
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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  • David Willmer

    I do not want the use of Luton Airport to be expanded because the noise from aircraft taking off and landing is already intrusive. This is particularly so in late Spring and Summer when aircraft take... Read more

  • Deb Swinney

    - Luton Airport previous applied for expansion to 18m people which it said would be sufficient until 2028. It's now applying for expansion to 32m people. - Previous applications for expansion have... Read more

  • Deborah Barnett

    To expand any airport at a time when the reality and effects of climate change are becoming daily more apparent is nothing short of suicidal. Until non-polluting aircraft are available the amount of... Read more

  • Desi Fest Luton (Desi Fest Luton)

    We support the proposals because they represent an incredible opportunity to deliver long-term prosperity, economic success and support for communities in and around Luton over the next two decades.... Read more

  • Don Cameron

    I object to the expansion plan as currently the noise and disruption to life caused by Luton Airport is intolerable. Daytime noise is increasing and the aircraft are getting closed to the village, it... Read more

  • Donna Hillyer

    Luton Rising wrote to me in May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I wish to object to the proposed... Read more

  • Dr John Richard Bell

    I am opposing this development as an individual who already uses LLA frequently . Through previous piecemeal development this airport is massively inefficient already. It appears badly organised and... Read more

  • Dr Richard Woolfson

    Currently I can get some sleep between midnight and 6am while the frequency of flights is severely limited. I am woken at 6am each morning as flights begin again. Under these proposals, flights would... Read more

  • Duncan Beard

    When expanding the airport and the facilities , the costs of usage for passengers should be considered. The DART is the most expensive train ride per mile in the UK - surely as per Gatwick it should... Read more

  • Easthall Farms Trading Ltd (Easthall Farms Trading Ltd)

    The proposed expansion will have a severe detrimental impact on the business and employment creation potential due to increased noise and traffic congestion. This will restrict provision local... Read more

  • El Litten

    Main issues with the London Luton Airport Expansion proposal: * Causing deaths and health problems in Luton - Luton is already the most air polluted town in the UK, and doubling passenger numbers will... Read more

  • Eleanor Ollerenshaw

    I live in Luton with my young family. I do all I can to reduce our impact on the planet as a household, yet this expansion would deeply worsen the health of the population of Luton due to pollution.... Read more

  • Elizabeth Gathern

    Luton Rising wrote to me on 9 May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I live on incoming easterly... Read more

  • Elizabeth Graham

    My main points are below. I may have further comments later in the process. References are to the non-technical environmental impact document unless otherwise stated. No comments on National Policy... Read more

  • Elizabeth Mcgarry

    With the climate and ecological crisis it is madness to expand an airport. I haven't heard anything so crazy. Please do not for your children's sake.

  • Elizabeth Stevens

    We are a small village and have quite enough aircraft flying over the village already.

  • Ellen Damle

    Concerns re increase noise pollution and environmental pollution. Concerns around ability for local infrastructure to cope with additional passenger numbers.

  • Elsebeth Mcconkey

    I’m totally against any expansion of Luton Airport because of the adverse impact on our climate. Worsening of air quality. Increase in noise pollution. Increase in local traffic. Negative impact on... Read more

  • Emily Spry

    My main objections to this project are 1. The climate crisis, more short haul travel is condemning us all to a disastrous future 2. Local air and noise pollution. Local residents deserve better. 3.... Read more

  • Emma Rookwood

    The expansion plans will significantly increase both noise and air pollution for the surrounding areas, together with putting excessive strain on local transport networks. This will also have a... Read more

  • Emma Smart

    This is an environmental disaster which goes against all out commitments to net zero. It doesn't bring in the proposes growth and jobs to the local area and people. Just more air, noise and traffic... Read more

  • Emma Webster

    Don't double Luton airport passenger numbers because this will increase noise and air pollution and is exactly the wrong thing to do to tackle the climate crisis

  • Flight Free UK (Flight Free UK)

    Airport expansion has no place in a climate emergency. For the benefit of local residents who will suffer increased noise and air pollution, and for the benefit of the global community who will suffer... Read more

  • Frederick Thomas

    Noise levels over Stevenage and in particular the town centre and the North of the Chells area, will become intolerable. From my research I conclude that the measurements taken to date are flawed... Read more

