
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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  • Kerry Holmes

    I wish to represent to the planning inspectorate my objections to key aspects of the proposed A303 tunnel. In particular with regard to tunnel length negative impacts on exisiting key... Read more

  • Kevin Coombes

    I am gravely concerned that the A303 project will have a damaging impact on Stonehenge sand the surrounding historical landscape. The Stonehenge site is unique and precious, not only a national... Read more

  • Kim Mosey

    I strongly disagree that the current proposal will not damage this unique landscape much of which still remains unexcavated. Once its gone or damaged it cannot be replaced. Its gone forever. Thousands... Read more

  • L Paterson

    The proposed new road will damage the important archaeological heritage of this country and alter the unique landscape and wildlife of the area.

  • Lea Anderson

    This is a precious, unique landscape which will sustain damage of the most serious nature if these plans are carried out. It is a World heritage Site, which means it is the most precious to us, the... Read more

  • Lee Rose-Parsfield

    My points are as follows: 1, Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. 2, UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme... Read more

  • Leonard H W Van Sandick

    The site is unique. It is not just a matter of some stones that have been put up, probably to worship and therefore deserving our respect. The surrounding scenery and atmosphere are an intrinsic part... Read more

  • Linda Henderson

    I feel it is important not to implement any change in the A303 in the vicinity of Stonehenge. Certainly not flyovers or underpasses both will have substantial impact on this ancient world heritage... Read more

  • Linda Holmes

    This site is irreplaceable and unique in the world. Irreparable damage could so easily be done to parts of it that we may not even know about yet if the work goes ahead as planned. Other routes should... Read more

  • Linda Matthews

    The proposed works will be damaging to a site of huge international historical importance.

  • Lisabeth Lee Ryder

    This site has impotance/significance to the entire world. The damage done by this project is harmful to the interests of the entire world. Not enough has been done to get the input of everyone... Read more

  • Liz Dore

    I am objecting to the plans to change the road next to Stonehenge for the following reasons: 1) Lack of consideration of alternatives 2) Potential damage to Stonehenge due to additional speed and... Read more

  • Lord Kennet

    As Lord Kennet, I am privileged to be a long standing supporter of the Stonehenge Alliance, it´s positions and it´s policies regarding the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site. My family are... Read more

  • Lorren Boniface

    I am deeply concerned about the plans for Stonehenge and its surroundings, which seem to me to be a wanton act of vandalism. This is quite possibly the most important archaeological site not just... Read more

  • Lotus moran

    This is. Sacrilege.undermining an ainchient monument.not in my name.

  • Louisa Young

    I am very concerned that the people currently doing works at Stonehenge seem to be incompetent. There should not be any engineering near/in a Word heritage Site anyway. No generation has the right to... Read more

  • Louise Burton

    My primary objection is about the Irreparable damage to the whole World Heritage Site both the archeology as well as setting - UNESCO are against this road scheme in its current form. My second key... Read more

  • Louise Cotulla

    I was able to visit Stonehenge in the the late 1960s when the site was relatively untouched. It saddens me that this wonderful experience can never be shared again. Stonehenge is more than just the... Read more

  • Lynda Raine

    There will be irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in... Read more

  • Lynn Carter

    I feel that this endeavour will seriously damage what is an absolute national treasure, and a site of global importance and interest. The planners must look to other alternative solutions to the... Read more

  • Lynn Macaskill

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Madelaine Watkins

    Concern about the damage and destruction of a world heritage site. A site of significant historical and cultural importance. A site that belongs tothe people of the UK and that i feel that there has... Read more

  • Marc Thorne

    I am concerned about the damage the proposed road scheme will do to a world heritage site (WHS). UNESCO has described it as a landscape without parallel and it's advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Margaret Millgate

    Stonehenge is an extremely important part of our English heritage. I believe, as does UNESCO, that this scheme would cause irreparable damage to an irreplaceable site. I also feel that other schemes... Read more

  • Maria Koval

    Very concerned that Stonehenge and surrounds are in danger, and am unclear what steps are being taken to protect this international treasure.

