
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1001 to 1100 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Luke Oliver Thomas Graham

    For a country where land is very scarce and whose food production and self-sufficiency is already very perilous, it is a complete falsehood to assert that a good use of agricultural and natural... Read more

  • Margaret Hewerdine

    I am very concerned about the loss of productive and vital farmland, the loss of and impact on wildlife habitats, and the impact on our local rural environment which we value, appreciate and enjoy on... Read more

  • Mark Anderson

    This is the most beautiful town in England as noted by may organisations. Placing a solar farm so close is going to detract from its beauty. This is not going to impact myself as I live on the other... Read more

  • Stephen Anthony Hill on behalf of Mary Colleen Hill (Mary Colleen Hill)

    Size of development is too much for the smallest county in UK. Human Rights abuses in the supply chains are well documented. Loss of agricultural land at a time when we need to be self sufficient in... Read more

  • Maureen Edna Plant

    I am married to a farmer, who is now retired. We moved to our Grade II listed house in 1970. Both house and farmland are situated on the southern tip of the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm. My main... Read more

  • Michael Broome

    Winded Energy not being financially fit and proper to fulfil this project. The energy generation estimations likely to be inaccurate to the extent that the project’s returns will be unviable... Read more

  • Mrs Angelina M Ford-Hunt

    This land should not be covered in Solar panels. It should be used for the food we need in the local area. In my view solar panels should be used on all new properties built and on all commercial... Read more

  • Mrs Pamela Kirby

    The overall size of this scheme is excessive compared to others in the county of Lincolnshire. The scheme will be removing productive agricultural land from the economy, potentially affected UK food... Read more

  • National Gas Transmission Plc (National Gas Transmission Plc)

    Relevant Representation of National Gas Transmission Plc in respect of the Mallard Pass Solar Project DCO (the “Project”) This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National Gas... Read more

  • National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc (National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc)

    Relevant Representation of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc in respect of the Mallard Pass Solar Project DCO (the “Project”) This relevant representation is submitted on behalf of National... Read more

  • Nicholas Anthony Parker

    I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms, to the plans to build the enormous, so-called Mallard Pass solar farm on the wonderful countryside at Essendine and surrounding villages in... Read more

  • Nick Robins

    I am against the size of this. I agreed solar is needed but not as vast an area as this.

  • Nina Gookey

    The use of good agricultural land. The lack of transparency regarding Compulsory Acquisition of local land. Negative efforts on our flora and fauna. The long term effects on the local and wider... Read more

  • Oliver Johnson

    -It is an eye sore to the landscape -Takes up valuable arable land that can be otherwise used to grow food and with food prices soaring, this doesn't seem sensible.

  • Patricia Ann Martin

    Amongst many other issues connected with this proposed Solar Farm development, I am deeply concerned not only with regard to its location but also to the size and scale of the project at Mallard Pass.

  • Patricia Burfield

    Farm Land should not be used for Solar Farms Compulsory Acquisition should not be allowed It is too big at 2000 acres The whole thing is not in keeping with the area or the existing surroundings The... Read more

  • Penny D’Anna

    I am fully in favour of solar & wind projects for renewable energy. It is really important for our future. But this development is far too big for our local area. It will dominate a huge part of our... Read more

  • Penny Robins

    I think this is far too big a project for the area. I am not against it I am just against the sheer size of it and the blot on the landscape.


    I object because it is too close to houses, too bigger area, could potentially affect the value of my property

  • Philip Wilkinson

    This project will have drastic implications with loss of habitat for wildlife . Valuable agricultural land will be lost. There are so many issues with this absurd plan which will devastate such... Read more

  • Rachael Twinley

    Big loss of farmland when we are in a food crisis being dependent on other countries who are not sending to the UK. Losing all this farmland is not a good idea!! Put solar panels on the roof of... Read more

  • Rachel Burt

    food security crisis The UK is facing a food security crisis of a scale never seen before as a result of the Ukraine conflict affecting food imports and hikes in energy prices, climate change impacts... Read more

  • Rachel Cardall

    I am concerned by the size of the proposed operation not the operation per se . I don't think enough consideration has been given to the construction implications for local residents and road users... Read more

  • Ralph Bradley

    Regarding Mallard Park Solar Farm. It seems a pretty ineffective use of agricultural land that the area covered by this solar farm would be an additional 30 to 50% of the area that the 92,000... Read more

  • Richard Anthony Rodriguez

    The main issues I have with the current proposal are: (1) A material increase of flood risk to Greatford (2) The scale of the proposal will have a material impact on the local habitat and wildlife (3)... Read more

