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London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 901 to 1000 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Keith Murray Consultants (Keith Murray Consultants) on behalf of Follett Property Holdings Ltd (Follett Property Holdings Ltd)

    The Order as proposed provides for an inadequate period of time in which to reinvest the compensation monies therefore an undertaking is sought from the promotor to make adequate provision to do so.... Read more

  • Gary Winter

    The proposed Eaton Green Link Road breaches the local plan that was adopted in 2017. Residential roads will become the main access route to Terminal 2 from the East of England and this airport traffic... Read more

  • Savills (Savills) on behalf of GKN Aerospace Services Limited (GKN Aerospace Services Limited)

    GKN Aerospace is broadly supportive of the Luton Rising proposals to expand London Luton Airport and recognises the potential for an expansion to improve the prosperity and economic strength of the... Read more

  • Ian Mitchell

    I am concerned about the effects of noise and air pollution in the vicinity of the airport expansion zone. It’s also likely to affect property prices in the locality. The roads are not well suited to... Read more

  • J Oliver

    I would like to express my objection to the Luton Airport expansion proposals. The increase in flights will bring an unimaginable amount of aircraft noise which is already very bad, having... Read more

  • Keith Murray Consultants (Keith Murray Consultants) on behalf of Jaison Property Development Company Ltd (Jaison Property Development Company Ltd)

    The Order as proposed provides for an inadequate period of time in which to reinvest the compensation monies therefore an undertaking is sought from the promotor to make adequate provision to do so.... Read more

  • Jaltek Systems Limited (Jaltek Systems Limited)

    The initiatives to develop Luton and the surrounding areas should boost the local economy with the potential to create thousands of new jobs. The development will create a optimistic focus for Luton... Read more

  • Jane Tyler

    Noise and light pollution will increase over the village, air quality will be impacted. Loss of parkland utilised by local community. Roads unable to cope with traffic, use of arable agricultural... Read more

  • Janet Henshilwood

    I object to the expansion of the airport. In the 13 years I've lived in Caddington the planes have become much more frequent. On Saturday night alone, there were at least 5 planes that arrived/landed... Read more

  • Jason holdham

    Noise as in direct to flight path , pollution, more cars parking on our street then getting on planes , over night noise ?house price ?value ?

  • Jayne Appleby Holdham

    More noise More pollution More Traffic Parking outside my property

  • Jemma Candy

    Luton Rising is a key partner in Luton’s 2040 Vision for a carbon-neutral town where no one needs to live in poverty. The expansion of the airport will help Luton achieve this goal. The expansion of... Read more

  • Keith Murray Consultants (Keith Murray Consultants) on behalf of John Andrew and Jana Ninot Jason (John Andrew and Jana Ninot Jason)

    The Order as proposed provides for an inadequate period of time in which to reinvest the compensation monies therefore an undertaking is sought from the promotor to make adequate provision to do so.

  • John HAMER

    Further expansion of Luton Airport, will have an adverse effect on the quality of life for towns & villages near & under the flightpaths. I live in Stevenage which apart from Luton flights is... Read more

  • John Philip Davies

    Luton Airport Expansion Introduction The world has changed since the proposal originally started several years ago. The pandemic led us to realise that we can stay in touch and hold meetings online,... Read more

  • Karin wragg

    Our concerns/objections are 3 fold. 1). POLLUTION. Are air pollution safety checks being done?. We live directly Below the flight path. [REDACTED] Who is ensuring that the increased aviation... Read more

  • Kathryn Grimes

    With the number of planes that fly over my house and garden currently I am very concerned that any increase in the number of flights and/or increase in the hours which planes can take off or land will... Read more

  • Lanos (Luton) Limited (Lanos (Luton) Limited)

    We object to the proposed development on the following grounds: 1. Noise due to increased air traffic and closer proximity of flight path to our property. 2. Disruption and increase of road traffic... Read more

  • London Luton limited (London Luton limited)

    We object to the proposed development on the following grounds: 1. Noise due to increased air traffic and closer proximity of flight path to our property. 2. Disruption and increase of traffic both... Read more

  • Marilyn Jude

    The increased noise from almost double the current number of flights/the enormous amount of extra pollution from aircraft at a time it should be reduced/ extra pollution, noise and disruption from the... Read more

  • Mark Dimmock

    I object to these proposals and I am concerned about: - The destruction of Wigmore Park wildlife and open space for the community and replacing it with a second Terminal and more Carparks. - The... Read more

  • Mark Sutton

    Increasing aviation capacity won't help the Climate Crisis. There may be some short term economic benefits for Luton BC but many people in Luton, Herts, Beds and Bucks will pay for it with a reduced... Read more

  • Mathew Lawson

    I am deeply concerned about an increase in road traffic through Hitchin, particularly along Stevenage Road and in the vicinity of the Stevenage Road/Parkway Roundabout, which is close to where I live... Read more

  • Maxine Anne Whittaker

    The effects on my quality of life with regard to increased noise, pollution and frequency of flights when airport has been expanded

  • Mrs ayse meral

    Not happy with the project as it will directly affect out property and quality of life. As we stand the noise pollution is very high so i cannot imagine the situation after the project.

