
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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  • Eleanor Mark

    Gatwick has from time to time since we lived here experimented with condensing flight paths to increase capacity. When this happens life changes beyond measure. Sitting on the sofa on a Sunday... Read more

  • Graham Henley

    Re Gatwick Airport proposed use of the northern runway, l am happy to support the development as a local resident and an infrequent passenger/user l feel that it will generate a number of benefits and... Read more

  • Harry Charles Franks

    I do not want the emergency runway to become a second runway because of the increase in noise levels for the surrounding area. Penshurst is already extremely badly affected by the planes and this will... Read more

  • Jacqueline Brewer

    I feel this application to extend the use of the runway is unnecessary we should be trying to cut back on air travel not increase it due to the environmental impacts of air travel. An increase in... Read more

  • Jane Louise Shufflebotham

    I would like to state that I am strongly against a new runway at Gatwick Airport. I am a local resident but my main concern is environmental. As a country we are already falling very short on our... Read more

  • Jessica Johnson

    I oppose the proposed project as it will increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate emergency we’re facing. Furthermore, it will create more pressure on the rail... Read more

  • John Balean

    I reject plans by Gatwick Airport to bring their northern runway into regular use. This would, in effect, be a second runway at the airport. I am concerned about expansion being environmentally... Read more

  • John Boyer Pilkington

    In the face of accelerating climate change it is unreasonable to continue with runway expansion. "The sleep of reason produces monsters".

  • Julia Blincoe

    For ecological reasons, I am not in favour of flying at all except for cases of medical emergency, and certainly not for holidays. So I am against any increase in the number of planes flying from or... Read more

  • Katharine Delia Anne Bennett

    The aircraft noise can be quite intense as they are taking off and landing one after the other and it can be for hours. There are also some nightflights it seems.

  • Katrina Fouda

    Will this effect my house and any future sale of said property

  • Lance Goodship

    As a Borough Councillor for Tunbridge Wells, I am voicing the significant concerns of our residents regarding the noise impact from the current flight paths, especially in Tunbridge Wells East. The... Read more

  • Laura Appleby

    I am concerned about the additional noise and pollution another runway at Gatwick will bring. The inevitable increase in traffic volume will also affect the vital infrastructure of roads.These are... Read more

  • Laurie Reynolds

    I support the proposal to extend the runway capacity as long as certain conditions are met: 1) All airlines using the airport must publish and maintain an annual statement stating their sustainability... Read more

  • Lili Liu

    My residential home is under the existing flight path of Gatwick airport, the noise level will significantly increase with the new runway as more flights will be through the airport.

  • Liz McCallum

    We cannot expand at at time of a climate emergency. Furthermore, pollution is a major source of respiratory disease and illnesses such as asthma At a time when the NHS is under severe threat, this all... Read more

  • Lyn Layland

    If this goes ahead then our lives in Edenbridge and surrounding villages will be made unbearable with the constant noise.

  • Margaret Caroline Pilkington

    We are already affected badly by noise and pollution from air traffic at Gatwick and any increase will be serious. Also we will lose important countryside and associated biodiversity at the site. We... Read more

  • Michael Keith Jary

    I am concerned about the proposed use of the northern runway at Gatwick because of the impact it will have on my local community in terms of aircraft noise. Not only will there be a very large... Read more

  • Micro Maintenance (Micro Maintenance)

    I am deeply concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed expansion and I object in the strongest possible terms, even though we have business customers in and around Gatwick that provide... Read more

  • Neil Zabit

    I would like to know what provisions have been put in for noise pollution as i have a flight route that goes over our house at 5am and 8pm and the noise often wakes me and my children up when the... Read more

  • Nicolas Cosmos

    The airport is already extremely busy and aircraft using the current runway already have an impact on noise and pollution in the area I live. Further expansion will increasingly impact noise, local... Read more

  • Olivia MacDonald

    There must be no airport expansion projects. We are in a climate and ecological crisis and encouraging more flying is insane. Aviation fuel must be taxed and rail fares need to be reduced to cut... Read more

  • Patricia Falconer

    Allowing more planes to fly will not allow us to achieve the target of max 1.5C! Once we are over that temp - Armageddon!

