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Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Liz McCallum

    We cannot expand at at time of a climate emergency. Furthermore, pollution is a major source of respiratory disease and illnesses such as asthma At a time when the NHS is under severe threat, this all... Darllen mwy

  • Lyn Layland

    If this goes ahead then our lives in Edenbridge and surrounding villages will be made unbearable with the constant noise.

  • Margaret Caroline Pilkington

    We are already affected badly by noise and pollution from air traffic at Gatwick and any increase will be serious. Also we will lose important countryside and associated biodiversity at the site. We... Darllen mwy

  • Michael Keith Jary

    I am concerned about the proposed use of the northern runway at Gatwick because of the impact it will have on my local community in terms of aircraft noise. Not only will there be a very large... Darllen mwy

  • Micro Maintenance (Micro Maintenance)

    I am deeply concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed expansion and I object in the strongest possible terms, even though we have business customers in and around Gatwick that provide... Darllen mwy

  • Neil Zabit

    I would like to know what provisions have been put in for noise pollution as i have a flight route that goes over our house at 5am and 8pm and the noise often wakes me and my children up when the... Darllen mwy

  • Nicolas Cosmos

    The airport is already extremely busy and aircraft using the current runway already have an impact on noise and pollution in the area I live. Further expansion will increasingly impact noise, local... Darllen mwy

  • Olivia MacDonald

    There must be no airport expansion projects. We are in a climate and ecological crisis and encouraging more flying is insane. Aviation fuel must be taxed and rail fares need to be reduced to cut... Darllen mwy

  • Patricia Falconer

    Allowing more planes to fly will not allow us to achieve the target of max 1.5C! Once we are over that temp - Armageddon!

  • Philippa Fricker

    As a pensioner who cares about the environment and feels my view, now that our planet is ‘dying’, should be heard. I am no David Attenborough but surely any airport expansion @ Gatwick is missing the... Darllen mwy

  • Rachel Bramley

    We should be cutting flights not promoting growth of this unsustainable industry at this point in our economic and environmental situation. About 15% of the UK’s climate impact comes from aviation.... Darllen mwy

  • Rachel Cooper

    I have been running holiday accommodation for those looking for a short break in the countryside for many years and have been awarded very high star ratings and receive excellent reviews. The main... Darllen mwy

  • Raymond Keen

    I Object on environmental grounds: Noise; Air Quality; Pollution; Increased Transport/Local Population, the need for additional infrastructure that will damage the already at risk, wildlife and... Darllen mwy

  • Rick Ketley

    The Government is trying to reduce pollution and Residents are already unhappy with the current level of the noise pollution. This will affect the Residents of surrounding towns & villages, especially... Darllen mwy

  • Roberta Warburton

    I totally disagree with this project. As an employer on the Airport there is no need to go ahead with this. The airport can not cope with the operation as it stands as this past summer shows, so to... Darllen mwy

  • Sarah Campbell

    I strongly oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because: We live directly under the flight path with the noise & air pollution from aircraft landing & taking off directly above... Darllen mwy

  • Sarah Chalker

    I feel very strongly that Gatwick's planning application, which would enable over 70% growth in passengers per year and over 35% growth in aircraft movements since 2019, would have a huge adverse... Darllen mwy

  • Sheila Marion White

    The proposed use of the extra runway will lead to more flights to and from Gatwick. More flights are totally against working towards Net Zero and will lead to more noise and pollution. In addition the... Darllen mwy

  • Shirley Homan

    I’m very concerned about the impact of increased traffic if Gatwick start using the northern runway. The noise and pollution will impact both locally.

  • Siew Sook Chin

    No impacts to me as I am an overseas owner but if there's any pollution or hazardous impact to the surrounding environment or residents. I will support the local petition for a greener environment.

  • Steve Sanham

    - The description of the proposed development is (deliberately?) misleading - it states that the proposals are to reopen the ‘existing’ northern runway and then goes on to describe the construction of... Darllen mwy

  • SunExpress Airlines (SunExpress Airlines)

    ? LGW is the key London Airport for touristic offerings ? The growth of SunExpress Airlines is currently limited due to the lack of slot and constrained capacity at LGW ? SunExpress Airlines would... Darllen mwy

  • Susan Woolridge

    Very concerned about noise and pollution across West Kent and areas nearer airport in Surrey. We enjoy a relatively peaceful environment in Sevenoaks but are increasingly aware of late night flights... Darllen mwy

  • Terry Richard Mullender ar ran The Mullender Family (The Mullender Family)

    At peak times, an aircraft passes over our house every 90 seconds with lesser intensity throughout the night. This can only get worse with the operation of a second runway. With increased passenger... Darllen mwy

