
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 601 to 700 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Shelagh Day

    My concerns about the proposed route for the A303 at Stonehenge are: 1. The tunnel is not sufficiently long, thereby damaging this World Heritage Site. This site is large and there is still a lot... Read more

  • Sime Wright

    I have been visiting Stonehenge and the surrounding area for many years. I am very worried that the planned scheme will cause: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described... Read more

  • Simon Bending

    Stonehenge is a unique and internationally famous icon that is our responsibility to protect in the best and most responsible way possible. Generations come and go but Stonehenge remains as a reminder... Read more

  • Stephanie Stephenson

    This Ancient and Culturally unique Monument, Stonehenge, is held in Trust for all, in perpetuity, for our descendants, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, too precious to be the subject of undermining, and... Read more

  • Stephen Brown

    My representation centres around the need to protect our areas of heritage and history. Man's over reliance on methods of transport cannot be at the expense of sites such as this.

  • Steve Beech

    This will be bad for the site at Stonehenge and may cause damage physically as well as spoiling the vistas around the site. We don't need more roads - we need better public transport.

  • Stuart Roe

    Hi. I'm very concerned about the lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the World Heritage Site.

  • Susan Canney

    I am hugely concerned about the damage to the wider Stonehenge landscape, something that is so valuable that it has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage Site status, and I believe that UNESCO advice has... Read more

  • Suzanne Battison

    As someone who travelled on the A303 on a regular basis before I moved to Southampton I do appreciate the problems the road has with heavy traffic and people slowing to look at the monument, however a... Read more

  • Suzanne Keene

    It is wrong to claim that the Stonehenge monument itself is the only important issue for the A303 road improvement. I intend to draw attention to the enormous public interest there is in the wider... Read more

  • T J Simpson

    My concerns relate to inevitable damage to the World Heritage site and Blick Mead, the massive environmental damage to the flora and fauna of the area.

  • Terry Baldwin

    Not enough investigation for alternatives are on the table, local reports of Highways initial surveys have already caused devastating damage to part of the site through what appears to be incompetence... Read more

  • The 1805 Club (The 1805 Club)

    The 1805 Club has an interest in the Georgian Royal Navy and thus is concerned to preserve the Nile Clumps which were planted soon after the Battle of The Nile 1798. These Clumps are threatened by... Read more

  • Tim Woodcock

    Stonehenge is one of the most important World Heritage sites in the UK and still there is much to be discovered and understood. It is therefore vital that no work is undertaken on this site,... Read more

  • Tom Currant

    I am very concerned that the plans to widen the a303 will have a detrimental effect on our world heritage site, Stonehenge: I would like the stones to remain open to the elements without being moved... Read more

  • Tom Swithinbank

    Widening the road will increase carbon emissions. The works are likely to destroy an extremely important archeological site. This is not what the public want.

  • Tony Pywell

    The suitable banking of the Dual Carriageway bypassing Winterbourne Stoke, particularly in the vicinity of the B3083 crossing to protect the nearby houses from noise and visual intrusion of the road.

  • Trev Tyers

    I am deeply worried about the actual and potential destruction of archeology at this World Heritage Site.

  • Vaughan Hill

    I seek to prevent irreparable damage to the World Heritage UNESCO Stonehenge site. The proposed scheme must not be allowed go ahead in its present form. Also, I am concerned about damage to the Blick... Read more

  • Viviane Garbe

    The A303 Stonehenge Expressway would create irreparable damage to the WHS, Which UNESCO describes as a ‘landscape without parallel’. If UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Wickey Farmer

    Damage to UNESCO site, the wild birds and flora and fauna. The Blick Mead meolithic site. This area has been always part of my life and I do not want to see any of the area damaged or disturbed.

  • William Daly

    The proposed A303 Expressway at Stonehenge would do irreversible damage to one of the most important archaeological sites in the world.

  • Yvonne Crone

    The lanscape around Stonehenge is as important as the monument itself. The A303 is already a scar on this landscape. Do not make it worse, leave well alone.

