
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 500 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Courtney Duffin-Hall

    We need to prioritise the enviroment and re-growth of a dying town centre in both Luton and Dunstable, not lining pockets. We do not need anymore foot fall in Luton. The hospital is at breaking point,... Read more

  • Dan Cartwright

    This application needs to balance the economic and environmental needs of the region. By investing in the airport, it can ensure a sustainable growth plan which benefits everyone, while minimising... Read more

  • Darren Howard

    It cannot happen as it will destroy numerous trees and vegetation when we as nation are combating the global warming crisis by planting trees in attempt to net carbon offset but we have established... Read more

  • Datchworth Parish Council (Datchworth Parish Council)

    Datchworth Parish Council supports the position of LANACAN (Luton and District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise) and other objecting organisations in resisting developments which would... Read more

  • David Neil Baker

    As a local resident for many years I would like to ensure that the Examination fully takes into account the effect that the proposed airport expansion would have on the area immediately surrounding... Read more

  • Debby Wilson

    Large airport is not needed. Park is in constant use and with ruin the lives of residents that live in the area if the airport goes ahead.

  • Diverse fM Community Media & Training Ltd (Diverse fM Community Media & Training Ltd)

    We are supporting Luton Rising application for expansion based on the positive impact, both in respect of economic and social impact the airport already has in our town. The expansion will also have... Read more

  • Duncan Bennett

    Traffic on the Upper Tilehouse St/A602/Paynes Park junction and Pirton Road/A505/Upper Tilehouse St/Wratten Road junction in the West of Hitchin is already above capacity. The North Herts Local Plan... Read more

  • Emma Jane O’Reilly

    Impact to health Congestion of roads

  • Esther Kennedy

    I think that the airport is big enough as it is. There will be a severe impact on the wildlife in the area. Alot of the community enjoy walking (and walking their dogs) in these beautiful open spaces.... Read more

  • Friends of Wigmore Park (Friends of Wigmore Park)

    Options available during consultations had already been rejected. Proposed breach of the Luton Local Plan adopted in 2017, that bans the use of Eaton Green Road to provide access to Century Park or... Read more

  • Denise Crawley on behalf of Gladys Walker (Gladys Walker)

    Increase in parking problems which is already a major issue in roads near the airport. Noise which will be unbearable in summer months when the windows are open,increase in night time flights... Read more

  • Jane Bedlington

    Expanding Luton airport is against all reasonable and sensible thought process. How can expanding an airport in any way, shape or form be the right thing to during a time of climate crisis. If there... Read more

  • john spencer

    it is inappropriate and will cause great difficulty on roads and on the railway. There are better airports ready for expansion if it is needed.

  • Julie Hills

    We apparently are in the midst of a climate emergency. So this project has a negative impact in many ways on our town (& my family's & my life). The smell of jet fuel that wafts from the current... Read more

  • Karen Kim Carter

    The airport expansion will be great for Luton particularly as it will create more jobs for local people and neighbouring counties. Also money is invested from every person passing through the airport... Read more

  • Lauren Bailey

    The roundabouts you wish to change to main roads leading to the airport. I live right by one of the roundabouts and have 2 small children who like to play outside. When I moved here i loved how open... Read more

  • Lesley Greengrass

    I live in Kensworth, directly under the flight path, more passengers means more planes. The planes fly over almost continuously during the day, prohibiting conversations/listening to radio or... Read more

  • Lisa Harris

    The main impact on this proposal would be the effect it has on health from the additional pollution from, cars, traffic, noise and planes. [REDACTED] as do many other people. The proposal will make it... Read more

  • Mandie Bavister

    Excessive Air pollution Luton will never meet carbon neutral status with the doubling of passenger capacity. Excessive noise pollution the airport already exceeds on a regular basis the noise levels... Read more

  • Mandy Hope

    Thus is going to ruin the area.. fly tipping, cause pollution for fumes fron cars planes. Why should plans go ahead on the say so of people who do kit even luves in ares. God help us all. What will we... Read more

  • Margaret Janet Gordon

    The proposed plan does not take into consideration the effect it will have on the residents of Wigmore and surrounding area. The horrendous increase of congestion on the roads with the added effects... Read more

  • Mary Ternouth

    I strongly object to an increase in maximum passenger numbers. Noise from aircraft departing from Luton airport already affects my quality of life detrimentally - a further massive increase in the... Read more

  • Matthew Edward Clarke

    I wholeheartedly support the expansion of London Luton Airport for the following reasons: Creation of jobs including apprenticeships Generating income for the Borough of Luton New generation of... Read more