  • Philippa Fricker

    As a pensioner who cares about the environment and feels my view, now that our planet is ‘dying’, should be heard. I am no David Attenborough but surely any airport expansion @ Gatwick is missing the... Read more

  • Rachel Bramley

    We should be cutting flights not promoting growth of this unsustainable industry at this point in our economic and environmental situation. About 15% of the UK’s climate impact comes from aviation.... Read more

  • Rachel Cooper

    I have been running holiday accommodation for those looking for a short break in the countryside for many years and have been awarded very high star ratings and receive excellent reviews. The main... Read more

  • Raymond Keen

    I Object on environmental grounds: Noise; Air Quality; Pollution; Increased Transport/Local Population, the need for additional infrastructure that will damage the already at risk, wildlife and... Read more

  • Rick Ketley

    The Government is trying to reduce pollution and Residents are already unhappy with the current level of the noise pollution. This will affect the Residents of surrounding towns & villages, especially... Read more

  • Roberta Warburton

    I totally disagree with this project. As an employer on the Airport there is no need to go ahead with this. The airport can not cope with the operation as it stands as this past summer shows, so to... Read more

  • Sarah Campbell

    I strongly oppose the Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because: We live directly under the flight path with the noise & air pollution from aircraft landing & taking off directly above... Read more

  • Sarah Chalker

    I feel very strongly that Gatwick's planning application, which would enable over 70% growth in passengers per year and over 35% growth in aircraft movements since 2019, would have a huge adverse... Read more

  • Sheila Marion White

    The proposed use of the extra runway will lead to more flights to and from Gatwick. More flights are totally against working towards Net Zero and will lead to more noise and pollution. In addition the... Read more

  • Shirley Homan

    I’m very concerned about the impact of increased traffic if Gatwick start using the northern runway. The noise and pollution will impact both locally.

  • Siew Sook Chin

    No impacts to me as I am an overseas owner but if there's any pollution or hazardous impact to the surrounding environment or residents. I will support the local petition for a greener environment.

  • Steve Sanham

    - The description of the proposed development is (deliberately?) misleading - it states that the proposals are to reopen the ‘existing’ northern runway and then goes on to describe the construction of... Read more

  • SunExpress Airlines (SunExpress Airlines)

    ? LGW is the key London Airport for touristic offerings ? The growth of SunExpress Airlines is currently limited due to the lack of slot and constrained capacity at LGW ? SunExpress Airlines would... Read more

  • Susan Woolridge

    Very concerned about noise and pollution across West Kent and areas nearer airport in Surrey. We enjoy a relatively peaceful environment in Sevenoaks but are increasingly aware of late night flights... Read more

  • Terry Richard Mullender on behalf of The Mullender Family (The Mullender Family)

    At peak times, an aircraft passes over our house every 90 seconds with lesser intensity throughout the night. This can only get worse with the operation of a second runway. With increased passenger... Read more

  • Ulrike Elisabeth Munford

    simultaneous use of 2 runways at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase in aircraft noise and pollution resulting in negative impact on... Read more

  • Vanessa Henderson

    I disagree with the plan to expand Gatwick’s capacity by utilising the emergency runway, for the following reasons: Noise: I live in Dorking and we are subject to flights coming from Gatwick that are... Read more

  • Wendy Mackay

    The new runway at Gatwick airport would have devastating impacts locally and globally. The expansion plan would: increase the release of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for the climate... Read more

  • Alison Davidson

    More planes More noise More traffic More pollution More anxiety More stress and depression for the overflown

  • Alison McCormick

    I object to this proposal. My objections include: 1) the applicant has misinterpret government policy - GAS. Gatwick currently does not have 2 runways that can operate concurrently 2) we are in a... Read more

  • Amanda Barber Consulting (Amanda Barber Consulting)

    I would like to take this opportunity to express my client's concern that the proposal appears to have changed in relation to my client's property and is likely to involve rather more land take. My... Read more

  • Amanda Hutchison

    We have such a lot of planes flying over the Castle presently. Conversation grounds to a halt outside on the Castle Courtyard while the planes go over, often very low that you can’t hear anything... Read more

  • Angela Symons

    I am concerned about air traffic noise over my town (after having experienced how bad Heathrow planes are over Kew when visiting the area last night) I am also concerned about the health impact of... Read more

  • Becky Phillips

    Concerned about the number of planes already going over us in our area, especially when Gatwick is backed up and the planes have to circle. It’s not just the noise level but also the pollution right... Read more

  • Bethan Moore

    I object to the expansion of any airport in light of the climate crisis.

