
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Mark Alder

    There are many reasons why this is the wrong thing to do both morally and factually. Examples of the latter are listed below: The damage to the site will be totally unacceptable (paraphrasing... Read more

  • Mark Elson

    The project has seemingly not investigated other options to stop this desecration of a sacred landscape with World Heritage status. Notwithstanding the damage to the archaeological structure of this... Read more

  • Martin Abram

    I object to the A303 Stonehenge tunnel. My main objection is to the destruction of the landscape. Many years of construction will ruin this World Heritage Site and then we will be left with two... Read more

  • Martin Redfern

    Disturbance to rare birds / other wildlife. Traffic speed increasing will increase noise. Serious adverse affect to the WHS and it's archaeology - UNESCO describe it as a landscape without... Read more

  • Martyn Tucker

    I am very concerned about native fauna and flora and the visual vista of a world heritage site.

  • Mary Burk

    Registry my opposition to the freeway plans in and around Stonehenge the world heritage site - please do not build this out.

  • Mary Moxham

    I strongly object to the proposal on the grounds that it will remove the opportunity for everyone to see this magnificent monument at a distance from the road. The citizens of this country have been... Read more

  • Matthew Wetton

    I am objecting for the reasons below: 1./ There will be excess noise caused by the faster road traffic. 2./ The shear lack of alternatives to the proposed that would not damage the World Heritage... Read more

  • May Cadman

    I am very concerned that the historic site will be irreparably damaged. It is a World Heritage site, and I believe that the WH do not think that the current plan for the road is acceptable. I think... Read more

  • Maya

    The proposed plan will ruin the natural landscape and destroy a great heritage site.

  • Michael Moran

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Mike Dando

    Any tunnel should be of sufficient length to avoid any ground breaking within the WHS. It is particularly concerning that the proposed design will cause damage to a mesolithic site. Furthermore, the... Read more

  • Mike Kear

    I object on the strongest terms to this application. It will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. It goes against... Read more

  • Milo Maguire

    I am writing to object to this proposal on the grounds that it would cause irreparable damage to the site.

  • Mr Ralph Tillier

    I object to the A303 Expressway on grounds of damage to unique Mesolithic archaeology (some avoidable damage has already been done at Blick Mead) and danger to rare bird species (Stone Curlew and... Read more

  • Mr Tom Logue

    I am objecting to the proposal because I think that it will seriously damage the nature and integrity of this World Heritage Site. There are areas surrounding it which have not yet been subjected to... Read more

  • Mr. Ian Amderson

    It is my opinion that any further traffic alterations to the surface traffic around the relic that is known as Stonehenge, will only result in more movement of the earth surface covering the area... Read more

  • Mrs A Beardon

    Stone Henge is a renowned World Heritage Site, and its importance stretches far beyond its locality. Considerations important to all such sites should be taken into account, not just local... Read more

  • Mrs Jacqueline Gaze

    I am objecting to the potential loss of the view from the road. The need to pay to see the Stones in the future is a step to far in my opinion. Some of us are too infirm to hike for a glimps of our... Read more

  • Mrs Kathleen Murphy

    As an archaeologist and previous History teacher of forty years, I condemn these planning processes as they conflict with our national heritage values in many ways. The historical environment must be... Read more

  • Mrs Sonia Allen

    I first set eyes upon Stonehenge when I was in my twenties.... and that sudden view from the A303 absolutely stunned me. I could hardly believe I was actually seeing this marvellous site right in... Read more

  • Mrs. Jennifer Rogers

    When I was a child we would go to Stonehenge, at a time when we could wander amongst the stones, sit on them and feel part of the extraordinary landscape. I remember later the frightful tourist... Read more

  • Nell Aurelia Admiral

    I object to this, as it will irrevocably damage this heritage site. I believe it would constitute wanton damage to an irreplaceable part of our history, landscape and culture. Other options have not... Read more

  • Niall Mcguire

    Please reconsider damaging a national heritage site of such importance, alterations done in haste and misjudgement cannot be undone. Many a heritage site has been lost due to this ignorance and... Read more

  • Nigel Sheldon

    More options should be considered to safeguard this WHS its Archaeology , Landscape and rare Flora and Fauna , and also the Blick Mead Mesolithic Site and Setting. UNESCO'S International Advisors ... Read more

