
Byers Gill Solar

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 300 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Adele Bayliss

    I feel the sheer size of this project will be detrimental to the area of open countryside outlined for this project. It is ironic that you cannot get planning to build a house in this area to preserve... Read more

  • Betty Kitching

    I Strongly Object To the Byers Gill Solar development on this industrial scale. I am an 87 year old resident of Great Stainton, I move into the village in 1960 marrying a dairy & arable farmer. Moving... Read more

  • David John Jefferis

    England is a densely populated country with ever decreasing open countryside. I am against reducing this space with the installation of large solar farms. I appreciate that solar possibly has a part... Read more

  • Lynda Currie

    The solar development will have a drastic impact in this area which already has neighbouring such developments. It will have impact on residential people adjoining and living close by. It will impact... Read more

  • Mark Andrew Nevison

    For it to be stopped before it begins, the destruction of natural habitats of local wildlife, not to mention the noise pollution that will occur as the building commences.

  • Paul Holmes

    The issues is i dont want the landscape being disrupted as there is too much greenbelt disruption in this area already

  • Sydney Raw

    I Strongly Object To the Industrial Solar development around Great Stainton, Byers Gill. I am a retired farmer, I have lived and worked in the area all of my life, my family now farm in the area you... Read more

  • Emma Crawley

    This site is far too large, it will have a detrimental effect on wildlife and people living and working in the area.

  • Gary Tingle

    This project is on an industrial level it will destroy the local environment of Bishopton and the surrounding villages . The solar industrial site will have a significant impact on the lives and... Read more

  • Jayne Robins

    I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Power Station, the impact of which will be utterly devastating to the lovely conservation village of Bishopton and surrounding villages. The totally... Read more

  • Oliver Lawson

    We are not opposed to the scheme, but we will be one of the most affected by the development at Brafferton and in particular the building phase. The only access to our farm is up the village of... Read more

  • Penny Bence

    I strongly object to the Byers Gil Solar Farm proposal for the following reasons. 1 The use of productive farmland is a very serious concern. Government policy itself states that this should be... Read more

  • Richard Wise

    Totally unacceptable proposal. More mass development on much needed farmland with loss of biodiversity.

  • Sarah Nobbs

    I object to this NSIP proposal by RWE for the solar power plant named Byers Gill. I am a local resident of Great Stainton Village. I am utterly horrified by the proposals and the disregard proposed by... Read more

  • The McKeown Family (The McKeown Family) on behalf of The McKeown Family (The McKeown Family)

    Objection to Part of Panel 'A' Byer's Gill Solar by McKeown Family: Trustees of High House Farm, Brafferton, near Darlington DL1 3LE. Background: Byers Gill Solar Plan includes Panel 'A' Brafferton.... Read more

  • Valentin Roisin

    Hello, I am reaching out to you because I strongly believe that the construction of a solar farm around Great Stainton village is a mistake. The construction of the solar farm would have far-reaching... Read more

  • Barry Hannigan

    This project should not be allowed to go ahead. There are serious consequences for the environment especially to wildlife and local flooding. The loss of agricultural land is not acceptable. Farmers... Read more

  • Henry Doran

    I am strongly opposed to this project I believe it will have a detrimental effect on our he land and crop production over the time of the proposed projects

  • Lynn Harrop

    I strongly oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development due to its inappropriate location and detrimental impact on agricultural sustainability and biodiversity. Despite acknowledging the... Read more

  • Sandra Doran

    I strong disagree with the proposed solar farm because of the devastation it will cause to the area and wildlife

  • Victoria Hannigan

    I am totally opposed to the Byers Gill Solar factory and will submit a full response before 17 May

  • Victoria Wise

    Concern for the extend of the development and its impact on the local rural area. The country needs to be more inventive and think out side of the box on the location of solar. There should be solar... Read more

  • Wayne Peter Dixon

    I oppose this project due to the catastrophic effect it will have on the surrounding areas and villages

  • Ellen Boanson

    I disagree with the solar plant as it will look terrible as I travel past each way instead of green fields all I will see is rows of ugly panels and the roads will be congested and full of pot holes... Read more

  • James Boanson

    I disagree with this as the roads in the area are in really bad condition due to flooding on a weekly basis and all the extra traffic with make them so much worse and impossible to drive on as the... Read more

