
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3701 to 3800 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Martin Anthony Barraud

    Although I am chair of the community noise action group Gatwick Obviously Not, I am submitting this version in a personal capacity. I strongly oppose Gatwick’s proposals to turn their emergency runway... Read more

  • Martin Boyce

    1. Quality of life is already being undermined by traffic congestion on the local road network and any increase in flights will further exacerbate the problem 2. Limited scope to increase rail... Read more

  • Mr Richard Partridge

    The extra noise and the increase in air pollution.

  • Mrs Miranda l Telfer

    I live in (Redacted) and do not believe that as a village on the flight path we have been informed of what the impact may be. When new houses are built we can see what the impact will be through... Read more

  • Mrs Patricia Forsythe

    Already it is difficult to carry out a conversation on a summer's day, particularly at the weekend, in the garden, for the noise of overhead aircraft going in and out of Gatwick. Only yesterday an... Read more

  • Nicholas Oliver

    I think there are already too many flights at present passing over our village, we need to scale back not cause more pollution

  • Nicola Cooper

    I think the additional run way will have a huge detrimental impact on the environment

  • Nigel Hugh Tanner

    I am interested to assess and evaluate how an airport which has operated with a terminal shut for months, which charges for people to even drop off passengers, and whose parking is chaotic, can... Read more

  • Olaf John Petersen

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway. Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Pamela Bruce

    The proposal for second runway at Gatwick would have a detrimental effect on the people, countryside and wildlife of West Sussex. The reconfiguration the airport, with attendant new infrastructure,... Read more

  • Patricia Smith

    My husband and are elderly and (Redacted) we find the noise of aircraft to be very disturbing. It is particularly bad when the planes come over at very short intervals in the late evening when we are... Read more

  • Patrick O'Brien

    Concerned about increased noise and pollution

  • Paul Harrington

    Wildlife noise

  • Paul Taylor

    I live beneath the flight path of Gatwick airport in what should be a quiet semi town/rural location. The noise from aircraft destroys my enjoyment and I cannot sit in my garden in the summer without... Read more

  • Peter Russell Metcalfe

    I believe we do NOT need another runway at Gatwick to help curb damage to the environment.

  • Rachel Burnet

    I objective to the runway on environmental grounds - this will increase pollution, noise (already high) and volume of traffic in this area (again already a problem without infrastructure to support... Read more

  • Richard Mayes

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such does... Read more

  • Richard Smith

    Jobs Local Economy

  • Robert Ernest Mills

    This extra runway has been a long while coming. Flight paths in/out of LGW must be reviewed.

  • Roberta Adams

    I believe the impacts on our semi rural small town will be considerable in terms of noise and impact upon our daily lives. We are adjacent to the protected Ashdown Forest and any expansion will... Read more

  • Robin Redmile-Gordon

    I have lived at (Redacted) , shortly before the final section of the M25 was completed and a few years after British Caledonian built their new headquarters building, now known as Astral Towers, on... Read more

  • Sarah Vandervliet

    We are living through a climate crisis. Every return flight from London to New York costs the Arctic three square metres of ice. This is not the time for expansion of airports.

  • Sharon Bohane

    An emergency runway is an emergency runway not a full-time one. The area around LGW is not suitable for an even bigger infrastructure. LGW cares not a joy about our countryside or the well-being of... Read more

  • Simon Chiles

    2nd runway at Gatwick is not appropriate for the area: 1. There is already inadequate infrastructure in the surrounding area caused by new house builds but without the essential public services. 2.... Read more

  • Simon Fordham

    Great for both the local and wider area - only a positive thing in my opinion - the economy will benefit hugely

  • Steven Mark Martins

    There isn't the infrastructure around Gatwick For residents in tunbridge wells and neighbouring villages.... - planes are still loud - flights till 2 am and commence again at 4 am.. this is of real... Read more

  • Susan Hallett

    I am strongly opposed to the project because of the impact on CO2 levels, noise pollution, increase in traffic locally and the fact that it ignores the climate emergency that we face