  • Mrs B

    Removing our lovely park to help aid in the expansion is a huge loss for the community. The park is a place of beauty, calm and happiness for many.

  • Mrs Elizabeth Thurlby

    The noise from aircraft taking off from Luton Airport and flying over my house is unacceptable at present. If the airport expands further, this noise will be intolerable. I have lived in my house for... Read more

  • Natalie Battershill

    I am opposed to the proposed expansion plans for London Luton Airport and all development of the surrounding areas as a result. Expansion and increased passenger numbers will have a significant... Read more

  • Nikolaus Rath

    This plan will significantly impact me and my neighbours through increased noise and congestion on the roads and railways and indirectly through increased greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the applicant,... Read more

  • Oliver Scott

    The frequency of the air traffic currently is as much as is tolerable and fair for local residents to endure. There is no benefit to our chosen lifestyle or right to live in the countryside with extra... Read more

  • Pamela Twydell

    Aircraft noise and pollution 24hrs every day,cargo planes during the night.Not able to have windows open because of noise. Flight path very wide used to be over the M1 roundabout. Aircraft causing tv... Read more

  • Robin Blandford

    The infrastructure surrounding the airport would be unable to cope with the increased traffic. The additional air traffic noise will have a serious effect on local residents. Additional pollution and... Read more

  • Roderic A Hart

    The proposed expansion is directly at odds with the UKGov Climate Emergency declaration; It will make it impossible for the UK Gov to meet the legal requirement of net zero by 2050; The surrounding... Read more

  • Rodney Lendrum

    LUTON AIRPORT EXPANSION I wish to strongly object to the proposals for the expansion of Luton airport. 1..We need to reduce the number of airports in the UK as air transport is not sustainable at the... Read more

  • Roy Charles Catford

    I am strongly opposed to this project due to noise and pollution.

  • Sara Louise Edwards

    I OBJECT 1. The process is made so utterly complicated and complex it has taken me ages to get to this point. It is in my opinion made this way to pit people off from sharing their views. Anyone... Read more

  • Sharon Whiteman

    I am concerned for those of us living in the Kings Walden Parish the effect this will have on our health and the quality of our day to day lives.

  • stephen Battershill

    We are opposed to the expansion and remodel of the airport and all proposed development to the local area as a consequence of these plans. Increased traffic in and around the village of Slip End due... Read more

  • Stephen J W Bates

    My house is in the red zone of the runway and further development would be extremely detrimental to my quality of life and the value of my property.

  • Susan Margaret Bates

    My house is two fields away from the end of the runway and directly under the ILS so am already adversely affected by aircraft movement. The prospect of increased night flights would mean even more... Read more

  • Susan O'Callaghan

    I am against it. It is already noisy and effecting our air quality and health outcomes. Most jobs at the airport are low wages, low skill & antisocial hours. The town needs more than the airport &... Read more

  • Terence Daly

    I live under the flight path and suffer from noise disturbance, this will increase with the expansion. Environmental pollution, through increased Co2 emissions will increase, both through a higher... Read more

  • Vivienne Litchfield

    We live in Stockwood Park in Luton which is an area of local landscape importance, the air traffic over the park and our home is already significantly polluting the air, the landscape, the... Read more

  • Wendy Barber

    More & more traffic congestion getting to & from my place of work in Luton town centre. Road infrastructure will be unable to cope with the additional increase in passengers needing to access the... Read more

  • Wendy Catford

    I strongly object to this project for the following reasons:- Pollution Noise Increase in road traffic

  • William Mahy

    I have concerns regarding noise pollution and the increase in carbon emissions associated with this project.