  • Pamela Boot

    For too long the World Heritage site at Stonehenge has been subjected to the noise and visual blight of a major road. This A303 Stonehenge National Infrastructure Plan does too little to solve the... Read more

  • Pamela Burdett

    I am completeing this representation as I am concerned about the proposal by Highways England to the A303 Stonehenge. Firstly the plans would mean irreparable damage to this WHS and is likley to lead... Read more

  • Pat Ellmore

    Regarding Stonehenge - I am against the new suggested road because of : damage to the World Heritage Site. the disturbance of rare birds. increased traffic.

  • Patricia Johns

    This proposed roadwork will do irreparable damage to a landscape which has been recognised internationally as having special importance. What's more, UNESCO's advisers have raised concerns about the... Read more

  • Paul Cochrane

    I know this route well, from using it on an almost weekly basis when we lived in Devon. I remember the improvements around the roundabout west of the Solstice Services. It took years to complete, it... Read more

  • Paul Hatchwell

    The plan as proposed for a dual carriageway and tunnel at Stonehenge will be damaging to it as a World Heritage Site, and better solutions must be considered instead.

  • Paul L Rees

    Purely and simply, I object to the proposal on the grounds that it will, firstly, interfere with the undeniable uniqueness of this World Heritage site in that it violates the ground on which it is... Read more

  • Paul Wilkinson

    I am objecting to the plans on the grounds that any works to a world heritage sight will obliterate any future and past archaeology for ever , I believe there is no need to widen the road or dig a... Read more

  • Pauline Wilson

    Highways England have recently demonstrated that they are not competent to oversee the construction of a road, including a tunnel and elevated sections without irreparably damaging the UNESCO World... Read more

  • Pearl Cantlie

    There are routes available for Bristol/ Bath and the West re other motorways. It is a beautiful scenic route that is being destroyed by applying to put in a by pass. In its historic value, and as an... Read more

  • Peter Cornish

    I am VERY concerned that the presently proposed road development will cause irreparable damage to this magnificent WHS, is contrary to UNESCO's advice and will risk Stonehenge losing its WHS status.

  • Peter Dearden

    The history of England's is being destroyed because the government are trying to make some quick money. You can't change the water trample and not effect the land. I've also been made aware that the... Read more

  • Peter Jamieson

    I understand the need to improve traffic flow along the single carriageway section of the A303. But a tunnel is unnecessary. It will be disproportionately expensive and it is likely to disturb and... Read more

  • Peter Lane

    I am concerned about damage to the World Heritage site, not only to the stability of the structures during and after construction working, but also for the environment due to loss of habitat and the... Read more

  • Philip Young

    I believe the action proposed action will damage a historically significant site and seek further reassurance in that matter.

  • Philippa Clarke

    I would be very much against the proposed plan since it would disturb this ancient site which still holds many secrets as to how our ancestors lived. Furthermore it would carve up this beautiful... Read more

  • Poppy Malone

    This proposal is 'un-neighbourly' to an ancient and extremely historic site. Stonehenge should dominate the landscape not 21st century structures. It seems as if wildlife, traffic and noise have... Read more

  • Rena Hume

    I consider this an outrage .This is a world famous site of great importance and it is a nonsense that it could be endangered .This suggestion regarding Stonehenge is unbelievable.We should be... Read more

  • Rhiannon Pettitt

    The current road plans will have a negative impact on the Stone Henge World Heritage Site. This will be detrimental to our culture and heritage.

  • Rhiannon Rozier

    I am concerned at the damage that will be done to the historical site in general and the loss of the view of a national heritage site from the road forcing people to pay, which will exclude those on... Read more

  • Richard Cherns

    I object on the grounds that the current plan is at fault in these aspects: Despoliation of, and incursion of increased noise and vibration into, what is essentially a sacred space, whether the... Read more

  • Robert Insall

    This application will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. The visible stone circles will be made to appear... Read more

  • Robert MacCall

    I think that the current plan endangers the integrity of this World Heritage Site and would cause irreperable damage to it. Other, less damaging options should be considered as a matter of urgency.

  • Robin and Win Dewsbury

    As English Heritage and National Trust members, we object strongly to any planning anywhere around this valuable site.

