
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 400 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Sara Wykes

    Damage to community outside space E. G. Burbage Common. Damage to existing road networks and using green belt to create additional road network. Lack of good quality jobs being created. Impact on... Read more

  • Shirley Iliffe

    The village of Burbage which is within one mile of the site and on the main road connecting to it is often choked with traffic and this extra 100 lorries a day traffic will overburden our village and... Read more

  • Steven Greaves

    There will be an unacceptable increase in Heavy Goods traffic passing through Sapcote village on roads which are unsuitable for large vehicles. This is inevitable because there are frequently long... Read more

  • Terry Robertson

    This plan does not allow for the massive increase on the existing facilities. As it stands the current infrastructure cannot cope with the increased demands of this proposal, so therefore should not... Read more

  • Alexandra Griffiths

    It is not a good location. I thought the A14 was built to facilitate goods being transported from the east coast. Warehousing has sprouted up to support this route which is all at the A14/M1/M6... Read more


    Detrimental to my local environment - transport infrastructure is very poor regarding a huge increase of road haulage for onward transport of goods locally - plus noise pollution from trains and the... Read more

  • Christopher Graham Jiggens

    I live virtually next door to the aforementioned site of the Hinckley Rail Freight Terminal Interchange. I'm concerned with all aspects including noise and emissions pollution. More so noise and light... Read more

  • Clare Cliffe

    I am seriously concerned about the impact this will have on our family life. We live close to Burbage Common and enjoy family walks. It is so important for my children to enjoy the outdoors and family... Read more

  • Colin Melvyn Harris

    This project will take out of production, or possible production, many hectares of farmland at a time when we should be looking to becoming more self sufficient in food production. It will increase... Read more

  • Eleanor Tristam

    Concerns for noise and sight pollution, extra traffic on roads and loss of habitat. Mental health concerns for walkers of burbage common- this is a place of peace and tranquility for so many.

  • Jackie Knight

    I live on the edge of Stoney Stanton and believe the impact if this project gets the go ahead will be a great travesty to the surrounding villages and the local people. All of Burbage common and Woods... Read more

  • Karen Crudgington

    I am concerned about: Increased trains causing more vibration to our property as we are next to the railway line. This could damage the property by causing cracks and subsidence. Increasing noise from... Read more

  • Liana Pearson

    Detrimental to my local environment - transport infrastructure is very poor regarding a huge increase of road haulage for onward transport of goods locally - plus noise pollution from trains and the... Read more

  • Mark Nickerson

    Local traffic issues and green space usage.

  • Mr Lawrence James Wilson

    Please see attached.

  • Mrs Carmen Palmer

    I’m very concerned about the proposals to build a rail freight terminal in Hinckley. I live right next to the common and woods. If this were to go ahead the impacts on me and my family will be... Read more


    Increased traffic on unsuitable roads. Destruction of green space (Burbage Common). Constant lorry movements.

  • Nicholas Taylor

    This is an unnecessary development that will damage the environment with a significant increase to traffic when the current infrastructure struggles to cope. There are already such developments in the... Read more

  • paul Wheatcroft

    Born in Hinckley and want this area of natural beauty and wildlife habitat to remain as an asset to our town

  • Ratby Parish Council (Ratby Parish Council)

    Impact it will have on the highways due to extra traffic on mainly single carriageways. Emission of noxious gases thereby foiling the effort to de-carbonise Increase of rail traffic along route to... Read more

  • Helen Louise Richardson

    This is going to have a huge impact on the road and rail infrastructure not just locally around Sapcote, Stoney Stanton, Elmsthorpe but out as far as Enderby, Narborough etc. The road network is near... Read more

  • Jonny Ridge

    There is a huge problem with the hnrfi, environmentally, location, pollution, it will affect local wildlife, air quality, etc.

  • Keith Whitmore

    damage to the local from every aspect of development to the residents and environment of the area .

  • Lee Cannings

    This development will overload an already broken road infrastructure in the area. Add to parking issues. It will and already has caused the loss of those using the greenfield site of burbage common... Read more

  • Lorraine foulds

    Impact on Narborough village and traffic congestion caused by the increased number of trains going through the station. Plus impact to countryside for surrounding villages.

  • Mrs Jane A Edwards

    This proposed development will cause Environment damage and disturbance to wildlife. The close proximity of the project to Burbage Common and woods will spoil this peaceful area enjoyed by many and... Read more

  • paul lowe

    I am very concerned about HGV traffic transiting through Hinckley. I live on council road Hinckley and my House shakes when HGVs pass.

