
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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  • Linda Mason

    NOISE - increase from 286,000 flights to385,000. This will involve daytime and night flights which will disturb our day to day life at home and disturb our sleep which is already happening and will be... Read more

  • Lynne Watson

    I would like to object to the proposal put forward by Gatwick Airport for a new northern runway. Gatwick operates as a 24 hour airport and we already have disturbed nights and days without an increase... Read more

  • Mark McCord

    The airport has already had its application for a second runway rejected and this proposal strikes me as an attempt to run roughshod over the democratic process. Airport expansions create few new... Read more

  • Matthew Payne

    1) This is an application for a new runway in disguise which does not comply with policy, ie Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can operate concurrently today as... Read more

  • Mrs Margaret Billinghurst

    Please see attached.

  • Mrs Robin Joanna Temple

    I own 21 acres of land under the flight path on Partridge Lane. This area is agricultural land and we have developed a wildlife reserve on this land in order to not only protect the land itself but... Read more

  • Nicholas Bargeton

    The additional runway is not in keeping with uk climate change plan. It will increase air pollution and noise pollution. Converting Gatwick emergency runway into a second runway is not acceptable This... Read more

  • Nick Bush

    I object to the proposals on grounds of; Increased noise - a massive increase in flights must mean more noise Increased pollution- more jets =more CO2 Increased pollution- more people using the... Read more

  • Richard Henry Marks

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick Airport. We are already affected by significant noise pollution from planes approaching and leaving the runway. Expansion would mean a significant increase, which... Read more

  • Richard Horobin

    I have lived under the Gatwick flight path for over 20 years and in that time the frequency and number of flights has increased greatly. During the summer months we have planes going over our house at... Read more

  • Robert Park

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not... Read more

  • Russell Francis Burchell

    My wife and I live directly on the flight path of Gatwick airport ,in Lingfield. We have been given very little information about the expansion of Gatwick to assess the impact upon our home lives and... Read more

  • SAS Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS Scandinavian Airlines System)

    SAS Scandinavian Airlines supports the development and considers the main impact to be the addition of capacity that would enable new airlines to enter the currently congested airport. This would be... Read more

  • Sheila Chessell

    There is enough noise from planes using gatwick to have a second runway will make it worse for people already having noise from planes

  • Spencer Riley

    Not in line with climate objectives Higher noise and pollution levels

  • Sue Toyer- Bloom

    Concerns to the lives of local people It will not create the 14,000 jobs as it states as the airport is becoming more mechanised but it will create massive car problems with all the extra passengers

  • Surrey Wildlife Trust (Surrey Wildlife Trust)

    Dear Sir/Madam, Re. Northern Runway Project - Application Reference: TR020005. Thank you for this opportunity to make representations on the above notice. This representation is compiled in view of... Read more

  • Susan Bracher

    I do strongly object to this application going ahead - it will not only affect my day to day life dramatically, but it goes against all we are trying to do to reduce harming the environment, and... Read more

  • Suzanne Baker

    We know the new runway at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate... Read more

  • Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. (Swiss International Air Lines Ltd.)

    As a Network Planner at SWISS I support the development plans at London Gatwick, as it would allow additional capacity to be released, enabling airlines to further develop their operations to this... Read more

  • The Coal Authority (The Coal Authority)

    The Coal Authority is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero. As a statutory consultee, the Coal Authority has a duty to respond to planning... Read more

  • Adrian John Mundin on behalf of The Mundin Family (The Mundin Family)

    The substantial increase in air traffic, consequent congestion on local roads, overloading of public transport and other infrastructure will fundamentally change the nature of an already busy rural... Read more

  • Jennifer Turley on behalf of The Turley Family (The Turley Family)

    Our quality of life is already affected, continuous noise from low flying planes every 60 seconds is not healthy way to live. Struggling at the moment let alone a new runway that increases the number... Read more

  • Trudy Weaver

    Increase in air traffic over the area and our house in particular. More pollution from aviation fuel often discharged prior to landing. Excessive noise level increase from low flying aircraft... Read more