  • Timothy Martin Barrett

    I have lived in Hurst Green, Surrey for 25 years. I and my neighbours have already seen a very noticeable increase in frequency and noise from flights in the past year or two. If the second runway is... Read more

  • Tracy Louise Awin

    This is totally against our ‘Green’ future. We want cleaner air for all. Planes will always fly so travel is still possible but we do not need more. This will only open up the possibility of more... Read more

  • Alan Precious

    Good idea, go ahead

  • Allan Matthews

    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed extension of the runway at Gatwick Airport. As a resident and frequent traveler in the surrounding area, I am deeply concerned about the... Read more

  • Amanda Barrett

    I object to the Gatwick additional runway proposals. There will be around 386,000 flights a year and 76m passengers and workers on the roads and rail – while the planet can expect an additional 0.5m... Read more

  • Amirali Tejpar

    I am currently having so much noise from the plane flying and runway noise We cannot sleep at night due to the flying aeroplane. We are not able to relax and (Redacted)

  • Amudha Paulraj

    Extension of airport may have any impact on existing lands near the runway? for example: Car park purchased near airport runway

  • Andrew Robin Major

    Excess noise and pollution Excess road traffic Capel village is already suffering from aircraft noise and pollution and this expansion will have an unacceptable effect on our lives

  • Anne Peacock

    The main issues are the extra noise from the aircraft and also the additional traffic on the M25 and M23 heading into Gatwick for the additional flights . Quite clearly this year the airport cant cope... Read more

  • Arabella James

    Emissions. Noise pollution.

  • Bethan Peters

    Given the woeful cutbacks of environmental pledges that this government have made over the past year and rapidly accelerating effects of climate warming that are causing death and disruption in the UK... Read more

  • Bethany Side

    I fully oppose Gatwick applying to turn its emergency runway into a second runway due to many key factors Any government that is in power will have to find ways to reduce the ever increasing threat of... Read more

  • Betty Lockley

    We should be discouraging flying rather than encouraging it because of the CO2 emissions which are already affecting climate around the world. The government has agreed to net zero but this will only... Read more

  • Beverly Loxston-Bown

    Gatwick needs to expand or Crawley and surrounding areas will fall behind economically

  • Brian Micetich

    I am against the 3rd runway at Gatwick airport as this will result in a greater increase in air traffic, lead to possible compulsory purchase or my property, have serious environmental issues, noise... Read more

  • Britannia Hotels Group (Britannia Hotels Group)

    Ref. Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project-Extension of deadline to receive Relevant Representation (application Ref. TR020005) Following the correspondence dated 8th November 2023 and the following... Read more

  • Caroline Denham

    I have significant concerns about the impact on the local area from both an infrastructure and pollution perspective.

  • Catherine Mars

    The noise of the extra plane traffic and the added pressure on our environment and cost is certainly not worth the extension. I say no.

  • Christine Romelle Hopgood

    1. Concerned about increased noise levels, day and night, as I live directly under a flight path. This is particularly relevant in the early morning as it is extremely difficult to get back to sleep... Read more

  • Daniel Wormull

    Objection to the proposed project on the basis of environmental pollution, noise pollution, and inadequate regional infrastructure.

  • Douglas Bowern

    I do not support the expansion of the Northern runway at Gatwick airport for the follwing reasons: There will be an increasing level of noise pollution. There will be a detrimental effect on the Hever... Read more

  • Dr Karen Wadey

    We do not need more planes flying over but fewer. We moved to Kent for peace and solitude and more planes will ruin this. Particularly at night the sleep of thousands of people will be disrupted... Read more

  • Elizabeth Pannell

    Infrastructure needs to be more sustainable. We should focus on rail improvements and not more planes in the air. Internal flights within GB should be reduced to full planes only and train travel... Read more

  • Elizabeth Riminton

    I oppose the application for a second permanent runway at Gatwick for the following reasons: Any increase in existing flight levels at Gatwick will impact negatively on our environment via air, noise... Read more

  • Fiona Williams

    The expansion of the new runway will make a huge impact on the noise levels in Cranleigh and I can’t see Gatwick making any attempt to mitigate the impact. I feel this increased noise will affect my... Read more

  • Frances O’Neill

    It will create more pollution and noise over well populated areas.

