
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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  • Andrew wright

    I'm very concerned about the lack of public walking routes there will be once tunnel is dug. On the current plans it looks like I won't be able to walk,run from larkhill,or along kings barrows area.... Read more

  • Belle Doyle

    The possibility that there might be any damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ is one of the most distructive plans to... Read more

  • Butterfly Conservation (Butterfly Conservation)

    Butterfly Conservation wishes to be an Interested Party at the forthcoming examination for the following reasons: 1. We wish to ensure that effects on chalk grassland and hedgerow habitats that... Read more

  • Caroline Sheldon

    Stonehenge is an iconic piece of British heritage. I am appalled at the negative effect the proposal will have on this ancient landscape and the lands surrounding it which are of massive and unique... Read more

  • David Bruce

    The proposed scheme risks irreversible damage to the wider ceremonial landscape in which the henge is set. Already damage has been done to Blick Mead, with Auroch traces being disturbed. The site is... Read more

  • Gabriela Wright

    Very bad plan because damage to surroundings and wildlife plus too much traffic noises.

  • Helen Milne

    The Government proposes to widen the A303 trunk road to the south west. This road crosses the iconic Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS), which has been called “the most archaeologically significant... Read more

  • Ian West

    The new proposed road across the River Till valley in Winterbourne Stoke is to high and will be extremely noisy for the village and will be environmentally damaging, on the previous plan that was... Read more

  • Jan McKernan

    I am a resident of Shrewton and a very keen horse rider and carriage driver and am therefore very interested in the impacts on the local rights of way. I hope that the project will improve the access... Read more

  • Jill Malenoir

    I register my interest in the proposed tunnel at Stonehenge. Damage has already been done to the World Heritage site at Blick Mead, it would be tragic and irresponsible to compound it with this... Read more

  • Margaret Willmot

    It must be questioned whether this scheme represents a good use of Government money for transport, noting that the initial BCR (0.23 or 0.21 depending on funding options) would make the scheme... Read more

  • Mark Richard Willett

    As a World important site I feel that Stonehenge must be protected for future generations, and that we must show that we are serious about conservation, being an example to other countries.Thus the... Read more

  • Matthew Sleigh

    The route of the A303 passes through, and near, terrain containing priceless historical and prehistoric remains that will be irrevocably changed, or totally destroyed by the proposed work. Even if the... Read more


    I believe the majority of previous representations have been a combination of those against and "don't knows". The tunnel is clearly being railroaded through as part of the project in spite of this... Read more

  • Saffron Chapman

    I do not agree with the tunnel ,as it destroying archaeological sites. If you don't want people slowing down to look at Stonehenge,plant some trees.. and out up signs for people to park on the byway... Read more

  • Sarah Smith

    The proposed scheme would cause significant and irreparable damage to an already threatened and compromised landscape and World Heritage monument and to the wildlife of the area

  • Angela Thompson

    I feel the excavation will make irreparable damage to a site of national and international importance. The area has not been fully explored and we have made new discoveries about the area in the last... Read more

  • Christine Bottomley

    I am concerned about the irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site landscape. Emphasis on heritage, it is a sacred landscape.

  • Clare Moody MEP

    In my view the proposed tunnel is too short and cuts into the World Heritage site, I agree with the concerns raised by UNESCO

  • David Bircumshaw

    I regard the proposal as destructive to the World Heritage Site. I object to the loss of the view of Stonehenge from the road. The ecolological damage is already clear and insupportable. The actions... Read more

  • Elizabeth Turner

    I wish to object to the plans to build a tunnel along the A303 to move the road from the environs of Stonehenge which would further damage this archealogically rich area. I also feel that the... Read more

  • Felicity Tanous

    My deep concerns about the application are as follows : 1. Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge, its archaeology and surroundings, eg Blick Mead Mesolithic site; it is... Read more

  • Fiona Worrell

    I find it abhorrent that such a proposal is being muted.It flies in the face of all of our work to reduce carbon emissions by reducing vehicle use.This is a heritage site and is outstandingly... Read more

  • Graeme Wistow

    I am convinced this is a serious threat to one of the most archaeologically important landscapes in the world. I also think the loss of the view of Stonehenge from the existing road would reduce... Read more

  • Julie Davenport

    I think that this tunnel will seriously damage the sensitive and still undiscovered archaeology of the area. Interfere with the surrounding environment. All the groundwork & digging of a tunnel could... Read more

  • Linda Johns

    I consider the proposed A303 Stonehenge Expressway will have a considerable detrimental impact on this important heritage site and will make a representation based on the following points: The... Read more

  • Lisa Mead

    I do not want the tunnel to go ahead. I think it will be devastating to the archeology of a ancient environment

  • Lisa Rose

    I want to ensure that the drove and stonehenge is kept open for us all to enjoy, as it was intended.

