Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
I object to Gatwick’s application to operate a full time 2nd runway. My house is almost directly under the current flight path and will therefore be hugely affected by any increases made to the number...
Darllen mwy
The use of this runway will damage my quality of life
I think for the prosperity of the wider area this plan should get the ok to take off.
I believe it is essential to benefit both Gatwick Airport and the wider community that it supports from a tourism, local and national economy and employment perspective that the Northern runway...
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Gatwick Airport is one of the largest contributors to the economy of the immediate airport hinterland and a large part of the Southeast. The UK and its future generations cannot expect to maintain and...
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My concern is that the new runway will increase air traffic volumes. The existing arriving and departing flights pass over my house and create noise. I am concerned that more flights will result in...
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We already suffer from enough noise & air pollution from flights, some taking off, landing or in a holding pattern beyond usual allowed times. Increasing capacity potentially increases this as more...
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A second runway at Gatwick would, by the airport's own stated objectives, significantly increase air traffic with the obvious result of increased air pollution and noise, more road traffic to and from...
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Detrimental Noise from traffic from planes that may effect where I live with the opening of a second runway
The noise of aeroplanes over this otherwise quiet valley is intrusive already and will only increase with the regular use of the northern runway
Gatwick Airport is a hugely important airport for the local communities around Gatwick, as well as a wider audience around Great Britain. Not only do people travel out of Gatwick from all over, people...
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Adverse increase in noise level taking off and landing. Adverse increase in noise taxiing on runway. Adverse increase in noise from general traffic movement within Gatwick site. Adverse increase in...
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Dear Sir/Madam I saleem hamid do confirm this is my property also like to say that i am extremely glad you have extended the date .I had invested i this land about 8 years ago planned to apply for...
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The dangers resulting from climate change have to be addressed very seriously, and airline travel contributes to global warming. The south east already has too much road traffic, and there is not the...
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Concern that Gatwick Airport has, in the past, been less than honest and transparent about plans, changes to flight paths and likely impact on residents. Is this the case again? There is confusing...
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At a time when we are seeing the very real impacts of climate change, increasing the amount of flights and therefore the amount of carbon emissions is extremely worrying. I have two young children and...
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Environmental impact on the North Escarpment of the High Weald, AONB
I am concerned opening another runway is not in keeping with our net zero commitment and on a more local level I am concerned about the impact of air pollution on the health of the local community.
Needs Case The Airport National Policy Statement (ANPS) requires airports seeking to expand (other than Heathrow) to demonstrate sufficient need, additional to (or different from) that met by...
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We currently have a lot of planes turning over (Redacted) which cause noise and pollution we do not want more. In addition more flights will increase CO2 emissions which is wrong.
This is a massive opportunity for Gatwick to continue into the next big era of growing. With increase of traffic brings jobs. The next younger generation need something to look at and think that they...
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Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed is not...
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I fully support the plans to use the northern runway at Gatwick. London needs more capacity and this is by far the most cost effective solution. Expanding Heathrow is ridiculously expensive and this...
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Gatwick needs to grow and a second runway will help that in a very crowded air traffic market
How can we be expanding air travel given the current climate emergency. We should be restricting air travel notencouraging it. I live under the flight path. Any further increase in aircraft noise is...
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The extra capacity at Gatwick will improve the UK’s connectivity nationally & internationally and enable a much improved service. The UK has fallen behind other country’s in planned investments and...
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I am fully in favour of this application. It's brings much needed capacity increase to the airport, which I use fairly regularly, as well as jobs to crawley
I am 100% in favour of the plans from Gatwick Airport
Gatwick second runway must go ahead to further boost our economy. More flights means more jobs.
I object to this irresponsible application on the grounds that it would produce significantly more aircraft noise for those already affected by Gatwick’s concentrated flight paths, and would...
Darllen mwy
No existing second runway. This is not change in exiting use but a brand new development. Planning has not been sought as such Noise noise noise Pollution and goes against all climate change Goals No...
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The growth for the surrounding areas in financial terms is enormous and will see Crawley thrive as a result
I am for the expansion it will be good for Crawley and the surrounding areas.
