
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1401 to 1500 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Liza Leaning

    Mine & my children’s physical & mental health, due to pollution by a huge increase in flights & increased traffic & traffic lights making simple journeys such as school run, shopping & work commute to... Read more

  • Lorna Gordon

    The change to the stacking for Luton Airport has had a significant impact on our way of life. The noise can be constant both in the garden and in the house. The expansion of the airport will... Read more

  • Louise Brecknell

    I strongly object to the proposal for the following reasons: 1) increased noise and disturbance for tens of thousands of residents living anyone near the various flight paths 2) flight paths have... Read more

  • Lucinda Smith

    We should not be encouraging cheap flights or expanding airports. Aeroplane emissions significantly add to global warming and climate change. This causes heat waves which affect my life, heavier... Read more

  • Luton and Dunstable Cycling Forum (Luton and Dunstable Cycling Forum)

    I understand that airport passengers are most unlikely to travel to the airport by bike and they are going to use public transport or private cars to travel to and from the airport. I cannot see in... Read more

  • Luton Council (Luton Council)

    Re: Planning Act 2008 (as amended) Application by London Luton Airport Limited for an Order Granting Development Consent for the London Luton Airport Expansion project Luton Council welcomes the... Read more

  • Luton Cultural Services Trust (Luton Cultural Services Trust)

    Having studied the documentation, we are impressed with the care and consideration taken in ensuring the Airport expansion plans support local infrastructure needs. It is also good to see how the... Read more

  • Luton Irish Forum (Luton Irish Forum)

    We have been supported by Luton Rising for over 10 years and consider Luton Rising to be a key partner. We have benefited from support to our welfare services of approximately £30,000 annually. This... Read more

  • Luton Town Football Club Community Trust (Luton Town Football Club Community Trust)

    Our charitable organisation over the years has recognised the huge impact of Luton Rising on the community with investment in local services totalling nearly £500m since 1998. The level of investment... Read more

  • Malcolm Bush

    1. I live in Watford. This area already suffers from low flying jets at various times, presumably from both Heathrow and Luton airports. An expansion at Luton may increase the noise and disturbance... Read more

  • Marcia Phaedra Clay

    The expansion of Luton Airport is bad for the environment and cannot be supported by the already congested local infrastructure. I oppose the expansion.

  • Margaret Scott

    The peace and quiet of our rural village is being destroyed by the noise of aircraft constantly going overhead. The noise is invasive and is impacting on local wildlife too. There seem to be far less... Read more

  • Maria Jianu

    Main issue about the airport expansion is the level of pollution already being very high, noise and parking issues that already exist. The fact that a beautiful large park will be destroyed is an... Read more

  • Marion clapp

    I object to size of development and impact on noise levels in surrounding villages as well as congestion of supporting roads. I do not feel the infrastructure will be able to cope with the expansion


    I wish to object to the proposed expansion. Ground 1 - the primary purpose of an airport is to provide air travel for passengers. The application has not included an assessment of the 'need' for the... Read more

  • Mark Edwards

    There will be more noise pollution and traffic

  • mark j sansom

    We reject the planning application due to the massive negative impact on all areas of human health and sleep in this area, added to the fact that there has been historic negligence in maintaining... Read more

  • Mark Manning

    The aircraft departing Luton Airport are already flying at very low altitudes directly over residential areas, including my own. The low altitudes, coupled with the schedule and frequency of these... Read more

  • Mark Oliver

    I already live under the flight path especially as aircraft come into land with undercarriage down at a height i estimate of less than 100 metres. I worked for Hawker Siddeley and British Aerospace at... Read more

  • Mark Phillips

    I believe that the expansion Plans will have a detrimental affect on residents health due to increased volume of traffic in the surrounding area around the airport this would include fumes and severe... Read more

  • Mark Salton

    Increase to noise and pollution levels Clear detriment to the health and well being of residents This goes against the council’s stated aim of reducing their carbon footprint The Eaton Green Link Road... Read more

  • Mark Willow

    I’m writing to complain about the noise from descending aircraft approaching Luton via the new AD6 route. After living in Bar Hill, Cambridgeshire since the early 2000s, I have noticed for the first... Read more

  • Martin Hindmarsh

    London Luton Airport is not a private concern but a community airport which has delivered massive benefits to the people of Luton, and beyond, over the past decades. During the last 20 years revenues... Read more

  • Martin King

    To say LLA's Consultation process with the local residents was a sham is being polite. The first round of consultation was just presented as a 'fait accompli'. Luton Borough Council of course were... Read more

