
A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 200 of 213 representations, newest first.

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  • Tendring District Council (Tendring District Council)

    As the neighbouring Authority we would like to remain informed on the plans and responses. No comments at this time.

  • Malcolm Campbell

    this is about th land north of perrywood garden centre kevedon road inwoth essex 1. this field has a high pressure gas main running through it and i have not seen support from CADENT that the proposed... Read more

  • Cllr Paul Thorogood

    If the A12 widening project goes ahead, these are my main concerns: 1) Although some minor improvements to Inworth Road (B1023) are now being included in the proposals following strong concerns... Read more

  • Colchester City Council (Colchester City Council)

    Dear Sirs Planning Act 2008 – Section 55 Application by National Highways for an Order Granting Development Consent for the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening (TR010060) Proposal: A12 Chelmsford to A120... Read more

  • Ilene Ambrose

    This would cause a huge increase in traffic 34% on the Main Road Boreham and 25% on Plantation road Boreham The increase in traffic will have an adverse effect for residents ranging from air quality,... Read more

  • Mr Mark David Cathcart

    Concerns about the Environmental Impact of the high pressure gas main as it crosses the River Blackwater, the Blue Mills nature reserve and adjoining mature woodland.

  • Mrs Mary Walsh

    I appreciate that our roads need upgrading due to the ever increasing traffic. My understanding of the highways ethos was to remove traffic from the local roads and put it on the A12 where it belongs.... Read more

  • Shaun Norton

    I reside on a road that directly exits onto the Main Road Boreham and am extremely concerned about the potential additional traffic through Boreham upon the suggested closure of junction 20a. Recently... Read more

  • Christopher Vigrass

    I object to the proposed project because of the many deleterious effects it will have upon my home and my local community, including without limitation increase in traffic volume, environmental issues... Read more


    I am objecting to the proposed project for the following reasons: 1. Environmental concerns particularly regarding the considerable increase in traffic through our village and the resulting increase... Read more

  • Islanders Fish Restaurant and Takeaway Ltd (Islanders Fish Restaurant and Takeaway Ltd )

    We are very concerned that our land has been marked for possible compulsory purchase. this will have a severe impact on the current business trading from our site and our development plans for the... Read more

  • John Chilcott Lindsay

    To the Inspector, The Planning Inspectorate. Sir, [Redacted] Adjacent to the proposed new Junction 24 [Redacted] is a 250 year old period cottage located 100 metres SSE of Park Bridge and is clearly... Read more

  • Richard Baranowski

    Objection to the A12 widening scheme and detrimental effects on Boreham Village

  • Terence Paul Convoy

    Although the plans for junction 20b seems to be a benefit safety wise, as this is currently a very likely accident black spot, from personal experience, I do object to the closing of junction 20a.... Read more

  • Wendy Maureen Convoy

    Although the plans for junction 20b seems to be a benefit safety wise, as this is currently a very likely accident black spot, from personal experience, I do object to the closing of junction 20a.... Read more

  • Christopher Gillham

    In any sane society I ought not to have to explain why you should not massively add to carbon emissions, destroy wildlife habitats, wreck landscapes and harm communities by building a road with no... Read more

  • John Charles Cockell

    In no specific order of priority: I disagree with the contention that traffic volumes and air quality in Maldon Road will be no worse that at present. This flies in the face of logic given: - the huge... Read more

  • Julia Atigla

    To whom it may concern, I am writing to confirm my and my family objections to the A12 widening project.  Since this has commenced, I have witnessed several accidents the latest being the road being... Read more

  • Mrs Carole Mountney

    The increase of traffic already when you close the slip road to the A12 at Boreham is absolutely horrible. I live on main road and the huge articulated lorries going past my 600 year old listed... Read more

  • Rivenhall Parish Council (Rivenhall Parish Council)

    The A12 widening is proposed to include a southern bypass of Rivenhall End and detrunking of the "old" A12 through the village. Both matters are of acute interest and importance to many local... Read more

  • Carter Jonas (Carter Jonas) on behalf of Stephen Butcher (Stephen Butcher)

    The A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme proposes the permanent acquisition of half of the rear garden to provide the project with replacement 'open space' and the temporary use as a haul road of... Read more

  • Alan Swash

    This project is fundamentally flawed. It cannot be right or ethical spending huge amounts of public money where the outcome is to put very significant amounts of additional traffic through a community... Read more

