
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2201 to 2300 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Carter Jonas LLP (Carter Jonas LLP) on behalf of M&R Hosier

    Relevant Representation on Behalf of M&R Hosier Introduction M&R Hosier is a family owner/occupier farming business with significant acreage within the southern part of the Stonehenge World... Read more

  • M. Lyons

    The Western Portal is to close to the Ancient burial Mounds and the Eastern to close to 'Blickmead' Archaeological site, and that there are issues with light pollution to the west and water tables to... Read more

  • Maddie Ryan

    I am writing from an archaeological perspective to request sensitive appraisal of the fact that this unique World Heritage Site is just part of an ancient landscape that contextually intact, could... Read more

  • Maggi Noke

    The landscape around Stonehenge is filled with evidence of life as it was lived from the Mesolithic to the present day, each contributing to the character of the landscape as it is today. This is... Read more

  • Maire Ni Chathasaigh

    To whom it may concern: I am horrified by the plans to drive a massive dual carriageway into the UNESCO World Heritage Site around Stonehenge and cannot understand why they have got this... Read more

  • Margaret Garriott

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage site, and one of the most famous sites in the world. It is one of England's most recognizable landmarks, if you ask people to name landmarks in England, Stonehenge is... Read more

  • Marion Malcher

    Stonehenge and it's setting comprise an irreplaceable global heritage asset. This place is at the core of English history and myth. These facts are accepted by the international community; Unesco say... Read more

  • Mark Allum

    I wish to object to the construction of the tunnel and supporting road network and I want instead to preserve the entire site for future generations education and enjoyment 1. Building the tunnel may... Read more

  • Mark Bush

    Background: 1. I am arranging legal representation in this examination on behalf of both myself and the Blick Mead archaeology team (led by Prof. David Jacques), and of a wider consortium of senior... Read more

  • Mark Glover

    Stonehenge is a historic site of global significance to alter the landscape affecting a view that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years without proper public consultation is to strip future... Read more

  • Mark Pilkington

    The planned tunnel beneath the Stonehenge landscape makes no economic or logistical sense and threatens to destroy, or at the very least, undermine, the prospects of future discoveries on this... Read more

  • Mark Sharon

    I object strongly to the building of a tunnel A tunnel will mean Stonehenge will be effective sealed off from alm but paying visitors. There can be no other monument sight of which is restricted to... Read more

  • Mark waugh

    Having used the route all my life between London and Cornwall I believe the current Road is inspirational and part of our cultural heritage. The project to submerge the highway is wreckless with... Read more

  • Martin Myers

    “I OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application." REASONS FOR OBJECTION Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National Infrastructure Commission, Office of Road & Rail and National Audit... Read more

  • Martin Oliver

    I would like to express my object to this proposal. It would bring traffic much closer to the stone circle than has previously been the case, something that concerns heritage groups. Another... Read more

  • Mary Evans

    Stonehenge is a world heritage site and UNESCO international advisors have advised that the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. The scheme will do irreparable damage to the Stonehenge... Read more

  • Mary Foster

    I object in the strongest possible terms to the planned Stongehenge expressway. This is an unparalleled historic site , there has been no consultation about alternative routes and we cannot destroy... Read more

  • Matthew Allison

    I oppose the proposed Stonehenge bypass route for the reasons outlined by UNESCO. Stonehenge is a wonder of the world that must be protected for future generations. Thank you. Matt

  • Matthew Benson

    I hope the planning authority have the guts to stand up to, as is their purpose, this predatory development which prioritises laziness and convenience for a Highways Agency uninvested in history over... Read more

  • Rachel Hosier on behalf of Max Hosier (Max Hosier)

    My family bought this farm in 1953 and in 1961 I took over running the traditional mixed farm which spans the area of the western portal and approach road. The role of custodian and guardian of the... Read more

  • Mellissa Nixon

    Disruption of the water table, ancient chalk stream which will lead to permanent and irretrievable damage of ancient artifacts and loss of future undiscovered artifacts which are connected to the... Read more

  • Michael Cahill

    I oppose this road because I believe it would do irreparable damage to the world heritage site.

