
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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  • Michael Oliver

    The aircraft noise in south Luton is already annoying. Noise from twice as many flights will be unbearable - especially for people living near the flightline. Triple-glazing doesn't help in the hot... Read more

  • Mrs Anna Schreier

    I feel very strongly against the expansion and feel I should put my reasons to you. I have lived in Kensworth for 40 years and over this time the flights going over my property and have increased to... Read more

  • Nigel Harvey

    1. The scale of the climate crisis means rapid decarbonisation of our transport system is absolutely essential. Doubling of passenger numbers will do exactly the opposite. 2. The Govt's own climate... Read more

  • Nigel Shane

    I fail to see how there is demand for an almost doubling of the current airport passenger capacity. In recent years passenger numbers have declined and in the current economic environment this will... Read more

  • Patricia Owen

    I’m extremely unhappy about it. From the destruction of Wigmore Park, to the huge increase in flight numbers and noise over Dagnall to the environmental damage - it needs to stop. We’re supposed to be... Read more

  • Paul Houston

    Luton Rising wrote to me on 9 May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I wish to object to the proposed... Read more

  • Paul Richard Squires

    Increasing Noise Levels: a. The already intrusive levels of noise experienced by us caused by aircraft taking off over Breachwood Green will be increased in frequency if this application is granted.... Read more

  • Pauline Hill

    Local residential roads will be the main access to Terminal 2 from the East of England Traffic will pass 3 schools & close proximity to homes Eaton Green Link Road breaches the local plan adopted in... Read more

  • Pauline Snoxell

    I would like to object to the expansion of Luton airport. Reason being disruption to sleep at night due to increasing flights including freight. Impact to air pollution and impact to surrounding... Read more

  • Peter Roy Barrow

    I Object The housing growth around Luton along the flight paths is significant, with the latest Local Councils Housing Plans being adopted. (!00,000 homes are planned for Hertfordshire alone.) Luton... Read more

  • Philippa Rosemary Fray

    I reject the planning application due to the noise pollution and the impact this has on my health. There is historical negligence in maintaining these noise levels (2019 official records ranged from... Read more

  • philomena fairley

    I live a short drive (circa 15 minutes) from the Airport and will always choose Luton as my first choice when i fly. I have viewed the information for this proposed project and find they have... Read more

  • R Herity

    If expansion goes ahead, I am concerned about increased noise and pollution from extra flights. Double glazing and sound proofing will not work particularly in summer months when windows are open more... Read more

  • Rayman Khan

    I have been at this property 2018, the only time I had any peace was in the pandemic, I could speak to my children without any disturbances of air traffic, also when I have family and friends around... Read more

  • Rev Fr Allan R. Jones, CRIC

    While I appreciate that there will be those against the planned extension of London Luton Airport, I would like to register my support for this planned extension. As Luton continues to grow as a town,... Read more

  • Richard Hennessy

    The main issue will be the amount of traffic that will increase with the volume of passengers,how will our roads cope with the extra volume of traffic where even now we have more pot-holes than tarmac... Read more

  • Robert Balaam

    Luton DART Expansion: Extend the Luton DART to Dunstable, Leighton Buzzard, and Milton Keynes, replacing current bus expressway. Current travel time from Milton Keynes, ~25 miles, is over an hour,... Read more


    expansion In 2019 the requirement for the UK to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 (with all emissions by that date needing to be balanced by greenhouse gas removals) became law. In April 2021, the... Read more

  • Roger William Payne

    The airport already generates unacceptable noise with its flights over Harpenden, congestion on local roads and rail services, pollution and contribution to global warming. It has already exceeded its... Read more

  • Roman Ullah

    I'm basically concerned about the expansion plans , the extra noise & pollution and general lack of concern for peoples health & the environment & feel the need to protest against Luton council & Lton... Read more

  • Ronald Kenneth Payton

    I do not agree with any developments that involve increased use of fossil fuels and thus contributing to global warming. At a local level, the increase in noise pollution on residents cannot be... Read more

  • Sally Jennifer Wood

    We need to reduce the amount of flying in order to reduce the impact on climate breakdown and biodiversity loss.