  • Daniel Paul Wilkins

    My concerns are i have the current A12 at the front of my property,now with the planning in place i have a motorway (6 lanes) just at the rear of my property. As we speak i have a beautiful view of... Read more

  • Stanfords (Stanfords) on behalf of J R Crayston & Sons (J R Crayston & Sons)

    Stanfords act as agent for J R Crayston & Sons [Redacted] and are instructed to make this representation on their behalf to the Planning Inspectorate in respect of the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening... Read more

  • Mr Nigel Richard Brown

    The aim of the scheme is to remove traffic from local areas onto the A12. With regard to the village of Boreham the scheme as currently designed does exactly the opposite and will result in an... Read more

  • Sarah E Warren

    It is the polar opposite - increasing emissions and damage to our environment of what public money must be spent on at this eleventh hour in the climate and biodiversity emergency. The scheme would:... Read more

  • Stanfords (Stanfords) on behalf of The Executors of the Late Barry Belchem (The Executors of the Late Barry Belchem)

    A12 CHELMSFORD TO A120 WIDENING SCHEME RELEVANT REPRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE BARRY BELCHEM Introduction: Stanfords act as agent for The Executors of the Late Barry Belchem... Read more

  • Andrew Lucas

    The application fails to address significant issues with local roads and environmental issues

  • Andrew Watson

    We have been notified by National Highways (NH) that our property will be "significantly affected" by the noise resulting from the increase in traffic using J24, as part of the A12/A120 widening... Read more

  • Catherine Gaywood

    I understand the benefit of widening the A12. It will offer constancy of journey and support the regional economy. All comments I am making refer to a specific section of the project. That is from the... Read more

  • Chelmsford City Council (Chelmsford City Council)

    See attached.

  • East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust)

    The East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) consider that the Project (A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme) is likely to have a significant impact on its operations, service capacity... Read more

  • Essex Police (Essex Police)

    Essex Police consider the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme is likely to have a significant impact on its operations, service capacity and resources (staff, vehicle fleet & estate assets)... Read more

  • Strutt & Parker & Frazer Halls Associates (Strutt & Parker & Frazer Halls Associates) on behalf of Gershwin Park Private Landowners (Gershwin Park Private Landowners )

    We are instructed by the private landowners acting under a collaboration agreement, working with the wider landowner group through a joint venture agreement with Churchmanor Estates (a commercial... Read more

  • Lorna setter

    5 acres of my land forms part of the DCO for the re routing of the gas main corridor.. I have concerns with regards to our woods that has a TPO and also protected red kites nest . The new gas route... Read more

  • NEEB Holdings Ltd (NEEB Holdings Ltd)

    We wish to register our interest as an owner of land affected by the proposal

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail Group (Royal Mail Group)

    Royal Mail (RM) does not have an in principle objection to this proposed road scheme but is seeking to secure mitigations to protect its road based operations during the construction phase. Under... Read more

  • Stanfords (Stanfords) on behalf of The Holland Family (The Holland Family)

    RELEVANT REPRESENTATION ON BEHALF OF THE HOLLAND FAMILY Introduction: Stanfords act as agent for The Holland Family (“the Client”) of [Redacted] and are instructed to make this formal representation... Read more

  • Strutt & Parker (Strutt & Parker ) on behalf of Victoria & Gary Woods (Victoria & Gary Woods)

    We are instructed by Gary and Victoria Woods (“our clients”). Our clients own two parcels of land, being EX876264 (known as Witham Field Farm, postcode CM3 2EF) and EX376304 (approximately 8 acres of... Read more

  • Witham Town Council (Witham Town Council)

    National Highways have been consulting fully with Witham Town Council throughout the process. The following are some of the issues as we see them - -Loss of land at Whetmead Nature Reserve. -Proposed... Read more

  • Anglian Water (Anglian Water)

    Anglian Water (AW) and National Highways (NH) have been in discussion on the project since October 2019. NH commenced discussions on the diversion of AW Water assets in January 2022. AW have provided... Read more

  • Gateley Legal (Gateley Legal) on behalf of David and Stephen Bolton (David and Stephen Bolton)


  • Dominic Furniss

    I wholeheartedly object to this scheme. It is costing £1.2Bn which could be used to ease the cost of living crisis. In addition, the scheme will: 1. Increase carbon emissions by almost two million... Read more

  • Essex County Fire & Rescue Service (Essex County Fire & Rescue Service)

    Essex County Fire and Rescue Service (ECFRS) consider the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme is likely to have a significant impact on its operations, service capacity and resources (staff,... Read more

