Minsmere, quite rightly, are gravely concerned about the affects it will have on the fragile eco-system. Minsmere is... Read more

  • Paul Gripton

    Dear PINS, I wish to make the following submission, as my initial written 'relevant representation' to register as an interested party involving the Sizewell C examination. Ref EN010012. Many of my... Read more

  • Roger Mackenzie

    1 Site Selection I am extremely concerned that there will be a catastrophic impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of ecological importance. Fundamentally I believe it is the wrong... Read more

  • Stephen Beaumont

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern to me. The Site. The site is too small for the development proposed and the proposed design is likely to lead to serious coastal erosion. The sea... Read more

  • The Readhead Family (The Readhead Family)

    Concerns regarding environmental impact - loss of local habitat and impact on such species as Marsh Harrier. Claims made by EDF that they will be able to pledge net biodiversity gains on the main... Read more

  • Tony Wheeler

    The proposed development will devastate an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty causing irreparable damage to wildlife and the ecology of the area. Huge swathes of countryside will be lost forever to... Read more

  • Alex Crockatt

    I object to planning permission being granted for the building of Sizewell C and D on the following grounds: The construction of such a huge power station will ruin what is a particularly beautiful... Read more

  • Amy Corzine

    I am concerned about the needless excessive cost of the project when alternative methods of truly clean energy creation are available, including solar, geothermal and marine power, and better building... Read more

  • Amy Rayner

    * Noise, light, air and land pollution and effects on people, tourism, environment and biodiversity/ecology. * Nuclear waste *Degredation of ecosystems and biodiversity *Fish death *removal of... Read more

  • Andrew Vince

    I am principally concerned about two issues; The first is the impact on an Area of outstanding natural beauty by countless lorries using the lanes in this area to access the site. In my view the... Read more

  • Anthony Middleditch

    As my home lies within [redacted] of the B1122 my wife and I will be personally affected if the SZC project goes ahead as our lives will be made a misery by the unacceptable level of construction... Read more

  • Anthony Webb

    I have an agricultural/horticultural site in close proximity to a proposed lorry park at Levington.I believe that the proposed term of usage (10-12 years)will cause further denigration in an area that... Read more

  • Caroline Stanley

    I am deeply concerned about the following if this project goes ahead: 1. The permanent changes to biodiversity. 2. The damage to the Tourist Industry as Suffolk Coast and Heaths are areas of... Read more

  • Charlie Williams

    Regardless of which way you choose to get into the issues. (e.g. impact on nature, sea defences, traffic, marine environment, building on an eroding coastline, energy and material requirements,... Read more

  • Christopher Porter

    I own the Freehold interest in[Redacted]my private residence. The property directly abuts the Ipswich/Lowestoft Rail line where is lies is a shallow cutting. The line would be used to transport... Read more

  • Claire Thurlow

    This project must not go ahead. It is clear there will be damage in a number of environmental areas including: Loss of rare invertebrates from Sizewell Marshes Site of Special Scientific Interest... Read more

  • Councillor Mary Schedrin

    Off the A12 by Friday Street Farm is the beginning of the A1094. This road is likely to be deluged with polluting traffiic and subject to even more serious traffic accidents, should SZC and SPR be... Read more

  • Framlingham Town Council (Framlingham Town Council)

    Framlingham Town Council represents the citizens of Framlingham. Framlingham is a medievil town, with narrow roads, located some 13 miles from the proposed site of Sizewell C, but more importantly is... Read more

  • Frederick Poll

    Noise, dust and light pollution from the main site will be a problem for local residents. Security will be problem. The accommodation block is sited in the wrong place in a rural area. The transport... Read more

  • Graham Coulter

    I have many concerns regarding Sizewell C -the impact on Minsmere -the impact of building accommodation blocks in Eastbridge -the destruction of habitat -traffic congestion -environment damage caused... Read more

  • Graham Lanman

    I wish to oppose the proposed development of Sizewell C on the following grounds: The site is inappropriate for the following reasons. Part of the development will be within an AONB, and will... Read more

  • Guy McGregor

    The site for the proposed construction of two nuclear reactors to generate electricity is not large enough for the proposal; The technology proposed has not been successfully brought to a conclusion... Read more

  • High House Fruit Farm (High House Fruit Farm)

    I wish to make the following representation about the issues of concern that I have about Sizewell C. 1. Community, Economic and Social impacts negative impacts from: - loss of local workers to lower... Read more

  • Irene Bews

    The application has many concerns namely: impact on local environment during the building project, with hundreds of lorries on small country roads, the current road proposal is poorly thought through... Read more

  • Ivan Turner

    No more nuclear power stations should be built at Sizewell. Our communities cannot support a development on this scale. Our roads cannot support any increase in traffic. Our medical and educational... Read more