
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 701 to 800 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Mark Sutton

    Increasing aviation capacity won't help the Climate Crisis. There may be some short term economic benefits for Luton BC but many people in Luton, Herts, Beds and Bucks will pay for it with a reduced... Read more

  • Mathew Lawson

    I am deeply concerned about an increase in road traffic through Hitchin, particularly along Stevenage Road and in the vicinity of the Stevenage Road/Parkway Roundabout, which is close to where I live... Read more

  • Maxine Anne Whittaker

    The effects on my quality of life with regard to increased noise, pollution and frequency of flights when airport has been expanded

  • Mrs ayse meral

    Not happy with the project as it will directly affect out property and quality of life. As we stand the noise pollution is very high so i cannot imagine the situation after the project.

  • Mrs B

    Removing our lovely park to help aid in the expansion is a huge loss for the community. The park is a place of beauty, calm and happiness for many.

  • Mrs Elizabeth Thurlby

    The noise from aircraft taking off from Luton Airport and flying over my house is unacceptable at present. If the airport expands further, this noise will be intolerable. I have lived in my house for... Read more

  • Natalie Battershill

    I am opposed to the proposed expansion plans for London Luton Airport and all development of the surrounding areas as a result. Expansion and increased passenger numbers will have a significant... Read more

  • Nikolaus Rath

    This plan will significantly impact me and my neighbours through increased noise and congestion on the roads and railways and indirectly through increased greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the applicant,... Read more

  • Oliver Scott

    The frequency of the air traffic currently is as much as is tolerable and fair for local residents to endure. There is no benefit to our chosen lifestyle or right to live in the countryside with extra... Read more

  • Pamela Twydell

    Aircraft noise and pollution 24hrs every day,cargo planes during the night.Not able to have windows open because of noise. Flight path very wide used to be over the M1 roundabout. Aircraft causing tv... Read more

  • Robin Blandford

    The infrastructure surrounding the airport would be unable to cope with the increased traffic. The additional air traffic noise will have a serious effect on local residents. Additional pollution and... Read more

  • Roderic A Hart

    The proposed expansion is directly at odds with the UKGov Climate Emergency declaration; It will make it impossible for the UK Gov to meet the legal requirement of net zero by 2050; The surrounding... Read more

  • Rodney Lendrum

    LUTON AIRPORT EXPANSION I wish to strongly object to the proposals for the expansion of Luton airport. 1..We need to reduce the number of airports in the UK as air transport is not sustainable at the... Read more

  • Roy Charles Catford

    I am strongly opposed to this project due to noise and pollution.

  • Sara Louise Edwards

    I OBJECT 1. The process is made so utterly complicated and complex it has taken me ages to get to this point. It is in my opinion made this way to pit people off from sharing their views. Anyone... Read more

  • Sharon Whiteman

    I am concerned for those of us living in the Kings Walden Parish the effect this will have on our health and the quality of our day to day lives.

  • stephen Battershill

    We are opposed to the expansion and remodel of the airport and all proposed development to the local area as a consequence of these plans. Increased traffic in and around the village of Slip End due... Read more

  • Stephen J W Bates

    My house is in the red zone of the runway and further development would be extremely detrimental to my quality of life and the value of my property.

  • Susan Margaret Bates

    My house is two fields away from the end of the runway and directly under the ILS so am already adversely affected by aircraft movement. The prospect of increased night flights would mean even more... Read more

  • Susan O'Callaghan

    I am against it. It is already noisy and effecting our air quality and health outcomes. Most jobs at the airport are low wages, low skill & antisocial hours. The town needs more than the airport &... Read more

  • Terence Daly

    I live under the flight path and suffer from noise disturbance, this will increase with the expansion. Environmental pollution, through increased Co2 emissions will increase, both through a higher... Read more

  • Vivienne Litchfield

    We live in Stockwood Park in Luton which is an area of local landscape importance, the air traffic over the park and our home is already significantly polluting the air, the landscape, the... Read more

  • Wendy Barber

    More & more traffic congestion getting to & from my place of work in Luton town centre. Road infrastructure will be unable to cope with the additional increase in passengers needing to access the... Read more

  • Wendy Catford

    I strongly object to this project for the following reasons:- Pollution Noise Increase in road traffic

  • William Mahy

    I have concerns regarding noise pollution and the increase in carbon emissions associated with this project.