  • Essex Waterways Ltd (Essex Waterways Ltd)

    Essex Waterways Ltd:- Essex Waterways Ltd (EWL) is a trading subsidiary of the Inland Waterways Association (IWA), a national charity which campaigns for the conservation, use, maintenance,... Read more

  • Gateway 120 Ltd (Gateway 120 Ltd)

    Gateway 120 Ltd represents a group of landowners to the north of the current A12 between Feering and Marks Tey. We are concerned to ensure that the works maintain connectivity to this land, and allow... Read more

  • Gateley Legal (Gateley Legal) on behalf of Gearston Limited (Gearston Limited)


  • Gateley Legal (Gateley Legal) on behalf of Hammonds Estates LLP (Hammonds Estates LLP)


  • Hatfield Peverel Parish Council (Hatfield Peverel Parish Council)

    Hatfield Peverel Parish Council ("HPCC") continues to have concerns surrounding a number of issues raised in response to previous invitations to comment on the proposals. Principal among these are:... Read more

  • Kirk Alexander Macdiarmid

    Our property is not directly impacted by the proposed acquisition of land or rights needed to deliver the scheme but lies adjacent to land used for balance ponds and green/ecological mitigation. Our... Read more

  • Barton Willmore, now Stantec (Barton Willmore, now Stantec ) on behalf of L&Q, Cirrus Land and G120 Land Ltd (L&Q, Cirrus Land and G120 Land Ltd)

    L&Q, Cirrus Land and G120 land (the 'promoters') are promoters of land adjacent to Marks Tey on junction 25 of the A12. The promoters land falls within the area of growth previously identified for a... Read more

  • Linda Teresa Reed

    I welcome the widening of the A12 to 3 lanes. I think this will make the road safer. However, I believe the closure of Junction 20a of the A12 will drive additional traffic through Boreham on Main... Read more

  • Lorraine Eagling

    This is another example of the Government’s lack of action towards tackling the climate crisis and protecting biodiversity. The build of this road will increase carbon emissions by 2 million tonnes,... Read more

  • Mark hedges

    My concerns are at the moment we are quite a distance away from the existing A12 so noise levels and pollution are at a minimum, this new road layout is going to be within 20 metres of our living... Read more

  • Marks Tey Parish Council (Marks Tey Parish Council)

    The road layout proposed for Junction 25 has not been fully investigated. Proposal put forward to HE have not been considered or taken into account. Representation of the local community against this... Read more

  • Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board)

    NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board (MSE ICB) are the commissioners of health services in the area affected by this proposed project. It is expected that the project may impact the provision... Read more

  • Carter Jonas (Carter Jonas) on behalf of Mr & Mrs Whittle (Mr & Mrs Whittle)

    The DCO application proposes the permanent acquisition of part and temporary use as a haul road of part of the rear garden of The Hollies, a detached residential property accessed from Maldon Road.... Read more

  • Strutt & Parker (Strutt & Parker) on behalf of Mr N & Mrs P Wright and Mr J & Mrs S Ruggles (Mr N & Mrs P Wright and Mr J & Mrs S Ruggles)

    We have been instructed by Nicolas Wright, Pauline Wright, Jeremy Barton Ruggles and Cheryl Elizabeth Ruggles (‘our clients’) who own parcel of land [Redacted] , amounting to approximately 3.41 acres.... Read more

  • NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board (NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board)

    NHS Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board are the commissioners of health services including the East of England Ambulance Service in the area and therefore potentially will expect a... Read more

  • Paul hedges

    I would like to lodge my concerns regarding the A12 which are;- The new road will be under 20 metres from our accommodation which give us concerns regarding Noise, Pollution, with how close this... Read more

  • Prested Health Club Tennis Club ltd (Prested Health Club Tennis Club ltd)

    We have a long lease of tennis courts at Prested Hall and the rerouting, road building, etc will seriously detrimentally affect the business.