  • Ulrike Elisabeth Munford

    simultaneous use of 2 runways at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase in aircraft noise and pollution resulting in negative impact on... Darllen mwy

  • Vanessa Henderson

    I disagree with the plan to expand Gatwick’s capacity by utilising the emergency runway, for the following reasons: Noise: I live in Dorking and we are subject to flights coming from Gatwick that are... Darllen mwy

  • Wendy Mackay

    The new runway at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate... Darllen mwy

  • Adele Smith

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – * Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such... Darllen mwy

  • Alfred Raymond Thorn

    Whilst there are benefits to Garwick expansion and a northern runway these are outweighed by the disadvantages of pollution, traffic congestion, lack of infrastructure in the surrounding area and the... Darllen mwy

  • Alison Searle

    I am totally against this expansion. Living in Edenbridge, the flight path is far enough from my house not to produce much aircraft noise even in the summer holiday period. However, I have friends who... Darllen mwy

  • Aly Sherazee

    THe addition may suffice for the next decade or so but then what? A further addition ? Would it not be better to invest now in a site to cope with the growth in an environment which is unlikely in the... Darllen mwy

  • Andrew Major

    I live on the flight path to Gatwick and any increase in air. Traffic would be detrimental to a standard of living.

  • Arthur Phillips

    We already have extreme noise from Gatwick aircraft landing and taking off. To increase this invasion of our quiet enjoyment of the countryside is unacceptable. There is also the serious contribution... Darllen mwy

  • Betchworth Parish Council (Betchworth Parish Council)

    Betchworth Parish Council GATWICK AIRPORT “Relevant representation” INTRODUCTION Betchworth Parish, home to almost 900 residents, is a rural parish situated 7 miles north of Gatwick airport.... Darllen mwy

  • Brett Kilroe

    There are a number of issues I see as problematic with the Gatwick expansion, 1. Additional environmental impact 2. Additional noise impact

  • Bruno Henry

    I strongly believe that the future and development of Gatwick airport is essential to the West Sussex area and neighbour counties who are all currently benefiting economically from the success of the... Darllen mwy

  • Bryony Tyler

    Traffic to / from Gatwick already impacts our village on a daily basis: frequent low flying planes at all times during the day, including late at night, disturbing our sleep. By extending use of a 2nd... Darllen mwy

  • Caroline Clear

    I wish to register my objection to the proposal. The additional noise pollution will cause significant additional nuisance for local communities, has been proven in a decent CAA study of health... Darllen mwy

  • Caroline Sack

    I do not want another runway at Gatwick. The further runway will cause a huge change to the environment. More noise, more pollution for us and for our future generations. The amount of building to... Darllen mwy

  • Cat Chatfield

    This proposed extension is environmentally damaging. We should be finding ways to reduce air travel, not increase it, if we are to become carbon neutral. The runway expansion will also increase road... Darllen mwy

  • Charlotte Parsons

    This will adversely impact the local area sun particularly Hever Castle which is a Grade 1 listed heritage attraction set within a Grade 1 listed park and garden which, in itself, is within the High... Darllen mwy

  • Christopher King

    Too much noise and air pollution.

  • Clive Bray

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – * Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway and as such... Darllen mwy

  • David Michael Flagg

    As an Edenbridge resident living close to the river vallay, I experience the regular succession of planes often using the flight path towards Gatwick, sometimes at very low levels. Covid was a magical... Darllen mwy

  • David Sack

    increased local noise and air pollution. infrastructure unable to cope more housing needed to accommodate airport workers.

  • Dean Beadron

    I am hopeful that the new runway is in full action and they start doing flights to china from Gatwick Airport and I am more interested in the tourism benefits the Uk will gain in having this new... Darllen mwy

  • Derek Brian Robinson

    Dear Sirs, Response to Gatwick Airport Limited’s Northern Runway Proposal Expansion Plans I refer to Gatwick Airport Limited’s (Gatwick) Northern Runway Proposal expansion plans and would comment:... Darllen mwy

  • Diana Margaret Williams

    Traffic and aircraft noise and pollution levels have increased considerably over the last 20 years - aircraft noise at times making conversation impossible, 12 miles from the airport! The proposed... Darllen mwy

  • Edward Cookson

    Main issues Global warming Air pollution Loss of biodiversity Noise

  • Edward Forrest Brown

    More aircraft dropping aviation fuel and exhaust fumes over an area of special scientific interest hurts the environment, as well as the noise impact, on a unique part of the UK, the Ashdown Forest.

  • Elaine Barnett

    I totally object to the expansion of Gatwick Airport, by using the emergency runway to make a second runway. In recent years the noise has intensified and no doubt the pollution. This will double the... Darllen mwy

  • Fiona Dent

    I object to the expansion as this will have a detrimental impact on the local residents , environment, wildlife and my health.