  • Paul Garwood

    This submission concerns two aspects of archaeological research within the Stonehenge landscape: (1) impacts on the western part of the WHS; (2) future advances in field methods. My research... Read more

  • Prof. M. Parker Pearson

    1. The proposed work will damage the WHS, especially beyond the western portal to the western boundary of the WHS where a substantial area would be rendered archaeologically ‘sterile’. This will... Read more

  • Stuart Morrison

    I would like to lodge my objections to the proposed A303 tunnel project. It is my view that this will cause unnecessary damage to archaeological assets both known and yet to be found/researched. I am... Read more

  • Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust (Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust)

    Written Representation WCSRT as Interested Party for Examination of Highways England A303 Stonehenge Development Consent Order The Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust (WCSRT) WCSRT is an... Read more

  • aaron quinn

    I am opposed to Highways England's massively destructive road scheme of the World Heritage and a national sacred site that is Stonehenge. You really should leave ancient and sacred sites alone. What... Read more

  • Alexander Wooldridge Smith

    The Stonehenge landscape is rich and full of remains of the ancient history of our ancestors. There is not much of our ancient landscapes left in this country due to land ownership, development, and... Read more

  • Andrew McKellar

    I intend to object due to The damage to the WHS and its archaeology which is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead... Read more

  • Annie MacDougall

    Stonehenge was gifted to 'the people' with certain conditions attached. One of which was that the ground should remain undisturbed. For this reason I object to the planned tunnels.

  • Ashleigh Horton

    I believe that the introduction of a tunnel under the landscape of Stonehenge will greatly dame its prestige and sense of place as part of the UNESCO world Heritage Status. By digging up the land with... Read more

  • Brendan Thorpe

    This is a unique site in the world. It should be protected from any potential damage.

  • Budha Tony bodhisatva

    1.ease of access byway 11,12...for equinox, solstice ceremonies, praying, meditating etc... Budhist connection, non religuos.. Ceremonies should remane open as chartered in 1926 given to the people..... Read more

  • Prof. M. Parker Pearson on behalf of Consortium of 22 Stonehenge experts

    1. The above-ground works will have a negative impact on the WHS, especially beyond the western portal where a substantial area will become archaeologically ‘sterile’. This will permanently damage a... Read more

  • E. Grant & Sons (E. Grant & Sons)

    Our response relates only to the works in the vicinity of Rollestone Crossroads. We respond as owners and farmers of the land to the SW and SE of the existing crossroads. 1. We note that the... Read more

  • Emma Goodjohn

    The Stonehenge landscape is rich and full of remains of the ancient history of our ancestors. There is not much of our ancient landscapes left in this country due to land ownership and development. As... Read more

  • Francis William George Whiting

    Thank you for the opportunity to make written representation with regard to the western section of the proposed Amesbury to Berwick Down A303 road scheme. This representation will cover 7 issues: ... Read more

  • James Henderson

    I'm writing this to protect at the tunnel at Stonehenge.

  • Joseph Mason

    Stonehenge is sacred to my ancestors, and my gods. Leave it alone.Thou shalt not.

  • Louise Whiting

    Thank you for the opportunity to make written representation with regard to the western section of the proposed Amesbury to Berwick Down A303 road scheme. This representation will cover 7 issues: ... Read more

  • Olivia Dutton

    1) The height of the viaduct as proposed on the A303 northern bypass of Winterbourne Stoke is FAR TOO HIGH. The impact it will have on those who LIVE in the village of Winterbourne Stoke should be... Read more

  • Penny Baker

    Stonehenge is beautiful because it is part of the natural setting that recommended it to its builders. To enhance road speed and road use around this site is anachronistic at best and part of a drive... Read more

  • S.brooks

    I object to the tunnel plans as they will destroy vitaly important archaeology and will increase traffic on the 303

  • Christopher Gillham

    Need: I realise and deplore that big construction projects, conceived politically, are put forward without any publicly apparent process of evaluation, with the result that the Planning Inspectorate... Read more

