
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 450 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr Gary Ottewill

    A cargo airport at Manston will be a disaster for the local economy. Attracted by the unspoilt beauty, and clean environment I moved to Ramsgate from London five years ago. During that time I... Read more

  • Mr Paul Tobin

    I wholeheartedly support the application made by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) to re-open Manston Airport as an international air freight hub, with some passenger flights. Despite repeated... Read more

  • Mrs Barbara Bultitude

    I have read the literature available from RiverOak Strategic Partners regarding their plans for Manston Airport and the application for a DCO. I found their documents easily accessible and very well... Read more

  • Nicola Uluturk

    Why go to Gatwick, Heathrow or Stansted Airports with more congestion on M25 when there could be an airport at Manston accessible by all in Kent. It would bring jobs to the area and reduce... Read more

  • Paul Cummins

    The infrastructure around Manston Airport cannot cope with a massive housing estate. At the moment the infra structure is struggling with the demands of Westwood Cross. Traffic going into Margate is... Read more

  • Paul Dawkins

    I object to the DCO application for the reasons as follows 1) I do not feel it should be acceptable for a recently formed £1 limited liability private company with no financial history or assets... Read more

  • Phillippa Walker

    I really feel that the history of the airfield should be preserved. Cargo would be ideal and maybe passenger when established again. It would be very shortsighted to lose and destroy such a lovely... Read more

  • Richard Scott

    Keep Manston, Reopen Manston, Make Manston work for Thanet. Concentrate on cargo to start with and take the some of the workload off the other airport making it easier for them to handle more... Read more

  • Robert Holden

    We own a house in Vale Road, Ramsgate, directly adjacent to the flight path proposed in the DCO application for Manston Airport. We have lived here for the past five years since retiring - we were... Read more

  • Ron Finch

    I wish Manston airport be reinstated as a working airport in order to creat jobs and travel for the community

  • Sean Lithman

    Myself and family are opposed to Manston returning as a cargo hub airport with constant flights particularly through out the night. The effect on the quality of our lives would be emensly negative not... Read more

  • Shirley Green

    I absolutely object to the proposal of Manston being an airport. We moved here 12 years ago from London to get away from the pollution and noise of the traffic . Ramsgate was peaceful and... Read more

  • Stanley Green

    We moved to Ramsgate to avoid the pollution in London, and we have been very happy with this wonderful environment, that is now being threatened by the reopening of Manson airport. with the night... Read more

  • Susan Katzban

    This is not only a valuable historical site, but also of great importance to address the need for more runways in southeast UK. It will add much needed jobs and investment in the local community. ... Read more

  • Adrian Dowling

    Manston Airport Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR020002 I support the RiverOak DCO application as I firmly believe that Manston Airport should be re-opened not only for the benefit of the local... Read more

  • Ala Osmond

    I am objecting the redevelopment of Manston airport for two main reasons: 1. Cargo night flights will be extremely noisy and disruptive and will damage Ramsgate and the current positive tourist... Read more

  • Allan C Vincer

    We need Manston Airport reopened to create lots of good quality for the local people. I feel that the excellent plans from R.S.P will improove the work prospects to the younger generation of the area... Read more

  • Ann Marie Belsey

    - Living beneath the flight path means that I will be no longer able to enjoy a night’s worth of sleep due to the very large number of night flights planned and I therefore object to the... Read more

  • Anthony Hodges

    Manston Airport Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR020002 The TDC Local Plan leaves open the use of Manston as an airport. Thanet is an area of deprivation with some wards in the top ten of deprived... Read more

  • Ateve Alexandrou (Ateve Alexandrou)

    Facts. I live in Nethercourt district of Ramsgate, the last area before the runway. aircraft used to be no more than 400feet maximum above our homes all across Ramsgate. these were aircraft which... Read more

  • Chris Smith

    I support the application for development of the Airport, for the following reasons: - The creation of direct and indirect jobs in an area of high unemployment - The potential for development of... Read more

  • Christine Pye

    In response to Manston Airport, my representation cover the following points. I would like to see Manston Airport reopened, to provide jobs which is crucial for the East Kent area, which is at the... Read more

  • Col Longmore

    Fuel tanker movements 5th September 2018 Manston Airport does not have hydrant fuelling system and is not connected to the CLH Pipeline System (aka United Kingdom Oil Pipeline -UKOP) and therefore... Read more

  • Julia Rogers on behalf of Community artists Julia and Viv

    Community art workshops require a safe space in which to work and explore ideas and test them. The process, much like teaching in the classroom, requires time to discuss, teach, think, develop and... Read more

  • David Hayfield

    As a person who is interested in aviation, both civil and military, the general opinion in the world of flying is that more airports are required to cope with the massive increase in cargo traffic... Read more