  • Michael Deacon

    The construction of the road and tunnel would amount to an act of national self-harm. The excavation required would irrevocably destroy any objects, artefacts, or clues that lie under the surface of... Read more

  • Michael Dunphy

    If this plan goes ahead one of the most important heritage sites in the world will be irreparably damaged. Please rethink and do not let this road go ahead. There have been countless destructions of... Read more

  • Michael Storer

    I do not agree with the planned changes to the A303 that will impact upon Stonehenge. There are plenty of viable alternatives, including an improving of public transport infrastructure that will... Read more

  • Michael Victor Bonett

    Dear Ms/Sir, I am writing to object to any extension of the A303 (or any other roads) around Stonehenge, as Stonehenge remains the most historic and well known of Britain s heritage sites.... Read more

  • Michael Wood

    The proposal by Highways England will involve irreparable damage to Britain's greatest historical landscape-including an interchange on the precise line of the midwinter solstice which we know now was... Read more

  • Michaela Phillips

    The current plan does not adequately protect, and indeed will irreparably damage, this ancient landscape. There must be alternatives that will conserve it whilst improving transport links. However, it... Read more

  • Mike Chappell

    I strongly believe as I use this road to visit our buy to let properties we have in the West Country well overdue , and the right decision, both environmentally and asthethically

  • Miranda Wilson

    The traffic around Stonehenge is infamous, and I agree that some road building would be beneficial. However, I am deeply concerned about the planned A303 expansion. I believe that the genuinely... Read more

  • Miriam Shellabear

    I believe that Stonehenge is incredibly important to understanding human English history, it has stood before modern roads existed and will stand for years after roads are discontinued. The land... Read more

  • Miss C Farley

    This plan risks serious damage to one of our most important heritage sites, and its surrounding fauna. Alternatives which would not damage the Henge have not been adequately explored and options... Read more

  • Office of Molly Scott Cato MEP (Office of Molly Scott Cato MEP) on behalf of Molly Scott Cato MEP (Molly Scott Cato MEP)

    I am responding on behalf of my constituents in South West England and many others who are deeply concerned about the A303 Stonehenge proposal and the Government’s general transport strategy which has... Read more

  • Mr D F Doherty

    I object to the construction and operation of this scheme and the resulting permanent detrimental effects on the World Heritage Site. The bypass should avoid the WHS completely if it is needed at all.... Read more

  • Mr John Morris

    I think the Western Portal is too close to the Burial mounds and the Eastern Portal & too close to the Blickmead site and that there are problems with light pollution to the west and water tables to... Read more

  • Mr L Freear

    I am concerned about the permanent damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting.

  • Howard Smith MRICS (Howard Smith MRICS) on behalf of Mr P J Sawkill

    This representation assumes that the Minutes of any meetings held with Highways England will be available to you specifically in relation to the difficulty the scheme as proposed presents in terms of... Read more

  • Mr Patrick Regan

    I do not feel this underground tunnel is appropriate measure to deal with trafffic, in the area of international historic interest of Stonehenge.

  • MR Richard V Spears

    • Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. • UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. • Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more


    I own plots 12-01, 12-03, 12-04, 03-03, 03-07, 03-08 and 03-10 and have an interest in plot 03-20. With the exception of plot 03-20 all of the other plots are scheduled for compulsory acquisition.... Read more

  • Mr Terry Scales

    The plan would cause untold damage to this most important national monument and the surrounding area. UNESCO are opposed to the proposal as it stands. Blick Head could be irreparably damaged. There... Read more

  • Mr. Sam Clements

    I object to the new road-building project near the UNESCO World Heritage site of Stonehenge on the following grounds: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. ... Read more

  • Mrs Joy Wagstaff

    The tunnel will be phenomenally expensive when all that is needed is a cutting The road would be removed from sight. The potential dangers of accidents within the tunnel with difficulties of access... Read more

  • Mrs Judith Beal

    This project is so dangerous. It threatens so much that is and should be recognised as being important to England. Respect and conserve our history. Surely it is so irreplaceable which will be... Read more

  • Mrs Kerry Gaskin

    As a pagan and a practicing Priestess, I object strenuously to the proposed changes that would endanger this sacred site. I consider any such proposals to tunnel anywhere this site to be desecration... Read more

  • Mrs Sheridan Dingle

    This project is flawed and will have a devastating impact on a unique World Heritage Site. It must not go ahead. [Redacted] [redacted]

  • Mrs. Stephanie Margaret Lodge

    Dear Sir or Madame, [Redacted]I absolutely object to this road scheme to drive the equivalent of a dual carriageway right underneath Stonehenge, a World Heritage Site, a designation which will be... Read more