  • Viviane Doussy

    I wish to register my OBJECTION against this Gatwick Airport proposal for a new runway. Air travel using fossil fuels needs to be phased out as soon as possible, not expanded to accommodate any... Read more

  • Wendy Lockwood

    I strongly oppose the plans for a new runway at Gatwick Airport. I live in a rural village close by and my sleep is already regularly disturbed by aircraft noise. I am anxious that flights will... Read more

  • Adrian Morris

    Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project The Climate Change Committee (CCC), are clear that further airport expansion is currently incompatible with the UK’s Net Zero targets Among their key messages... Read more

  • Amanda Wells

    Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project The reasons why the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Application should NOT be permitted include all of the following points below, and related matters. I oppose... Read more

  • Ann Stacey

    A second runway could increase air traffic over Lingfield especially at busy times of the year. The frequency of aircraft has already increased especially at night and early in the morning when it... Read more

  • Dan McEwan on behalf of Anthony Verbeeten (Anthony Verbeeten)

    I write to object to the proposed use of the Northern Runway at Gatwick Airport. The proposed changes to operations at Gatwick and the resultant increases in noise and air quality emissions will harm... Read more

  • Barry Treen

    Noise pollution. Increased air traffic. Impact on the environment. Later and earlier flights impacting sleep and mental health. We should be emphasing mass transit systems with lower energy costs.... Read more

  • Cheok Siew Heong Evelyn

    I hope that the proposed project will not intrude into my plot so as to affect its value and that whatever benefit/s accruing to me or my plot of land will be disbursed accordingly to me. Tq

  • Clive Bordoli

    Dear PINS I am objecting to the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway. Name: Clive bordoli Address: [Redacted] Phone: [Redacted] Gatwick does not currently have two runways which means... Read more

  • Dormansland Parish Council (Dormansland Parish Council)

    Dormansland Parish Council Gatwick DCO Response Dormansland Parish Council represents a large rural area (27.16km2) of eastern Surrey. It contains largely agricultural, with a significant portion of... Read more

  • Elizabeth Mary Dunckley

    I am concerned about the noise pollution that Gatwick's potential new plans for extra flights over Shipley Parsih Council will have on the area.

  • Elizabeth Terraz

    I am concerned that it would: -increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate emergency we’re facing -create more pressure on the rail and road networks serving the... Read more

  • Fenella Maitland-Smith

    My interest is as a member of the public and a local resident, concerned about the increase in both air and road traffic, and the consequent increases in noise and pollution from both. As well as... Read more

  • Fly Play hf. (d/b/a PLAY) (Fly Play hf. (d/b/a PLAY))

    Fly PLAY hf (d/b/a PLAY) supports London Gatwick's northern runway planning application. The new capacity will enable new entrant airlines to access London Gatwick and provide more competition,... Read more

  • Growing Health Together (Growing Health Together)

    A substantial body of evidence demonstrates a deleterious impact of noise pollution on human health, including heart disease, as referenced in the government's own publication... Read more

  • Harry Woodage

    I strongly reject this proposal

  • Icelandair (Icelandair)

    Icelandair supports the plans of bringing Gatwick airports Northern Runway into routine use and thereby make a better use of the existing airport infrastructure and add resilience to the current... Read more

  • Imogen Oxley

    Unless or until we have truly clean air travel we cannot afford to expand airports. We are in a climate crisis, to do so is complete insanity. It flies in the face of a liveable future for us and many... Read more

  • J P Parker

    My main concern about any proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport is the increased air traffic and consequently noise that this will bring to the surrounding areas and in particular the areas of... Read more

  • Jacqueline Wyatt

    This is an application for a new runway in disguise which does not comply with policy, ie Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can operate concurrently today as such... Read more

  • Jennifer Gale

    I'm concerned that this project will: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate emergency we’re facing create more pressure on the rail and road networks serving... Read more

  • John Clive Isherwood

    The proposed enlargement of Gatwick runways system SHOULD NOT proceed for the following reasons: 1. The quality of life and health of tens of thousands of local and regional residents will be... Read more

  • Katharine Sarah Beecraft

    I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • Government Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway... Read more

  • Khu Bee Lan

    I hope the project will run smooth

  • Lim Lay Hoong

    Hope the project will run smooth

  • Lingfield Parish Council (Lingfield Parish Council)

    Lingfield Parish Council Gatwick DCO Response Lingfield Parish Council represents a rural village surrounded by agricultural countryside, with a population of about 4,700 (2021 Census) and covering... Read more

  • Lorraine Roffey

    The application is misleading as the emergency runway cannot be used a a second runway. Another runway would have to be built. There would be an increase in pollution, noise and congestion on road and... Read more

  • Madeline Gillespie

    Worried about night flights as Gatwick has no curfew. Planes come over our house at 4000ft. Too noisy.