  • Elizabeth Spickernell

    I object to the current road propoosals with tunnel portals inside the WHA because a) the WHS is without parallel according to UNESCO b) interfering with the hydrogology could put the Blick Mead... Read more

  • Heritage Action (Heritage Action )

    Heritage Action came into being, in the wake of the collapse of Silbury Hill in May 2000, as a grassroots organisation formed by a large number of “ordinary people caring for extraordinary... Read more

  • Jonathan Smith

    1/ East end (Countess roundabout). Raising the height of the A303 through road puts noise pollution into a wider area (bad). Traffic will be able to run at 70mph where currently it stops/slows for... Read more

  • Laura Clarke

    That the road and tunnel will risk the integrity and world heritage status of Stonehenge

  • Mrs. J. Combe

    This is vandalism and may disturb underground history that is as yet undiscovered. It will also disturb wildlife and species such as the Great Bustard. A large amount of ancient soil will have to be... Read more

  • Pete Woolf

    I strongly object to the proposed plans for Stonehenge and the landscape around it. The proposals ignore the recommendations by Unesco and the professionals who are versed in this area.... Read more

  • Peter Royston Baker Jones

    Stonehenge is a National Treasure of unparalleled importance both in terms of its unique architectural form and its iconic and therefore symbolic power over the imagination of the British people and... Read more

  • Robin Foster

    I have been travelling along the A303 since I was 6 years old, in 1977. I have seen the road turn from mostly single carriageway to mostly dual carriageway in this time. The one constant in all this... Read more

  • Sara Goodger

    I'm very concerned over the proposals for this scheme, which I am sure would desecrate this World Heritage Site irrepairably. I have had very little access to the stones personally throughout my... Read more

  • The Druid Order Of Avebury (The Druid Order Of Avebury)

    The druid order of Avebury are concerned with Blickmead natural springs. To remain untouched with the fossils at the natural neolithic bore holes and water temprature of the natural heat of the spring... Read more

  • Victoria Rhodes-Leaman

    We need to protect the Stone Curlew & Great Bustard.

  • Abigail Kent

    This site is of great geological importantlce both above and below the surface. These tunnels would go through the lay lines that stone henge is so famous for. Running beneath the henge itself. These... Read more

  • Andrew Dipper

    I have many concerns over the proposed tunnel that is planned to run close to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge. Firstly, the passage of lorries carrying dangerous cargo will, under current... Read more

  • Andrew Woolley

    The most succinct way of representing the petition of complaints aims is to use it's words here following. There will be: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by... Read more

  • Angela Lewis

    My concerns are not only the damage due to pollution from the traffic but also the damage pollution can cause wild life and stonehenge itself ....noise ..fumes ...all polution that is already creating... Read more

  • Anita Watson

    I am deeply concerned that the road will damage the World Heritage Site, Stonehenge. In addition to the potential loss of history, there are also problems of habitat loss for animals and rare birds.... Read more

  • Arch Druid Wayne Hughes

    This tunnel is going to not only destroy the landscape surrounding the Stonehenge area bit also the untold amount of history and archological finds now, and on the future. There has been no attempt... Read more

  • Beryl James

    This is desecration of a World Heritage site that is unique and irreplaceable. The excuse is to provide a better route to the south west. I have travelled the A303 many time, as I used to live in... Read more

  • Bibo Hustler

    We need to protect this site as part of our world heritage. It would be beyond shameful to ruin the view of Stonehenge. Future generations will not comprehend the short sightedness of this decision.

  • Bob Poston

    The damage that may be caused to not only a world known monument but also a place of worship to millions of people world wide.

  • Carole Mora

    I was born in the U.S.A. and have been a resident here all my life. However, my ancestry is nearly 80% British. I have visited the U.K. a few times and was able to visit Stonehenge in December 2006. ... Read more

  • Caroline Deakin

    The idea of a multi lane highway in the proposed section of the A303 is an act of desecration of ancient landscape. I know that there are bottle necks on this bit of the A303. This is due to people... Read more

  • Caroline Guy

    I am concerned about possible damage to the archaeology of the area in general and Blink Mead in particular. I feel that irreparable damage to our heritage and a unique site is possible and believe... Read more

  • Catherine Allen

    I am concerned by the speed of traffic causing damage to the site. Stonehenge has always been visible from the road but if this goes ahead this will no longer be the case. This means that the only way... Read more

  • Catherine Sisterson

    I am very concerned that this proposal will cause irreparable damage to the Stonehenge site, and will prevent view of this from the road. This is part of our national heritage and should be available... Read more