  • Robina Brown

    As a World Heritage Site, I do not like the idea that people will no longer be able to drive past and see Stonehenge. The only way they will be able to see this historic monument is by buying a... Read more

  • Robyn Bailey-West

    Highways will destroy important Archeology already found and in the future.

  • Roger Clarke

    I have been visiting the Stonehenge site since I was a child, indeed was one of the last generations to be able to interact freely with the stones. I wrote a project on Stonehenge as a child. What I... Read more

  • Roger Gwynn

    Stonehenge (including the whole landscape around the main site) is a unique and priceless part of our national heritage and it is of course also a World Heritage Site. I am concerned that the plan for... Read more

  • Rose Broderick

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. Lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the World Heritage Site. Loss of the view from the road... Read more

  • Roy Barlow


  • Ruth Parkin

    How can we seriously consider a major road building project on a world heritage site in such a way that will render its surrounding archaeological heritage compromised. It sets a dangerous precedent... Read more

  • SallyAnn Simpson

    These plans for an expressway so close to Stonehenge will create irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, and described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’.... Read more

  • Samuel Lane

    Public access to stonehenge is being constantly attacked and withdrawn. I have a right of access along an ancient trackway now called the A303. This Road has been a public right of way since long... Read more

  • Sandie Clifford

    I wish to object to the building oif the tunnel on the A303 as it destroy areas of historical interest and it change the lsurrounding ladscape of the Stonehenge site for ever in a way that is... Read more

  • Sara Stagg

    I disagree with the proposal to tunnel under or near Stonehenge.

  • Sarah Elliott

    This proposal would irreparably damage an UNESCO heritage sight. Even UNESCO stand against it. The plans would totally dwarf Stonehenge and ruin the impact of viewing it first from the roads around.... Read more

  • Sarah Rooke

    I am concerned about the proposals: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Satch Norton

    Stonehenge and the land around it is a very important Public asset and is far more important than cutting a few minutes off a car journey. We need to be cutting car journeys, not encouraging more... Read more

  • Rob Tanner on behalf of SEA Oxford (SEA Oxford )

    SEA Oxford have been running tours to Stonehenge for nearly 20 years. The recent archaeological discoveries in the area, turning the site from a stone circle to one of the most important historical... Read more

  • Sean Gannon

    I am objecting to the 303 tunnel on the potential destruction of environment and archeology in the world heritage site

  • Sean Martin

    I object in the strongest possible terms to the proposed Stonehenge 'expressway'. I have seen no evidence of congestion on the A303 from either personal experience or in comments and videos posted... Read more

  • Sharon Hall

    Irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site Damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting Disturbance of rare bird species (Stone Curlew and Great Bustard)

  • Shelagh Weeks

    Firstly, I am appalled that in a time of climate melt-down, major huge roads are being still being planned. Secondly, I believe that the planned road will have a hugely detrimental impact on a site of... Read more

  • Simon Aylward

    The Stonehenge expressway proposal is an attempt to save money at the expense of our National Heritage. That which will be damaged is priceless, irreplaceable archaeological evidence of the history of... Read more

  • Spencer John Mulholland

    The main reasons for my objections for this project are; The immeasurable damage it will inevitably cause to this World Heritage Site, the damage it will cause to the rare wildlife that inhabits the... Read more

  • Stella Westmacott

    I wish to make the following points against the planning application:- It will result in irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Stephanie Carn

    I'm opposed to the road scheme on many grounds, the most important being the damage to a world heritage site, disturbance to birds and other wildlife, the inevitable increase in traffic that will... Read more

  • Stephen McDonald

    I object to this proposal because; 1. This is an iconic Landscape which must at all costs be preserved for future generations. Driving a significantly larger road through this area will of course... Read more

  • Stuart Lawrence

    My chief concern about the proposals for the re-touting of the A303 around the area of Stonehenge is the impact that it may have on the heritage surrounding countryside. I strongly feel that it is... Read more

  • Sue Woodley

    I am very concerned about the impact of the A303 Expressway on the Stronehenge World heritage site because of the damage it will cause to this archaeological site which will be irreparable, even... Read more