  • Zena Telford

    I am concerned regarding the environmental impact of increasing the size and volume of air traffic through Luton Airport. Not only is aviation so far behind the conversion to more sustainable... Read more

  • Bidwells LLP (Bidwells LLP) on behalf of A.T.O. Holdings Ltd (A.T.O. Holdings Ltd)

    A.T.O. Holdings are the owners of plot 7-44 comprising 15,271m2. In addition our client owns plots 7-18 and 7-20 and has an interest as Tenant in plots 7-28,7-33,7-34,7-35,7-30,7-37,7-45 and 7-46. Our... Read more

  • Alison Bourke

    I object to further expansion on the basis of pollution (both sound and air) and increased traffic.

  • Amanda Pearce

    I object to the proposal due to the following reasons: 1. Increase in noise disturbance at my home due to increased aircraft movements. Supposed insulation schemes do nothing to mitigate noise during... Read more

  • Andrew Kinzelmann

    Expansion of the airport will result in increased nights flights, impacting local residents sleep. Flights already take off and land between 22:00 and 05:00. This will impact the mental health of both... Read more

  • Andrew Spyrou

    I object in the proposal of luton airport expansion.

  • Barry Smith

    Airport expansion & development is good & beneficial to the town & local area I trust Luton rising & LLA to take the relevant environmental concerns into account. Having lived on the main flight path... Read more

  • Bedfordshire Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (Bedfordshire Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board)

    The Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board (BLMK ICB) has a duty to protect and improve the health and wellbeing of the population within the Integrated Care System. As such, this... Read more

  • Bellrock Group (Bellrock Group)

    The sincere desire I have seen by the organisation to minimise and mitigate the environmental effects of the proposed growth by putting forward a unique Green Controlled Growth framework that will set... Read more

  • Brenda Ann Reintjes

    The proposed expansion is unacceptable in terms of increased pollution, noise, traffic and the loss of green space. People need uninterrupted sleep!

  • Bristol Airport Action Network (Bristol Airport Action Network)

    We consider that to expand the airport and to therefore emit considerable amounts of extra carbon in this time of climate emergency is wrong. It will also mean that it will be very difficult for the... Read more

  • Cambridge Friends of the Earth (Cambridge Friends of the Earth)

    Cambridge Friends of the Earth is deeply concerned about this proposal, which is being considered as a National Infratsructure Project even though the Government's own Climate Change Committee are... Read more

  • Carol Redgment

    The proposed expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA) to 32 million passengers per annum (mppa) from the current cap of 18 mppa (a 78% increase in throughput) will have a significant negative effect on... Read more

  • Christy Wright

    The increased noise, traffic and pollution that will be caused by the increase in numbers will be detrimental to the local community. It’s difficult enough now to enjoy summer in the garden or... Read more


    Living approx 3 miles from the airport, under the the flight path I am obviously concerned about increases in noise and pollution, the plans include a huge amount of additional infrastructure to be... Read more

  • Clifford Nigel Myers

    As a local resident I am concerned about several issues. The proposal lays claim to be "green" but conveniently ignores the millions of tons per annum of additional carbon dioxide produced by the... Read more

  • David Barnard

    Overflying our villages, increased airborne and ground polution. No adequate transport infrastructure from North Herts. Night flights will be necessary…. Noise, light polution, transport through our... Read more

  • David Day

    The proposed expansion of Luton Airport will have a negative impact on many local people’s ( including mine) health and well being and will obviously have a negative impact on the wildlife and fauna.... Read more

  • David Pearce

    I object to this project on multiple grounds: • Noise pollution and disruption to local residents' sleep and quality of life, and mental health; • Air pollution due to aircraft movements, road traffic... Read more

  • Elizabeth Merchant

    I am writing to voice my strong objection to the proposed Luton airport extension. While I understand the potential economic benefits, the negative impact on the environment and our daily lives simply... Read more

  • Farrah Somani

    Proposed development includes acquisition of land near my residential property to increase road infrastructure. Consequences include: - increase in vehicle pollutants and reduction in air quality,... Read more

  • Feroza Bartlett

    Proposed Expansion to Luton Airport 18 million to 32 million Passengers I wish to strongly oppose any expansion of Luton airport, especially the proposal to increase passengers to 32 million a year,... Read more

  • Fiona Duggett

    As nearby residents, my family and I strongly object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport because of the detrimental effects on us, the local community and the environment. The noise we hear... Read more

  • Fiona Mayling

    Whilst the expansion of Luton airport may bring jobs to the area, it will also have a a negative impact on the health of people living around the area. There will, undoubtedly, also be negative... Read more

