
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 400 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Helena Swallow

    As a local resident I believe this land should remain as farming land. This project is planned with short term benefits in mind. We will need our agricultural land into the coming years - population... Read more

  • Joan Bavister

    Farmers allowing the use of good agricultural land have become turncoats and taken the Kings shilling. We are surrounded by notices keep out, get off my land, private. They despise the public, yet... Read more

  • Joanna Winterbourne

    This solar farm is going to decimate the countryside around stamford and impact all the villages to the north east of the time. The Secretary of State has just announced the need for access to the... Read more

  • Julie Beecham

    Extra traffic and restrictions on dog walking. Excess noise and disturbance to wildlife impacting on mental health.Compulsory aquirement of my land which I previously knew nothing about.

  • Madeline Davies

    We live in a beautiful productive area and can not understand why good quality farmland will be taken out of production when as a country we need more self sufficiency. To spend the rest of my life... Read more

  • Malcolm Osborne

    [redacted] are a Chinese Company, the panels would be assembled in China. DONOT support PRChina by awarding this contract. Great Britain should be utilising Business and Companies from friendly... Read more

  • Marian Busby

    This project will not only visually ruin a beautiful area of open land, it will remove the habitat of the local wildlife. I am also concerned that the already damaged local roads are not up to the... Read more

  • Martyn Mason Bradshaw

    too large on very good farm land.too near villages .the building will bad extra heavy traffic. bad to excise my horse not a inefficient as a source of energy.who will clear up at the end

  • Mary Ludlow

    . Loss of valuable farming land . Disruption to area by heavy traffic . The vista!

  • Miss Ann Hughes

    The problem with this project is that it is far too big for a rural village location and solar farms should not be placed on good farm land that is needed to feed our growing nation. The government... Read more

  • Muriel Ann Johnson

    Solar panels will be 3.3m high security fencing and CCTV, solar stations or shipping containers housing inverters/transformers dotted across the solar area. New sub-station will be visible & audible... Read more

  • Philippa Ball

    Far too big a site. Solar panels should be on roofs not arable land.

  • Rebecca Fitzpatrick

    My initial comments are that this would be a VAST solar farm in an area of natural beauty, farm land, listed buildings and beautiful villages, ancient woodland areas, wildlife and people who have... Read more

  • Gallery Stamford (Gallery Stamford) on behalf of Robert Walter Pheasant

    There is no plan in place for the removal of the panels at the end of their life. The use of a village to house the high voltage cabling having lost the right to run along the railway line, is... Read more

  • Sharon Mosley

    I am writing to express my massive concerns regarding this proposal to build this overwhelming solar farm in our tiny villages within Rutland. Rutland itself is the smallest county in England and has... Read more

  • Anthony John Carr

    I feel this is totally unacceptable for this area mainly the village of Essendine which will be surrounded on three sides But my main concern is that I race pigeons international races included I will... Read more

  • Claire Flint

    I am for solar energy but farmland should be used for farming, for food security. Solar should be on houses and land not suitable for farming. If there has to be a solar farm at Essendine, why can't... Read more

  • Holly Wilson

    Against Mallard Pass Solar. Landscape and habitats will be destroyed. Much better ways to do solar - on roof tops!!

  • Kevin Taylor

    I object to the development of this project on the grounds that it will clearly have an adverse impact on the environment.

  • Margaret Toogood

    It’s too big. Too much traffic during construction. Valuable arable land. Detrimental to wildlife and residents. Human rights issues with Chinese company producing them. British companies should be... Read more

  • Maurice Waterworth

    The huge scale of this development is disproportionate to a rural area near villages, particularly Essendine. It would convert our countryside into an industrial site covering 2,105 acres, of which... Read more

  • Moira Waterworth

    The scale of the proposed site will hugely and adversely affect our local environment. It would take good farming land, at present producing food, out of production. The UK needs to keep farming land... Read more

  • Mr Richard Malcolm Rylance

    I am not satisfied that our environment in Stamford is being considered in this project. It will destroy a valuable amenity in the area and close off a 'Green lung' used by many to keep fit and 'live... Read more

  • Mrs Patricia Ann Leaper

    * There will be continuous noise, pollution, disruption, and damage to property and surrounding area. * It will increase the impact of heavy HGV lorries and project associated workforce and vehicles... Read more

  • Mrs Vanessa Kimberley

    The profits of the proposed site will not , in my view, benefit the UK as the company who own Mallard Pass is not a UK one. The proposed site is larger than Westminster, imagine looking out the office... Read more

  • Pamela Russon

    This proposal is far too large . It would be using farmland/ green fields , that should be used for agricultural purposes . The effect on wildlife would be devastating. Solar panels should be on roofs... Read more