  • Z Dean

    I object to ANY tunnelling in or close to the Stone Henge world Heritage Site. Please re-route traffic completely away from this area- DO NOT accommodate traffic . Due to: Irreparable damage to the... Read more

  • Ziya Dikbas

    I am concerned that sufficient care may not be given to Stonehenge, its various features historical, cultural, and others taken into consideration; and undue importance given to material, financial... Read more

  • Zoe Day

    I am deeply concerned about the irrevocable harm which will result to this heritage site - a site which today merits further investigation if we are ever to truly understand its original purpose and... Read more

  • Adele Sharp

    I have grave concerns about the intended development of this World Heritage Site. There is a lot of untouched archaeology that risks being disturbed and irretrievably lost forever at this site. Year... Read more

  • Alexander Coombs

    As a UNESCO world heritage site and an iconic landmark of the UK any scheme that is anything but perfect is not acceptable and every effort should be made to protect such a site from rash planning... Read more

  • Amelia

    Totally irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers state the road scheme should not go ahead in... Read more

  • Andrea Allen


  • Andrew Morgan

    I am very very concerned that such an important archaeological site could be destroyed for the sake of a road. We must look into alternatives such as moving the road a few miles on to less... Read more

  • Andy Beverley

    I am hugely concerned that this scheme, which is touted as being implemented to improve the Stonehenge site, but will actually irreparably damage it. UNESCO's international advisers concur with this... Read more

  • Angela Douglas

    This proposal should not go ahead. This is a sacred landscape unique to our country and should not have the impact and damage to it and it’s archaeology of the proposed plans to this heritage site.... Read more

  • Anna Beria

    - Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting - potential damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting - Lack of alternative options in consultation - Loss of the view from... Read more

  • Anne Hollings

    The intended development will harm the site, this is our heritage for future generations. UNESCO representatives have argued against this road; apart from the massive damage there will be increased... Read more

  • Anne Ludlow

    Stonehenge is the single most iconic historical treasure in the British Isles, and should be treated with the utmost care and respect. This does not include desecrating and potentially damaging it... Read more

  • Anne Robinson

    Information was lacking to properly assess the environmental impacts of the scheme. There are likely to be seriously damaging effects on wildlife and the water regime. Local people would suffer noise,... Read more

  • Annie Barlow

    The current plan will cause damage to this world heritage site it's archeology and setting that will not be replaceable. The history of this area is still being explored , and even the advisors from... Read more

  • Bernard Douglas-Wood

    1) Stupid, reckless, wanton and irresponsible planning that will irreparably damage one of, if not the, most important of world heritage sites (and of course not just the stones but the whole of the... Read more

  • Britt

    The damage that has already, and will be done to this sacred monument is scandolous, soon we will have no heritage left to our children. A place of religious and cultural significance must be left in... Read more

  • Claire Conlon

    I have concerns of irreversible damage and disruption to an archaelogoical world heritage site as well as the effect it will have upon wildlife and the noise pollution it will bring. I ask that... Read more

  • Dan Ward

    I strongly object to the plans as they stand because it will have a strong negative impact on the rights of way network in the area. My hobby is exploring our wonderful country travelling only on... Read more

  • Dave King

    I am objecting to the proposed closure of several byways in the area around Stonehenge as this would disrupt the recreational motorcycle use of the rights of way network in that area. Suitable... Read more

  • David Bell

    It is my understanding that the conditions of the original gift of Stonehenge and surrounding land, to the 'People', will be breached, if this proposal goes ahead. Further to this, a site of world... Read more

  • David Bernson

    I wish to register my profound objections to the A303 Stonehenge Expressway. I consider these plans insensitive to the Stonehenge site as a whole environment and potentially destructive to a... Read more

  • David Hollingd

    The whole area is officially either World Heritage status or of significant historical significance, which the scheme will either damage or destroy. It needs to be recognised that Stonehenge is one... Read more

  • David R Matthews

    Family members near the site have long asked for my support. The news that disturbance is already created by tunneling was the final straw.