  • Richard Coleman

    The loss of agricultural land for a project of this scale is verging on obscene and I am unconvinced that the developer will ever realistically be capable of returning this land to its full capacity... Read more

  • Richard Griffin

    I am responding as a "sensitive receptor." I run a very successful hospitality business based on tourism to Stamford and the surrounding area. I have major concerns on the impact this proposed... Read more

  • Richard Ludlow

    I oppose the Mallard Pass Development and have the following concerns: 1. Size of Development The proposal would be the largest solar farm (in the smallest county) in the UK therefore full... Read more

  • Rosemary krezwell

    I have lived in Essendine most of my life having returned 9 years ago and I returned because I love this village with its unspoilt beauty ! Therefore the fact that this monstrosity solar farm may ruin... Read more

  • Sarah Babbs

    I am concerned about 1. Impact on agricultural land required for crop growth especially in current times when we are unable to import crops from abroad (tomatoes etc.). The need for wheat growth etc... Read more

  • Sarah Cooper-Smith

    I believe this will have a detrimental effect on the local landscape and community. I am not against green energy but I think these would be better placed on roof tops, sides of motorways and other... Read more

  • Sarah Jane Rodriguez

    The main issues I have with the current proposal are: (1) A material increase of flood risk to Greatford which seems to have been totally disregarded by Mallard Pass (2) The scale of the proposal will... Read more

  • Sharon Hurford

    The proposed solar farm is too large - there will be considerable impact on wildlife. The land is needed for food production. Solar panels can and should be on roofs/car parks/dis-used airbases etc.... Read more

  • Simon Christian Owens

    I believe such a large scale solar farm built upon good quality agricultural land to be short sited when taking into consideration the problems of global food supply and an ever increasing population.... Read more

  • South Kesteven District Council (South Kesteven District Council)

    Comments exceed 500 words and will be sent by PDF, as requested.

  • Stephen Anthony Hill

    Size of development is too much for the smallest county in UK. Human Rights abuses in the supply chains are well documented. Loss of agricultural land at a time when we need to be self sufficient in... Read more

  • Stephen G Smith

    Hi I write to formally object to the planned Mallard solar farm on the following grounds 1. The sheer industrial scale. 2,175 acres (although now proposed to be reduced) is far to excessive for this... Read more

  • Steven Richards

    I'm worried about the impact of a huge solar farm on the community. Habitat loss for wildlife and decline in plant diversity, affecting the food chain. I'm also concerned about the impact on local... Read more

  • Stuart Taylor

    My objections to the Mallard Pass proposal are as follows: Sheer scale, it’s too big. Site size of 2238 acres - 8 times larger than the current largest solar farm in the UK. There has already been... Read more

  • Susan Elizabeth Watson

    Agricultural land should be protected. Approx 500 new properties currently being built in Stamford with another 2000 being planned. Why aren’t solar panels being fixed to them? A short term solution... Read more

  • Susan Jane Philby

    The main issues are a Chinese company involved whose business acumen is questionable. The area is a lovely part of the English countryside. Arable farmland which is needed with many questions about... Read more

  • Susan l Flint

    Main Concerns The size of the project in a rural location. Coupled with smaller proposals being proposed in Rutland, the whole area is going to be overrun with solar farms. The destruction of good... Read more

  • Richard Griffin on behalf of Sylvia Mary Griffin (Sylvia Mary Griffin)

    I (Sylvia Griffin) am what I believe you refer to as a "sensitive receptor" as the proposed development directly abuts the boundary to my property, and I have not been contacted as such by the... Read more

  • Tarquin Taylor

    These are my comments from the last two emails I sent through to my local MP and Mallard pass solar farm, as I have put this project should not go ahead on good farmland. It should only go ahead on... Read more

  • Georgiana Banks on behalf of The Banks Family (The Banks Family )

    Whilst I am well aware that we have to find an alternative to fossil fuels, I do not feel I can support the Mallard Pass scheme. There are a number of reasons why I do not feel that planning should be... Read more

  • Paul Stephen Haynes on behalf of The Haynes Family (The Haynes Family)

    I wholeheartedly object to prime agricultural land being utilised for a solar farm. I also object to the environmental impact this will have on local wildlife, myself, my family and neighbours. This... Read more

  • Martin Henry Richards on behalf of The Richards family

    1. I am concerned about the amount of BMV farm land proposed to be used. I am not averse to solar per se, but believe there are sufficient alternative sites that should be used before considering... Read more

  • Thomas Blenkin

    1. LOSS OF PRODUCTIVE AGRICULTURAL LAND I am concerned about this considerable loss of land and inadequate policies to protect it, particularly in the light of the Russia/Ukraine war and the impact it... Read more