  • Martin Whitfield

    Stack airplanes over urban areas where the noise is drowned by cars. People come out to the country for the peace and quiet. Walkers, cyclists, birdwatchers, picnicers want some quiet. Not a jet... Read more

  • Mary Rankin

    I am totally against the airport expansion. I have lived in Cutenhoe Road for over forty years and it has greatly affected our quality of life, mostly being the noise of the planes which seem to be... Read more

  • Mary Stewart

    The Airport Expansion is going to effect our mental health from the constant noise, as well as our physical health by added amounts of pollution, which is already pretty bad - some days the smell of... Read more

  • Matthew Neal

    My concern is that Luton Airport regularly allows flights in the early hours of the morning, usually around 4am which is disturbing my wife and my sleep, and so damaging our health. We are both... Read more

  • Mayo Nettey

    Generally support the scheme, but I have a couple of concerns. Need clearer information on the projected noise impacts of the proposed scheme on Hillborough Road in Luton. There are also currently... Read more

  • Mel Djogo

    Worried about the destruction of Wigmore Valley Park. Its on a rubbish tip which is a concern regarding disturbing it during and after construction Additionally the plan to have traffic come through... Read more

  • Michael Edwards

    Increasing the number of passengers and number of flights to almost double is detrimental to the overall push towards a sustainable and greener environment. Even allowing for the Dart there will be an... Read more

  • Michael Johnson

    Object on grounds of Noise & Air pollution. I live in St Albans and the flights to / from Luton already pass over us regularly causing noise and contributing massively to air pollution. Luton had the... Read more

  • Michelle facer

    As someone that lives in the flight path it’s hard enough now to be able to have a conversation with the planes not to mention the early morning wake up calls and last night noise also, we suffer... Read more

  • Michelle Salomons

    The increase of pollution, both air and noise pollution, is unnecessary, especially with the amount of airports in and around London existing already. Even more, the increase of air and noise... Read more

  • Mike Lewis

    I am concerned about aircraft noise near my home.

  • Miriam Lowbury

    Expansion of Luton airport will inevitably increase the amount of CO2 emissions. More planes = more emissions. Increasing emissions will be illegal under the U.K.’s obligations with the Paris... Read more

  • Moira Lea

    I live under the the flight path for Luton Airport and I object to the expansion of the airport . We are already have constant noise from aircraft and more aircraft, due to an expansion in airport... Read more

  • Monika Mitchell

    I would like to register my objections to the proposed expansion as follows:- I wish to object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, as set out in the application for the development consent... Read more

  • Morny Abramian

    It is come to our attention that the extension proposed to Luton Airport will have a detrimental effect to our neighbourhood

  • Mr B. Strutt

    My family have been impacted by the AD6 airspace change, which now routes descending aircraft over our house as often as every 3 minutes, constantly through the day, and is particularly disruptive... Read more

  • Mr Gary Morrissey

    I would like to know more about the impact this will have on the traffic and roads surrounding this property and will its future be affected. Will it be more difficult to sell and will it present on... Read more

  • Mr Gary Morrissey

    How will this development affect the traffic and infrastructure? How much more noise will there be. Will there be years of road development. How will it affect the value and future sale of the... Read more

  • Mr Gary Morrissey

    How will this development affect the traffic and infrastructure? How much more noise will there be. Will there be years of road development. How will it affect the value and future sale of the... Read more

  • Mr jonathan vass

    I object to the airport expansion it will bring extra noise pollution throught planes and trafficgoing too and from the airport.The air quality will get worse with the polution from the plane engines... Read more

  • Mrs Jill Carroll

    1. Significant increases in noise, air and light pollution 24/7 2. Currently experiencing very little respite from noise almost 24/7 - it is not just while aircraft are taking off and landing but also... Read more

  • Ms Elaine Henderson

    Luton Airport continues to lose money. Luton is the most air-polluted town of it’s size in the country. The council has over half a billion in loans to pay back.

  • Ms.Allison Fordyce

    Main issues and impacts - summary: 1. Wigmore Wildlife Park - removal threat A site of great biodiversity, home to many species, jobs for staff and educational venue for the Public, especially the... Read more

  • Nadine Santus

    The main issues regarding the proposed change in flights approach to Luton are the increase in frequency of, and the increased noise produced by aircraft as they pass so low overhead, low enough to... Read more

  • National Highways (National Highways)

    National Highways have sent an email and letter today to the planning inspectorate.

  • National Trust (National Trust)

    The National Trust wishes to register as an interested party in respect of the application for a Development Consent Order for the Luton Airport Expansion (also known as Luton Rising). The National... Read more


    A Representation has been submitted by email to the Inspectorate.