Impact on local area from timing if any building work commencing, and future impact
I approve of it.
Development opportunity with a solid financial base are coming rarely and far apart. Imagine West Sussex without Gatwick. Missing this opportunity will be a missed chance to invest in our children...
Darllen mwy
Please find my objections to Gatwick’s plans to build a 2nd runway and probably grow to at least as big as London Heathrow is today. I wish to register my objection to Gatwick’s expansion plans via...
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We don't need extra airport capacity or extra flights. Crawley has (or had) full employment, so the jobs created will be filled by people traveling from outside the locality, leading to more traffic...
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A new runway will damage our climate. It’s impossible to justify this in light of the country’s net zero plans. There is enough capacity as it is.
The enhancement at Gatwick is critical to the Economy of the region and the opportunities this provides to business to reach customers globally, improve staff skill sets and give young people the...
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The London to Brighton train services are already over packed. Increasing the capacity for air passengers at London Gatwick will only make this train strain worse. Unlike Heathrow (tube, bus from...
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I fully support Gatwick airport growth.
1. Excessive noise over the most peaceful parts of the South East 2. Landing lights in a “dark sky” designated area. 3. An unwillingness on the part of Gatwick to engage and implement the...
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The added strain on infrastructure, such as the road network and public transport. The added strain and congestion that construction traffic cause to the road networks in and around Gatwick and nearby...
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My family have always been kept employed by Gatwick and we live within a very close proximity. I think we should continue with the project for job creation and to boost the region’s economy. We fully...
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I wish to support the use of emergency runway for extra flights
Great for our economy and our younger generations
I am writing to object strongly to Gatwick Airport's proposal to expand the use of the second runway. This will be hugely damaging to the quality of our local environment and our lives here in...
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Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project The Climate Change Committee (CCC), are clear that further airport expansion is currently incompatible with the UK’s Net Zero targets Among their key messages...
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Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project The reasons why the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Application should NOT be permitted include all of the following points below, and related matters. I oppose...
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A second runway could increase air traffic over Lingfield especially at busy times of the year. The frequency of aircraft has already increased especially at night and early in the morning when it...
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I write to object to the proposed use of the Northern Runway at Gatwick Airport. The proposed changes to operations at Gatwick and the resultant increases in noise and air quality emissions will harm...
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Noise pollution. Increased air traffic. Impact on the environment. Later and earlier flights impacting sleep and mental health. We should be emphasing mass transit systems with lower energy costs....
Darllen mwy
I hope that the proposed project will not intrude into my plot so as to affect its value and that whatever benefit/s accruing to me or my plot of land will be disbursed accordingly to me. Tq
Dear PINS I am objecting to the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway. Name: Clive bordoli Address: [Redacted] Phone: [Redacted] Gatwick does not currently have two runways which means...
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Dormansland Parish Council Gatwick DCO Response Dormansland Parish Council represents a large rural area (27.16km2) of eastern Surrey. It contains largely agricultural, with a significant portion of...
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I am concerned about the noise pollution that Gatwick's potential new plans for extra flights over Shipley Parsih Council will have on the area.
I am concerned that it would: -increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate emergency we’re facing -create more pressure on the rail and road networks serving the...
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My interest is as a member of the public and a local resident, concerned about the increase in both air and road traffic, and the consequent increases in noise and pollution from both. As well as...
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Fly PLAY hf (d/b/a PLAY) supports London Gatwick's northern runway planning application. The new capacity will enable new entrant airlines to access London Gatwick and provide more competition,...
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A substantial body of evidence demonstrates a deleterious impact of noise pollution on human health, including heart disease, as referenced in the government's own publication...
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I strongly reject this proposal
Icelandair supports the plans of bringing Gatwick airports Northern Runway into routine use and thereby make a better use of the existing airport infrastructure and add resilience to the current...
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Unless or until we have truly clean air travel we cannot afford to expand airports. We are in a climate crisis, to do so is complete insanity. It flies in the face of a liveable future for us and many...
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My main concern about any proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport is the increased air traffic and consequently noise that this will bring to the surrounding areas and in particular the areas of...