  • Gail Smith

    Not good to have more passengers

  • Gareth Green

    I oppose this planning application, because it will expand the capacity of Luton Airport. There are a large number of reasons why I oppose it, but I will restrict myself to the most important reasons.... Read more

  • Gavin Chater

    I want to be informed as a local to the airport

  • gerd lende

    We have to save all of the remaining nature

  • Gillian Brook

    I have concerns about increased noise pollution if the planned expansion goes ahead. We have a lot of noise from planes already as they fly over our house. Sometimes the noise from late or early... Read more

  • Gillian Georgiou

    Problems with air pollution, noise, destruction of biodiversity, negative effects on climate change. Negative effects on the environment

  • Girlguiding Luton South Division (Girlguiding Luton South Division)

    The Luton Rising proposal presents a great opportunity to deliver improvements in the economy and support communities in and around Luton. It is pleasing to see that Luton Rising have developed a... Read more

  • Graham Hill

    This application has many flaws and I wish to highlight these in more detail and in due course. In the meantime, these objections are simply a starting point: 1. Increased Aircraft Noise. 2.... Read more

  • Greg Baker

    I do not believe that the premise upon which the necessity of the expansion has been based is valid.

  • Gregor Laing

    I object to the proposal due to the following: 1. Huge increase in road traffic accessing the Airport, particularly along east/west routes which are poorly served by public transport. 2. It is totally... Read more

  • Helen Cullen

    I wish to strongly object to the proposed expansion of Luton airport. As a respiratory nurse and grandmother of 3 small Luton residents I am well aware of the health risks this would cause to all... Read more

  • Helen Hunter

    In 2012 it was deemed that expansion by 1million people would suffice demand. I cannot understand why this will have changed in an age when flying is so bad for the environment. The increased traffic,... Read more

  • Helen Parker

    I am concerned about the increasing number of flights which may fly directly over Dudswell and the surrounding area

  • Helen Wand

    Living in Knebworth we already experience a great deal of noise disturbance from Luton Airport, even late into the night making it difficult to sleep. So the thought of Luton doubling its capacity is... Read more

  • Hillary Mead

    As we have done twice before ,we are totally against Luton Airport expansion. In these times of Climate change it shouldn’t even be considered.In Woodside we are not able to sleep now with windows... Read more

  • Hitchin Forum (Hitchin Forum)

    Hitchin Forum Summary of Case Hitchin Forum opposes the granting of the DCO in respect of Luton Rising’s proposal to increase passenger numbers to 32mppa by 2043. 1.The proposal will negatively impact... Read more

  • Hollie Rebecca fisher

    The noise levels going over my house are so loud you can’t hear someone next to you speaking. The amount of flights per hour is ridiculous and I worry about the air pollution. [Redacted] I can’t... Read more

  • Howard Witts

    I live in st albans and there is already a huge amount of noisy airtraffic overhead. The noise of low flying planes and the environmental pollution they cause blights the life of thousands in st... Read more

  • Izabela Broadley

    Double passengers at Luton Airport will mean more noise and pollution in my area. I think Luton Airport is very busy as it is considering how small the airport is.

  • Jacqueline Melvin

    This expansion is complete madness. The fact that the airport is surrounded by small villages which people have chosen to live in because of the beauty of the green belt areas we are able to enjoy.... Read more

  • James Masters

    A second runway would impact Luton terribly and the whole surrounding area badly due to air pollution and noise pollution. Unfortunately these airports never follow their agreements to keep planes... Read more

  • jane elizabeth dimmock

    affects to my day-to-day life: increased pollution Loss of wigmore park where I walk my dog daily and enjoy the amazing wildlife Noise, i am regularly woken by the noise of planes landing and taking... Read more

  • Janet Brown

    We should be decreasing dangerous emissions not increasing them. Should be a pause on airport expansion until industry can prove they can operate below net zero and that includes emissions from the... Read more

  • Jean Johnson

    I am against the Expansion of the Airport for three main reasons. The first is increased environmental pollution. the next is increased noise and thirdly increased traffic which increases pollution.... Read more

  • Jean Weir

    I am happy to support the Luton Airport expansion plans. It sounds as if they have considered the benefits of the local town and environment, as best as any airport can. There will be benefits to the... Read more

  • Jennifer Ann Burkitt

    Aircraft noise is already far too high and significantly reduces my quality of life. Past experience suggests that Luton Airport management cares little about the misery they inflict on me, and the... Read more

  • Jennifer Marjorie Moore

    The noise from incoming aircraft is frequent and noisy now. An increase in aircraft particularly at night is totally unacceptable.