  • Ed Conrad

    I believe it is essential to use this land as an airport, not only for the jobs it will provide but because it has established use, in a land of red tape. It is the only local land suitable and could... Read more

  • Elizabeth Marion Gourlay

    East Kent is sadly lacking an airport. Access to a regional airport would negate the need for driving around 100 miles to Gatwick or Heathrow for residents and businesses located in East Kent. It... Read more

  • Emma Kenyon

    I am objecting to the possibility of Manston Airport re-opening and I am objecting to the possibility of it becoming a cargo hub with predominantly night flights. I have grave concerns about the... Read more

  • Fran Witherden

    I live under the flight path of Manston Airport & my quality of life has been enhanced by the proximity thereof. Myself & my family have never suffered adversely in any way. We see Manston Airport as... Read more

  • Gareth Pepin

    I support the re-opening of Manston Airport, I live within a mile of the site, and have lived in the surrounding area since birth ( I am 57 Years of Age ) and feel qualified to wholeheartedly support... Read more

  • Glyn King

    I have watched with interest how airports have boosted the economies of towns around them. Stanstead, Gatwick and Luton not only employ tens of thousands on site they indirectly employ twice or three... Read more

  • Jacqueline Ann Sloat

    1. The airport is essential for much need jobs in the area. This is very much a deprived area with high unemployment. Lots of people can't afford to rent let alone buy. We need a large injection of... Read more

  • Jennifer Selmes

    I am writing to express my objections to the plans to re-open an airport at Manston. The business case for re-opening the airport is unconvincing. All evidence from previous operations... Read more

  • Jennifer Simmons

    I wish to register my support for the River Oak application.

  • Jody Howard-Mcleish

    Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to lend my voice to the many local residents who feel Manston should once again be a working airport for Kent. Whether it was just a freight airport or once again... Read more

  • John Minnis

    I strongly believe that Manston Airport should be retained as an airport primarily for freight and when established some passenger services the down fall of the airport when it was in use is that the... Read more

  • John Peek

    Ramsgate is a beautiful and quiet seaside town which is in the process of expanding its warm and vibrant community with an influx of new residents, families and new small businesses. Having personally... Read more

  • Jonathan Barrett

    We are no longer at war with Germany Manston was built in the days when aircraft had limited range and it was vital to be as close to Germany as possible. This no longer applies. What does still... Read more

  • Julia Phibbs

    Sleep deprivation and a human right to uninterrupted periods of concentration to enable quality thinking and development of working processes. Before living in Ramsgate I lived in Reading very near... Read more

  • Karen Conway

    I think the re opening of the airport would be a great asset to the local area and provide much needed jobs for the people of Thanet. The airfield has been there since ww1 and for those who complain... Read more

  • Kyriacos Kyriacou

    Dear Sir, I am responding to PIN TRO20002 a Development Consent Order (DCO) at Manston airport, to which I object. I am an owner of Grade II listed building, which will be directly under the flight... Read more

  • Leonard Chubb

    After reading the proposals from R.S.P for the reopening of Manston Airport, I would like to let you know that I fully support the application for a D.C.O. There are several reasons but I think the... Read more

  • Louise Hynes

    The plans by RSP for the revival of Manston Airport are welcome and needed in order to regenerate a failing corner of the southeast which relies too heavily on seasonal tourism and arts. Neither of... Read more

  • Margarita Moscoso

    My objection to the proposed DCO for Manston Airport submitted by RiverOak Strategic Partnership Background I have lived in Ramsgate since March 2012. On arrival I was aware that there was a... Read more

  • Mario Portelli

    The RSP cargo hub proposal in my view would be extremley damaging to the wellbeing of Thanet residents and have a severe negative impact on its burgeoning economy, housing market and prevailing... Read more

  • Mark Ellcock

    The Manston Airport site is a site of national importance with huge opportunity to provide a valuable air freight and passenger service to the Kent area. The current south of England airports are... Read more

  • Michael Wilson

    My representation to preserve Manston Airport is because: (1) Canterbury (a World Heritage site and just 12 miles from the Airport) has several million visitors a year increasing and these visitors... Read more

  • Miss Jordan Alexandrou

    I am a university student living at home, I live under the flight path. the old airfield closed before i was taking exams and I am very thankful for this as if it had been open with the aircraft which... Read more

  • Miss Stephanie Alexandrou

    how many times would you put your hand in a fire before you realise it will burn you so you do not do it again, well this old airfield which was OK as a WW2 airfield but now too far from anyone to be... Read more

  • Mr Stephen Finch

    For Manston Airport 1. Thanet desperately needs jobs as there are so few in this area. 2.Manston has one of the longest runways in the UK and this is necessary for the larger current aircraft... Read more