  • Mark A Jenkins

    This is an ancient site that has been there for thousands of years. Therefore it is a site of historical importance. I feel from the past examples of your workforce's carelessness, they not only under... Read more

  • Mark Barnett

    I object because i believe salsbury plain is a national treasure which should be protected for future generations.

  • Mark Brookes

    This is an area of unparalleled historic and archaeological significance for the UK as well as being meaningful on a global level. Discoveries are constantly being made and we now understand the site... Read more

  • Mark Jones

    I have been very interested in, and very highly value, all sites with ancient human value for most of my life, man and boy (I'm in my fifties). The Stonehenge Landscape is supreme among these, and... Read more

  • Martin Kilbey

    I believe that only a deep long tunnel will preserve the underground natural structures surrounding the site; the risk of excessive artificial drainage, the fracturing of shallower strata will... Read more

  • Martin Southwood

    I object to this scheme because I believe that it will cause great and lasting damage to one of the most valued archaeological sites in the world. The scheme is sacrilege in every sense of the word.

  • Martin Whillock

    The whole area for many miles around Stonehenge contains historic evidence going back 5,000 years. It has been disturbed too much already during the last 100 years. No further major construction... Read more

  • Matthew Chart

    As a world heritage site I am concerned about irreversible damage to it and it's setting from the current scheme. Unesco advisers state this scheme should not go ahead and I support their view. I am... Read more

  • Maxine Symons

    This is an incredibly important site. We have to take the utmost care of it. There is no second change to get this right.

  • Megan Hitchens

    The Stonehenge WHS is of international significance and extends out into the landscape, not just the main Henge. A tunnel under this landscape will destroy undiscovered archeology. It will cause light... Read more

  • Melanie Roxby-Mackey

    Once this cultural resource is gone, it's lost forever. The scheme will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ ... Read more

  • Michael Brown

    I am very concerned about the damage that will be done to a WHS, both to the landscape and archaeology. The landscape is as important as the monument. UNESCO’s international advisers recommend that... Read more

  • Michael Hudson

    Most UK archaeology societies and specialist archaeologists, together with UNESCO and its international advisers, say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form as it threatens the wider... Read more

  • Michael Owen

    I oppose the proposed planning proposals as they will cause irreparable damage to the world heritage site and need to be re thought.

  • Michael Sackin

    The road would • destroy unique ancient heritage • it threatens rare bird habitats, in particular those of the great bustard and stone curlew • contribute to climate change by generating more... Read more

  • Michael Smith

    I am most concerned at the potential and irreparable damage to the archaeology and setting of the UNESCO and WHS, its setting, in accordance with UNESCO advice. My concern also extends to the Blick... Read more

  • Mike Efstathiou

    That alternative solutions have not been presented. That irreparable damage will be done to the WHS. That the construction method of the proposed tunnel will destroy part of the WHS. That the... Read more

  • Miss L V Jones

    To desecrate the land surrounding Stonehenge and to isolate, more than it already is, Stonehenge itself, to take away its power and loneliness as it was set in the landscape, is to ignore its... Read more

  • Mr J Simpson

    The current proposal will cause irreparable harm to ancient and invaluable archaeological sites, as well as damaging the environment of a World Heritage site. Too many national and international... Read more

  • Mr Peter J.Higgs

    I do believe the tunnel and subsequent road works should take place at Stonehenge. Should the new road scheme be really required it needs to be built away from the Stonehenge area and complex and... Read more

  • Mr Roy Park

    The proposed expressway will attract even faster, noisier traffic than at present, and inflict irreversible damage on a unique, internationally significant landscape.

  • Mr Stephen R Pugh

    I object to this due to the damage already caused to a site of Historic Importance. Not only has damage been caused to Blick Mead Mesolithic site, but even UNESCO's advisors disagree with this plan. I... Read more

  • Mrs Catharine Sharples

    The proposed scheme has been judged by many experts, including UNESCO and local parties such as the Wiltshire Museum in Devizes, to be extremely damaging to a wide area of archaeological and wildlife... Read more

  • Mrs Charmaigne Jones

    Please learn from the irreparable damage caused to other very important and unique sites of the world by irreverent and destructive roadbuilding. This particular roadbuilding scheme is wrong on so... Read more