  • Sandra Lawes

    I object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport on a number of grounds, principally: 1. The increase in aircraft noise – especially at night 2. The idea that increased noise and health hazards for... Read more

  • sharna currington

    The noise of the planes are constant as it is. The night time is always a broken sleep & in summer when the windows are open they are horrendously load. It’s unfair & to think it’s OKAY to make this... Read more

  • Sharon Horwood

    I am concerned that the air quality will be even worse than it is now. Some mornings in my garden the smell of aviation fuel is so strong it is choking. It affects [REDACTED] and I have to go inside... Read more

  • Steve Lyons

    Having lived in Slip End for over 40 years, aircraft traffic has increased considerably over the years. Whilst most of the very noisy early aircraft have been updated over the years, the number of... Read more

  • Stop Luton Airport Expansion (Stop Luton Airport Expansion)

    As a volunteer I represent the group Stop Luton Airport Expansion (SLAE) and as the name suggests the group are opposed to the airport's DCO application for expansion. For clarity, we are not opposed... Read more

  • Sue Eldridge

    • Planning conditions were imposed to safeguard residential amenity and to accord with the objectives of Policy LP1 and LLA1 of the Luton Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. Nothing... Read more

  • Susan Heselton

    The currant amount of flights from Luton affect me and my family. The noise levels are clearly heard in our garden and surrounding area. There are days when we can actually TASTE aircraft fuel and... Read more

  • Suzanne Brown

    It is disappointing that at a time when we should be focussing on reducing the use of fossil fuels an expansion of Luton airport is being proposed. All the inhabitants of earth deserve better than... Read more

  • Mike Blaser on behalf of The Blaser Family (The Blaser Family)

    I am concerned about the overall plans to increase airport capacity as it will increase the existing impact of the airport on the immediate area. We live 750 yards from the landing flight path final... Read more

  • The wilson household (The wilson household) on behalf of The wilson household (The wilson household)

    Health. Detrimental to everyone in close vicinity to planes taking off or coming in to land. The plane is the most polluting means of transport. Noise When outside our house, we can't hear or speak... Read more

  • Tracey Back

    I am concerned about the extra traffic this is going to cause around an already congested town. I am worried about air pollution with all the extra traffic and more flights I understand it will bring... Read more

  • Stephen Walker on behalf of Walker Household (Walker Household)

    Having lived in the village for 15 years plus, the noise and impact from taking off flights has become a low worse over this period. The flights rarely went directly over our property, but in recent... Read more

  • Watermill Estate Residents' Association (Watermill Estate Residents' Association)

    We wish to express concern over the proposed expansion of Luton airport for the following reasons: • Noise disturbance from aircraft flying over our area in Hertford has increased considerably over... Read more

  • Wendy Molefi

    I would like to register my objection to the expansion of Luton airport. The noise pollution over Kensworth village is unacceptable and detrimental to our health especially with planes flying all... Read more

  • Wingrave with Rowsham Parish Council (Wingrave with Rowsham Parish Council)

    The Parish Council is concerned about the increase in the number of flights and the flight path(s) affecting the immediate air quality in and around Luton as this Parish is under current flight paths... Read more

  • Zenobia Lewis

    I am writing to register my strong opposition to the expansion of Luton Airport. I find it shocking that in this day and age of the climate crisis, an expansion of a major UK airport is even being... Read more

  • A Dodd

    Luton is the most polluted town of its size in the country. Money should be invested in more sustainable forms of transport at this point in the climate emergency we are all facing.

  • Adrian Alexander Cunningham

    I object to the airport expansion due to: Increased average noise level particularly late evening and early morning from frequent flights will degrade my quality of life, noting that we generally want... Read more

  • Adrian Sutcliffe

    The expansion of the airport will cause massive noise pollution, congestion, parking problems and loss of local amenities for the local neighbourhoods. The closure of the tidy tip will cause an... Read more

  • Akbur Ghafoor

    I fully support the expansion of London Luton Airport. The convenience Luton Airport offers for the South East in terms of ease of access to the rest of the planet, without the need to travel to other... Read more

  • Alan Haworth

    While I understand the thinking behind the proposal. I object to the noise, Also the number of aircraft that request new vectors that fly over the residential area (Farley Hill). I have lived in Luton... Read more

  • Alex Haden

    The park is the only green space in the area, I have a lot of fond memories there, and it's a great place to walk when I want to return to the countryside. When I was growing up in Luton, it was a... Read more

  • Alex Huzzey

    Air travel is not sustainable. Climate change threatens all of us, particularly those in developing countries. It is insane that we are even considering investing in more airport capacity rather than... Read more

  • Alex Newnham

    We are witnessing climate breakdown that demands urgent action from the UK as a country. To increase airport capacity in this period is a terrifying decision, and one that we cannot take if we are to... Read more

  • Alexa Hicks

    I am a resident of Wheathampstead which is already badly affected by air traffic to/from Luton Airport. I wish to express my opposition to the expansion proposals. The proposals will have a... Read more