  • Chris Bryan

    SH is a world heritage site of incredible importance, not only to this nation, but to the nations of the world. UNESCO describe it as landscape without parallel. It would be the height of arrogance to... Read more

  • Christine Conway

    This site is a WORLD HERITAGE site.Completely irreplaceable,I fail to see how Highways ENGLAND has the right to decide to destroy & desecrate such a valuable,historic WORLD Treasure even if it is a... Read more

  • Christopher Dando

    As many eminent experts have explained, the proposed scheme will irreparably damage this historic monument, the surrounding sacred landscape and its status as a World Heritage Site. We must think of... Read more

  • Damien Coles

    Modifying land this close to a world heritage site, especially to the degree of planned modifications is gross negligence at best, and malicious greed at worst. Increased traffic efficiency should... Read more

  • David John Weale

    This is a unique area, the monument and surrounding area should be maintenained as it presently stands. Its intrinsic value outways any economic gain aimed to be achieved by the proposal and should... Read more

  • David Powell

    The scheme as currently proposed will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Debbie Crabb

    I'm extremely concerned about the building and demolition surrounding the Stonehenge site. Wildlife needs to be preserved and the fact the site will be hidden from the road is awful. Stonehenge... Read more

  • Debbie Wiles

    It's my understanding that the proposed route will potentially be very harmful both to a World Heritage site and to local wildlife, just to knock a minute off the journey time, while also denying most... Read more

  • Debby Muir

    Why oh why should we have to PAY to see the stones! that is an absolute disgrace and an extortionate cost, now you want to cause irreparable damage to this wonderful WHS, the loss of archaeology would... Read more

  • Derrick Coffee

    I object to the 'short tunnel' option for the following reasons: It is an large scale intrusive measure which degrades the setting of the ancient monument thus creating a low benchmark which as a... Read more

  • Dominic Russell

    My primary concern is that any new road scheme preserves the historic passing views of Stonehenge, enjoyed by travellers since records began. Any removal of these historic views, open to any member of... Read more

  • Dr Christopher Chippindale

    Christopher Chippindale BA PhD MIFA FSA Reader Emeritus in Archaeology, University of Cambridge Contribution offered to the Stonehenge A303 inquiry January 2019 In 1983 I published Stonehenge... Read more

  • Eric Fitch

    The road plan is archaeological vandalism of the highest order. Any tunnel should begin and end OUTSIDE the World Heritage Site, which could lose its status if the planned tunnel goes ahead.

  • Gareth Read

    The proposed tunnel construction appears to be too short. This is a one and only chance to construct a longer tunnel that will permanently solve the traffic problem for this unique place. A longer... Read more

  • Gary Richards

    I am concerned that the damage to the word heritage site and the surrounding countryside, flora and fauna will be damaged to such an extent that future generations will be unable to enjoy what should... Read more

  • Glen Davis

    I object to the building of the A303 expressway by Stonehenge. It will dwarf the world renowned and protected world heritage site. This expressway would and will cause untold and irreparable damage to... Read more

  • Harriet Thomas

    Damage to historic site.

  • Ian McKone

    I am against this development as it will cause irreparable damage to a UNESCO world heritage site. Disturb the habitat of rate birds (stone curlew and Great Bustard). Furthermore, UNESCO advisors... Read more

  • Ivo Van Sandick

    The mere suggestion to destroy invaluable irreplaceable archaeology to solve a very minor and local traffic problem is utter madness. Hundreds, no thousands of years from now people will look back on... Read more

  • Jenny Seagrove

    If this were to go ahead there would be: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the... Read more

  • Joanne Anderson

    - site should be preserved without disturbance for future generations how can we justify the irreparable damage That will be caused to its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape... Read more

  • John LeGrove

    As I understand it, the proposals for the construction of the A303 tunnel would be highly detrimental to one of the most significant and sensitive archaeological sites in Europe. I do not live nearby,... Read more

  • Karlia Bradley-Boddy

    I am against all major road development to the A303 within a 10 mile radius of Stone Henge.

  • Kate Cameron-Daum

    Stonehenge is one of the irreplaceable World Heritage Sites. The current plan would cause irreparable damage. Not only the Stones themselves but their entire locale requires sensitive management. It... Read more

  • Kate Freeman

    Contrary to Highways England's stated aims I believe that the A303 Stonehenge Expressway will not fulfil its cultural aim "to conserve and enhance the World Heritage Site and to make it easier to... Read more