  • Roger Wacey

    Access, Noise, Vibrations, Light Pollution, Air Quality/health

  • SCL Property LLP (SCL Property LLP)

    We have a parcel of land which is marked for 'Land to be used temporarily and new rights to be acquired permanently'. We have a tenant occupying the site and land is within the fenced area of the... Read more

  • Suffolk County Council (Suffolk County Council)

    Thank you for notifying Suffolk County Council that the above application has been accepted by the Planning Inspectorate for examination. I am responding on behalf of Suffolk County Council to your... Read more

  • Whirledge & Nott (Whirledge & Nott) on behalf of Andrew Wood and Family (Andrew Wood and Family )

    Consideration has not been given to the following; The private water supply to the farm. Access to retained parcels of land. Excessive land take for environmental offsetting. Excessive land take for... Read more

  • Boreham Conservation Society (Boreham Conservation Society)

    Boreham Conservation Society National Highways (NH) application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) for the A12 Chelmsford to A120 widening scheme Boreham Conservation Society (BCS), on behalf of... Read more

  • Boreham Parish Council (Boreham Parish Council)

    Boreham Parish Council recognises the benefit of widening the A12 and agrees that it would make the road safer. However, the proposed approach will have a negative impact on the village of Boreham.... Read more

  • Tim Hancock Associates (Tim Hancock Associates) on behalf of BP Oil UK Limited (BP Oil UK Limited)

    BP Oil UK Limited – Boreham Services and Rivenhall South Services I confirm that we are instructed by BP Oil UK Limited which owns the freehold interests in both the Boreham Interchange Service Area,... Read more

  • Strutt & Parker (Strutt & Parker) on behalf of Buchanan (Buchanan)

    We have been instructed by Robert Alexander Buchanan, Harry Christopher Buchanan, Elizabeth Anne Buchanan and Eileen Elizabeth Buchanan (‘our clients’) who own parcels of land EX986001, EX761008 and... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent Gas Limited)

    Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986, with a statutory responsibility to operate and maintain the gas distribution networks in North London, Central and North West England.... Read more

  • Ceres Property (Ceres Property) on behalf of Catherine Vigrass, Sarah Shuckburgh and William Shuckburgh (Catherine Vigrass, Sarah Shuckburgh and William Shuckburgh )

    Dear Sir / Madam, Ceres Property have been instructed by Catherine Vigrass, Sarah Shuckburgh and William Shuckburgh (“client”) owner of Land registry title EX501256, which is a parcel of land to the... Read more

  • Countryside Properties (UK) Limited (Countryside Properties (UK) Limited)

    Countryside Properties (UK) Ltd was granted planning permission for the development of 400 residential properties on the south-west side of Witham, in the vicinity of Junction 21 of the A12, in July... Read more


    CPRE - the countryside charity - has worked for almost a century to support and promote the countryside. The comments in this representation are provided by the Essex branch of CPRE, which has its... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons LLP (Pinsent Masons LLP) on behalf of Edmundson Electrical Limited (Edmundson Electrical Limited)

    This representation is submitted by Pinsent Masons LLP on behalf of Edmundson Electrical Limited (EEL). EEL is the tenant and occupier of Unit 3, 1 Sheepcotes, Springfield, Chelmsford CM2 5AE. EEL’s... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Our ref: AE/2022/127507/01-L01 Your ref: TR010060 Date: 4 November 2022 Submitted via portal APPLICATION BY NATIONAL HIGHWAYS FOR AN ORDER GRANTING DEVELOPMENT CONSENT FOR THE A12 CHELMSFORD TO A120... Read more

  • Essex County Council (Essex County Council)

    The Planning Inspectorate National Infrastructure Planning Temple Quay House 2 The Square Bristol BS1 6PN By e-mail only: Our Ref A12/S.56 Your Ref... Read more

  • Essex Local Access Forum (ELAF) (Essex Local Access Forum (ELAF))

    1) The Essex Local Access Forum (ELAF) is an independent statutory advisory body set up under Section 94 of the Countryside & Rights of Way Act 2000. A LAF's statutory function is to "advise as to the... Read more

  • Tim Hancock Associates (Tim Hancock Associates) on behalf of Euro Garages Limited and Wolfson Trago Limited (Euro Garages Limited and Wolfson Trago Limited)

    Euro Garages Limited – Restaurant at Rivenhall South Services, Restaurant at Feering Services I confirm that we are instructed by Euro Garages Limited which owns the freehold interest in the Starbucks... Read more

  • Whirledge & Nott (Whirledge & Nott) on behalf of Granville Developments (Granville Developments )

    There is excessive land take. The drainage proposal is excessive. National Highways has not engaged in negotiations to enable the best use of the land.

  • Whirledge & Nott (Whirledge & Nott) on behalf of H Siggers and Son (H Siggers and Son)

    Excessive land take for biodiversity offsetting. The unnecessary use of borrow pits and lack of information. The lack of engagement and early negotiations.