  • Garry Stubbs

    I already experience significant disruption to my home life as a result of aircraft noise - the level of expansion envisaged by this project will make life unbearable and massively diminish the value... Read more

  • George Bevan

    In a world where climate change is an ever-present threat with overwhelming evidence, vastly increasing the number of flights from any airport should be near impossible. I would urge the government to... Read more

  • Georgina Coombes

    The expansion on London Luton (or any other) Airport is completely inappropriate and unjustifiable, given current circumstances. Our priority at this time should be to discourage people from flying... Read more

  • Geraldine Galvin

    Increased pollution, detrimental impact on air quality, inadequate transport links for increased traffic, reduction in green spaces, unaccepable increase in noise. Detrimental impact on local areas... Read more

  • Gil Yaron

    The main issue of concern for me is the environmental impact of the proposed project.

  • Gillian Mary Chegwyn

    I object to this application. I regard the main issues to be; 1 the negative carbon emissions impact of this infrastructure in terms of its manufacture and usage on global warming and biodiversity.... Read more

  • Harriot Pleydell-Bouverie

    The proposed landscaping and access plot 6-06 is situated on my land ownership. This access route could be accommodated on the adjacent existing right of way, which is situated on plots 6-07 and 6-05.... Read more

  • Heather Whyte

    We live within sight of the control tower and frequently experience noise pollution and air pollution particularly in the form of the smell of aviation fuel which can cause us to close windows. The... Read more

  • Hindu Mandir and Community Centre Luton. And LCOF. (Hindu Mandir and Community Centre Luton. And LCOF.)

    I am in full support of Luton Airport development. However besides jobs and economics growth residential safety and services should be fulfilled satisfactorily. At present services of rail links not... Read more

  • Ian Brian Roper

    I have great concern over the noise and frequency of descending aircraft approaching Luton airport using the AD6 route. I have lived in Rushden, North Hertfordshire for over 20 years. This is a rural... Read more

  • Jacquline Sliney

    I live close to the airport, I am unable to have windows open during the night as planes reving up. They take off every few minutes during the day they disrupt the tv it would be even worse with an... Read more

  • Jan Evans

    1. There would be a huge increase in noise and air pollution in the highly populated area around Luton Airport and its flight paths. 2. Air pollution in particular would contribute to higher premature... Read more

  • Jennie White

    I am in agreement with the project

  • John Hale

    Over the last ten years Luton airport has doubled in size. When that expansion was approved there was an expectation that there would be no further expansion and that the airport would take robust... Read more

  • John Harrison

    Staking Luton's income on an unsustainable and highly polluting industry artificially propped up by massive government airline industry subsidies doesn't provide our town with any future security. IF... Read more

  • John Hogan

    If we are to reach net zero in the near future, we should be encouraging less flights not more. The levels of air and noise pollution are a problem now and will only be exacerbated if this expansion... Read more

  • Jon Stephen House

    The noise from the aircraft already keeps me awake & I can regularly smell the fuel. The park will be mostly destroyed to accommodate this, losing a huge chunk of a county wildlife site, with the... Read more

  • Jonathan P Andrews

    Lack of public consultation and representation of public views. Removal of trees in Airport Way to Amended Flight paths which increase noise levels. Increased air pollution levels making LUTON a more... Read more

  • Karen Bewick

    The pressure on the local environment and local population from the never ending expansion plans of Luton Airport is too much. Luton is one of the most deprived places in the UK but the Council make... Read more

  • karen Clack

    I am concerned about noise pollution, air pollution, the natural environment of Wigmore Park and the extra traffic that will inevitably use Ashcroft Road and surrounding areas

  • Katharina Klamt

    Nothing about this expansion is well thought out or actually beneficial to the area. The roads, as they are now, or with another lane added, can't support the traffic we'd get with an additional... Read more

  • Katherine Khan

    I am writing to voice my strong objection to the proposed Luton airport extension. While I understand the potential economic benefits, the negative impact on the environment and our daily lives simply... Read more

  • Katrina Mairi Doubleday

    This area is already very congested with traffic, not only traffic travelling to the airport but traffic in general. I do not see the need to expand the capacity of the airport in such a restricted... Read more

  • Kings Walden Parish Council (Kings Walden Parish Council)

    Kings Walden Parish Council objects to the plans to increase annual passenger numbers from 18m to 32m. If approved they will have a significant effect on the quality of life in the parish: - 70% more... Read more

  • Lee Jonathan Hazell

    - What impact will this have on local parking ? - What impact will this have on polution ? - Where will the money made go ?