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This is an application for a new runway in disguise which does not comply with policy, ie Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can operate concurrently today as such...
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I'm concerned that this project will: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate emergency we’re facing create more pressure on the rail and road networks serving...
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The proposed enlargement of Gatwick runways system SHOULD NOT proceed for the following reasons: 1. The quality of life and health of tens of thousands of local and regional residents will be...
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I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Government Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway...
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I hope the project will run smooth
Hope the project will run smooth
Lingfield Parish Council Gatwick DCO Response Lingfield Parish Council represents a rural village surrounded by agricultural countryside, with a population of about 4,700 (2021 Census) and covering...
Darllen mwy
The application is misleading as the emergency runway cannot be used a a second runway. Another runway would have to be built. There would be an increase in pollution, noise and congestion on road and...
Darllen mwy
Worried about night flights as Gatwick has no curfew. Planes come over our house at 4000ft. Too noisy.
I am objecting to this proposal on the grounds of noise (we already suffer here quite severely from aircraft noise), of atmospheric and environmental pollution, of the increase in global warming to...
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The increased environmental impact is unjustified just to provide interested financial parties with more profits. At a time where ULEZ has been introduced to reduce polluting emissions, to then...
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OBJECTION to Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Expansion: The noise levels over our house has increased drastically over the last few years, any further increased air traffic would be intolerable. It is...
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We would like to espress our full support for this project. This project will provide additional capacity by increasing the number of air traffic movements. This will facilitate the process of...
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The increase in air traffic over Lingfield
· Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it...
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I believe expanding Gatwick Airport by expanding the northern runway will be detrimental to the environment both by increasing the levels of CO2, in the atmosphere and causing considerable disruption...
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Infrastructure development should be focusing on low carbon investment. There are ample regional airports that have already been extended (Southampton) and a well organised model of which airports are...
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The number of passengers will go from 45 million to 90 million - larger than Heathrow. Gatwick is surrounded by villages and countryside of outstanding beauty without the roads and infrastructure to...
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Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can...
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We work with a number of Airlines, mostly overseas based, who wish to enter or expand their operations to Gatwick but due to the limitations in slots and the control of existing slots by the incumbent...
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I, Tay Bee Lian (Singapore) is fine with the proposed project (Redacted)
I lived in Ockley Surrey for many years and feel that the flight path is already far to busy and there is no relief from the constant noise and pollution coursed by incoming and outgoing flights. I do...
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I strongly object on the following grounds: - Significantly increased noise and air pollution under the flight path (my house). I understand the number of flights could increase almost fourfold to...
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The local area infrastructure cannot possibly support the number of increased passengers this project would create. The trains are overcrowded. The motorway is inadequate. There is very little...
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Apart from noise and pollution: there's just not the infrastructure to handle the proposed increase in passenger numbers, whether by road or rail. Nor is there provision for housing, or conveying in,...
Darllen mwy
Destruction of rare bees habitat Increased flights detrimental to climate change Noise
I object to the expansion of Gatwick on environmental grounds. In particular, additional noise, pollution and wildlife impacts.
The planned expansion of Gatwick Airport will have a significant negative impact on the surrounding areas. The airport already produces high levels of noise and pollution. The growth in air traffic...
Darllen mwy
We do not need another run way here. Heathrow is less than an hour away, so why do we need another big airport in such close proximity. This will ruin the countryside around it and the added pollution...
Darllen mwy
Air pollution Noise pollution
I have noticed and increase in aircraft flying over my house this year and another runway would make sitting in my garden unbearable
The second runway should be refused permission on both national and local grounds It is not sustainable on climate and global warming grounds As a local resident I oppose it vehemently. Existing...
Darllen mwy
Expansion of Gatwick airport with a second runway is not compatible with the government’s legal commitments for net zero, not to mention illegal levels of noise and air pollution for local residents.
A second run way at Gatwick requires major alteration in the way this location has been used. This proposal is not merely allowing the status quo with better infrastructure, as has been implied . It...
Darllen mwy
I am against further runways at Gatwick due to the disturbed sleep of myself and my elderly neighbours caused by loud planes going directly over us especially in the early hours and early morning. I...
Darllen mwy