  • Mrs Crowther

    The archaeology lost by this planning can never to regained. I object strongly to any tunnel. I travel along the A303 regularly and there are often bigger hold ups beyond Stonehedge towards Mere, so... Read more

  • Mrs Freya Buchanan-Januskevic

    That the intended work/ construction will cause damage to the pre existing environment and this is supported by UNESCO advisors. An alternative solution must be found so as not to cause religious... Read more

  • Mrs Lesley Kahney

    I am deeply concerned that advice from UNESCO is being ignored. The archaeological treasures at Stonehenge extend far beyond the stones themselves. It is a travesty to dig in this area and we have... Read more

  • Mrs. Patricia Williamson

    I believe the proposed tunnel and fly-over will not only damage the ancient archaeology of Blick Mead, but will ensure the site can never be excavated, thus losing any insight of those who dwelt there... Read more

  • N J Dearden

    I object to the incursions of the roads that are proposed for this site of international significance. To build roads within the curtilage of such an important monument would be problem enough but... Read more

  • Neil Rhoods

    • Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ • UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its... Read more

  • Nick Beeton

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Nick Gilbert

    The proposed A303 road scheme will cause irreversible damage to the archaeology and wider setting of the World Heritage Site (WHS). UNESCO, which has described the landscape as without parallel, and a... Read more

  • Nick Middleton

    This work will cause irreparable damage to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. This in itself should be enough to stop proceedings.

  • Nick Orson

    I write as a visitor to, and a traveller past, the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, which I have known for over sixty years. I oppose the scheme in its present form on the following grounds: 1. ... Read more

  • Nick Stedman

    I am representing myself as a cyclist. I have already made the comment about restricting motorised traffiic access to the proposed cycle paths which I believe has been addressed. As many cyclists... Read more

  • Nicola Baker

    It is disgraceful that the concerns raised to date have been ignored and the option of building a longer tunnel to prevent damage to the WHS has not been chosen. This will cause irreparable damage to... Read more

  • Nigel Linge

    I am the Chair of the Wilts and Swindon Countryside Access Forum but writing as an individual. In the past 10 years I have staffed 38 x DMMO and diversions for MOD and led a team of volunteers to... Read more

  • Norman Cesar

    Stone Henge is one of the most important sites on our island. This tunnel jepardises the site and it's surrounding areas. Wildlife will also be unneccesarily impacted. UNESCO have also expressed... Read more

  • Paige Thompson

    Stonehenge should be left alone and protected for centuries to come (:

  • Pam Jones

    UNESCO views the archaeology in this area as 'a landscape without parallel' and their advisors say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form - with which I wholly agree. The archaeology is... Read more

  • Pam Rouquette

    I object to the desecration of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site that will be an inevitable consequence if the proposed short tunnel though the Stonehenge landscape goes ahead. This country has the... Read more

  • Pamela Marchant

    I believe that if this horrendous tunnel goes ahead it will cause irreversible damage to this unique and amazing landscape. A landscape that should be treasured and protected. This landscape belongs... Read more

  • Pat Snelling

    I do nit think that the current scheme should be allowed. It will destroy our heritage.

  • Pat Thorne

    The plan will do irreparable damage to this ancient site and I object strongly

  • Patricia Dawkins

    It is an historical site which needs to be maintained in its current state especially in view of all the new excavation and discovery throughout the whole area. The sight of Stonehenge is awesome... Read more

  • Paul Fletcher-Tomenius

    A site of such unique significance cannot be considered purely in the local, regional or even national context. The views of the global archaeological and cultural community must carry great,... Read more

  • Paul McKernan

    Ensure that the development continues to take account of the impact on local infrastructure Ensure that the links to local roads, byways and footpaths are maintained and/or enhanced Ensure that the... Read more

  • Paul Reddy

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology, and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Paul Watson

    I object to the A303 Expressway because I believe it will do irreparable and unquantifiable damage to any remaining archaeology.