  • Mary Beale

    I am objecting to this proposal on the grounds of noise (we already suffer here quite severely from aircraft noise), of atmospheric and environmental pollution, of the increase in global warming to... Read more

  • Maureen Rose Stapley

    The increased environmental impact is unjustified just to provide interested financial parties with more profits. At a time where ULEZ has been introduced to reduce polluting emissions, to then... Read more

  • Mrs Nicole Stringer

    OBJECTION to Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Expansion: The noise levels over our house has increased drastically over the last few years, any further increased air traffic would be intolerable. It is... Read more

  • Nouvelair (Nouvelair)

    We would like to espress our full support for this project. This project will provide additional capacity by increasing the number of air traffic movements. This will facilitate the process of... Read more

  • Peter Kevin Stacey

    The increase in air traffic over Lingfield

  • Philippa Carte

    · Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it... Read more

  • Rosemary Furley

    I believe expanding Gatwick Airport by expanding the northern runway will be detrimental to the environment both by increasing the levels of CO2, in the atmosphere and causing considerable disruption... Read more

  • Sarah Hartley

    Infrastructure development should be focusing on low carbon investment. There are ample regional airports that have already been extended (Southampton) and a well organised model of which airports are... Read more

  • Sharon Campbell

    The number of passengers will go from 45 million to 90 million - larger than Heathrow. Gatwick is surrounded by villages and countryside of outstanding beauty without the roads and infrastructure to... Read more

  • Susan Willman

    Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not comply with policy, Government’s Aviation Strategy. Gatwick does not have 2 runways that it can... Read more

  • Sven Carlson Limited (Sven Carlson Limited)

    We work with a number of Airlines, mostly overseas based, who wish to enter or expand their operations to Gatwick but due to the limitations in slots and the control of existing slots by the incumbent... Read more


    I, Tay Bee Lian (Singapore) is fine with the proposed project (Redacted)

  • Terence Ward

    I lived in Ockley Surrey for many years and feel that the flight path is already far to busy and there is no relief from the constant noise and pollution coursed by incoming and outgoing flights. I do... Read more

  • Abigail Fry

    I am very concerned that opening the Northern runway for routine flights at Gatwick airport will impact on the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions. Why when we’re trying to move away from polluting... Read more

  • Adam Nixon

    Crawley as a whole is ever expanding. Infrastructure around the town is already suffering from new build housing. Higher passenger demand will increase congestion on roads and in the town centre.... Read more

  • Adrian Stone

    We need a second runway as it will take pressure off Heathrow and Gatwick has all the infrastructure (roads, rail) already in place. It is easy to get to from anywhere in the South East and by train... Read more

  • Alan Gillespie

    Constance planes coming over, noice. Flight coming in throughout the night disturbing my sleep. Pollution

  • Alan Harvey

    I like planes. I support this development.

  • Alan Humphrey Hender Bate

    I have no issue with the expansion plans at Gatwick, as long as any expansion does not increase the footprint of the airport.

  • Alastair Reading

    My main concerns are about the environmental impacts of this project during an unprecedented period of global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels

  • Alexandra Holloway

    I am strongly against the proposed use of the Gatwick emergency runway as a main runway for routine flights. Since flights have increased back up to pre-Covid levels the amount of noise from aircraft... Read more

  • Alice Rosemary Tyrrell

    You are thinking of expansion of jobs and airoplanes. I am thinking about if you want to expand by 14000 jobs then there will be added extra demand of about 7000 new homes over and above the present... Read more

  • Alison Hollinshead

    As a Horley resident I strongly object to the proposed expansion of Gatwick. I am concerned on so many levels. To name just a few the expansion will increase the local area pollution and carbon... Read more

  • Allison Royds-Jones

    I have lived in this area for most of my 67 years. Many of my family live in the area too. I am used to the airport and use the airport for holidays but I am wholly against expansion for the following... Read more

  • Amanda Robinson

    I believe having a 2nd runway can only do good for the area….