  • Philip Leaper

    * The vehicles entering and exiting the A6121, from the industrial areas, are already large, heavy, dangerous and unsuitable for the infrastructure of Essendine. *The further impact of weighty... Read more

  • Richard James Granville White

    My main concerns about the Mallard Solar Plant Proposal are: Increased Flood Risk for properties in the flood prone village of Greatford and the local area. Misuse of vast area of good quality... Read more

  • Sandra Jane Collins

    I live in what will be the centre of this proposed solar farm. The disruption to my everyday life will be immense. The roads in this area are rural lanes and are not able to cope with the volume of... Read more

  • William Adkin

    This vast project (2000+) acres will be a dominant feature of the surrounding area. it will be built, in part, on what is good agricultural land which in the long term interests of the country as a... Read more

  • Carly Michelle Yeganeh

    I really worry about the safety concerns of this. My children bike and walk around these villages. It was what drew us to this area and many of their school friends. With heavy machinery, trucks etc... Read more

  • David Clarke

    I write to express my grave concerns regarding the proposed very large scale solar project and the massive impact it would have on the area – Stamford being the first conservation area in the country.... Read more

  • Elisabeth Beckett

    The proposed development is a completely disproportional to the area and will destroy a peaceful countryside. There is not sufficient infrastructure for the vehicles that will be needed to develop the... Read more

  • Frederick Ambrose Munster Kingston

    Dear Planning Inspectors I wish to state my concern and objection to the proposed solar farm on the grounds of food security. Successive governments in the UK have I feel, failed in looking ahead and... Read more

  • Joan Dale

    The proposed plan of Mallard Pass solar farm is the most SHOCKING and DEVASTATING news to me and all the people who live here, that this could happen to this beautiful British countryside. Rich in... Read more

  • Jon Getty

    I believe that turning arable lane and green space is over to renewables is a mistake. Renewables are necessary and could have far more opportunities to go on brownfield or industrial land or at sea... Read more

  • Michelle H Harbun

    affect on nature surrounding villages, roads and unnecessary upheaval My concern is that mallard pass will impact negatively on the wildlife habitats around the area it's proposed to use. The impact... Read more

  • Pastor Peter Damen

    I cannot see how Mallard Pass can be allowed. I seems that it is proposed to be built on 1st class prime agricultural land, for one thing and if it were built in London it would erase the city area.... Read more

  • Peter Winstanley on behalf of The Winstanley Family (The Winstanley Family)

    We live in the area, commute through the area, are bringing up a family in the area and whilst the overall population may be small due to its rural landscape and scattered villages, it is the impact... Read more

  • Vanessa Smith

    I think that this project is at detriment to the local area with no benefit being passed on to the surrounding community in recompense for the disruption that it is causing and negative impact it will... Read more

  • Ian Pace

    The Mallard Pass Solar PV project impacts several local villages on an unprecedented scale in the UK. The loss of prime farmland and stunning local countryside will impact the local area both in terms... Read more

  • John Keith Wright

    I live just outside the proposed Mallard Pass development. I travel through its scope nearly every day. I also walk or mountain bike through the centre nearly every week. I fully support the Mallard... Read more

  • Kilham Playing Field Association

    I think the wisdom of putting such a large solar farm which will only operate during daylight hours will be superseded by onshore wind once government policy changes. Therefore by the time the... Read more

  • Margaret Ellen Hawkins

    Loss of productive arable farmland at time when UK needs to produce more home grown food. Solar figures for productivity ignore fact that high initial levels drop drastically over a few years and... Read more

  • Neal Adams

    I am writing to you to highlight my concerns over the proposed MP solar farm & why I believe the Secretary of State for BEIS should turn down the proposal. 1. The proposed 2,238 acre site will take... Read more

  • Rowena Harvey on behalf of The Harvey Family (The Harvey Family)

    Environmental impact of both build, the period of use and decommission. Environmental impact on wildlife Inconsistency in information from the applicants Use of agricultural land which will impact on... Read more

  • Valerie Stacey

    This is an appalling idea. It is enormous and will have a terrible impact on local area. These fields should be used for farming which is very necessary as we all try to be one more self sufficient.... Read more

  • Annabel Lucy Wood

    Windel Energy who is a partner in this endeavour is headed by a man who has been bankrupted several times leaving behind huge debts. He does not inspire confidence in any way. It is acknowledged that... Read more

  • Barry Martin Dobson

    As a member of the Greater Lincolnshire LEP, this development does not support the local community but destroys a vast amount of the local habitat for wildlife and much needed recreational space for... Read more

  • Benjamin Charrington

    Loss of agricultural land for food production Huge change to local environment. Huge disruption and traffic near school in Great Carterton Compulsory purchases of homes in Essendine Low output of... Read more