  • Jennifer Maryan

    We have enough plane’s flying all through the night now any more would make it unbearable to sleep. They fly over our house putting the under carriage down some making a very load noise.Even Heathrow... Read more

  • Joe Brown

    Im interested in seeing what will be done in regards to traffic and expanding car park permits systems further away from the current areas under this scheme. Along with compensation or supplying... Read more

  • John Brian Alexander

    I shall want to know about the proposed projecf in order to know if it will affecf adversely my quality of life - in which case I shall want to raise concerns

  • John Duncan

    It is perfectly clear that in order to reach the Net Zero 2050 goals established in law that we cannot allow airport expansion of this nature.

  • John Marsham

    I am a climate scientist. Increasing flights is totally at odds with our legally binding emissions targets. See ccc repirts I am a father. I am genuinely terrified for my children's futures due to... Read more

  • John Martin Pinney

    I would like to know the details regarding how you are going to monitor noise levels whilst doing the expansion works I would also like to know the traffic management plans for all the road works

  • John Michael Humphreys

    The V shaped hedge between 7.32 and 7.44 on our land in Tea Green is not necessary as the Airport cannot be seen here due to rising ground. The hedge 7.39 in front of our house will block excellent... Read more

  • Joseph Kelly

    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, as outlined in the recent Application submitted by Luton Rising. As a resident of the affected area and a... Read more

  • Joyce Family (Joyce Family) on behalf of Joyce Family (Joyce Family)

    Concerns over: Increased Noise Increased Carbon Omissions Negative impact on health and environment. Impact on reducing home value due to these issues. Increase in traffic.

  • Julian Wathen

    Luton airport, from my experience as a passenger there over >20 years, is I’ll-equipped to deal with its current passenger volume with just one runway. It has been a near perpetual building site for... Read more

  • Juliet nolan

    I do not support the expansion of the airport or passenger numbers, this will lead to more noise, more pollution, more road traffic, congestion snd pollution near the airport and most significantly... Read more


    Impact to my quality of life

  • Karen Kester

    If we are serious about the climate emergency this expansion of Luton Airport cannot go ahead. It feels as though the council is trying to grow its way out of trouble and debt which is a very short... Read more

  • Kate Netherton

    I object to the expansion of Luton Airport on environmental grounds as it will reduce the likelihood of the UK meeting its emissions targets

  • Kate Penning

    Luton Airport must not double passenger capacity because we are in the midst of climate catastrophe and Luton Borough Council are going in completely the wrong direction with this. Luton also has dire... Read more

  • Keith Raymond Gissing

    I would like to see alterations to the approach and parking, especially of bus and coach vehicles

  • Kensworth Parish Council (Kensworth Parish Council)

    The main objection the Parish Council wish to note is: Unacceptable increased Noise Pollution expected from significant rise in the number of passengers from 18m to 32m, in particular night flights.

  • kevin driver

    Luton Airport loses money. The council has over half a billion in loans to pay back. Luton is the most air-polluted town of it's size in the country. But Luton council wants to double the number of... Read more

  • Kevin Griffiths

    Noise pollution over rural villages is already disruptive and upsetting lots of residents. There were noise level monitors recording for a while but it seems planes were routed away for the duration... Read more

  • Kevin Stephens

    Aside from Employment opportunities I Want to know impact on Noise / Infrastructure/ Pollution /Greenbelt / Quality of Life for existing residents

  • Kornelia Deppe

    As a Luton resident, I strongly oppose this application because I believe such significant additional expansion will cause further noise pollution in the local and broader area, put an unsustainable... Read more

  • Kristin Coldwell

    We are supposed to be demonstrating climate leadership as a country and supporting sustainable forms of transport. Expanding Luton Airport takes us in the opposite direction. Moreover, the airport is... Read more

  • Laura Fellows

    Planning to double the passenger numbers at Luton airport, while the climate & ecological crises worsen on a global scale is insane. We cannot afford the extra CO2 emissions this will bring, let alone... Read more

  • Laurie Gibson

    I think that in order to combat climate change air travel needs to be minimised. Expanding an airport goes against this, therefore I oppose these changes.