  • N Tucker

    There is still so much for us to explore near Stonehenge, and a tunnel is wrong

  • Naomi Fountain

    I feel the Western Portal is too close to the Ancient burial Mounds and the Eastern too close to 'Blickmead' Archaeological site, and that there are issues with light pollution to the west and water... Read more

  • Naomi Todd

    Overwhelming concern re the following points: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Natasha garside

    Stone henge is a sacred place that is thousands of years old. It has already been handled in a manner that is appalling and the thought of building a tunnel under this sacred place is atrocious. I beg... Read more

  • National Farmers Union (National Farmers Union)


  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Overall views, and more detailed comments, relating to the biodiversity impacts of the scheme, including in relation to the Habitats regulation assessment, together with general and specific... Read more

  • Nelson Crockett

    It is unwise to alter world historical sites and nearby areas. A mistake that can likely not be taken back.

  • Neo Rose

    It is of the gravest importance for us not to destroy or tamper with major sites given magical significance. I know you are unlikely to take this seriously, however I must press its urgency... Read more

  • Nicholas Baylis

    I am particularly concerned that there were no options presented in the consultation that would not damage the World Heritage Site. The option that is presented would inflict permanent damage to... Read more

  • Nicholas Binns

    Hello ... Stonehenge and the surrounded site are an ancient and protected area.. They should remain so as one of the oldest and most pre-eminent archeological sites in the UK .. We have already... Read more

  • Nicky Galliers

    As a History graduate, I studied Stonehenge and have a better than usual understanding of the area and its importance to the early history of the UK. This scheme will irreparably damage the wider... Read more

  • Nicola Everill

    I understand that the area around Stonehenge has many buried artefacts that would be damaged by this tunnel, including ancient long barrows. I also believe that rerouting the road would prevent people... Read more

  • Nicola Nama

    I believe that the beauty of the area, the landscape and the UNESCO site itself will be at best degraded, and possibly worse, with increased development of expressways in this area. I believe that -... Read more

  • Nigel Rowley

    In summary, there can be no justification to build infrastructure, with climate breakdown ongoing, without very careful consideration of the real purpose, anyway. In this particular case we have a... Read more

  • Norman David Hunter

    I feel most strongly that what is being proposed is outrageous, as the area in question IE Stone Henge is of very significant value to our nation, and should be left alone for prosperity /... Read more

  • Oliver Aylwin

    I frankly believe that the proposed tunnel runs the risk of doing immense damage to the incredibly important archaeological remains that could lie In its wake, and thus I feel the need to object to... Read more

  • Ollie Glanvill

    The true impact on an ancient monument that has stood for thousands of years has not been properly thought through or examined. Any damage to the ceremonial way or structure itself by man-made forces... Read more

  • P M Scrayfield

    Stonehenge itself is unique, not only within the UK, but unique in world-wide terms. Further, the monument itself does not stand alone but can only be truly understood in its context as the hub of a... Read more

  • Pam chapman

    This is such an affront to the land and is so wrong on every level.

  • Pamela Ross

    This is a world heritage site, it needs to be preserved for the enjoyment of future generations. I am concerned that the plans would damage the site and the environment, obscure the view from the... Read more

  • Pascale Stacey

    I am very concerned about the impact of the proposed tunnel on the northern part of the WHS in general and the sites at and associated with the henge at Avebury. These are already over-subscribed with... Read more

  • Paul Anthony Mackie

    The proposed project will adversely impact on the integrity of this ancient site in terms of The increased traffic flow with its attendant noise and air pollution, increased potential for unsightly... Read more

  • Paul Harriott

    It will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • Paul Horrobin

    Is, an alternative more cost effective means of keeping the traffic on the A303 flowing freely.

