
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 550 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr Roy Sands

    I believe Manston Airport is a very important part of UK airfields. It could do very well with RO backing to produce a place for workers in Thanet and surrounding areas. That will be permanent and... Read more

  • Mrs Ann Harle

    I truly believe the airport would be advantageous to the whole area.We desperately need more jobs especially for the young.It would open the area of Thanet globally both through freight usage and... Read more

  • Mrs Jennifer Neiles

    Mrs Jennifer Neiles [Redacted] I have e-mailed before. I have once again listened to the arguments for and against the airport opening up as a cargo hub. I still agree with my original opinion... Read more

  • Mrs Margaret Cheek

    I believe that the reinstatement of Manston Airport is vital for the economic regeneration of Thanet as well as the wider national economy. Manston will never be a big airport, but it will contribute... Read more

  • Mrs Mary Munnich

    Dear Sir/Madam, My husband and I have lived in Broadstairs for the past 29 years. We fully support the reopening of Manston Airport for cargo transport and future passenger flights. It should never... Read more

  • Neil Kefford

    Manston needs to be maintained as an airport. As a family we previously used Manston to travel and can see how it can become a significant alternative to using more London-centric... Read more

  • Nessa Warner

    It is acknowledged that sleep deprivation is a form of torture. The average adult needs between 7 and 9 hours sleep every night, to function at their best. Children and teenagers need more. I... Read more

  • Pat Regan

    The airport should remain an airport. Excellent for the country, business and consumer use. Will provide jobs and security for many. Will attract talent, especially medical expert, to move to the... Read more

  • Patricia Gabriel

    I would love to see Manston back as an airport. I feel with the growth of such an enterprise will bring a much needed regeneration of our area. Jobs are so very lacking and I feel this will help my... Read more

  • Paul Ashmore

    I believe the reopening of Manston Airport as a mainly cargo airport will be good for the area and also benefit the other airports that do not want cargo going through them selves. This runway has... Read more

  • Paul Young

    I believe this will be the right motivator for the economy of the area. Now with Brexit looming, I feel the need for this as an airport has increased significantly. Housing although necessary would... Read more

  • Penny Bell

    I would like to submit my support for the Manston Airport DCO. Given the deprived area status of Thanet, i feel we need good quality jobs and apprenticeships for the young of the area, and, given... Read more

  • Peter Campbell

    Object to the DCO on these grounds I understand that a DCO must be based on evidence of sustainability and national strategic need. Neither of these criteria are true of this application. Here have... Read more

  • Peter Cole

    The opening of Manston airport will be so good for Thanet. Not only creating a great cargo hub to service many areas and taking the pressure off other London airports. Creating much needed employment... Read more

  • Philip lawrence

    Manston is a national asset to kent as a hole And should remain an air port , not just for Thanet or Kent but for southern england So air trafic can be freed up at other air ports In the region... Read more

  • Rachel ONeill

    Keeping business in Kent

  • Ralph Allison

    I completely support this application for Manston Airport. There is an urgent requirement for runway capacity in the south east, and this can be met by an operational Manston Airport relieving... Read more

  • Raymond Hill

    I feel the development of Manston airport into use by aviation is a posative move for Thanet and Kent as a whole. In Thanet unemployment is very high and no real prospects of large scale, well paid... Read more

  • Sean Doherty

    I believe Manston is vital post Brexit to the UK and our ability to trade with the world. It would be short sighted to lose an infrastructure asset like Manston. When you look at the trouble and... Read more

  • Sidney Graham Wyness

    1. There is no need for a cargo 'hub', there is already plenty of air freight space available at existing airports. In addition, this proposed airport is too far out of the way and will not be used... Read more

  • Simon Gasston

    Re-opening Manston Airport as a freight destination accepting 12000 movements per year will cause great distress to residents of Minster, Manston and Ramsgate due to the noise and airborne pollution... Read more

  • Stephen Roberts

    My name is Stephen Roberts and I live in Ramsgate with my wife, [Redacted]. Our house would be directly under the flight path, if the DCO for this airport was successful. There is no necessity to... Read more

  • Valerie Grainger

    Manston must remain as an Airport. As a cargo hub, it is perfectly placed and with great road links, I believe that access into the airport will be updated. It is also viable as a passenger... Read more

  • Vattenfall Network Solutions Ltd (Vattenfall Network Solutions Ltd)

    Vattenfall has invested £3Bn in UK energy over the last 8 years and we are keen to continue that investment. ?The opportunity to be part of this project validated our decision to enter the UK market,... Read more

  • Veronica Pratt

    Heart beating rapidly, confusion and alarm -- these are the symptoms I remember when being woken up by incoming cargo flights in the middle of the night. And I have read many reports, including the... Read more