  • Brian Couzens

    Bullet pioints: Essendine would be completely surrounded by solar panels creating an industrial small town. Over-developed to the extent of over 2,000 acres. Visual and audible implications are... Read more

  • Brian Norman Kearsey

    The project would destroy a beautiful productive farming environment with easy public access for leisure activities via a multitude of public footpaths [SIMPLY THE WRONG LOCATION FOR AN INDUSTRIAL... Read more

  • Bruce McCutchen

    Lincolnshire is a rural county and this awful Mallard Pass scheme will turn it into a semi industrial area. It is of no benefit to the local people and will fund a Chinese owned Canadian Company - is... Read more

  • Catharine Helen Weaver

    As an environmentalist and climate campaigner, I started by supporting Mallard Pass in principle. Understanding its full extent and nature, I now strongly object on ethical, environmental, national... Read more

  • Catherine Gardiner

    After careful consideration of the proposals and research I am registering my objection to the Mallard Pass Solar scheme on the following grounds: Environmental: Use /loss of prime agricultural land... Read more

  • Jamie McCann

    As a local resident, I have deep concerns about the Mallard Pass project. The destruction of perfectly good farmland at a time when affordable food produce has never been more important is negligent.... Read more

  • Maggie Doust

    Concerns re: Collaboration of Windell Energy/Canadian Solar have no record of competency of delivering such a large operation. Size of area and loss of arable farm land at a time when we should be... Read more

  • Michael David Scott

    Myself and my family are residents of Braceborough village, neighbouring the proposed development. We object profusely to the proposal, as it will degredate beautiful British countryside and... Read more

  • Philip Jacklin

    The size of the site is far too large to be in an agricultural area. The company's promotional campaign fills me with suspicion of their real purpose. They aimed to impress by issuing 3 very expensive... Read more

  • Rebecca Charrington

    Loss of agricultural land for food production The loss of biodiversity and potential damage to the local environment Huge disruption and traffic near school in Great Carsterton Compulsory purchases of... Read more

  • Rosemary Fenn

    Conservation for plants and animals.Considerable traffic disruption and destruction of paths and roads. Heavy traffic in villages such as Ryhall Essendine and Belmesthorpe is dangerous as each village... Read more

  • Joseph David Scott on behalf of The Scott Household (The Scott Household)

    We believe the following issues must be given full consideration during the examination process: - the loss of such a vast amount of land currently used as (i) productive agricultural land. Why do we... Read more

  • Thomas Klimes

    2 years+ of noise, light pollution and damage during construction Cabling requires compulsory acquisition rights in Essendine and will directly affect access to my home 6 day working 7am-7pm on site... Read more

  • Clementine Mathews

    I strongly object to these proposed plans for many reasons which include but are not limited to the following - Loss of agricultural land for vital food production with already rocketing food prices... Read more

  • Hugh Davison

    I am concerned about the loss of valuable farming land, food security, food miles and the visual impact of the proposed development as well as the impact permanently lost agricultural jobs. I believe... Read more

  • John H. J. Smith

    I sincerely and fully understand and support all concerns and objections as raised by The Mallard Pass Action Group

  • Linda Seamer

    I feel that the scale of this application is too large for this location. It would result in solar panels dominating the countryside over an extended area. Essendine in particular would be virtually... Read more

  • Maren Taylor

    I strongly oppose this project because: 1 The project is grossly oversized for the local area. 2 No benefits for local residents such as cheaper electricity. 3 Immense loss of vast areas of local,... Read more

  • Penelope Toulson

    I am sure there is nothing that I can put here that no one else has said already. However for so many reasons the idea of a solar farm so colossal in this area of the country is totally outrageous and... Read more

  • Sarah Louise Morten

    It’s too big and will spoil the views of the countryside. It’s not efficient use of farmland and will have a major Impact on wildlife and the local community.

  • Stella M. M. Smith

    I fully support and endorse all the objections as stated by The Mallard Pass Action Group

  • The Wells Family (The Wells Family)

    To Whom it may Concern Having attended a Consultation event at Ryhall Village Hall and whilst I am fully aware of the need to increase our solar production of energy, I am of course in agreement for... Read more

  • Andrew Hoyle

    Concerns over 1. Scale of Project 2. Suitability and expertise of Developers. 3. Industrialization of rural environment used by many for leisure activities. 4. Loss of good quality arable land. 5.... Read more

  • Ben Fennell

    I'm all up for protecting the interest of our children with renewable energy, but this project is far far to big for the area. I can't see why we have to use valuable farming land to take up this... Read more

  • Careby with Aunby and Holywell Parish Meeting (Careby with Aunby and Holywell Parish Meeting)