  • Susan Tovey

    I wish to object to any tunnel or similar structure being constructed near Stonehenge. The principle objections are interference with a World Heritage site and danger to rare species. I also think... Read more

  • Suzanne R. LaTulipe

    As someone who is highly concerned with historic preservation and plans to re-visit the Salisbury Plain, I find that the narrow perspective of protecting the Henge by tunneling under it while damaging... Read more

  • Sylvia Brathwaite

    I am against this proposal as I feel it would damage the World Heritage Site described by UNESCO as a "landscape without parallel. I am also against it as it would disturb the rare Stone Curlew... Read more

  • T Van Hagen

    The alteration in land scape around Stonehenge is against the World heritage guidelines. The alterations planned are irreversible and a Major archaeological site will be severely damaged! The sacred... Read more

  • Thais Leandrini Brand

    I would like to object to the construction of the A303 Expressway on the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. As someone that uses the A303 quite a lot I understand that there is a traffic problem in the... Read more

  • Thomas H. Small

    I believe that the A303 expressway should not be going through the Stonehenge national monument. The monument itself is thousands of years old & history should be preserved on that historical site.

  • Tony Maddison

    It's an insult to the concept of Heritage, and an insult to a place of Worship. You should be ashamed. Stop trying to ruin ours and our childrens Heritage.

  • Tony Wallace

    Amend or abandon the current proposed road scheme to avoid permanent damage to this world famous prehistoric site.

  • toon Bakker

    I am concerned about the damage being done to an ancient site.

  • Tracey Lane

    I have to wholeheartedly object to this planning application to the new roadway which will ruin the beauty of Stonehenge. I am appalled that the highways could even consider such a monstrosity. Surely... Read more

  • Tracey O

    I believe allowing the tunnel to go ahead will cause irreversible damage to the World Heritage sites and to the surrounding archaeology.

  • Valerie Deighton

    To much damage to archeological sites would occur and also damage to Stonehenge views.

  • Vatche Gulbekian

    I would like to see this plan redesigned to take into account the already stated objections below: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape... Read more

  • Vaughan Baguley

    I am very concerned that the proposed widening of the a303 will do irreparable damage to the world heritage site of Stonehenge. This prehistoric monument and its surrounding environs which still... Read more

  • Victoria E Powell

    I'm objecting to this proposal for the irreparable damage it will do the environment and to this area of exceptional historical and archaeological significance.

  • Victoria L Diamond

    This major world heritage site must not be disturbed. Find another way to achieve your goals without destruction to this sacred site. Please leave it alone and as is. People around the world love... Read more

  • Victoria Sayell

    I object to the idea of any tunnel being used near or around Stonehenge. This is a unique and precious landscape that must be left intact for future generations in terms of cultural and historical and... Read more

  • Vitor Oliveira Jorge

    Stonehenge is not only a very important, worldwide famous, prehistoric monument. It is all the landscape around it that is the monument. That landscape is also full of traces of human past activity.... Read more

  • Vivien Gawn

    I disagree with the building of an express way on the A303 for the many reasons that I have expressed to you already, along with thousands of others who agree that the negative impact of this for the... Read more

  • Wendy Hall

    UNESCO’s international advisers are against the scheme as it stands. Stonehenge and the surrounding landscape is a unique archaeological World Heritage site and would be irreparably damaged if this... Read more

  • Wendy Mott

    The proposed tunnel risks damaging as yet undiscovered archaeology and does not stay far enough away from known sites like Blick Mead. The historic landscape is so much bigger than the visible stones.

  • Will Redfearn

    We need to stop the relentless destruction of the countryside. The road is just for the benefit of the motorist and not the tourist or visitor. There is so much history yet to be discovered.

  • Willem Derde

    Stonehenge is one of the top most valuable UNESCO WH sites in the world. International organisations such as UNESCO itself and its advisory body ICOMOS have strongly advised against the current... Read more

  • William Greenwood OBE

    There are some things in life which are worth preserving in as natural a state as is possible. The proposed road building project would completely alter/destroy the Stonehenge heritage.

  • Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council (Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council)

    In making my representation on the A303 Stonehenge Scheme as the Clerk of Winterbourne Stoke Parish Council I would wish to begin by stating the support for the scheme as a whole; an effective dual... Read more