  • Melanie Fowler

    I am very concerned by the seemingly never ending expansion of Luton airport and in particular the significant adverse impact that the proposed further expansion will have on the amenity and lives of... Read more

  • Miss Diane Marie Moulster

    Expansion of the airport will destroy parkland (Wigmore Valley Park, causing a loss to natural habitat, home to varied flora and fauna will cease to exist. It will cause planted roundabouts to be... Read more

  • Miss Samantha Britten

    I believe that by allowing this airport expansions it will kill off alot of wildlife and plant life in the local area. Luton already falls short of its green spaces and Wigmore park is used by... Read more

  • Ananth Vishwanath Rao Nadiger on behalf of Nadiger (Nadiger)

    As an affected household in the landing flight path, I would like to register my comments towards the proposed application of London Luton Airport expansion project: * The potential raise of the... Read more

  • Philip Woods

    I was born in the village of Kensworth and still work the land as a farmer. Over the 60+ years I have seen Luton airport grow. Living in a conservation area and an ANOB I am very concerned about the... Read more

  • Robert Thurlby

    I am very concerned about the increase in Noise which have a huge negative impact on me. I am very concerned about the increased carbon emissions, especially from aircraft. I am very concerned about... Read more

  • Salvatore Cardinale

    I think the expansion of the airport would be great for both the community and the town. It would create lots of work for numerous people.

  • Sharon Drain

    In a time of crisis with the global climate and the destruction of our wildlife habitats we cannot allow this project to go ahead. We should be reducing air travel. Do not stick your heads in the sand... Read more

  • Susan Cotton

    There are too many aircraft flying at low levels over this area. Sleep is disturbed constantly throughout nights already. The proposed expansion does not take into consideration how many people will... Read more

  • Tina Lord

    There are already many aircraft overflying us at a low enough level to be intrusive. This is particularly bad in the morning and wakes me up, especially in the summer when the windows are open. Also... Read more

  • Tracey Hill

    The trees and beautiful open space local in Wigmore Park and our roundabouts need to be kept. This destruction cannot happen, our local environment keeps so many people positive in mind and spirit.... Read more

  • Alan Craig

    The ruling Labour Council, which has partisan support and cannot be changed by those most affected by the airport expansion plans, is hellbent on a slash and burn programme. It can only see profit... Read more

  • Anita wilson

    I object to the de vegetarization of the area, the excessive traffic lights & new roads, the destroying of wildlife & just ruining a beautiful area & parks

  • Ann Adlem

    1. The changes will impact local wildlife. 2. The roads in and around Eaton Green Rd and Wigmore are already congested, this proposal will make it much worse, not to mention the noise levels. 3.... Read more

  • Barry Leonard Cottle

    I have the misfortune to live under the East/West flight path approach to LAP. In consequence we suffer very regular flights directly overhead and at comparatively low altitude. This is both noisy and... Read more

  • Christopher Endicott

    - Recently subjected to changes to Luton Airport flight paths, that, with no consultation or warning have caused huge amounts of overflight noise to our quiet, semi-rural local area. - Already bad... Read more

  • Connected Places Catapult (Connected Places Catapult)

    On behalf of the Connected Places Catapult I am writing to express our support for the Luton Rising airport expansion DCO. We believe that this project will bring significant benefits to the local... Read more

  • Dame Joyce Plotnikoff

    Increase in road traffic: We live on a narrow country lane (two cars cannot pass abreast outside our house) with no pavement on either side. Church Lane is already used as a 'rat run' between... Read more

  • Elaine O Farrell

    I object for the following reasons: My back garden faces Wigmore Lane, as I live opposite ASDA. Under this proposal this section of Wigmore Lane will be expanded to four lanes. This will mean peak... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    Thank you for consulting the Forestry Commission on this proposal. As the Governments Forestry experts, we endeavour to provide as much relevant information to enable the project to reduce any impact... Read more

  • Howard Godfrey

    The noise from the planes is excessive, especially if they take off to the east over our village. In the evenings the TV is drowned out by the noise, which is every 5 minutes sometimes but set to... Read more

  • James Cameron

    I strongly onject to the expansion because flight path is directly over our home We are subject to direct polution

  • John West

    We have lived in the property since Feb 2015, just over 8 years. When we purchased the property, we were fully aware of its proximity to the airport and that the flight path goes over the house and... Read more

  • Kathleen craig

    My house will be surrounded by 4 lane highways, and increased noise and pollution from additional traffic having to stop and start at the ridiculous number of traffic lights proposed. Our quality of... Read more

  • Kh Butt

    I strongly support expansion of Luton airport. This will definitely brings a lot of opportunities for not only for the local council but local public snd surrounding areas. This will make an impact on... Read more