  • Blackwater Valley Friends of the Earth (Blackwater Valley Friends of the Earth)

    BVFoE oppose the 2nd runway expansion for the following reasons: Greenhouse gases will increase and we are in a climate emergency. (from CAGNE 1 million tonnes of extra Carbon pa will be put into the... Read more

  • Chloe Sutcliffe

    Increasing airport capacity and therefore flight numbers will increase emissions and air and noise pollution. Expansion will negatively affect those living under flight paths as well as current and... Read more

  • Christopher Saunders

    I am writing to vehemently object to the reconsideration of the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport, highlighting concerns related to environmental impact, insufficient infrastructure, a lack of... Read more

  • Claudia Drake

    We know that aviation is a significant contributor of carbon emissions. We also know that we are approaching likely irreversible tipping points and negative impact climate changes as a result of not... Read more

  • Donald Peter Turner

    The expansion of Gatwick Airport will result in a significant increase in the number of flights and therefore a significant increase in carbon emissions, contributing further to climate change. I... Read more

  • Emma Katrina Brodie

    There is neither the infrastructure or the space for a second runway. The proposed plans will directly impact the Surrey Hills AONB with new flight paths and increased traffic overhead. This is not a... Read more

  • Helen Goss

    I do not think it is necessary to have more flights out of Gatwick

  • Irena Adams

    I object to the proposal by Gatwick airport to increase the number of flights by using the emergency runway. The stated aim is to increase the number of passengers from 33 million to 77 milion by the... Read more

  • John Nutting

    A second runway at Gatwick has the potential to double capacity for flights into and out of the airport, many of which pass over Marlpit Hill to the north of Edenbridge and add to the noise in the... Read more

  • Josie Parr

    We are in a Climate Crisis Sir David King is warning us and many NASA Scientists that we need to massively reduce our Carbon Emmissions not increase them. Thus definitely far less Flights and no... Read more

  • Karen Taylor

    I am against the proposed plan for Gatwick. More noise over our and surrounding villages, more pollution.


    INTRODUCTION While the idea of using Gatwick Airport's standby runway full time may seem like a way to increase capacity and efficiency, it's important to consider the significant drawbacks of such a... Read more

  • Mark Tanner

    Crowborough is the highest point in East Sussex and consequently experiences greater noise pollution from overflying aircraft as they are effectively closer to residents. We already experience... Read more

  • Matthew Collins

    Concerns about aircraft safety on the ground and noise impacting the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

  • Melanie Hiblen

    Farnborough Airport expansion. I am gravely concerned about the impact of additional unnecessary private flights on the environment, both noise pollution for the local wildlife and community, air... Read more

  • Nicola Barkholz

    I strongly disagree to the plan to put a second runway in at Gatwick. I am already heavily impacted by the aircraft noise and low level flying. As the local authority and local government haven’t... Read more

  • Nicola Hopper

    I have great concerns about increased noise and pollution

  • Peter Taylor

    The noise from aircraft taking off from the existing runway is so loud at times that it disrupts my sleep. So much so that I have had to spend a considerable amount on special acoustic double glazing... Read more

  • Reigate Business Guild (Reigate Business Guild)

    Reigate Business Guild enjoys the support of over 160 local businesses in the RH2 postcode. We are a local, united, voluntary voice from within the business community, promoting commerce, safeguarding... Read more

  • Richard Higgins

    I strongly support the Gatwick Northern Runway Project and the delivery of additional capacity for future aviation in the South East. Our international connectivity is important to the UK economy and... Read more

  • Richard John Palmer

    I am concerned about the impact of expansion at Gatwick on local residents and wholly opposed to the proposed project. Sussex is a residential area of outstanding beauty which needs to be protected... Read more

  • Robert Edgar

    Many reasons incuding Huge increase in noise ,huge increase in pollution from aviation fuel , huge increase in traffic volumes. Years of disruption due to infrastructure necessary to service the... Read more

  • Sam Stark

    I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the proposed expansion of the runway at Gatwick Airport, and its potential significant negative impact on the quality of life in Crawley and... Read more

  • Sharon Millar

    Increase in noise from aircraft due to more flights affecting quality of life. Environmental impact of more frequent flights & vehicular traffic in the area getting more passengers to and from Gatwick... Read more

  • Stephanie Lear

    We should be cutting down on plane travel , not increasing it, to reduce our carbon footprint. A second runway would increase the pollution in a crowded area of the south east. Plane travel must... Read more

  • Steve H Yams

    I object to the Gatwick Airport expansion. We already suffer with aircraft noise and pollution. The daily A380 and other long haul aircraft are particularly intrusive for local residents. An... Read more