  • Rodney Hilton Cure

    The applicant has not provided sufficient data to justify an additional rail terminal to existing facilities

  • Stephen Smith-Phelps

    Totally opposed to this planning application. It will be environmentally wrong for the area, bring additional noise and traffic issues, destroy Burbage Common and greatly increase the usage of the... Read more

  • Sue Wareham

    I am full against any of this proposal as it will have a devastating impact on a vast area around the proposed site, villages, people, environment, wildlife, air pollution, train stations, travel,... Read more

  • Tiffany Back

    Concerned about increased traffic through villages that are already clogged with traffic too big for the roads and junctions. Magna Park and DIRFT are large logistics sites within close proximity to... Read more

  • Angela Dunnett

    Loss of green space impact on environment.impact on quality of life of those along the proposed route Impact on the train station at littlethorpe and Narborough. This will greatly affect residents... Read more

  • Castlewood Residents Association (Castlewood Residents Association)

    36 residents of our mobile home park having held a meeting to discuss the issues are concerned about the following: 1.The impact of more traffic in the local area impacting our ability to access our... Read more

  • Chris Dwyer

    Environmental impact to the area including: Noise pollution Light pollution Air pollution The railway infrastructure is a cross country network and is not electrified and therefore can only operate... Read more

  • Christine Vernon

    This is about how it will affect me personally and the community of Enderby and nearby villages. The traffic problems that will be caused for every village. The eco problems that will be devastating.... Read more

  • Hazel Sutton

    Excess traffic on roads which are clogged now. Burbage common wild life and tranquility will be jeopardised . This is one of the rare place’s people can go to unwind from the stresses of daily life.

  • Johnson Family on behalf of Johnson Family (Johnson Family)

    We feel that this project is not suitable for this location. It is very close to Burbage Woods and Common which is a country park and has a lot of diverse flora and fauna which will be disturbed by... Read more

  • Julia Dwyer

    Environmental impact to the area including: Noise pollution Light pollution Air pollution The railway infrastructure is a cross country network and is not electrified and therefore can only operate... Read more

  • Lisa Robinson

    With the amount of new developments being built in Hinckley and the surrounding area, it’s proving extremely congested and the noise levels have increases dramatically, this development will only make... Read more

  • Matthew Fowler

    The existing freight trains cause a manageable degree of discomfort to the day to day life for me & my family. There is a real concern that an increase in freight train traffic past our property will... Read more

  • Paul Hartshorn

    In my opinion, this development that is being proposed will create several significant negative impacts around the local area and across large parts of South Leicestershire where I am the... Read more

  • Richard Ian Booker

    The developers (Tritax) are using the railway as a reason to get this development approved, the line in question is two lines, isn’t electrified and I am told has no spare capacity to accommodate up... Read more

  • Steven Barton

    Access to our housing estate is via the A47 and our property backs onto this road. The level of traffic has noticeably increased in the 9 years we have lived here. Our main concern is the massive... Read more

  • Victoria clayson

    I’m very disappointed to see project progressing. We already have a very large rail freight very close to this site which isn’t even fully utilised, so this is really not needed so close by. We bought... Read more

  • Alexa Humphries

    I am deeply concerned about the safety impact of the freight trains at Narborough Station due to narrowness of platform, frequency of trains and the turbulence caused. I am concerned about the impact... Read more

  • Andrew Dottridge

    This structure is not needed as there is the Rugby hub nearby and it will destroy green fields and land that can be used for farming and leisure activities. It will cause massive traffic disruption to... Read more

  • Aston Flamville Parish Meeting (Aston Flamville Parish Meeting)

    Alternative site appraisals appear minimalistic, local traffic mitigation efforts are undefined, market need & areas served are questionable. Adverse effect on local environment in all aspects,... Read more

  • Claire Gray

    Burbage Common is a much loved and very well used area. We frequently take a trip out the city and find it peaceful and pretty place. Teeming with wildlife. I am not qualified to predict the exact... Read more

  • Jonny Bray

    I am a local resident, I have concerns over the project being built on my door step, number 1 is the noise, the trains already toot their horns during the night at the crossing, how will this get... Read more

  • Lynn Godden

    Concerned about the impact that the rail freight plans will have on the environment. Burbage common is a beautiful area that is well used by the community, but it will also affect the wildlife, flora... Read more