  • Linda Lane

    I oppose the planned Luton Airport expansion for the following reasons. The number of passengers will increase from 18 million to 32 million per year therefore causing more congestion on our already... Read more

  • Lisa Jane Lathane

    I am concerned about the proposal to expand Luton Airport for the following reasons: - the noise impact on the surrounding area, from both increased flights and a larger airport - the increased light... Read more

  • Maria Alicia Casero-Rojo

    Destruction of many important local green spaces, negative impact on environment, biodiversity, health levels, reduction of amusement and play areas. Luton is already recognised as having less than... Read more

  • Martin Lindsay Wood

    The major issue is the impact of these proposals on climate change. We have known for many years now that climate change is occurring, largely because of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere caused... Read more

  • Michaela Comb

    As a resident of Stopsley I am concerned about the destruction of long established trees, wildlife habitat and the loss of greenspace as a result of this project. I do not see how this supports the... Read more

  • Mohammed Aslam Khan

    London Luton Airport is a unique community owned Airport that has positive social impact on our town provided by Luton Rising to build better lives in Luton and support our most vulnerable residents,... Read more

  • Mrs Tracey Lumm

    I am completely against the airport expansion, we loose enough mature trees and plants across the country. I live near the airport and there is enough traffic already, infact far too much. It will... Read more

  • Nathan Spencer

    The local infrastructure cannot handle the proposed additional traffic. There are already massive problems with airport users parking on residential streets. Increasing passenger numbers and changing... Read more

  • Robert Alexander Newcater on behalf of Newcater (Newcater)

    We strongly oppose this expansion due to: Increased pollution, noise and disturbances (such as loss of sleep) from flights to and from Luton Airport. Increased pollution, noise and disturbances from... Read more

  • Nicola Tait

    Pollution: Noise Air Light Increase in carbon emissions from the flights, adding to Climate Change Reduction in Air Quality all around the airfield due to ultrafine particulates Loss of valuable... Read more

  • Peter Reynolds

    The expansion plans do not take into account the increased environmental damage that will be caused to the local area, nor the wider damage caused by increased air traffic.

  • Petrea Ann Cameron

    1. Why significant earthmoving takes place in phase 1, in 2025, when not needed until phase 2a, which is not due to start until 2033 2. How will the proposed Environmental Scrutiny Group have... Read more

  • Richard Stubbs

    The village of Sandridge already suffers from being overflown at low level by Luton, this project will increase the noise pollution levels by more than 70%. 14 million extra journeys to/from the... Read more


    I oppose the expansion of the airport ,due to additional planes noise and pollution in the sky above Kensworth

  • Robert cox

    Main issues is the amount of traffic added to a already busy spot especially during school.drop of amd pick.up times i have atbschool bit a noghtmare around those times as it os

  • Rose-marie Reddington

    I object to the expansion because of the additional noise and pollution will adversely affect my quality of life more that it does at present.

  • Ryebridge Construction (Ryebridge Construction)

    We are fully behind the expansion of the Airport. The Airport is already an essential employer and generates jobs and opportunities for suppliers like us in the local community. As a business over 90%... Read more

  • Sandra Hobbs

    Air Quality - Luton already has very poor air quality, increase in traffic to and from the airport and plane activity will only make this worse. Noise - the noise from the planes is very loud... Read more

  • Sara Holdstock

    I believe that due to unique contribution made by Luton Rising already to the breadth of front-line services in Luton that together this has totalled nearly £500m since 1998 will increase. It should... Read more

  • SKWALE - Studham, Kensworth and Whipsnade Against Luton Airport Expansion (SKWALE - Studham, Kensworth and Whipsnade Against Luton Airport Expansion)

    1. Agreements between LBC and Luton Airport unclear. The proposed expansion plans for Luton Rising should address the agreement with the Airport consortium and the impact of contract renewals,... Read more

  • Stephanie Bowley

    As my property will be affected by the London Luton expansion how will we be compensated for additional noise and air pollution and what controls are in place for the additional exposure?


    I oppose the expansion of the airport due to increase of car journeys , planes noise and pollution .This would increase the carbon footprint when it is not needed.