  • Tracey Miles

    I oppose the Mallard Pass Development and have the following concerns: 1. Size of Development The proposal would be the largest solar farm (in the smallest county) in the UK therefore full... Read more

  • Trevor S Vanson

    The visual impact on such a large magnificent and beautiful landscape is unacceptable which has an effect on personal well-being, the local tourist industry and businesses. Food is more important than... Read more

  • Trudy Templeman

    This proposed solar farm is far too large for this village - it should be in a remote area where is will not impact on people, wildlife and fertile growing land. Please reconsider re-locating where... Read more

  • Uffington Parish Council (Uffington Parish Council)

    Uffington Parish Council (UPC) wishes to register as an Interested Party and to submit a Relevant Representation regarding the Mallard Pass Solar Farm application. The Parish Council welcomes the... Read more

  • Vanessa MacKinnon

    The size of the development is far too large and will have a huge visual impact on the area. The construction traffic will bring lots of noise, dust and pollution to the area. The land is better used... Read more

  • Adrian Jennings

    I object to this development due to its size and scale on prime agricultural land and its visual impact in this beautiful area plus loss of the amenity use in this area and the construction works ,... Read more

  • Sarah Forsyth on behalf of Aleksandar Holliday (Aleksandar Holliday)

    I am the nephew of a Ryhall resident, and have many grave concerns about this project, which i have learned about through my friend. Construction issues: * 2 years of noise, light pollution,... Read more

  • Alex Brown

    My concerns are: Impact of 3m solar panels on quality of living in Essendine & surrounding villages. Impact on wildlife over a massive area. Loss of agricultural land: especially when due to... Read more

  • Alexander Walton

    Feel that the proposed project will have an extremely detrimental effect on the village of Essendine and the surrounding area whilst, more importantly, taking a vast area of valuable agricultural land... Read more

  • Alison Jones

    Size and removal of prime land for farming

  • Alison Pickering

    As a resident I strongly object to this application. The vast scale and its location, nestled amongst several ancient villages will cause traffic chaos on already congested lanes. It is planned to be... Read more

  • Amy Edwards

    I’m writing to register my interest in the Mallard Pass Solar Project and oppose it on the grounds of losing valuable farm land and green space in the local area. I drive on part of the proposed route... Read more

  • Amy Fynn

    I object to the size of the development and the negative impact locally on traffic. The consultation process has been abysmal with no engagement with the local community. The documentation is... Read more

  • Andrew Beamish

    Size of Proposal, Actual need and ability to perform: Mallard Pass if passed for Planning would be the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. Full and proper consideration is required to assess the... Read more

  • Andrew Bembridge

    Very simply this is an action that, in future years, will be looked back upon as one of those decisions where the reaction to those responsible will be 'what on earth were they thinking'. The proposal... Read more

  • Andrew Croft

    The proposed solar farm will be less than 50 metres from our garden fence. The visual impact to the East and South will change forever the open views we now have and love. The main reason we chose to... Read more

  • Andrew Czajka

    Totally. Inappropriate in this village setting. It will ruin the community and cause chaos. Not sure the developer even has funding to deliver the project

  • Andrew Ferguson

    1. We are using good farm land, the UK is too dependent on importing food. 2. The origins and finance of the solar company are Chinese, it is of national security not to have our energy controlled by... Read more

  • Andrew William Jones

    Objections to the size of the proposed development its impact on wildlife and the removal of prime agricultural land

  • Angela Espin

    Size of Development which will blight the rural landscape. Loss of Agricultural Land. Loss of Natural Environment. Damage to Biodiversity. Solar Panel Glare. Detrimental effect on local Economy and... Read more

  • Anne Lesley Postles

    A colossal blot on the landscape which could be located in a less scenic and arable area eg disused quarries, land fill sites, disused airfields. It will have a detrimental affect on wildlife and the... Read more

  • Anthony Thomas Peowrie

    The idea of using productive farmland to host solar panels is so ridiculous that I can hardly believe the government is seriously considering it. At the current time, food security is more important... Read more

  • Ben Haines

    I am local resident on the outskirts of the development. I strongly object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm project for the following reasons: - impact on the local community during the construction... Read more

  • Caroline Croxton

    I disagree with this application for the following reasons; Solar farms, and in particular ones built on land as in the proposal, have negative impacts on wildlife in several ways: Habitat loss: The... Read more

  • Charlie Ray Morris

    I object to the proposal as it’s not fit for purpose in this rural landscape . It will ruin the views and lives of the local residents. It is far too large a project for this area. Solar panels should... Read more

  • Charlotte Shek

    Building on BMV land 41% when should only be last resort enormous change to local landscape and on such a large scale with no benefit to the local area Disruption to traffic and local area