  • Flora Nedelcu

    I have lived in my village for 50 years, having grown up here. The noise pollution from Gatwick, including very late and very early, has grown to almost unbearable levels - any more and it will be... Darllen mwy

  • Frederick Batt

    (Redacted), is a listed building and is below the present flightpath to and from Gatwick Airport. Over the last ten years the noise and vibrations from aircraft has increased tremendously mainly due... Darllen mwy

  • Gerald McEwen

    Air traffic over our town is already too frequent and too loud, another runway would make being outside unbearable

  • Graham Markwick

    I live under the flight paths of incoming and departing aircraft. I believe that additional flights will have a seriously damaging impact on the global warming of the planet. It will benefit nobody if... Darllen mwy

  • ITDS Mailroom (ITDS Mailroom)

    The Northern Runway already exists so bringing it into scheduled operations gives massive benefits with the minimum need for development making it good for the environment and the areas economy. The... Darllen mwy

  • Janice Roach

    I object to any increase to flights at Gatwick Airport. There has been a considerable increase in flights especially night flights. Having lived in this area for over 30 years I have grave concerns... Darllen mwy

  • Jennifer Donegan

    The aircraft noise is currently extremely bad, starting early in the morning, all day and going on late in the evening. It is a massive blight in our area of outstanding natural beauty and green belt.... Darllen mwy

  • Johanna Dawe

    More Air pollution over already busy flight paths Noise Congestion of roads in the surrounding smaller communities Not sure the local communities will benefit economically

  • Karen Long

    I wish to object to this proposed project on the grounds of the wider environment impact and the increased noise level in the locality. The continual hum of aircraft, where once there was NONE, has... Darllen mwy

  • Linda Lau ar ran Kevin Lau (Kevin Lau)

    Main concerns: Increased volume of traffic generated by the airport. Environmental issue relating to noises and air pollutions that directly impact our health and well-beings.

  • Laura Murray

    I believe the expansion to a 2nd runway would not only benefit the local community with job opportunities, but the wider communities for tourism and possibly freight options to the airport.

  • Linda Lau

    There have been a further increased level of noises and air pollutions since the beginning of 2023. I hear plans flying at nights up to 11:30 pm. I smell fuel when I was in the back garden. We can no... Darllen mwy

  • Mark Evans

    I am writing to express my strong objections to the proposed Northern runway at Gatwick Airport. My reasons are summarised as follows: 1. Noise Impact on Quality of Life: The disturbing noise from... Darllen mwy

  • Mark Hiller

    Within Edenbridge there are extensive plans to increase the number of houses in the Local plan. At present the landing flight path frequenty strays close to Edenbridge creatring a noise nuisance.... Darllen mwy

  • Martin Robert Glover

    My issue is with an extra runway. The noise level will increase and impact on our wildlife. I feel the current level of noise is perfect. I am concerned that birds will be affected by the extra level... Darllen mwy

  • Mr Robert J Thomas

    I am very concerned that the use of two runways at Gatwick Airport will, over a period of time result in considerably more flights at times that I would consider anti-social. By this I mean flights... Darllen mwy

  • Nicholas Charles Worth

    I live in a property that is one of the closest to the eastern end of the runway at Gatwick. My first concern is does Gatwick need a second runway? Surely taking into consideration the current climate... Darllen mwy

  • Penelope Jane Gibson

    Opposition to the extra runway at Gatwick due to increased pollution and noise pollution from the increased aeroplanes and increased pollution, noise pollution, waste, transport from increased... Darllen mwy

  • Philip Newstead

    Gatwick Airport's proposal to bring their northern runway into regular use would, in effect, be creating a second runway at the airport. Such an expansion would greatly increase the volume of... Darllen mwy

  • Plane Wrong (Plane Wrong)

    Plane Wrong INTRODUCTION Plane Wrong is a community noise group, formed in 2013 in response to the noise impact caused when Gatwick introduced performance-based navigation departure routes. Our around... Darllen mwy

  • Rachel Richards

    I am deeply disturbed by the considered use of a second runway.

  • Roderick Smith

    Local residents already put up with considerable amounts of excessive noise from aircraft passing overhead, despite supposed measures to mitigate such noise. They are already not being implemented and... Darllen mwy

  • Shaun Heffernan

    The increase in flights will have an adverse impact on the environment. Noise and pollution will be highly detrimental to the area.