  • Andrew Lock

    Having lived near a flight path for the past 23 years I have experienced a considerable growth in air traffic, the noise from which is amplified by the low level of background noise in this rural. The... Read more

  • Andrew Maynard

    I believe this should be supported. LGW has the best rail connections particularly compared LHR. The current congestion on the single runway causes aircraft to hold, engines idling, unnecessarily... Read more

  • Andrew Speirs

    I believe that an additional runway at Gatwick will severly increase the level of airplane noise pollution in the area. This is already significant, and continues very late into the night and early in... Read more

  • Andy Coates

    Unacceptable additional noise and environmental damage, I already live under one of the approach flightpaths into Gatwick and during the summer months in particular my sleep is regularly and severely... Read more

  • Andy Peel

    Already I am occasionally woken by aircraft noise. I am concerned this noise disturbance will worsen.

  • Angela Tyson-Davies

    Increase in noise Increase in pollution Local flooding Increased infrastructure Increase of traffic

  • Anne Arthur

    I am in support of the proposed changes at Gatwick Airport. If extended use of the current runways is permitted it will bring in increased numbers for tourist revenue and an increase in employment... Read more

  • Anthony Peter Collins

    The world cannot afford more emissions from aviation. I oppose this expansion.

  • Antony Flood

    The opening of the emergency runway will only increase the number of plans overhead Congest the local roads which are struggling already Unless the whole local infrastructure of roads house and proper... Read more

  • Antony Fulford-Smith

    I believe despite some environmental concerns that I understand because planes are be coming cleaner and quieter the economic benefits to the local and regional economy make the proposed use of a... Read more

  • Arthur Perry

    Aircraft noise Early morning and late evening noise Road congestion Pollution

  • Barry Cullen

    This project will make a huge difference to the area, creating jobs and opportunities for the further development of the local economy.

  • Benjamin Hill

    It’s a great idea to expand the airport creating more jobs for the area.

  • Bente Elisabeth Lovell

    I live under the Gatwick flightpath, so any expansion at Gatwick is of huge interest. I remain to be convinced of why we need greater air traffic capacity in the south east, especially to the south of... Read more

  • Brad Falshaw

    With the proposed number of jobs and the need for more investment in the Gatwick surrounding areas, it would be a shame to see it turned down

  • Brian John Lovell

    Living under what is very often Gatwick's flight path, with the noise of relatively low-flying airliners to contend with, I am acutely interested in any plans Gatwick might have to increase traffic in... Read more

  • Caroline Bateman

    I am a resident of Redhill, just 6.7 miles north of Gatwick airport, and am strongly opposed to the conversion of the emergency runway to a second runway with all the concomitant infrastructure -... Read more

  • Catherine Kirkpatrick

    I do not support the application of a second runway at Gatwick. The current amount of air traffic is already too high over a very narrow path into Gatwick. A second runway will only make the noise... Read more

  • Chang Xu

    We are delighted at this news as we would have to travel less as Gatwick much closer than Heathrow. Another runway would also mean a lot less time spent on taxiways, less delays and a wider option of... Read more

  • Chris Fenn

    Rather than allowing more environmentally damaging fossil fuel burning noisy planes over built up areas at an already busy airport the government should look at options in less busy areas/“level up”... Read more

  • Chris Hinchey

    Additional aircraft movements will impact on the peaceful nature of the AONB to the south of Gatwick. Due consideration needs to be given to the impact of flights, their airways and SID/STAR routings... Read more

  • Chris Leyland

    I would like to object for the following reasons: - Climate emergency and air quality around Gatwick - Noise. From all of the documentation produced by Gatwick it is still completely unclear what the... Read more

  • Chris Nutton

    Strongly support the project as it will increase jobs and enable greater economic growth in the region.