  • Malcolm Batchelor

    It will have a mast impact on the area , and spoil Burbage Common

  • Mark Stewart

    I have concerns about increased traffic, noise and light pollution due to the proximity of the site to my village

  • Michael Shepherd

    Environmental and Travel impacts

  • Mrs C Ward

    I do not see the need for this project as I know that there is an existing rail freight terminal only 15 miles away (DIRFT). Indeed, according to my local MPs website there are 7 rail freight... Read more

  • Chloe Blasdale on behalf of Payne/Blasdale (Payne/Blasdale)

    It will cause an increase in traffic which will in turn cause an increase in pollution, noise and accidents. The A5/ Watling Street bridge is already the UK's most frequently hit bridge by lorries.... Read more

  • Sarah Knight

    I have concerns re. the environmental impact and pollution (light, noise and air quality).

  • Scott Reilly

    The number of these terminals located so closely to Burbage common will have a detrimental impact on wildlife and the enjoyment of the greenspace associated with Burbage Common. There will be... Read more

  • Suzanne Morgan

    1. Impact on local traffic. 2.Pollution, light, noise and air. 3. Impact on the wildlife and enjoyment of Burbage Common and surrounding area.

  • Tatjana Parfenuka

    I am absolutely appalled by the proposition of this plan. Firstly, Hinckley and surrounding areas simply have no capacity taking on project as big as this. Residents suffer DAILY of terrible traffic... Read more

  • Janice Fielding on behalf of The Fieldings (The Fieldings)

    We are concerned about the additiona traffic this will cause through local villages. We are conerned with pollution There are already 2 National train freights in this region: Rugy and M1 junction 24... Read more

  • christine phillips

    I object to this development . It is unnecessary. other rail freight interchanges are within a few miles e.g. D.I.R.F.T is 9.6 miles from Magna Park , 2 miles from M1 ,12 miles from M6. Increase in... Read more

  • christopher gunn

    this project will put way to much pressure on our small area. we are a relatively small area and just because we are near main train lines and central in the uk does not mean that the green space... Read more

  • Christopher Morris

    I feel there are a number of negative impacts which have prompted me to object to the proposed Hinckley rail freight terminal, these are. 1) the impact on traffic both from increased road traffic... Read more

  • David Geoffrey Wright

    The proposed site does not take into account the road infrastructure in the area and traffic bottlenecking now in the area on the A5 starting at Smockington junction with the B4114 all the way to... Read more

  • Duncan Taylor

    Environmental issues with such a huge site when there are a number of distribution centres in a 10 mile radius of the proposed location. Why do we need another centre? The infrastructure will not... Read more

  • Hinckley Town Tennis Club (Hinckley Town Tennis Club)

    Our site at the Leicester Road Sports ground will be impacted by the build and traffic this project brings.

  • John Cable

    We need to remove more freight from the roads and this project will help to achieve that by having better links to Felixstowe and Thamesside

  • Linda Newman

    Objections to HNRFI. The environment will suffer. Increased traffic, especially now the "goal posts" have been changed i.e. including Magna Park. This was not the original application and there is no... Read more

  • Louvain Coxall

    The development is not needed as there are similar developments locally with much warehousing not yet being used. Original consultation said 75% of the business would come from existing warehousing.... Read more

  • Michael William Brown

    Main concerns are to include, extra traffic movements through Sapcote, Stoney Stanton and other local villages on the following roads, B4114, B4669, B581, B4668, B578. It is also a great concern that... Read more

  • Paul Catling

    I am concerned about this development and am opposed to it for the following reasons: - big potential for unacceptable increase in noise and light pollution in the area. - destruction of valuable... Read more

  • Ray McMahon

    This project will impact the A5 and all surrounding roads adversely. It will severely impact local traffic trying to join the M69 at Junction 2 It will adversely limit our enjoyment of Burbage common... Read more

  • Ruth Duke

    The impact this proposal will have on the surrounding area is severe. Local villages are small and the roads of Hinckley are already crowded. The site is close to a golf course and acres of common... Read more

  • Stephanie rose Barker

    Main impacts is loosing more Greenland space used by wildlife and by many walkers. As proved by the pandemic outside space is vital for mental health. Burbage common is a community space we can't... Read more

  • Theo Claassen

    This proposed development will have a detrimental impact on the local wildlife, road network, causing congestion, air and light polution. There are three railfeight terminals in the area that can be... Read more

  • Thomas Green

    I have a number of objections to this scheme. It will have a significant impact on traffic in the area, there is a significant environmental impact that cannot be mitigated and with existing rail... Read more