  • Alison Clare Ascott

    The number of flights passing over my house and the excessive aircraft noise level has become unbearable. Early in the morning flights pass over my home continuously where I am still able to hear the... Read more

  • Alison Cunningham

    I’m very concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed expansion. The noise levels will be unbearable for people in the area. Parkland will be destroyed and wildlife will be severely... Read more

  • Alison Janet Ewer

    The airport expansion will severely impact the quality of life and well-being of myself, my family and my local community. The increased air pollution resulting from the expansion will cause a growth... Read more

  • Alison Watts

    There are already too many aircraft in the skies above Hertfordshire, the noise pollution is significant and the impact on the environment and climate is too great to expand Luton airport. Access... Read more

  • Amy Johnson

    I am worried about the pollution levels in Luton.

  • Andrew Richard Palmer

    I am exceedingly concerned about the impact that the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport on my quality of life and on the environment in general. When my wife and I moved to Welwyn Village some... Read more

  • Andrew Robson

    The proposal greatly to increase the number of flights to and from Luton Airport is totally at odds with Luton Council’s pledge to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040. The proposed very large... Read more

  • Andrew Toogood

    There are many issues the proposed expansion raise, however I have listed some below: - 1. There is no hard evidence given as to any benefits of the expansion, in particular how this expansion will be... Read more

  • Angela Cotton

    I do not support this project on the following grounds: 1. Climate change. Aviation is a major emitter of carbon dioxide and there must be no expansion of aviation untill and unless it can demonstrate... Read more

  • Ann White

    This airport was already causing noise pollution where I live in Jersey Farm St. Albans and has continued to expand quickly, faster than was stated. It is now trying to increase again without... Read more

  • Anna dwyer

    I am against further expansion at the airport, the reason being , it will me more noise and more pollution. I have been told that I'm not on the flightpath to warrant noise insulation, but the fact of... Read more

  • Annables Management company ltd (Annables Management company ltd)

    Primarily environmental concerns. Noise, pollution, increased traffic and effect on local communities as a result. The airport is one of the most crowded that I know. We make use of current aviation... Read more

  • Anne Hollis

    An expansion of Luton Airport is totally contrary to the advice from international environmental scientists concerning the harmful effects of current air travel methods. I live in Wheathampsted and... Read more

  • Anthony Oliver

    I strongly oppose the expansion of Luton Airport on the following grounds: 1.We should be discouraging more flying to reduce the environmental impact and the contribution to climate change 2.The... Read more

  • Anthony Seymour Burgess

    Fully support Luton Airport expansion

  • April Jones

    To consider expanding airport capacity in the midst of a worsening climate emergency is mad. Sustainable aviation is unattainable in the near future, and we have to start cutting carbon emissions now,... Read more

  • Aqua Moye

    I am deeply opposed to the proposal to expand London Luton Airport. I am already disturbed by the disruptive noise of aircraft flying overhead. I am therefore distraught at the thought of additional... Read more


    As a business operating in the Airport vicinity we are subjected to daily abuse from visitors to the facility who insist on parking in our facility and leaving their rubbish, diapers and much worse.... Read more

  • Benoit Katombe

    I am opposed to this project because the expansion is likely to have an impact on the value of my property. As an owner of a property that's in the vicinity, I believe I am entitled to a fair... Read more

  • Charles O'Donnell on behalf of Bulls Green (Bulls Green)

    Excessive noise from 6am until 11pm causing sleep disruption,sometimes unable to hold a conversation with neighbours and friends outside also need to close windows to listen to radio and TV which is... Read more


    The expansion of Luton airport will cause loss of air quality on a local level and contribute to global warming on an international level through the carbon emissions of the aircraft.

  • Caddington Parish Council (Caddington Parish Council)

    We thank you for the opportunity to comment, on yet another revised Luton Airport expansion plan, the fourth such consultation within five years. We note that the amount of documentation is now so... Read more

  • Cadent Gas (Cadent Gas)

    RELEVANT REPRESENTATION Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the London Luton Airport Expansion Development Consent Order (DCO) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986,... Read more

  • Cameron Taylor

    I strongly object to LAE future expansion due to the following reasons - Noise Pollution , Light Pollution , Air Pollution , Road Infrastructure , Traffic , Wildlife issues and finally the scamming... Read more

  • Cara Catlin

    Concerns over pollution Concerns over highway infrastructure/ additional traffic

  • Carol Birch

    Ridiculous to expand flying when we are in such a climate emergency

  • Carol Crook

    The proposed expansion in the number of flights is unsustainable at a time when carbon emissions urgently need to be reduced to net zero. The catastrophic effects of climate change are already having... Read more

  • Caroline Hall

    I am deeply worried about the impact on the local community and surrounding areas if the airport is expanded.