  • David Texidor

    Hello, thank you for taking an interest in my concerns. With many in the public and relevant experts, I have concerns over the current plan with regards to: UNESCO's own advisers noting that the... Read more

  • David Trethewey

    I believe that a short tunnel at Stonehenge including cuttings and a dual carriageway within the World Heritage Site would cause severe damage to the Stonehenge landscape, which is recognised by... Read more

  • Denis Rumbold

    Construction of this road would result in irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site. There is still an unknown amount to learn about its archaeology and setting. This site is described by... Read more

  • Dr Gwenda Wild

    I am very concerned about the paucity of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the World Heritage Site. The environmental and archaeological impact of this scheme would be... Read more

  • Dr Ian M Spencer

    I feel that the whole of the world heritage site must be protected from further damage and that the proposal would do irreparable damage to areas within it. It would also prevent future... Read more

  • Dr Ken Taylor

    I believe that the current project plan should be rejected owing to a combination of: a) the expected damage to the Stonehenge Landscape, the consequent risk to WHS status, the consequent long term... Read more

  • Dr Michael Tillbrook

    It goes almost without saying that Stonehenge is the most important prehistoric site in these islands. It is clear to many within the historical and archaeological communities that the proposed... Read more

  • Elizabeth L Feil

    I believe that the roadway will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site archaeology. UNESCO’s international advisers have said that the scheme should not go ahead in its present form.... Read more

  • Felicity Davies

    Stonehenge is a world heritage site. In many ways it is an icon of Britain. As such it needs to be cared for, and not made subject to the whims and fancies of the imaginary demands of infrastructure... Read more

  • Gabriela Ustic

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Gilly Hodgkinson

    This is an abominable idea which infringes on a centuries old site and will be irreparable. We do not know if future advances in archaeology and science could bring us more information and this would... Read more

  • Gordon Bird

    This is an incredible, world renowned historic site. Some preparatory excavations have already caused irreparable damage to proudly undiscovered relics. This surely cannot be allowed you continue.... Read more

  • Graham Burgess

    I am a designer and consultant with great interest and involvement in historic landscapes and art. As a onetime Director with The John Lewis Partnership I have learned about satisfying customers and... Read more

  • Graham Dunbar

    1 The proposal will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ 2 UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • Graham Vincent

    I am concerned about the Highways Agency scheme for the A303 in the vicinity of Stonehenge for the following reasons : 1] The likelihood of irretrievable damage to the World Heritage Site 2] The... Read more

  • Harriet Brooke

    I am concerned about irreversible damage to this outstanding WHS, its archaeology and setting, which is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. I understand that UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Heather Garbutt

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Henry Colthurst

    I would like to provide personal views on the final plan that reflect needs of the southern Till valley to protect wildlife and ecology, support local communities and businesses, provide for genuine... Read more

  • Ian Bradley

    I oppose the current plans for the road building to be completed around the Stone henge and surrounding countryside!

  • Jacqueline Milmail

    This proposed road development, or Expressway, will be a blot on the landscape - rather like a motorway etched into a World Heritage Site. It is not just all the upheaval and impairment to the... Read more

  • James Giuseppi

    I object to the proposed A303 Stonehenge as it will damage historic Stonehenge, a World Heritage Site, which should be preserved as it is one of Britain's oldest and most famous cultural treasures.... Read more

  • Jeanne Rodgers

    The underlying layers of archaeological history will be lost if a tunnel is made under Stonehenge for future generations.

  • Jo Woolley

    Stone Henge is a world heritage site. It is of immense importance to me personally and to the country on a national level as it connects us strongly to the wisdom of our ancestors. Therefore it needs... Read more

  • John Goodwin

    I am concerned about the proposals for the A303 at Stonehenge. Primarily, I am concerned about the possible destruction of unexcavated archaeological sites in an area that has remained undisturbed for... Read more

  • John Tyler

    I believe that other options, less damaging to the site's unique archaeology, have not been fully explored and that irreversible damage is likely to be caused as a result.

  • Judith Anne El-Mahmoud

    I am extremely concerned about the impact of the proposals on the ancient site of Stonehenge. It is imperative that we preserve this important part of our heritage.