  • Alastair Macqueen

    Having lived in Burbage for 46 years I have witnessed many changes. Burbage itself has grown from an adjunct village area of Hinckley to a major housing estate with unlimited growth over the last 30... Read more

  • Alex Lawson

    I am concerned about the impact that the development of the HNRFI will have on local businesses that would be forced out of the land they currently occupy. Also, the impact on the environment and... Read more

  • Clive Watson

    The M69 does not have the capacity to take extremes of LGV's or the junctions of the M1, A5, M6 and A46. There would also be issues if any of this traffic were to pass through Hinckley, the... Read more

  • Elaine Phillips

    The proposed HNRFI is being built on open countryside next to the protected Burbage Common. The roads around the area are already very congested and the plans by Tritax to try and overcome this are... Read more

  • Jane Astley

    This development is a significant size over many acers in my local area . It will have an impact on many homes that will end up having nothing but a view of a container yard . It will bring more HGV... Read more

  • Jane Taylor

    I am opposed to the proposal for the following reasons: - There is already significant distribution capacity within a 10 mile radius, most notably south of Hinckley along the A5. - It will result in... Read more


    This project (HNFRI) will have a damaging and detrimental effect upon the residents and environment of those living in Hinckley/Burbage and surrounding areas. There is a large rail freight interchange... Read more

  • Market Bosworth Parish Council (Market Bosworth Parish Council)

    Market Bosworth Parish Council has not previously commented on the planning application for the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange as it does not have the relevant expertise in all the areas... Read more

  • Michael Mullaney

    As a local Councillor for Hinckley I object to the proposed rail freight terminal. Whilst it is being badged as rail freight the reality is it will lead to a large number of lorries on local roads.... Read more

  • Neil Bennett

    I view the main issue is the capacity of the road systems through Stoney Stanton and Elmesthorpe. There is already considerable congestion at certain times of the day and this development will just... Read more

  • Nigel Hutchinson

    This is one of the few warehouse schemes which make proper use of rail facilities as well as providing a much needed connection from the M69 to existing ring roads. This in itself will remove a lot of... Read more

  • Peter Bradbury

    1. I live in the village of Sapcote being approx. one mile from the proposed development. 2. The surrounding region is considered prime territory for warehousing, depots and distribution centres - to... Read more

  • Richard Beaumont

    The Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange will affect the local area in the following negative ways: - Destroy the area of Burbage common, with years of disruption. It is the only area for local... Read more

  • Sandra King

    This would be intrusive into the local environment; affecting wild life; building on green belt land; destroying trees; loss of farming land and making the country even more dependent on foreign... Read more

  • Terence Richardson

    I am the Leader of Blaby District Council. This proposed development will have a major impact on the quality of life across most of the Blaby District area especially in terms of; This is not a rail... Read more

  • Alec Knight

    The road infrastructure in the surrounding fosse villages will not be sustainable. Impact on the nature and the environment with regards to Burbage common is unacceptable. Increased rail movements... Read more

  • Elaine .L .Blaney

    I have commented about this proposed project many times over several years. I am strongly against this proposed project on the following grounds The proposed development will NOT benefit our local... Read more

  • James Crawford

    This project, adjacent to one of the few open public spaces (Burbage Common) cannot be other than a total eyesore. It's height & footprint will be completely at odds with the area & the Common in... Read more

  • Katie Pettet

    I am deeply concerned about the lack of services that will be required. With a academic failing primary school in sapcote at present the addition of more families and children to the village are going... Read more

  • Kerry Smith

    The junction just outside of my road will be near impossible to get out of for work in the morning. It is already extremely busy and adds an extra 5 minutes to my work journey. The construction is too... Read more

  • Lee Scott

    Dangerous increase to road traffic for both existing road users and pedestrians Dangerous large vehicles travelling through Burbage and out through Sapcote and Stoney Stanton villages Noise and light... Read more

  • Melvin Ronald Shilton on behalf of Melvin Ronald Shilton

    It would adversely affect the common area, add traffic to the M69 which is already slow at the Leicester end several times per day. Also, if there was an accident chaos would prevail. There is already... Read more

  • Mr T Wheatley

    See attached paper copy

  • Narborough Parish Council (Narborough Parish Council)

    Below is a copy of the representations we made during the public consultation. We have received no reassurances or response from the promoters, Tritax, and, therefore, stand by our reasons for... Read more