  • Carolyn Dodd

    We are in a climate crisis driven by burning of fossil fuels. More flights will add to this by causing more CO2 from aviation fuel and increased traffic to the airport. For those living locally, more... Read more

  • Catherine Brant

    The expansion of Luton Airport will cause considerable distress to residents on the flight path into the airport from the east. The change in the stack and hold pattern has resulted already in... Read more

  • Charles Arthur Barber-Lomax

    Noise - routine flights pass at their closest to us at 2,500 feet an,d in the middle of the day, every 10 minutes or so. If we are in our garden, conversation has to be repeated. Increasing the... Read more

  • Charlotte Woodbridge

    Main issue: the high carbon impacts of airport expansion, both in the build and in the increase in aviation traffic. We have to be drastically cutting our carbon emissions to retain a livable planet... Read more


    I am totally against the proposed expansion of the airport. It is quite large enough as it is. I have lived near the airport for over 40 years and have used it for 40 years. My experiences of the... Read more

  • Christopher John Burkitt

    Noise, particularly from aircraft departing in an easterly direction over Breachwood Green, has already reached an unacceptable level. In addition to night flights, there is a peak starting at 06:00... Read more

  • Citizens Advice Luton (Citizens Advice Luton)

    I have been pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the benefit we... Read more

  • Clare Miesner

    Negative impact on environment from increased air travel and traffic to airport. Negative impact on noise pollution levels in heavily populated local areas.

  • Claude Fourcroy

    We should develop and democratise the railways not the aviation industry. Not many parts of the world are now left untouched by the climate emergency. We know what the consequences are. Increasing... Read more

  • Columba Mcmenamin

    I’m against the project to extend Luton airport and increase passenger numbers I object to it on the basis of noise pollution, too much road traffic, and environmental pollution, and the negative... Read more

  • Jenny Cooper on behalf of Coopers (Coopers)

    We need to cut carbon emissions not increase them to protect all our futures.

  • Craig Scudder

    Although I understand the need for Luton Council to create jobs and revenue for the town, I disagree with the increase in pollution and co2 emissions that will accompany a bigger airport. Yes jobs are... Read more

  • Daniel Crossley

    Please do not expand Luton airport or seek to rapidly expand passenger numbers - first and foremost as aviation is a big contributor to the climate emergency, but also because of local pollution and... Read more

  • David Boothman

    I would like to object to the expansion based on: 1) Environmental concerns - noise pollution over our village, climate change impact, night flight impacts, extra car congestion and traffic on the M1... Read more

  • David Bromet Phillips

    My wife and I have lived in Kimpton for 17 years. We have noticed an enormous increase in the number of flights from Luton Airport over this period. The flights start around 6am and continues... Read more

  • David Charles Smith

    I strongly oppose Luton Airport's application to increase passenger capacity. This would result in continued irreversible damage to local communities health and wellbeing, the environment, through... Read more

  • David Dilley

    Pollution from significantly larger number of aircraft. Additional aircraft noise. We already suffer noise pollution and disruption from the many flights passing directly over Knebworth and I have... Read more

  • David Ewer

    The airport expansion will severely impact the quality of life and well-being of myself, my family and my local community. The increased air pollution resulting from the expansion will cause a growth... Read more

  • David Garwood

    I am extremely concerned about the proposed expansion to Luton airport. The increase in noise and air pollution would be unacceptable.

  • David James Hooker

    I have big concerns over the extra amount of road traffic, particularly on Eaton Green Road, Crawley Green Road, Lalleford Road and Wigmore Road. The proposed traffic lights on these roads will not... Read more

  • David Keith Graham

    I oppose this application as it will: A. Cause myself and many others significant extra noise disturbance that will prevent enjoyment of the natural world (E.g., simply leaving a window open, sitting... Read more

  • David Kingdon

    I write as someone who, although having a Kent address, spends approximately 50% of my time in Wheathampsted which is already badly affected by air traffic to/from Luton Airport. I wish to express my... Read more

  • David Lionel Geary

    I believe that the proposed expansion is too large and will have disastrous consequences for residents and the environment of the area It will blight many residential homes and public areas,... Read more

  • David Newman

    I support LBC's planning proposal. It will bring jobs and wealth to the local economy, as well as giving more flexibility to local communities in being able to travel and commute. In my experience,... Read more

  • David Robinson

    Serious concerns about additional air traffic with resultant air and noise pollution.