  • Richard Arthur David Baines on behalf of The Baines Family (The Baines Family)

    The additional flights would significantly worsen noise and air pollution, which is already intolerable, as well as carbon emissions, from the airport. The extra million tonnes of CO2 a year are... Read more

  • Thomas C Briggs

    I would like to learn more about noise levels, including the altered flight paths in combination with existing aircraft noise reduction regulations and new technology that will reduce engine noise. I... Read more

  • Titan Airways Ltd (Titan Airways Ltd )

    Dear Sir/Madam, Titan Airways would like to register it's support for the project of adding additional capacity at Gatwick Airport through effective use of the northern runway. The London area is in... Read more

  • Tom Chambre

    I strongly oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – • The policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway... Read more

  • WS Planning & Architecture (WS Planning & Architecture)

    WS Planning & Architecture provide planning & architectural advice to the public and private sector. Our head office is based in Reigate, Surrey and we also have an office in East Croydon. We are in... Read more

  • A Conroy

    I strongly object on the following grounds: - Significantly increased noise and air pollution under the flight path (my house). I understand the number of flights could increase almost fourfold to... Read more

  • Abigail Payne

    The local area infrastructure cannot possibly support the number of increased passengers this project would create. The trains are overcrowded. The motorway is inadequate. There is very little... Read more

  • Alan Aldridge

    Apart from noise and pollution: there's just not the infrastructure to handle the proposed increase in passenger numbers, whether by road or rail. Nor is there provision for housing, or conveying in,... Read more

  • Andy Cook

    Destruction of rare bees habitat Increased flights detrimental to climate change Noise

  • Angus McGougan

    I object to the expansion of Gatwick on environmental grounds. In particular, additional noise, pollution and wildlife impacts.

  • Brian Crone

    The planned expansion of Gatwick Airport will have a significant negative impact on the surrounding areas. The airport already produces high levels of noise and pollution. The growth in air traffic... Read more

  • Carla King

    We do not need another run way here. Heathrow is less than an hour away, so why do we need another big airport in such close proximity. This will ruin the countryside around it and the added pollution... Read more

  • Claire Pannell

    Air pollution Noise pollution

  • Deborah Airey

    I have noticed and increase in aircraft flying over my house this year and another runway would make sitting in my garden unbearable

  • Douglas Stewart

    The second runway should be refused permission on both national and local grounds It is not sustainable on climate and global warming grounds As a local resident I oppose it vehemently. Existing... Read more

  • Emily Austin

    Expansion of Gatwick airport with a second runway is not compatible with the government’s legal commitments for net zero, not to mention illegal levels of noise and air pollution for local residents.

  • Gabrielle Crisp

    A second run way at Gatwick requires major alteration in the way this location has been used. This proposal is not merely allowing the status quo with better infrastructure, as has been implied . It... Read more

  • Gay Costello

    I am against further runways at Gatwick due to the disturbed sleep of myself and my elderly neighbours caused by loud planes going directly over us especially in the early hours and early morning. I... Read more

  • Gerald Eve LLP (Gerald Eve LLP)

    As chartered surveyors, we work for clients who have landholdings close to Gatwick Airport and across West and East Sussex, Surrey and London. We also undertake a significant amount of real estate... Read more

  • Gillian Penny

    Significant increase in aircraft noise, living close to the airport, currently we are unable to sit in our kitchen for meals and hear the television over the noise of aircraft taking off, even when... Read more

  • Horley Piscatorial Society (Horley Piscatorial Society)

    Horley Piscatorial Society (HPS) has fishing venues very close to Gatwick Airport. The lake at Riverside Garden Park and adjacent Gatwick Stream and the River Mole, at Church Meadows. Our concern... Read more

  • James Brooks

    I object to the expansion plans at Gatwick Airport for the following reasons. 1) This is an application for a new runway in disguise which does not comply with the Government’s Aviation Strategy.... Read more

  • Janine Clarke

    As someone who lives literally next door to the airport,since this company have owned it,night flights are relentless.Noise is 24/7.I do not have a problem in the daytime,but I should be entitled to... Read more

  • John Harmer

    This will lead to more aircraft movements with an adverse impact on climate change. Also, more noise and disturbance to nearby residential areas. By the time this project is completed and in use, it... Read more

  • John Sage

    The expansion of Gatwick Airport by use of the Northern Runway will have a detrimental impact on the area it is located in terms of unacceptable noise , aircraft exhaust fumes and the health of the... Read more