  • Patricia Husband

    It will loose the beauty countryside

  • Colin Bradley

    It will spoil the skyline

  • Tracey Crang

    It will spoil the skyline view

  • Philip Greenan

    I object to the proposal on the following grounds: As a regular visitor to Bishopton village to take countryside walks and visit the two public houses in the village, I object to the beautiful rural... Read more

  • Sarah Greenan

    I wish to object on the following grounds: As a regular visitor to Bishopton village the replacement of the natural scenery for a field of glass would ruin the views of the village and deter myself... Read more

  • Andrew MacDonald

    I live directly adjacent to the site of the proposed solar ‘farm’ and will be significantly impacted by the sight of development as it will be ever present when I look south; I will be significantly... Read more

  • Catherine Stephenson

    Will look ugly, spoil the environment. No thought for long term. (How to recycle when end of life, the land will not be used for feeding the country for many years to come. )

  • Gemma Kelly

    I object to the proposed plans to install another solar farm in the surrounding areas of Bishopton village as it will completely destroy the natural beauty of the area. I have been looking at moving... Read more

  • Hilary Marsden

    I have no issue with solar power in general however some of the good agricultural land being proposed for the Byers Gill in this rural area near Brafferton is too close to housing and will be clearly... Read more

  • Karl Adamson Ridley (Karl Adamson Ridley) on behalf of Karl Adamson Ridley (Karl Adamson Ridley)

    If the aim is to hit NetZero with CO2 reduction, ‘the science’ is telling us we must reduce our oil and gas consumption. I’m all for alternative forms of energy and progress, but not this way. This... Read more

  • Laura Stephenson-Davies

    I oppose the solar panels farm because there is no consideration for the food supply for future generations. Farmers are being forced to do this to make ends meet rather than making a good living by... Read more

  • Rodney Stephenson

    Good land being spoilt and will not be used for crops to feed the people for many, many years if ever. a blight on the landscape, all for making loads of money in the short term. No thought for future... Read more

  • Hugh Bence

    I strongly object to the Byers Gil Solar Farm proposal. I fully support the use of green energy projects, having invested in woodland, biomass central heating and domestic solar. However, this project... Read more

  • Samantha Pilkington

    I object to the proposed development as it will change the character of the area around Bishopton, where I live. Currently I can take exercise by walking and cycling along country lanes that are lined... Read more

  • Anita Jane Stephens

    The proposed solar farm planning application threatens to alter the landscape and disrupt our way of life irrevocably. As a proud resident of this historic community, I strongly oppose the development... Read more

  • Jacqueline Cooper

    Im objecting to the use of good farmland for large scale solar farming when new houses and other building roof tops can be used.

  • Mrs Ann Taylor

    I most Strongly object to the proposed construction of an industrial sized solar farm, Byers Gill site will encompass the whole of the small rural village of Bishopton. The site will sit on 2000 acres... Read more

  • Paul Rogers

    My concerns are firstly the proximity of the proposed solar farm to housing in Brafferton. I’m sure there are other areas that are further away from dwellings that could be used, as looking at the... Read more

  • Peter Robert Stephens

    As someone who grew up in Great Stainton, the news of a proposed solar farm development strikes a chord of deep concern and sadness. I strongly oppose the proposed solar farm, as it threatens to... Read more

  • Gordon Desmond Roberts

    The impact to the surrounding area in having fields turned into unsightly solar farms and the effect on the environment/ landscape and wildlife.

  • jean hetherington

    the wild life in byers gill and woods near by will be fenced off so there will be no wild life

  • Judith Twentyman

    As a committed environmentalist, working in biodiversity conservation, I am keen supported of environmental stewardship and sustainability, and in this capacity I object most strongly to the proposed... Read more

  • Tim Ellis

    uk needs food not more sometimes work energy more money on wind or solar its adding billions to our bills..gas or nuclear..stop this land grab now..