  • Neil Davies Morgan

    My main concern about doubling airport capacity is that it will double the number of flights and double the noise.I live under the Match- detling departure route and already find the noise from low... Read more

  • Neville Chapman

    The initial consultation was very poor - firstly it was conducted during lockdown when everyone was preoccupied with other matters. But also I think the impact on our area was not appreciated due to... Read more

  • Nicholas John Webb

    My main concerns are - the concentration of airports and capacity around London and the South East already. So I question the necessity of increasing Luton’s capacity - the global environment, we need... Read more


    I strongly object to the proposed increase in passenger numbers at Luton airport and the associated building works for the following reasons: 1. Any increase in aviation runs counter to the... Read more

  • Nicol Taylor Consulting Ltd (Nicol Taylor Consulting Ltd)

    AIRPORT OPERATION The CAA approved an airspace change to the Luton arrivals airspace at the end of 2021, this was technically called the ‘Swanwick Airspace Improvement Programme – Airspace Deployment... Read more

  • Nicola butler

    There will be a huge loss of green space and children’s play areas. Luton already has significant issues with parking and traffic, and I do not desire for a permit scheme to be introduced to pay to... Read more

  • Nicola Caroline Jenkins

    I object to additional flights and to additional flights from early morning to late into the night and into the early morning because of the noise of flights right over my house which I find very... Read more

  • Nicola Jones

    The increase in the number of aircraft and associated road traffic is unacceptable and will cause harm to residents in St Albans. The noise from aircraft to homes under the flight path will disrupt... Read more

  • Nicola Parkins

    Destruction of Wigmore Park Destruction of wildlife Impact on local residential roads..already congested with airport parking Affect of passing traffic on the three local schools Air pollution..effect... Read more

  • Noreen Walsh

    Noise is already bad at night and will increase. We already smell aviation fuel and this will increase and possibly have an impact on people’s health. 11 sets of traffic lights to be installed around... Read more

  • Norleen Chipo Soko

    I am very much pleased with the growth of London Luton Airport. It increases jobs, and business in Luton as a Town that has an annual Carnival and a Football Team in Premiere League. The expansion is... Read more

  • North Hertfordshire District Council (North Hertfordshire District Council)

    Relevant Representation of the Hertfordshire Host Authorities 1. Pre-Submission The host authorities’ consultancy team 1.1 Pre-submission the Hertfordshire host authorities (Dacorum, Hertfordshire and... Read more

  • North Herts & Stevenage Friends of the Earth (North Herts & Stevenage Friends of the Earth)

    North Herts & Stevenage Friends of the Earth is a licensed local group of Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We previously submitted detailed comments in response to the 2022... Read more

  • Olga Sivell

    The main issues are increase in airplane and car traffic, making our life as residents highly unpleasant and unhealthy. There is already smell of aviation fluid, noise pollution- they will only get... Read more

  • Olivia Sharp

    The development will cause a negative impact on the local community.

  • Lichfields (Lichfields) on behalf of Openwide Investments Limited (Openwide Investments Limited)

    Lichfields is instructed by Openwide Investments Limited (Openwide Investments), with respect to the Ibis budget Luton Airport Hotel, to prepare written representations to accompany its registration... Read more

  • Owen Connolly

    I am concerned and would look to comment further on the following issues: - The increased air traffic and the subsequent increase in noise and air pollution. - An increase in light pollution from the... Read more

  • PAIN (People Against Intrusive Noise) (PAIN (People Against Intrusive Noise))

    DCO Application to Expand Luton Airport Capacity to 32million passengers per year. Summary of Relevant Representations by PAIN (People Against Intrusive Noise) PAIN is a non-profit making Notified... Read more

  • Patricia langton

    Luton is the town with the highest level of air pollution among towns of a similar size. To add to this pollution would be disastrous - a major public health hazard. Also, at a time when nationally... Read more

  • Paul Bird

    Ever increasing flights over my house. For flights coming from europe it seems that as soon as they get past Cambridge they immediately cut corner of flight line to head towards Luton with much air... Read more

  • Paul Fitton

    Save wigmore park, do not expand luton airport. Keep our air clean

  • Paul Kraus

    Environmental impact Pollution Noise Wellbeing Health Climate change. Carbon footprint of aircraft Socio economic impacts

  • Paul Thomas

    Too many planes, flying too low, using their air brakes

  • Paul Winton Theobald

    At present we appear to be on the flight path which means that we have planes flying over our house, sometimes as early as 4 am, and at the other end of the day until 11 pm. The high decibel level is... Read more

  • Paula Pettit

    Any expansion will of course mean more flights in and out of Luton. The recent implementation in February 2022 of AD6 has significantly increased the number of flights over Sandy, and even directly... Read more