  • Linda Joyce Davies

    Luton Airport Expansion Introduction The world has changed since the proposal originally started several years ago. The pandemic led us to realise that we can stay in touch and hold meetings online,... Read more

  • Linda Scurry

    Increased noise levels throughout the day . Increased flights and noise levels during the night

  • Linda styles

    Extra Flights will cause more noise over the village and our homes especially extra noise with more flights at night. Night flights should be curbed as other airports are. Road infrastructure for... Read more

  • Link Community Centre (Link Community Centre)

    The importance of expanding the airport and the benefits it can bring to the local and national economy, tourism industry, and overall transportation infrastructure is huge. First and foremost, it... Read more

  • Louise Stubbs

    I already experience significant disruption to my home life as a result of aircraft noise - the level of expansion envisaged by this project will make life unbearable and massively diminish the value... Read more

  • Lynne McGechie

    1. Given global warming and the impact of air travel on pollution and its effects on climate I think we should be discouraging air travel, not increasing capacity with an enlarged airport at Luton. 2.... Read more

  • Margaret Helen Gathard

    This proposed expansion will have a significant effect on noise, traffic and air quality pollution to all the surrounding areas and in particular, Slip End as we are under the flight path. We need... Read more

  • Mary Seacole Housing Association (Mary Seacole Housing Association)

    From the Association's perspective, the airport's growth and expansion will support our organisation to continue and, most importantly, increase the difference it makes in people's lives. Added to... Read more

  • Michael John Mercer-Deadman

    - Growth of Luton Airport over the years has seen significant impact on the surrounding country in terms of increased surface traffic and congestion, aircraft noise. - The noise proposals do not meet... Read more

  • Julia Partridge on behalf of Mrs Agnes Helen Philpot (Mrs Agnes Helen Philpot)

    Pollution air and road Noise Infrastructure Effect on wildlife Village life Traffic pollution

  • Mrs Linda Brookes

    I strongly object to the proposed massive increase in passenger numbers and flights at Luton Airport. 1. Noise pollution - when the wind is from the east, departure flights fly directly above... Read more

  • Muhammad Ali khan

    I believe it’s great to expand Luton airport. It will be great for town and visitors. Great economy and will bring more jobs for the community. It will bring Luton more on a Centre point to the whole... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Our Relevant Representations will be sent separately by email

  • Neil Gaskell

    More frequent loud noise- spoiling indoor and outdoor living. Already becoming unbearable. Poorer Air quality / pollution (REDACTED) Light Pollution. Increased traffic wear and tear on roads. More... Read more

  • Neil Walker

    As a sometime user of Luton Airport, I consider it a valuable part of our national infrastructure. However, expanding air travel at this time is incompatible with the UK's Paris 2015 commitments to... Read more

  • Nicola Clark

    This proposed project is wholly inappropriate at this time of rapidly increasing climate and biodiversity breakdown and cannot under any circumstances sit within the plans for a zero carbon future. On... Read more

  • Nigel Oxley

    Here is a list of bullet points I would like to discuss: - Ownership of the airport and a conflict of interest - Shortcomings of previous Planning decisions - Failure to bring in noise mitigation... Read more

  • Paula Yapp

    I am against the expansion due to the adverse impact on the surrounding area. This includes noise, pollution, increased road congestion, impact on countryside and wildlife, decreased quality of life... Read more

  • R. Ifat

    Airport Luton should be expanded

  • Rev. Dr. James Michael Cassidy

    Luton airport growth will help support the economy of the area.

  • Richard John Langeveld

    I wish to object to any further expansion

  • Robert Upton

    1. Target for increased passenger numbers is too high and not compatible with the climate emergency. 2. Control of development impacts is too loose (for example, if planes are too noisy there should... Read more

  • Rosemary Rowe

    The main issues are the affects of the expansion on the quality of life over the three counties. The impact of the increase in aircraft will impact; wildlife, sleep of local residents, destruction of... Read more

  • Ruth Poole

    I’m 100% against this proposed project

  • Ruth Quine

    I think this expansion is a positive thing for Luton because of: * the big difference that Luton Rising's annual contribution to front line services and charities has and does make to supporting the... Read more

  • Saad Miah

    I want clarity and evidence that the following will not be an issue after airport expansion. 1. Noise 2. Pollution 3. Increased traffic 4. Parking 5. That job creation for local people at the airport... Read more