  • Zena Telford

    I am concerned regarding the environmental impact of increasing the size and volume of air traffic through Luton Airport. Not only is aviation so far behind the conversion to more sustainable... Read more

  • Amanda Iles

    Increasing the number of flights will mean more noise pollution for the village which is at an already high level other issues include more air pollution - fuel dumping coats our homes and vehicles.... Read more

  • Carolyn Daphne Ward

    Increase of noise overhead. Frequency of noisy planes Inability to sleep on hot nights when it would be preferable to have windows open but we cant because the noise overhead is prolific now, let... Read more

  • Daniel Kiernan

    As a resident of New Town, Luton, I was frustrated to learn of the continued plans for the expansion of the airport. The decision to continue pressing ahead with this application, despite the lack of... Read more

  • Erin Landry

    Concerned about the impact on the local area, noise, traffic, pollution etc


    Noise and pollution are the main impacts to my health and the quiet enjoyment of my property. With easterly arrivals which tend to be in the better weather, my use of the garden is already limited by... Read more

  • Gillian Holland

    I am against the project as it will bring more car traffic and increased flights which will cause futher pollution and noise to the area. I am also against the redevelopment of the area and the effect... Read more

  • Helen Garwood

    Noise pollution from the airport over my village (Caddington) is already terrible. Caddington is directly under the flight path (landing) and when the planes are coming directly overhead to land they... Read more

  • Hilary John Beavis

    Civil aviation should be restrained rather than encouraged and enabled. Luton Council and Luton Rising are entirely unconcerned about the quality of life of the people in the surrounding community... Read more

  • j loughlin

    The noise and disruption from flights is already at an unacceptable level. Flights should be reduced, not increased. It surely contravenes the Government environmental policies for clean air and... Read more

  • Jacqueline Daniels

    We are aware climate change is an existential threat to humanity. Humanity must do all it can to mitigate the damage to Earth's climate. Expanding an airport to any kind of additional capacity is not... Read more

  • Jeanette Wildman

    Planes getting louder, lower and more frequently. Affecting us during daytime, not being able to hear partner/friend speaking when planes are over head and flights throughout the night making sleeping... Read more

  • Joan Margaret Drage

    I have lived in Breachwood Green since 1979 and have seen the number of flights rise considerably since then, reducing my quality of life in this lovely area. My three main objections to the proposal... Read more

  • John Callender

    In an age when aircraft travel should be reducing, we should not be adding capacity, with the CO2 cost of creating the infrastructure capacity and the the subsequent CO2 cost of the increase in... Read more

  • John Dudley

    I am particularly concerned about the impacts on my sleeping patterns from aircraft noise at night (11.00 to 6.00). As I have grown older my sleep has become lighter and I am woken up in the early... Read more

  • Joseph Bray

    The current noise levels over Caddington are already at unbearable levels, and result in significant air traffic from 11pm onwards in the summer. Given the airport is busiest during the summer, a... Read more

  • Katie Brazier

    I am disappointed that this proposal has continued to be pushed through despite the impact that it will have on residents who currently live under the flight path and are regularly disrupted by the... Read more

  • Linda Street

    Local residential roads, which are already extremely busy, will become the Mail access route to Terminal 2 from the east.The Eaton Green link road breaches the local plan which was adopted in 2017.I... Read more

  • Michael Holland

    I am objecting against the project as it will increase noise and air pollution from the increase of flights which will have a determential affect on health. There will be increased traffic to an... Read more

  • Mr Simon Hvass

    1. All local Councils (excluding Luton Borough Council) oppose the expansion. 2. The Application contains no measures to minimise the impact of building work or operations outside of Luton Borough. 3.... Read more

  • Mrs Linda Skelley

    I strongly disagree with the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. I have lived in the village for over 30 years and the increase in the frequency of disturbance of noise particularly at unsociable... Read more

  • Philip William Alderman

    I consider the planned scope and duration of this project to be hugely detrimental to the living standards of those surrounding it. The impact on the local environment both in terms of the destruction... Read more

  • Richard Martin Skelley

    At face value, the proposed 80% increase in passenger capacity means: 80% more flights 80% more noise 80% more pollution 80% more congestion in road and rail travel to the airport. The pre-Covid... Read more

  • Richard Rolfe

    If the airport were to be expanded, it would drastically increase noise pollution, this already affects my sleep schedule, negatively affecting my health and increasing my tiredness (this affects me... Read more

  • Rita Helen Weber

    My main issue is the impact the noise from aeroplanes both during the day and night has on my quality of life especially as I live directly below a flight path.

  • Robert Wildman

    Flight more frequent, noisier and some lower Night time lots of flight coming. Difficult hearing anyone speaking when door is opened or in garden when flights are overhead.