  • Gatwick Green Limited (Gatwick Green Limited)

    Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project Relevant Representation by Gatwick Green Ltd 1.0 Introduction This Relevant Representation is made on behalf of Gatwick Green Limited (GGL) to the accepted... Read more

  • Geoff Harris

    Living under the arrivals flight path currently means virtually no break from aircraft disturbance. The use of my house and garden as well as the local area is severely impacted. Sleep is disturbed by... Read more

  • Helen Field

    The flight path is already too low given the distance from the airport and the noise disturbs residents and wildlife across an AONB Transport links are not fit for purpose and the surrounding... Read more

  • Kaushik Samanta

    Concerned about the environment

  • Laurence Taylor

    I support the proposals. I consider these will be invaluable to employment in Crawley and the surrounding area, as well as bringing new businesses into the area.

  • Lynnette Hetherington

    We have noticed far more planes flying directly overhead recently, we live many miles away from the airport, particularly at night. It is very worrying to think how many more there will be if a second... Read more

  • Marie Armour

    Please, oh please, no! For the sake of the noise. The intolerable noise. We already have loads of aircraft flying over where we live and there is no peace. At its worst, I timed it that there was one... Read more

  • Maureen Binns

    Problems with new flight path

  • Mehtab Tejpar

    I am currently having so much noise from the plane flying and runway noise We cannot sleep at night due to the flying aeroplane. We are not able to relax and having (Redacted) .

  • Michael Lopez

    As owner of 4 car parking spaces in Bonnets Lane Car Park, Crawley, I would like to know whether the expansion of the runway will adversely affect the running of the car park business there.

  • Mrs E C Forty

    I live in what should be an extremely peaceful rural area. We already suffer from aircraft noise from Gatwick airport. If this scheme for another runway goes ahead the noise and disturbance will... Read more

  • Patricia Harrod

    Extra pollution Extra traffic on M23 and associated routes Noise and disturbance to local residents especially as there has been a huge increase in housebuilding in the area More flights means more... Read more

  • Peter James

    I cannot conceive how expanding the number of flights by bringing the emergency runway into use, will reduce the carbon emissions. Surely we should be thinking holistically about emissions, and hence... Read more

  • Philip Gordon Bentley

    No extra runway at Gatwick please. We already have a lot of noise from aircraft coming over our house to land at Gatwick. It is unfair to inflict more noise upon us affecting our health and quality of... Read more

  • Philip Juffs

    We already have aircraft roaring over the top of our house from gaining height from takeoff.The last thing we need is another runway.

  • Rex Antony Raj Alphonse

    I have a car park purchased near by the runway. I would like to know if it is impacted due to airport extension

  • Robert Foster

    I have concerns in particular with the impact of increased noise, vibration during landing and take off, smell of aircraft fuel, I already hear terminal tannoy announcements from my house with windows... Read more

  • Roger Mourton

    The airport is far too busy now with the number of flights in and out on a daily basis. Any kind of second runway would considerably aggravate this situation. In addition the extra number of flights,... Read more

  • Samantha Howard

    Increased noise pollution is the first problem associated with the extension of the runway. The noticeable difference in sound between the two runways is extremely disturbing to people and animals.... Read more

  • Sarah Hazlehurst

    I am strongly opposed to airport expansion and a second runway in the middle of a climate emergency. It will definitely increase carbon emisions, pollution and noise. We should be discouraging air... Read more

  • Siow Moy Wee

    Where will the extension of the runway be? How long would the construction take place? Have the noise from the runway been considered?

  • Susan Margaret Evelyn Forrest

    I feel this would have a detrimental effect on the area, increased noise, increased pressure on roads, increased impact on an already stretched hospital.