  • Susan Elfrida Oldfield

    It has been most noticeable that aircraft now fly directly over our house and garden, whether on incoming or outgoing flights. On occasions incoming flights are remarkably low-flying and noticeably... Darllen mwy

  • Terri Martin

    Our previously peaceful daily lives and sleep in Tunbridge Wells are already blighted by the noisy low flying and other aggressive practices instituted by Gatwick airport, as are those in historic... Darllen mwy

  • Therese Wilson

    The airport is already unable to employ sufficient staff and there is in sufficient evidence to suggest that a massive increase in air travel is required. There is already massive lack of... Darllen mwy

  • Thomas Gillhespy

    There are very few peaceful places remaining in the South East and increasing the number of flights over the region will cause even more noise. We can't expand flights and curb carbon emissions as... Darllen mwy

  • Thomas Terrell Greenway

    I object to Gatwick Airport’s proposed scheme to develop the existing emergency runway into a fully operational second runway with associated changes and extensions to the current flight conditions,... Darllen mwy

  • Tim Hill

    An extra runaway at Gatwick airport would substantially increase the number of air traffic movements over the TN8 postcode area and surrounding villages, leading to noise pollution. No jobs would be... Darllen mwy

  • Tunbridge Wells Liberal Democrats (Tunbridge Wells Liberal Democrats)

    The Tunbridge Wells Liberal Democrats oppose the expansion of Gatwick airport on the following grounds; Climate change and air pollution. Expansion on the scale proposed would increase very... Darllen mwy

  • Valerie Parker

    Too many planes fly over now. Far too much noise AND pollution

  • Alan Hustings

    The noise impacts of the proposal across a wide area of Surrey and Sussex have not been properly assessed. At present, aircraft taking off to the west frequently cross into the Surrey Hills AONB as... Darllen mwy

  • Alison Maitland

    I am concerned about a number of issues relating to this planning application. As a local resident, the huge increase in traffic would be unwelcome. The increased noise level from both road and air... Darllen mwy

  • Benoit Camille Marie C Segers

    main issue: increase the Gatwick Airport traffic

  • Brockham Parish Council (Brockham Parish Council)

    Brockham is a civil parish in the Mole Valley District of Surrey.The community is intersected north-south with a main road leading from the A25 towards the south and Gatwick Airport. The River Mole... Darllen mwy

  • Chichester and Arun Green Party (Chichester and Arun Green Party)

    We object to this proposal because it will contribute to climate change. We need to reduce the emissions from aviation now. The CCC states that there is no need to expand any airports nd that we need... Darllen mwy

  • Christine Penelope Smith

    I would object strongly to any expansion of the airport on several grounds: 1. Air Quality - by doubling the size of the airport and at least doubling the amount of aircraft flying in and out of the... Darllen mwy

  • Dominique Webber

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick and the building of the Northern Runway. The Gatwick aeroplanes already come over my house and garden. The noise they make causes me(Redacted) and irritation. I... Darllen mwy

  • Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign (Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign)

    GACC, founded in 1968, is the principal environmental body concerned with Gatwick. In addition to individuals, our membership includes parish councils, residents associations and local environmental... Darllen mwy

  • Hazel Bell

    I strongly appose a second runway at Gatwick Airport. This will be built very close to where people live and the pollution and noise will increase tremendously. Crawley Borough Council have apposed... Darllen mwy

  • Jonathan Wade

    Main issues to be considered: The Gatwick second runway should not go ahead when the Davies review concluded that a single additional runway was required in the South-East and that runway should be... Darllen mwy

  • Kieran Coles

    I support the growth of gatwick airport with north runway operations. Gatwick provides a key employment hub locally and nationally, keeps communities connected as well as taking pressure off of... Darllen mwy

  • Kirsten Hudson

    I live in (Redacted) and my home is overflown by planes flying to and from Gatwick. (Redacted)is an area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The frequency and noise generated by flights to and from Gatwick... Darllen mwy

  • Marijke Ballard

    Heathrow had been chosen for an additional runway, to now lobby for a second runway at Gatwick, does this not make the case for massive consultation/process/decisions futile? The level of noise will... Darllen mwy

  • Mark James Larroucau

    I see no great benefit other than to EasyJet and it’s shareholders, I believe this is a fair and reasonable comment

  • Martin Neve

    1 Overestimation of passenger numbers in the future particularly if competing airports are developed 2. Infrastructure not convenient for increased numbers. Eg compare rail connection with Stansted 3... Darllen mwy

  • Mary Hustings

    Significant increase in noise and air pollution: Gatwick expansion on such a huge scale would have a material adverse impact on the health, lives and mental wellbeing of those living near the airport... Darllen mwy

  • Michael Champion

    My main concerns regarding the plans to increase annual flights by more than a third (100,000 flights increase) at Gatwick: -CO2 emissions- massive increase in emissions from the flights, airport and... Darllen mwy