  • Sylvia Ann Godfrey

    There is no justification given the climate crisis we face to consider airport expansion, governments ought to be focused on flight reductions/ mileage allocations etc if we are to meet our climate... Read more

  • The Munns family (The Munns family)

    Noise Pollution giving no peace to our daily life Air Pollution Greenhouse emissions Huge impact on climate change

  • Thomas Coates

    Not happy about making the roundabout connecting crawley green road and wigmore lane any busier than it already is. I live with my partner and two young children on pinford dell where we are the... Read more


    luton airport development positive movement and involvement of Uno in local transport

  • Wheathampstead & District Preservation Society (Wheathampstead & District Preservation Society)

    I represent the views of more than 400 households in Wheathampstead, who are members of our society. Our lives are already blighted by the noise from Luton Airport (although we accept not as badly as... Read more

  • alan dodds

    I am against the extension of the Luton airport extension

  • Alan John Fox

    It is My opinion that The Lives of all people Living in Breachwood Green , Wigmore and Luton Will Be Made A complete Nightmare if this project is allowed to become a reality . There is no compensation... Read more

  • Amanda Byrne

    Additional traffic on local roads, causing additional time for me to get to work and do the school run. The impact on the environment and local parks and wildlife and fumes from Car exhausts whilst... Read more

  • Andrew Mills

    The planned expansion of Luton Airport will result in more jobs for the local population and boost the local economy and ultimately help the Council achieve its Luton 2040 vision. The investment in... Read more

  • Anina Phillippa Castle

    I am very concerned about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport at all, but I understand stand this is well in advance of a 15 year agreement. The proposed increase in flights will badly affect me... Read more

  • Be Active (Be Active)

    We are pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. We would like to express support for its objectives and its application for... Read more

  • Brian Macdonald

    I am happy to follow the decision of the planning authority. I confirm that I am in favour of the proposed development

  • Caron Montague

    I am in support of the project. I think that consideration has been given to residents, wildlife, fauna and flora in the vicinity of the extension and surrounding areas. Apart from Luton Airport being... Read more

  • Claudia Cristina Young

    As a Lutonian resident, I fully support the expansion of the airport; I had had the opportunity to work for an airliner, for the airport and now I am part of the council staff team, and the impact,... Read more

  • Clive Whyatt

    My main concerns are the increased traffic noise at all hours of the day and the difficulty in accessing the Wigmore estate both by car and on foot. I have lived here for over 38 years.


    Luton airport is a crucial asset for the area for ease of travel. It is a ‘community airport’ and makes a massive contribution to the wellbeing of Luton. .

  • Douglas sellers

    Issue; increased aircraft at 5000ft directly above Baldock. Flight path could move eastwards and miss Baldock, as previous flight path did before holding point changed to st Neots. Increase to 32... Read more

  • Elizabeth Anne Hogan

    Overall I think the Luton Airport Expansion is a good idea as it will create more jobs for the town, hopefully rectifying some of the poverty issues faced. Knowing that for every passenger travelling... Read more

  • Fraser Campbell

    I am writing to express my support for the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. The economic impact on the area will be of immense value in coming years, and the expansion will create job... Read more

  • Gillian O'Neill

    I am very concerned about this project and feel the expansion is unnecessary and will have a negative impact on the environment and my family's living conditions. It will also have a detrimental... Read more

  • (

    There are 2 fundamental concerns [a] air quality degraded from significantly increased environmental pollution due to greenhouse gasses arising from Luton airtraffic eg PM2.5, CO2, NOx [b] noise... Read more

  • Jane Anne Lintott

    I am concerned that the data informing the model for this expansion has not been made public and would therefore not have been challenged. The stress that this will cause current highways... Read more

  • Janet Manning

    Expanding airports goes against recommendations of the UK climate change committee, iupcc and the UN in meeting net zero targets. We have UK climate legislation that is being ignored by most other... Read more

  • Jason Houlihan

    The impact the airport already has on our ability to sleep and even converse outside of the house is unreasonable. Adding further this will not only pollute air further, but it will increase sleepless... Read more

  • John Hagger

    Living in Milton Keynes and working for Luton Council I think it would be a good idea to enlarge and improve the airport. I used to use it a lot but now travel up to Birmingham because it is a better... Read more

  • Jon Chamberlin

    I challenge the Luton airport expansion of the following aspects: destruction of wildlife habitats, the increase in noise of planes flying over the surrounding villages & the increase of traffic in... Read more

  • Alison Mitchell on behalf of Jones Mitchell (Jones Mitchell)

    Main issue is the increased air traffic in our area , continual noise disturbance as increased numbers and flyover frequency increase intensity of noise - we are already experiencing flights every 3... Read more

  • Kevin George Folds

    I own land which has been specifically highlighted in the proposal but no explanation has been offered to me as to how that land will be affected. It is green belt land which I (and my family before... Read more

  • Leanne Lewis

    Luton Airport is a great asset to the town. It brings a lot of revenue to the area, and employs over 17,000 people, most of whom live in Luton and the surrounding areas. Expansion is always good to... Read more