  • Peter Croft

    I believe that this would cause damage to the unique World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, especially in the light of UNESCO's report. What about alternative options which would avoid... Read more

  • Peter Garner

    I would like to protest about the intended route that will irreparably damage Stonhenge, which is after all an acknowledged Sacred Site, not just in the UK but worldwide. The route is in my opinion... Read more

  • Peter John Daymond-King

    With each decade new technologies arise which enable us to discover more about our ancient forebears and their culture. The opportunity to continue to learn from discovered and still to be revealed... Read more

  • Peter Jones

    I am totally opposed to this scheme which will cause irreparable damage to this unique World Heritage Site. The tunnel, associated works, construction process and ongoing management will destroy the... Read more

  • Peter Trigg

    I really do not think that a world heritage site like Stonehenge should be treated like this with no respect. I am a ( animistic ) pagan and this treatment is an affront to my religion. There are also... Read more

  • Philip Hurd-Wood

    Plans for a road tunnel near Stonehenge are "severely flawed" and the "whole project must be re-assessed" a World Heritage Sites advisory body has said. [Redacted], chair of the Icomos-UK World... Read more

  • Philippa Stout

    Blick Mead site has already been damaged and things have hardly started. What on earth else is going to be damaged if plans go ahead for the proposed tunnel. It is, in my opinion, a short sighted and... Read more

  • Phillip Lacey

    I feel that the risk of any damage no natter how small is not worth the risk, this place is unique and should not be put in any danger. This is by far more important than any car or lorry. This plan... Read more

  • Phillip Shukman

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Landscape with many upstanding monuments and probably many more underground. Many of these underground monuments have not been fully studied either by excavation or by... Read more

  • Pipaluk Frederiksen

    I strongly object to the development of the A303 tunnel under Stonehenge! Stonehenge is a very sensitive and spiritual place. It's the Heart Chakra of the planet. Tunnelling underneath it would be... Read more

  • Poppy Fee

    I want to register my brother ojection to the development on the following grounds: I am a pagan and this site has especial spiritual significance for me. I am concerned that the development is going... Read more

  • Quentin Given

    I am concerned about likely damage to the archaeology and setting of the World Heritage Site, especially as UNESCO advisers advise against the present scheme. I am particularly concerned about... Read more

  • Rachel Stevens

    Concerns about wildlife in surrounding area and damage to a world heritage neolithic site.

  • Rachel Young

    I want to object to the A303 development because it will damage the Stone Henge World Heritage Site

  • Rajo Taylor-Smith

    I am at a loss as why you would want to go ahead with this insensitive, ill-concieved road scheme. Our National Heritage sites should be protected. These thoughtless and ill-concieved schemes such as... Read more

  • Raven Anxo

    I am objecting to the proposed plan because I have concerns over the fact there could be damage caused by construction work to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. Also there is the loss of... Read more

  • Richard Dunning

    This scheme is indicative of transport infrastructure projects in England in that it is poorly thought out, value engineered to death and: Puts the car user above all forms of transport Puts roads... Read more

  • Richard G. Mitchell

    I am simply appalled to find that you risk such potential damage of this UNESCO World Heritage site. Once done, the potential for irreparable damage to the substrata of one of our country's most... Read more

  • Richard Gauld

    World bodies say how can you damage a World Heritage Site. This monument is for the world to see not an irritation to drivers! Lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the... Read more

  • Richard Howard

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, which UNESCO describes as 'a landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. A... Read more

  • Rita Bryant

    1. Stonehenge is a world heritage site and unique. The whole area is very rich archaeologically speaking. It needs to be protected at all costs 2. It is a big tourist attraction and anything that... Read more

  • Rob Burbea

    Among a number of other considerations, the habitat of the Stone Curlew and the Great Bustard risks being disturbed by the project - and they are already rare species. This concerns me greatly. Also,... Read more

  • Rob phillips

    Gason Lane: I live on Gason Lane - a narrow single track lane with minimal passing spaces, currently connected to A303 and used as a rat run when traffic is heavy with a gridlock resulting and no... Read more

  • Robert Harrison

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Robert Wishart

    I am currently short of time, so in a nutshell: building a road like this at a World Heritage Site must not be done. It is a World Heritage Site - people all around the world have heard of, are... Read more

  • Robin Duxfield

    I object to A303 Stonehenge Expressway because it will cause irreparable damage to the world heritage site, archeology and setting. It is far older and more valuable than all of us. Any damage is... Read more