  • Elizabeth Sarah Jordan on behalf of The Jordan Family (The Jordan Family)

    Increase in aircraft noise. Stress and sleep implcations. Decline in air quality. Climate emergency, global warming. We should be reducing flights, not increasing them. Lack of infrastructure to... Read more

  • David Mansfield on behalf of The Mansfield Family (The Mansfield Family)

    Walliswood is under the Gatwick flight path and so we are already disturbed by noise from early morning and late night flights, as well as the constant day time flights. Extra flights using a second... Read more

  • Trevor Alan Stevens (Trevor Alan Stevens) on behalf of The Stevens Family (The Stevens Family)

    We are very concerned at the additional noise pollution this project will bring to our home and those in close vicinity as the new runway will mean a flight path much closer ( almost overhead) to our... Read more

  • Anit Vadgama on behalf of Vadgama Family (Vadgama Family)

    1. Current flight path close to our property and others in surrounding area. 2. New runway extension will add to the noise pollution levels. 3. New runway extension and additional Aeroplane traffic... Read more

  • Andrew John Symes

    As I live very close to the end of the runway, and the planes will be taking off, closer and more frequently than ever before.

  • Antony James Adorian

    1) Environmental impact 2) Impact on my local area of Rudgwick and Billingshurst

  • AS Consultants for Business Limited (AS Consultants for Business Limited)

    I support the expansion at Gatwick Airport

  • Beth Martin

    I oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a NEW runway – * Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Gary Shaun Leonard Shiels

    Concerns about the application and the process indertaken

  • George Upton

    I am a local resident. I have lived here for over 60 years. I have seen a lot of changes at Gatwick. It has grown and become busier. For the Emergency Runway to be introduced full time is going to be... Read more

  • Heather Lynch

    Please can you add my to the list of people opposing the Gatwick expansion? (Redacted), I thought the impact of the changing climate would happen to the next generation but it's happening now, people... Read more

  • Jane Garland

    Concerns over additional traffic as we live under the flight path. Concerns over emissions

  • Jean Greer

    Further development of the airport requires the use of land which could be used for more important purposes such as farming or house building. Increased air pollution and noise are important factors... Read more

  • Jennifer Helen Altamirano Smith

    Introduction: I am deeply concerned about the impact that the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway project would have on greenhouse gas emissions and their contribution to climate change, and on air... Read more

  • John Clark

    We already suffer considerable air traffic movements,both continuously at night,and on a daily basis,further runways could stop us getting any sleep at all,aircraft lights penetrate our bedroom well... Read more

  • Katja Correia

    Noise remains a serious issue for residents around busy airports. I am supportive of Gatwick airport improving the efficiency of its operation in line with best practice in Europe. That entails a... Read more

  • Martin Ballard

    I think it’s a good thing for local jobs and travel

  • Peter Hendey

    It would kill the locality and where i plan to move to where friends and family live .

  • Roger John Preston

    At busy times we suffer from almost constant aircraft noise (roughly every 3 minutes) from low flying aircraft on approach to Gatwick airport. It also appears the flight path has been adjusted this... Read more

  • Safe Landing (Safe Landing)

    GATWICK AIRPORT: POORLY TIMED EXPANSION PLANS Safe Landing is a group of professionals within the aviation industry: pilots, cabin crew, airline, airport staff, air traffic controllers, aerospace... Read more

  • William Angus Petrie on behalf of Sandra Margaret Petrie (Sandra Margaret Petrie)

    I am wondering what effect this extension to the runway will have to the value of my investment in the car parks my wife and I have one each at a cost of £ 25,000 each

  • Stephen Allum

    I am opposed to the use of this existing Emergency Runway for full time use. It is a scandal to get permission for a second runway by the back door. The Workd is concerned with pollution and climate... Read more

  • Trevor Budgen

    I am against the 2nd runway due to the flight path being over my bungalow.

  • William Angus Petrie

    I am wondering what effect this extension to the runway will have to the value of my investment in the car parks my wife and I have one each at a cost of £ 25,000 each

  • Alan Hustings

    The noise impacts of the proposal across a wide area of Surrey and Sussex have not been properly assessed. At present, aircraft taking off to the west frequently cross into the Surrey Hills AONB as... Read more