  • Jacqueline Gregory

    * the land to be used for this scheme is currently productive arable land which will be a loss to the UK food production. Government policy is that large schemes should use lower value land * the... Read more

  • Lucinda Tindale

    I wish to object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm because I do not think that prime agricultural land should be used for solar power projects. The scale will change the character of the area and cause... Read more

  • Martin Swainston

    Too large & in the wrong place

  • Aileen Smith

    I object and am 100% against the Byers Gill Solar development. This is a rural location, taking up valuable agricultural land. If you turn this landscape into industrial land, you are destroying the... Read more

  • Benjamin Thomas Sedgewick

    I object to this application As a third generation farmer here ,I know that most of the land scheduled for development under Byers Gill , despite the grading applied to it by JBM , is highly... Read more

  • Gary Love

    I object to this proposal. My wife and I are regular visitors to the village of Bishopton where we have relatives who have lived there for more than 20 years. The idea of travelling through the... Read more

  • Hannah Elizabeth Sedgewick

    I object to this proposal for many reasons , some are listed below I was brought up in the beautiful conservation village of Bishopton . I cannot believe that the overwhelming proposals of Byers Gill... Read more

  • Lindley Fiona MacMahon

    Bishopton is a conservation area which I have lived in for 56 years. we have lived in 3 houses in the village and now have the privilege to live in a lovely old property with exceptional views over... Read more

  • Louise Watson

    The village of Bishopton is a small conservation area, the scale of this project will surround our village, taking up approximately 2000 acres of arable land, which has been graded as top fertile land... Read more

  • Megan Elizabeth Love

    I object to this proposal because, I was brought up in Bishopton Village & my parents still live there. I frequently visit them with my 2 year old child , to enjoy country walks & visits to the... Read more

  • Mrs Susan Nobbs

    I strongly object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development on the following grounds 1. There is no justifiable reason for putting solar panels on prime agricultural land, food security is... Read more

  • Janet Todd

    I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm development for the following reasons: As a resident of Great Stainton, I am devastated at the size and scale of this development particularly in... Read more

  • Lauryn Hellewell

    The solar farm should be on an industrial setting rather than near people's homes. There is an industrial estate less than a mile from the village and instead of utilising that, green spaces are being... Read more

  • Susan Bell

    I am a resident of Great Stainton, a rural village that is in the centre of this proposed development and am very worried about several issues that it brings to me, my family, local residents, the... Read more

  • Carol Smith

    My objection to the Byers Gill Solar Development I am very concerned that the proposed Byers Gill Solar Development is an ill thought through idea that does not take into account all environmental,... Read more

  • Peter Graham Latham

    I wish to comment about the proposed buiding of the solar panel 'farm' around the area of my address and surrounding area. I object on the following grounds: 1) The extent of the buid i. the scale is... Read more

  • Sarah Kitching

    I am writing to express my objection to the construction of the Byers Gill solar farm. As a farmer's daughter, I am passionate about protecting the agricultural land, landscape and wildlife which my... Read more

  • Anya Thornton

    Don’t agree with this being built. A friends farm will be effected

  • Ashley Clack

    Concern at the effect this will have on valuable land, total eyesore in addition.

  • Erin Thornton

    Affecting someone’s property by putting these solar panels down

  • James Padden

    I am writing to express my objection to the construction of the solar farm. The construction of the solar farm would: disrupt wildlife and their natural habitats, impact the visual appearance of the... Read more

  • Janice Mason

    Taking away farming land is going to have a massive impact on British produce, increasing prices on local produce and leaving us to purchase imported goods that are not regulated in the same strict... Read more

  • Katherine Euphemia Fabi

    Land taken out that provides food production they are making no more land. You say we have no floods in and around Bishopton this year we have had more flooding and solar panels will make it worse... Read more

  • Scott Purvis

    We should retain all agricultural land as possible and this proposed development will have a significant negitive impact on the environment. As an alternative the roof of factory buildings should be... Read more

  • Barry Tinkler

    I want to register my objections to the Byers Gill Solar Farm Project The size of the project is outrageous as including other local projects nearly 2000 acres will be covered by solar panels... Read more

  • Brian Schneider

    I am opposed to Byers Gill Solar Farm because even though I know we need new greener energy I think brown field and industrial spaces would be a better place to put solar panels not farmland that up... Read more

  • Christine Tinkler

    I totally object to the size of this project the inefficiency of solar farms and their high carbon foot print the proximity to the local communities The use of good viable farm land that should be... Read more