  • Paul Mitchell

    Dear sir or madam, You are planning to cause irreparable damage to one of the most important archaeological sites in the country. UNESCO thinks this is a terrible idea, and I agree. Even if this... Read more

  • Paul Shorter

    I object to this proposal on the following grounds: damage to the WHS -UNESCO experts do not approve of this proposal; damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and setting; lack of alternative options... Read more

  • Pavlin Boev

    Please find below my concerns regarding the A303 Stonehenge Expressway: - irreversible damage to Stonehendge landscape and surrounding ancient monuments (such as Blick Mead) Independent... Read more

  • Peninsula Transport Sub-national Transport Body (Peninsula Transport Sub-national Transport Body)

    The A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down scheme, along with other schemes currently being progressed at Sparkford to Ilchester and Ilminster to M5 at Taunton, are vital first steps towards achieving a whole... Read more

  • Pete Glastonbury

    I have been visiting stonehenge since I was a teenager in the 1970's. I attended the festivals in the summer over the solstice period. I am worried that I will no longer be able to see the stones from... Read more

  • Peter Freeman

    1) The irreversible damage the tunnel entrance will cause to the sacred Blick Mead site. 2) Major concerns regarding the archaeological damage at Long Barrow tunnel exit. 3) The lowering of the... Read more

  • Peter Jackson

    These plans risk irreparable damage to an area of unique archaeological interest to the whole world. It is extremely short sighted to place such items at any risk.

  • Peter James

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Peter Munford

    I object to the project because of the terrible damage it will do to the world Heritage site and the land under and around it.

  • Peter Warren

    Damage to world heritage sites that can never be repaired and which should be preserved for future generations.

  • Peter Wright

    NO Coment do not do the road

  • Peter Wrighton

    Representation is to cover aspects of the Countess Roundabout flyover and the impact on residents of Countess Road during construction and subsequent operation. This includes the noise mitigation... Read more

  • Philip Whitehead

    I am deeply concerned that the planned scheme will cause irreparable damage to Stonehenge, a site of immense national and international historic and archaeological significance. I am also concerned... Read more

  • Pippa Sweet

    Many reasons to stop any changes building or road damage to the site Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, includes protection of its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme... Read more

  • Professor Charles Foster

    In its present form, the proposed project would do irreparable damage to one of the most iconic monuments in the world - a monument that sheds crucial light on a formative time in human history. The... Read more

  • Rachael Sims

    Stonehenge is a priceless historical treasure for England and the entire world, and I am appalled at the notion that the archaeological integrity of this ancient and wondrous place, full of cultural... Read more

  • Rachel

    As a farmer and stakeholder in the Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS) I interpret my role as being a landowner guardian - a steward and curator for present and future generations. The farm includes... Read more

  • Rachel Holland

    World Heritage Site. Unique and the proposal will destroy thousands of years worth of history. A303 perfectly capable of working, bank holidays may be a problem but that will be the case on the... Read more

  • Rafe Robbins

    Concern for the destruction of my English heritage and a protected site of national and global importance. Concern for the destruction of history that will never be recoverable.

  • Rebecca Cave

    I object to the current proposed plans for a new road and changes to the landscape at Stone henge on the basis that the entire scheme is an assault on an ancient sacred area. The plans that I have... Read more

  • Rebecca Gelernter

    -Concern from archaeologists and UNESCO advisers about damage to the site -Potential disturbance of other nearby sites -Construction would disturb rare bird populations in the area - Great Bustards... Read more

  • Rebecca Rhind-Tutt

    Having reviewed the application documents on line I am unable to find any appropriate assessment under the Habitats Directive. Inote that appendix 8.25 to the ES is entitled ‘Habitats Regulations... Read more

  • Richard Bartosz

    1) I wish to submit a Representation in respect of Paragraph 201, and related Paragraphs 195 and 196, of Section 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework. The main points will relate i) to the... Read more

  • Richard Drew

    I believe the current plans will likely result in the destruction of ancient artefacts and by closing the existing road you will deprive people the opportunity to see the monument in the way that its... Read more

  • Richard Gaskin

    As a practicing Druid this is a sacred site and the proposal is like putting underfloor heating through the tombs of St Paul's. Not only that it I is a world heritage site that is being damaged... Read more

  • Richard Stead

    UNESCO have described this place -it's a world heritage site - as a "landscape without parallel". The pretty strong implication is that we should treat it with care and respect and not build all... Read more

  • Robert Goldspink

    The proposals have paid insufficient heed to the nature of the historic landscape, whose very age means that there is potentially more, and more significant, priceless global heritage lying beneath... Read more

  • Robin Carroll

    The proposed Stonehenge tunnel will damage a site of enormous historical, archaeological, and cultural value. The site is still not fully understood, and any damage would prevent future researchers... Read more

  • Ros Newnham

    I object to the proposed A303 Stonehenge Expressway and short tunnel for the following key reasons: 1. I believe these enormous earthworks will dwarf the Stonehenge WHS and pre-historic... Read more