  • Vic Butcher

    1. Thanet especially, but also the wider Kent area desperately need employment opportunities, a successfully run local airport would help to provide jobs both on site and in the wider geographical... Read more

  • Alison Carty

    Our objection to Manston Airport re-opening are the proposed night flights which will be extremely disturbing at any level, as our home is directly under the flight path. There would be increased... Read more

  • Alison Jane Wilby

    I wish to write in support of the application on the following basis:- - the need for extra runway capacity in the UK (particularly southeast England) and the ability of Manston to fulfil that... Read more

  • Allan Rogers

    The success of this application is so important, to the locality, the county & the uk, bringing employment, to the people of the area. We in Britain, need to take advantage of this opportunity for... Read more

  • Angela Braybrook

    To have this Airport in full working order will provide much needed work for the area and also provide a future for the younger generation. The skills that can be obtained over coming years will be... Read more

  • Anthony Barnett

    We are hearing that more air capacity is needed all the time (Heathrow) Once this airport has gone and built houses on it, it cannot be put back Any locals moaning about noise should have thought... Read more

  • Antony Burgess

    Manston needs to be kept its one of the biggest runways in the country take any plain. The current company wishing to take over the airport for cargo hub limited passenger service is the only... Read more

  • Charles Robert Gibson

    a. Lack of commercial airport capacity in South East. b. Congestion within the existing capacity in London and on the roads to reach London. c. The danger of increasing the number of planes in the... Read more

  • Cherisse Thorne

    [Redacted]. I strongly object to RSPs proposal on the basis of Noise, Safety and Biodiversity. As a resident of Southwood Gardens for the last 21 years (2.5km to runway) I am concerned that RSPs... Read more

  • Chris

    Full support here for the airport we need it back to create all the jobs it will not thousands more home cars and people jamming the roads of thanet up the flights will not be 24/7 this has already... Read more

  • Chris Jeffries

    It is my view that the opening of a Cargo Hub airport operating out of a former military airport with a flight path that is directly over towns with many residences and places of business would be the... Read more

  • Colin D Sutton

    I am supporting the reopening of Manston Airport as a Cargo hub, this will give Thanet a much needed Jobs boost, for an area which is a known Jobs black spot, with the right investment, it will be... Read more

  • Craig Solly

    The issue of Manston Airport has caused the local plan to be intervened by the secretary of state. Thanet council is still waiting on what actions will come from intervention which can include the... Read more

  • Dave Trew

    I am very keen to see the reinstatement of Manston airport, I believe it will bring much needed jobs to our area and entice more business' to relocate here also, I believe existing business will... Read more

  • David Lawson

    I fully support the plans for the re-development of Manston Airport. It will be very beneficial for the area bringing both income and jobs for the residents and beyond.

  • Denis Booth

    I believe a freight air hub at manston will devastate Ramsgate town. The jobs created by it will be far outnumbered by those lost when the tourist and leisure industry collapses as no one will want to... Read more

  • Diane Campbell

    I have lived in Thanet for 29 years and like it here. the airport noise never bothered me and I have flown from Manston twice as had family in Scotland and the north west. It was so much easier for... Read more

  • Diane Harvey-White

    Ramsgate is the only Royal Harbour in the country and in 2021 it celebrates its bicentenary . This is the focus of a major regeneration programme for the town involving Turner Contemporary among other... Read more

  • Elaine Aherne

    I do not want a cargo hub at Manston because the flight path will be near me and the pollution will cover an even wider area I am opposed to the re-opening of Manston for use as a cargo freight hub... Read more

  • Felicia Foster

    I am in support of a REGIONAL airport for cargo and leisure operations. However, I have concerns that a NATIONAL cargo hub - and Riverside's request for 'flexibility' around night flights - is... Read more

  • Gabriel Holland

    Regency Ramsgate Ruined? Ramsgate is a beautiful regency town set around the only royal harbour in the country. We have around 450 Listed sites and in 2017 became one of historic England's first... Read more

  • Geoffrey Michael Orton

    1 Kent County Council's 'Growth Without Gridlock' strategy reasonably identified the Airport as the prime 'regenerator' for East Kent and it is difficult to see how a Local Plan can proceed until this... Read more

  • George Arthur Pybus

    I am totally opposed to the proposal to turn Manston Airfield into a 24 hour cargo hub. The reasons being: Noise pollution - corporate anti-social behaviour. Air pollution from both aircraft and... Read more

  • Geraldine Bristow

    Reopen Manston AIRPORT

  • Ian Wyles

    The start of flights both day and night will have a detrimental affect on the health and wellbeing of residents under the flight path. I work in a Specialist school under the flight path and The noise... Read more