  • Darren Arnold

    I strongly oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development due to its detrimental impact on the daily lives of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge, Great... Read more

  • Deborah Kay Latham

    As someone who is very concerned about the enviroment, I am deeply concerned about the loss of such a large area of agricultural land. The impact this will have on the surrounding area is far reaching... Read more

  • John Burridge

    I most strongly object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development on the following grounds, but not in order of priority: 1. The displacement and habitat loss of large numbers of wildd animals of... Read more

  • Louise Macphail

    I am registering my objection to the proposed Byers Gill Solar Development. I used to live in Bishopton and have recently considered moving back to the village with my husband and children. However,... Read more

  • Luke Swainston

    I am opposed to planned Solar power station due the amount of traffic already on the road passing the village (which is also a vital route for emergency vehicles) already being far too high for a road... Read more

  • Mark A Smith

    I wish to formally register my interest in this solar power generation scheme to oppose and object to it on the following grounds. I will expand in detail on these comments during the examination... Read more

  • Michael Johnson

    I am against this solar farm as when I drive around the area I see there are already a lot of others in the same area either completed or in the process of being built and I feel that there will be... Read more

  • Paul Purves

    I am totally against this project I like to get on out and enjoy the surrounding countryside outside Darlington in my free time and this will make the area into an industrial landscape that no one can... Read more

  • Rebecca Le Besque

    I strongly oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development due to its detrimental impact on the daily lives of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge, Great... Read more

  • Richard Fenwick

    I do not think the area is suitable for a solar farm of this size it will completely cover the area between Darlington and Stockton and ruin the landscape and drive out all the wildlife in the area... Read more

  • andrea turnbull

    I object to solar panels being placed on this land. We do want to see more solar, which is one of the cheapest forms of energy, but, on brownfield sites, rooftops and away from our best agricultural... Read more

  • Andrew Gibson

    This is a truest exceptional proposal. Some of the changes already made have improved the scheme and I feel on balance this scheme is much needed

  • Anna Christina Stephens

    As a concerned advocate for environmental conservation, I strongly oppose the proposed solar farm development. While I recognize the importance of renewable energy, the potential ecological effects of... Read more

  • Cheryl Moore

    I object to this proposal for a solar farm due to the impact on the village, environment and loss of good agricultural land. I regularly stay with friends who live in the village and felt compelled to... Read more

  • Dale Jefferies

    This is going to affect the value of our homes, it’s an eye sore! I bought my property for the view, I do not want to look at solar panels as far as the eye can see! The traffic will also be effected.

  • Denise Vassilounis

    My objection is based on the impact on the village. We stay here regularly with friends. Also the detrimental effect on the environment and the loss of agricultural land.

  • Edward P Kingsley

    The project is too large and will have a negative impact on local communities. Also didn’t the prime minister say no to new green field solar sites on farm land?

  • Emma Wall

    I am strongly against this solar farm. At a time when food security is very important to us as a country we giving over good agricultural land. Over two thousand acres of good agricultural where to... Read more

  • Jonny Golightly

    Once again, the Darlington Borough Council has shown a blatant disregard for the local community, flexing their authority without truly understanding the needs and concerns of the residents. Their... Read more

  • Kathryn Cunnington-Shore

    I believe this to be an inappropriate development in the countryside (Bishopton and surrounding areas) with a negative visual impact and loss of good agricultural land; crops have been growing on the... Read more

  • Peter james myers

    I think this whole project will not only be a blot on our countryside it will turn out to be inefficient and costly. There are already to many eyesores in and around this area and another is not... Read more

  • Sarah Dixon

    I strongly opposed development, it is a grossly inefficient use of precious land. It takes 200 acres of land for solar panels to generate the same electricity as one north sea wind turbine. Actual... Read more

  • Alex Forsyth

    I object to the solar farm being built in the suggested location.

  • Alison Griffiths

    I stay with friends regularly in this beautiful village. I feel that this would have a very adverse impact on not only the village but also the local environment and will result in the loss of good... Read more

  • Annabelle McMillan

    I oppose of this project as it will ruin the local wildlife habitats for the sole purpose of energy that won't be used by the local community. Simply the noise would have a major impact on those... Read more