    Careby with Aunby and Holywell is the next Parish north of Essendine on the East Coast Main Line. Mallard Pass Solar Farm starts very close to Aunby. The main issues of the parishioners I represent... Read more

  • Dr Hilary Gilbert

    I am deeply concerned at the impact this development will have on the character of an enormous swathe of rural England, its productive farmland and natural environment. I strongly support renewable... Read more

  • Great Casterton Parish Council (Great Casterton Parish Council)

    Whilst the completed Solar Farm will be far enough away not to affect Great Casterton, we will be greatly affected by construction traffic passing through the village from the A1 to the site, Great... Read more

  • Harriet Blenkin

    I’m registering to raise the following objections to the Mallard Pass project: Operational Issues - The scale of the operation, with a total site of 2105 acres, means it will have an unprecedented... Read more

  • Isabelle Kingston

    Quite simply, this project is totally pointless and a waste of time and money. This earth would not have been created by God with insufficient resources to see us through until Christ comes back to... Read more

  • Maralyn Beswick-Brown

    Why can’t they use land that is more rural and won’t become an eyesore

  • Mary Veronica Hoyle

    Objection to Mallard Pass Solar Farm

  • Mrs Kathleen Hughes

    It is far too big for this rural countryside area and so close to residents homes and would have a large impact on the rural views . It’s using up good arable farmland that is needed for food... Read more

  • Sally Anne Naylor

    Worry that decent land is being taken out of farming that produces good levels of wheat/barley/rapeseed etc Visual aspect might influence potential tenants for us Possibly might affect our livery yard... Read more

  • Stephen John Valentine

    Additional traffic during the construction, loss of use of the land for all forms of food production.

  • Toft cum Lound and Manthorpe Parish Council (Toft cum Lound and Manthorpe Parish Council)

    Toft cum Lound and Manthorpe Parish Council lies within the South Kesteven District Council area – and comprises three small rural villages approximately two miles north of the proposed Mallard Pass... Read more

  • Alistair Lawrence

    Please see attached.

  • Anthony John Barker

    Despite fully understanding & indeed supporting the need to increase the UKs sustainable energy capacity. I remain totally opposed to this proposal after considering the developers application .My... Read more

  • David Haydon

    I believe the amount of additional road traffic brought about by the Solar Farm construction will place risks to individuals within those small, surrounding villages as existing road infrastructure is... Read more

  • Elaine Hooper

    As we are non EU member we really should be producing our own crops etc. therefore we should be using greenfield sites for this purpose not putting solar panels on them Solar Farms should be placed on... Read more

  • Ian Russon

    The negative impact on wildlife habitats The use of valuable farmland that should be used for food The visual impact on our beautiful countryside

  • John Brewer

    Ecological and Visual damage to this beautiful countryside. Impact of prime crop growing land where the country will have to import it's grain.This will increase our carbon footprint. What happens to... Read more

  • Lewis Christopher Trickey

    negative impact .. during construction...narrow roads can't cope with the increase in lorries. Destruction of good quality farmland which we need ,we should be more self-sufficient with our quality... Read more

  • Malcolm Wells

    We have previously objected to the proposed scheme and again confirm our OBJECTION on the following grounds 1, Total desecration of the appearance and visual environmental enjoyment of a vast section... Read more

  • Mervyn Blessett

    Dust, dirt, traffic problems, inconvenience etc. etc. during the build of at least 2 years. Many large lorries will travel on some of our back roads to reach the sites. Our country lanes will be... Read more

  • Residents of 8 Stamford Road, Essendine (Residents of 8 Stamford Road, Essendine)

    Our main objections to the project are *The Total Size of the site (it will surround and overwhelm the village) *Compulsory Acquisition (no mention of this was made in original information, this could... Read more

  • Richard Peter Wilson

    I am entirely against this project on many grounds. Aside from the environmental impact, there will be a massive degradation of the quality of life of those of us having to live through not only an... Read more

  • Rosalind Couzens

    The solar panels surrounding Essendine will impact the village as it covers a very large area and visual implications are unprecedented. The area is susceptible to flooding and increases the risk.... Read more

  • Sue Bryant

    1. This development is situated in the wrong place. Only being placed here because it is close to a substation that feeds the East Coast main line and will be very lucrative for the developers. 2. A... Read more

  • The Vehicle Vault Ltd (The Vehicle Vault Ltd)

    Impact of increased flow of traffic in the surrounding area. Impact of Noise Pollution early in morning and in evenings.

  • Marion Jill Westcombe on behalf of Westcombe (Westcombe)

    The site is far too big.The solar panels will be overpowering for people nearby. Valuable agricultural land lost. The use is not for ever …will the land ever be reclaimed? Why not panels on new... Read more