  • Cheryl Anne Williams

    I regularly walk in the proposed area of this development with my dog. I appreciate the wildlife, deer, hares and wildfowl which depend on this area as habitat. I am dismayed that this is proposed to... Read more

  • Christopher Tye

    I am against the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Project - the proposal is to be placed in an area of natural beauty and on productive agricultural land. Surely we could use existing brown field sites... Read more

  • Claire Flint

    I feel strongly that farmland should be used for food production. We need food security especially at this time. We must however protect the environment and farm in a sustainable way. We need to use... Read more

  • Corinna J Selby

    It is a waste of green land near to rural villages. Too big for the site and inefficient. Property purchased near the site will be affected by this blot on our landscape. Think about putting panels on... Read more

  • Courtney Wilkinson

    Loss of prime agricultural land. Visual impact over Rutland’s open countryside which is already being rapidly filled and built up with houses. Surely solar panels could be used on the many... Read more

  • David A Selby

    I do not feel that the location, size and environmental impacts have been properly and reasonably considered.

  • David Edward Reeves

    I object to the Mallard Farm project on the grounds of losing valuable agricultural land to electricity generation which can be created elsewhere with less environmental consequences.

  • David Espin

    This is an unessasary use of good agricultural land. The area chosen would be a blot on the landscape of this fine area and would lead to the devaluing of a massive amount of properties over a large... Read more

  • David Fensom

    The sheer unprecedented scale of this proposal is frightening. The local landscape will be changed to an industrial-scape with 530,000 solar panels erected 3.3m high, security fencing, CCTV, solar... Read more

  • David Hunt

    1 The proposal is also defective in that site selection and reasonable alternatives have not been properly considered. Such proper assessment of alternatives is required by the EIA Regulations 2 The... Read more

  • David John Aust

    Waste of farmland suitable for crop production. Damage or destruction of wildlife habitat. Shear size of project and damage caused to landscape . Money better spent on a more productive source of... Read more

  • David Primrose

    Whilst I endorse the need for green energy, other key issues affect our society include food security (greater UK self sufficiency) and the need to conserve and develop natural diversity. This project... Read more

  • David Vaughan Williams

    1. This is an exceedingly environmentally damaging proposal 2. The effort for power generation apart from nuclear fusion should go into domestic generation, e.g. roof panels and window panels, chimney... Read more

  • David Wheeler

    As I nearby resident, I have serious concerns about the vast scale of this development. Not only in the visual impact, but also in environmental impact and loss of habitats. In this region, we need... Read more

  • Debbie Ann Mackinnon

    The site is over 2000 acres, it will change the landscape character of the wider area to one of an industrial-scape. This scheme has no end date, it is classed as 'temporary', but is likely is to go... Read more

  • Denise Chick Holland

    Traffic and environmental issues. Access to our homes and the countryside. This will be ongoing for nearly 40 years. Damage to our roads, loss of natural habitats for our wildlife and fauna.

  • Diana Theaker

    I am against the proposed Mallard Pass Solar being built in countryside and around villages, impacting the lives of local residents for a for profit driven scheme hiding behind green energy. Size of... Read more

  • Diane Scarborough

    This is a blot on the landscape and on crucial farming land. There are other ways to generate renewable energy without using agricultural land which feeds us. We are robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  • Doug jackson

    Intrusive...not been thought through and far too big.

  • Dr Gillian Kerby

    The proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm will have a major impact on residents, wildlife and landscape within and adjacent to the site, particularly through the construction phase when there will be great... Read more

  • Eileen Hilda Couzens

    I wish to object in the strongest terms. The industrialisation of my local countryside will totally change the environment. The impact during construction will destroy normal rural life for an... Read more

  • Elaine Hawkins

    Significant increase in traffic in the area from both HGV vehicles and workers servicing the site during construction. Deterioration to already poor road surfaces during construction. Disruption to... Read more

  • Elaine Robinson

    1. Use of productive agricultural land should be prohibited for development of any kind. Any kind of power generation will be totally unnecessary if we don't have enough food to eat. I appreciate this... Read more

  • Eleanor Johnson

    The proposed plans for this solar farm will affect the following: - It will take up a huge amount of countryside - Animals will loose land to run & live - Ugly appearance in the rural countryside -... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    1.0 The Environment Agency’s Role 1.1 The Environment Agency is an executive non departmental public body, established under the Environment Act 1995. 1.2 We were established to bring together... Read more

  • Fabienne Husbands

    I am opposed to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm for the following reasons: - The site is over 2000 acres, which will change the landscape of the wider area to one of a significantly different place. - The... Read more