  • Robin Turner

    The proposed expansion takes vital green space for which Luton has one of the worst in the country away from the residents it allow will increase noise and pollution as well as destroying a walk to... Read more

  • Sheila Lendrum

    LUTON AIRPORT EXPANSION I wish to object to the proposals for the expansion of Luton airport. Luton Borough Council has already given generously to ‘Luton Rising.’ Probably too generously, although I... Read more

  • Sidney Colin Garnett

    1. We had to move from Caddington for health reasons, after having planned it to be our forever home. We moved to Caddington in 2014 and we spent a lot of money to make it comfortable and to enjoy our... Read more

  • Suzanne Whittaker

    Noise. The aircraft are closer than they were and often disturb my sleep. I definitely don't want this made worse. Working. I no longer work at Capability Green but the noise in the summer means phone... Read more

  • Tanya Vinton

    Noise from aircraft Environmental impact pollution Congestion in area of people going to airport,roads pollution Impact on house prices if the above happen Impact on health respiratory conditions from... Read more

  • Teresa Jane Morgan

    I work at a primary school on the proposed route to a second terminal from Vauxhall Way. School children have to cross Wigmore Lane and Crawley Green Road to get to and from my school. Subjecting... Read more

  • Tracy Rolfe

    This expansion is already interrupting our sleep and this effects our work and health. The aircraft noise carries on late at night, early hours and throughout the day. Providing home insulation... Read more

  • Amanda Rankin

    Very concerned about increase traffic , particularly on Wigmore Lane which is already a very busy Rd Loss of green area and trees Pollution increase

  • Anthony Higgins

    At face value, the proposed 80% increase in passenger capacity means: 80% more flights 80% more noise 80% more pollution 80% more congestion in road and rail travel to the airport. . I strongly object... Read more

  • Clive Gordon Page

    I think the main impact on local residents, including me, will be the greater frequency of night flights. The noise limits are too high. The WHO guidelines for community noise recommend under 30 db(A)... Read more

  • Daniel Downing

    I support the plan to expand the airport as it provides a good opportunity for mass employment to people in the local area securing the future of the town and its residents.

  • Daniel Swaile

    The expansion is not consistent with our emission reduction aims and works against all our climate change goals. Air quality is goi g to be damaged and this is proven to damage people’s health... Read more

  • Dawn Hardy

    I object most strongly to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, chiefly because of the serious noise disturbance which is already excessive. Almost doubling the number of passengers will also have... Read more

  • Derek Langley

    Climate change will affect everyone as well as the ecosystems on the planet. Expanding Luton airport will only add to carbon emissions and will therefore warm the planet further, causing yet more... Read more

  • Elaine Moore

    Expansion of the airport may secure jobs for people but will increase noise pollution for residents living on flight paths Expansion will increase air pollution at a time when UK is already missing... Read more

  • Emma Armitage

    Main issues - disruptive sleep - noise - pollution

  • Franco Angella

    Worried about increased noise and air pollution Even more night time flights?!!

  • Gordon Glen

    In the current climate change environment I am deeply concerned that this level of aviation expansion is being contemplated. I believe that it should be rejected solely on these grounds. In addition... Read more

  • Greig Toyer

    Devastation to the countryside. Taking away a beutifull park located in Bedfordshire and moving it to Hertfordshire. Extra traffic.. Luton is as bad as londondon with regards to the amount of traffic.... Read more

  • Heather Connor

    Main issue is aircraft noise already driving me crazy. Also environment issues.

  • Helen E Haran

    I am concerned about climate change and its impact on my family and all those I love, especially grandchildren. I have a deep interest in wildlife and fear for the survival of many of the plants I see... Read more

  • Helen Greensmith

    . Unacceptable noise levels of aircraft passing directly over my house at low levels . Noises levels persistently greater than 90Db . Noise levels constantly disturb sleep as they frequently fly after... Read more

  • Huw Davies

    We live directly under the flight path. A significant increase in flights to Luton caused by the expansion will have a very significant impact on us. The current level of noise throughout the evening... Read more

  • Isabel Lorna Wilks

    I live on the flight path and see & hear the planes going over. In the garden and in the house in the warmer weather with windows open this is already a nuisance and with the proposed expansion would... Read more

  • Jeanette Millett

    Disruption to quality sleep, Excess increase in noise from aircraft.

  • Jenny Langley

    Climate change will affect everyone as well as the ecosystems on the planet. Expanding Luton airport will only add to carbon emissions and will therefore warm the planet further, causing yet more... Read more

  • Jessica McGinty

    The noise from the planes overnight wakes myself and children up, they have broken sleep or woken up early from the planes taking off and landing. The noise is so loud we have to pause the tv every... Read more


    We have already seen a massive increase in the amount of planes flying over Caddington village. The expansion will only add to this, causing further air & noise pollution. The flights already run into... Read more