  • Pauline Archer

    At a time when the government is reducing emissions from cars it is nonsense to have more aircraft polluting the atmosphere. There is more than enough noise from aircraft going over Caddington and... Read more

  • Pauline Pinney

    Hatley St George is a small hamlet. There is little traffic and until the flight path changed there was little noise disturbance. Unfortunately since the change to flight path we suffer constant noise... Read more

  • Penelope Jane Schenkel

    I'm not impressed with the expansion of Luton airport, it will impact the current area detrimentally relative to noise and traffic increase in the general area. There should be a reduction in air... Read more

  • Penny Quilter

    OBJECTION to Luton Airport expansion

  • Peter Nicholas Cutforth

    Statement as an “interested party” to the Luton Airport expansion application 23 June 2023 My name is Peter Cutforth, I wish to comment on carbon emissions impacts and on noise impact. I comment as an... Read more

  • Peter Wallis

    Additional aircraft means additional noise over Wheathampstead. The road running diagonal to the end of the runway will be affected, i.e. closed or restricted due to the new long stay car at the east... Read more

  • Philip Nalpanis

    1. How on earth can Luton Airport even be considering expanding capacity, let alone by78%, in the middle of the Climate Emergency? Demand cannot be allowed to grow that much if the UK is to meet its... Read more

  • Philip tate

    I would love for someone to come to my house sit in my garden and measure the level of noise as it’s diabolical. The value of my property will decrease and I want compensation. Why can’t you Fly In... Read more

  • Philip Valentine

    Whilst I do not object to the airport expansion as such I am concerned about the environmental impact of more flights. The noise, traffic & pollution it will bring to the local area, and of course the... Read more

  • Turley (Turley) on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (Prologis UK Limited)

    We hereby submit a Relevant Representation on behalf of Prologis UK Limited (“Prologis”; “our client”) with respect to the Application for a Development Consent Order (“DCO”) in connection with the... Read more

  • Rachael Andrews

    The proposed doubling of Luton Airport capacity would have significant negative impacts on the local area. The main issues and impacts include a 60% increase in the airport's carbon dioxide emissions,... Read more

  • Rachel Beaty

    We moved to Breachwood Green in April 2022, I was so pleased to have found our house, it was a stretch financially but so worth it. The village is lovely and surrounded by beautiful countryside, leafy... Read more

  • Rachel Gardner

    I am very concerned by the proposed expansion of Luton Airport and have questions that I would like to ask. My first concern is the environmental impact of the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. The... Read more

  • Rachel Hopkins MP

    As the largest contributor to UK emissions, the UK must prioritise decarbonising our transport sector. The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) warns that aviation is likely to be the largest emitting... Read more

  • Rachel Ives

    There are 2 main reasons why I object to the expansion of the airport and an increase in flights. - The impact of having significantly more flights using the flight path/stack over Potton. The change... Read more

  • Rachel Keen

    The noise impact - planes taking off and landing when people are trying to sleep. It will disturb sleep patterns which impacts mental health. The presumption that most take offs are to the west is not... Read more

  • Rachel Wyatt

    Expansion is not necessary. Poor air quality for residents. Congested roads, noise pollution. The airport is big enough as it is.

  • Ray Meredith

    Air pollution is already very high in and around Luton Airport. Although I am about 12 miles away from the airport, I am directly under the flight path for the usual take-off direction, where exhaust... Read more

  • Rebecca Bancroft

    The area cannot withstand the impact of the expansion. Widening the roads and spreading out on to local countryside will be detrimental to the area, the wildlife and the residents not just within... Read more

  • Rebecca Jones

    Luton airport has too many flights flying over our house - around every 5 mins - impacting negatively on the noise and air pollution in our garden. It seems to have worsened significantly already. Any... Read more

  • Redrock Property Investment Ltd (Redrock Property Investment Ltd)

    I would like to object to this proposal to expand London Luton Airport's overall passenger capacity by 78% from 18mppa to 32mppa. We own property that is located under the flight path of the airport... Read more

  • Restoration Revival Fellowship (Luton) (Restoration Revival Fellowship (Luton))

    Expansion of the airport will boost the local economy, enable more flight routes. Luton is a super diverse town which means many of its residents travel regularly to their country of birth or for... Read more

  • Richard Choppin

    Congestion (residential roads used for airport access) All junctions and roundabouts on residential roads to be signalised. Noise Pollution Loss of mature green space Loss of employment land outside... Read more

  • Richard Landen

    I wish to object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, as set out in the application for the development consent order, on the following basis: . Recent changes in airspace deployment for Luton... Read more