  • Lin Ball

    We are in the midst of a climate emergency and increasing air travel is the very last thing we should be doing! Growth like this is really not necessary. We need to think about the future for our... Read more

  • linda smith

    If this airport expansion goes ahead it will make life unbearable for the people of south Luton and the surrounding areas . the noise and smell of aviation fumes is already bad enough .The noise... Read more

  • Linda Williams

    I oppose the planned expansion as I live under the flight path and sometimes the noise is very bad and at peak season there is hardly a break in noise between one plane and the next. I am woken in the... Read more

  • Liz O'Connell

    I oppose this project because of the additional pollution and environmental damage.

  • London Southend Airport (London Southend Airport)

    Submission to Planning Inspectorate: Luton Airport DCO This submission is being made by London Southend Airport (LSA). Overall, LSA supports the notion of allowing UK airports to grow to serve their... Read more

  • Louise Brown

    Luton Airport loses money. The council has over half a billion in loans to pay back. Luton is the most air-polluted town of its size in the country. We do not need this expansion that will impact on... Read more

  • Louise Victoria Costa-Sa

    I do not believe that there is the need for further airport expansion around London. Luton is right next to the Chilterns AONB and the easterly landing goes directly over the top of part of the AONB.... Read more

  • Lucile Bertolaso-Scarlett

    Luton Airport expansion is not a sustainable project. It's not in favour of Luton's population. The existing air and noise pollution, not to mention traffic implications, are all important indicators... Read more

  • Luton Airport Operations Limited (Luton Airport Operations Limited)

    London Luton Airport Operations Limited (“LLAOL”) (Registration Number: 03491213) confirms its support for the Development Consent Order (DCO) application to expand London Luton Airport to 32 million... Read more

  • Luton Friends of the Earth (Luton Friends of the Earth)

    FoE registration to object – summary Development Consent Order by Luton Council to expand from 18 to 32 million passengers during an accelerating Climate and Nature Emergency Luton Friends of the... Read more

  • Luton Law Centre (Luton Law Centre)

    We have been pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the benefit we... Read more

  • Lyn Bliss

    I am totally against expanding Luton airport. With climate change we should be encouraging people to fly less. We should be working out how to reduce capacity not increase it. Those who live close to... Read more

  • Lynda Cameron

    My concerns are: 1.The aircraft are now on a different flight path on take off and landing and are getting closer to Breachwood Green. This causes increased levels of noise in the house and in the... Read more

  • Manish Dhokia


  • Marcin Oldakowski

    We are not pleased with the fact the airport will be bigger because the airplanes will cause a lot more noise which is already insufferable. With more traveller's arriving at the airport more cars... Read more

  • Margaret Bonnard

    I believe it to be a forward move for the town.

  • Margaret Burnage

    Aircraft noise especially at night Aircraft direction on takeoff over Breachwood Green they seem to be coming nearer the village. Pollution More traffic on unsuitable country lanes Expansion not... Read more

  • Margaret E Ross

    As a resident and house owner in Breachwood GreenI wish to strongly object to the proposal for the expansion of Luton Airport. • The proposed increase in flights would greatly increase the often... Read more

  • Margaret Maria Geary

    I believe that the proposed expansion is too large and will be disastrous for residents and the environment of the area. It will be a blight for many residential homes and public areas, particularly... Read more

  • Margaret Rose White

    Luton was recently voted the worst place to live in England 2023. Now Luton Borough Council (LBC) want to inflict more misery on residents by proposing a major expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA).... Read more

  • Margaret Stewart

    NOISe, NOISe NOISE. Phone calls are stopped until plane passes. Window’s having to stay closed even when good weather, and daily interruption to WI FI and on streaming tv. Also concerned about... Read more

  • Maria Petersen-Keith

    The level of disruption and air pollution as it is already is enough. We do not need that to be doubled! There are several airports already servicing London - enough is enough. There’s a climate... Read more

  • Marie Cameron

    I believe the proposed plans will be detrimental to our local area, increase in noise, pollution, traffic local access to amenities and more. At a time when the future needs research and funds put... Read more

  • Marilyn Whittle

    I oppose Luton Airport’s application to increase passenger capacity to 30 million. I oppose any further expansion of Luton Airport. I feel that London Luton Airport (LLA) and Luton Borough Council... Read more

  • Mario May

    The air in and around Luton is already toxic. The noise from aircraft is a constant and stressful problem. At a time when we are trying to reduce CO2 emissions, expanding an airport implies we plan to... Read more