  • Hallam Land Management (Hallam Land Management)

    Hallam Land Management (HLM) are registering as an Interested Party in the examination of the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme (“the Scheme”) for development consent. HLM has a variety of land... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    PINS Registration and Relevant Representation Form Section 56 Planning Act 2008 Response deadline: 4 November 2022 Our Ref.: PL00753271 Project: A12 Chelmsford to A120 widening scheme PINS Ref:... Read more

  • Holmes & Hills LLP (Holmes & Hills LLP)

    Holmes & Hills A12 Commercial Hub (Regional Head Office) is adjacent to the A12 and is affected by the scheme. We are an Interested Party in this matter. We do not wish to make a Relevant... Read more

  • Ian Mahoney

    I whish to Register about the Temporary footbridge and Temporary footpath through my property. [Redacted]. The Temporary footbridge over A12 is a huge expense on the government finances as this has to... Read more

  • Stanfords (Stanfords) on behalf of J A Bunting & Sons (J A Bunting & Sons)

    Representation too large to fit in box. Representation submitted via email to '' at 19:41 on Friday 4th November 2022 by Hugh Wasteney [Redacted]

  • Joseph Taylor

    Firstly I am grateful for the National Highways team for their responses to my enquiries throughout this period and previous period of consultation. I would like to make the following comments... Read more

  • CMS LLP (CMS LLP) on behalf of Legal & General Investment Management Limited (Legal & General Investment Management Limited)

    A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme (the “Project”) National Highways (the “Promoter”) A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme Development Consent Order 202[X] (the “DCO”) Relevant Representation –... Read more

  • Maldon District Council (Maldon District Council)

    Maldon District Council Written Representations A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme PINS Ref: TR010060 Summary This report sets out Maldon District Council’s Written Representations in response to... Read more

  • Strutt & parker (Strutt & parker) on behalf of Mr Gerrard and Mrs Jayne Bibbey (Mr Gerrard and Mrs Jayne Bibbey)

    We have been instructed by Mr Gerrard and Mrs Jayne Bibbey (‘our clients’) who own parcels EX566880 [Redacted], EX591598 [Redacted] and EX568154 [Redacted] Parcels EX566880 and EX591598 form part of... Read more

  • Mrs P M Dunphy

    As residents of Boreham for 36 years, we object to the closure of the A12 J20a Hatfield Peverel South Interchange. We do not accept that the alternative proposals for traffic travelling from Maldon to... Read more

  • Mrs Teresa Blazic

    The proximity of the proposed A12 to my house

  • National Farmers Union (National Farmers Union )


  • Addleshaw Goddard (Addleshaw Goddard) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited )


  • Shoosmiths (Shoosmiths) on behalf of Parker Strategic Land (Parker Strategic Land)

    This objection is made on behalf of Parker Strategic Land Limited (“Parker”). Parker is the promotor of a site which is located to the northeast of Rivenhall End. The land is currently bound by the... Read more

  • Philip Setter

    Impact of proposed route for major gas pipeline across land owned by myself. Potential disruption of natural habitat, damage to ancient woodland and protected trees. Disruption to protected species of... Read more

  • Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Essex (Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for Essex)

    The PFCC is supportive of, and understands the need for, this new infrastructure. We therefore welcome the opportunity to comment on the A12 Chelmsford to A120 widening scheme to assist in making it... Read more

  • Holmes & Hills LLP (Holmes & Hills LLP) on behalf of Prested Hall

    Holmes & Hills LLP on behalf of Prested Hall Our client wishes to object to the proposed business access as currently drafted (i.e. proposal affecting Junction 24 of the A12).

  • robin dixon

    Robin Dixon interested party submission 4 November 2022 Comments on Junction 21 – southern link road removal (Hatfield Peverel) This will be the major link for the Terling community to the A12. My... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons LLP (Pinsent Masons LLP) on behalf of Royal London UK Real Estate Fund (Royal London UK Real Estate Fund)

    1. Introduction 1.1. This relevant representation is submitted by Pinsent Masons LLP on behalf of its client the Royal London UK Real Estate Fund (“Royal London”). 1.2. Royal London owns land... Read more

  • Whirledge & Nott (Whirledge & Nott) on behalf of S G Ratcliff Limited (S G Ratcliff Limited )

    excessive land uptake including a disproportionately large an attenuation pond where there is no additional widening of the A12 in this catchment area; improvement of the existing field outfall ditch... Read more