  • Katherine Martin

    1. This is a unique world heritage site - the whole landscape, not just the stones. 2. UNESCO is not supporting the scheme. 3. There are no alternative options that would not damage the site in the... Read more

  • Kevin Clarke

    I am concerned about the environmental impact of the proposal particularly so close to a World Heritage site

  • Linda Francavilla

    I feel that there would be irreparable damage to this unique Heritage site that has visitors from all over the world. Advisers from UNESCO say this scheme shouldn't go ahead as planned. Also I... Read more

  • Linda Rudolph

    Any alteration of the road system in the area of Stonehenge would in my opinion alter the sanctity of the landscape. Probably in your opinion not a very valid, however not everything has to be... Read more

  • Lisa l Frampton

    It is about the lives of the creatures who live in the area and they will lose their habitats.

  • Lucia Birch

    Very Simply I regard Stonehenge as a sacred site for all humanity. The proposed changes to the road system are not only destructive to the land but also to the essence of this site on every... Read more

  • Lucy Phillips

    Damage to heritage site. Impact on wildlife. Noise from roads. Encourage more traffic and car use.

  • Lucy Wildblood

    I will be opposing the current plans for the A303 express way.

  • Maddy Tanner

    I am concerned about the damage to this unique site that has already been done - Blick Mead, and will be done further under this scheme. This is priceless history that will be lost forever. Build a... Read more

  • Margaret Muirhead

    I do not fully understand all your proposals but as a Pagan who cares about the land, I know this will destroy the ley line energies associated with Stonehenge and the other monuments. It will spoil... Read more

  • Mark Linfield

    This scheme will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Ste, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel.

  • Michael Amos

    The proposed underpass development is not comprehensive enough to protect the area surrounding Stonehenge which is also of major archaeological significance.

  • Miss J Turner

    I am concerned about the potentially detrimental impact of the proposals for road changes around the Stonehenge site and immediate vicinity with particular relevance to; 1. archaeological impact -... Read more

  • Mr Bruce Coleman

    I object to the proposal on the following grounds: 1. That there is significant risk of damage to an area of enormous international archeological significance. 2. That I believe that it a waste... Read more

  • Mr Don Donovan

    I am against any development that threatens Stonehenge.

  • Mrs R Perrow

    As a frequent traveller on this route, I am aware of the traffic and scenic issues involved. However, this World Heritage Site, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’, must take... Read more

  • Ms Christine M Wheatley

    I am objecting to this scheme as it will cause irreparable damage to one of the greatest archaeological sites sites in the world, which has yet to be fully excavated. It will also separate the... Read more

  • Ms D Richens

    There are countless quantities of 'unknown archeology' around the site of Stonehenge and the surrounding countryside. The damage you will do to this site is irreparable not only to the geological... Read more

  • Ms Jeanne Spinks

    I am very concerned that this construction will cause damage which can never be undone to the archaeology of what is a WORLD a heritage site. This is not a site which the UK alone should be allowed... Read more

  • Neil Sutherland

    The Stonehenge site and surrounding area is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. This is a unique site which we hold in trust for future generations. The current proposals for the... Read more

  • Nic Lee

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Nigel Gilderson

    The world heritage site should be respected as an archaeological and educational resource that remains intact for generations to come.

  • Nigel Gill

    The proposal will cause damage to the unique environment surrounding Stonehenge. The entire area is as important as the stones themselves. If not, we could move the stones elsewhere. So we have to... Read more

  • Nile Nugnez

    These are my reasons to object: - Irreparable damage to this WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’; - UNESCO’s international advisers say the... Read more

  • Patricia Shaw

    The importance of this site - not only in the UK, but within the global setting of it, - has not yet even been partially understood! Especially in terms of its links to other cultures of similar eras,... Read more

  • Penelope Andrews

    Damage and desecration to not only a world heritage site but a sacred site to many Britons including myself, the landscape is rare and must not be damaged further.

  • Penny Gaines

    I am really concerned about the effects of tunneling in the area around Stonehenge on the potential archeology of the area. While the actual tunnel itself is problematic, there is also risk to... Read more