
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1701 to 1800 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Mrs Deborah Longley


  • Mrs Emily Agolini

    I believe Manston Airport must be revived and maintained to: - Retain a valuable resource in terms of a long runway, ideally situated to relieve already busy central London airfields - Provide an... Read more

  • Mrs J young

    High unemployment in area, need for an airport in Kent and definitely do not require a housing eastate

  • Mrs Janet Hollands

    The re-opening of Manston Airport will be extremely beneficial to the residents of Thanet. It will create many high quality jobs for the area which are desperately needed. The airport is only 50... Read more

  • Mrs Sarah Joy Thomas


  • Neil Duttson

    I wish to strongly oppose the DCO application that RSP have submitted to yourselves and you have agreed to examine on the following grounds. * There is insufficient evidence to suggest that RSP... Read more

  • Neil Lewis

    I wish to register my full support for the DCO by RSP. I support it under the following grounds: a) it respects the heritage and history of the site by bringing aviation back to Manston. b) a... Read more

  • Nicholas Morgan

    Current flight provision is not appropriate for the flying public. Both Gatwick and Heathrow wish to expand. Mansion has a large runway and support buildings as well as a new rail station... Read more

  • Nicholas Hillier

    As someone who lives and works in Ramsgate, close to the airport and under the proposed flight path, I am very concerned about the impact a reopening of the airport and the proposed cargo flights will... Read more

  • Nick Page

    I am against the application for a DCO by RSP for the building of an air cargo hub on the site of the former Manston Airport. The reason for my opposition is the contradiction between the proposal... Read more

  • Fabienne Thomson on behalf of Nick Thomson

    I am strongly opposed to the Manston Cargo Hub. Reasons: The effects to physical and mental health of noise pollution and disturbed sleep will create an array of social problems in an area that is... Read more

  • Olivia Rhodes

    The cargo hub at Manston will be bad for my future. I am a [Redacted] school girl who is worried about the effect on mine and my fellow students education. ~360 students. Planes will fly directly... Read more

  • Owen Minton

    I wish to register my strong opposition to the development of Manston as a cargo airport. 1. The business case is not properly thought out, it seems the only way the airport could be viable would... Read more

  • Pam Wyles

    I am writing to object to the plans for a freight airport as I think it will directly destroy the beauty of historic Ramsgate and have a very detrimental impact on the lives of its residents through... Read more

  • Patricia Finch

    I would like to register my concerns for the opening of a cargo airport at Manston. This would make a significant change to the lives of so many people in Thanet. With the amount of flights day and... Read more

  • Patrick Diffley

    I do not want this cargo Hub. I think it is a land grab. I think it will be detrimental to the local economy, our students, our environment, our tourism. I doubt it economically feasible and question... Read more

  • PatrickGeorge Ltd (PatrickGeorge Ltd)

    I am writing to express my objection to the planning proposal to reopen Manston airport as a cargo hub. I live and work from home, under the flight path. I object to the NOISE generated by cargo... Read more

  • Paul Chater

    I have broad concerns regarding this application relating to the credibility and financial position of the applicant and company, the health impacts of such a proposal and the logic of proposing a... Read more

  • Paul Devon-Row

    It would be an asset to see Manston returned to an airport Mainly because of employment opportunities, which would bring other businesses in to the area, so it’s not just the airport that will have... Read more

  • Paul Hirst

    Myself and my family live virtually on the flight path. We object to: - the volume of flights proposed without limits - all night flights - acceptance of QC4 rated aircraft Our objects are... Read more

  • Paul Rhodes

    I find it terrifying to think aircraft will be less than 150 feet coming into land directly above our house. Our 130 year old house shakes with vibration and our windows in the past history of cargo... Read more

  • Penelope Mangold

    Thanet needs Manston airport for employment, the country needs Manston for the added air travel and cargo space.

  • Peter Clarridge

    I wish to object to this application because, 1.The business case for this application is deficient, reliant on assertions that whilst appearing plausible are not supported by factual evidenc,the... Read more

  • Peter Scott

    I write as a father of three children, owner of a listed building, and resident of Ramsgate who’s lived here while the previous incarnations of the airport were operational, and as someone who suffers... Read more

  • Philip Kelly

    My family and I strongly support the re-opening of Manston Airport. We would use it regularly and in fact had a flight booked for Amsterdam at the time of closure. The airport is much more convenient... Read more

  • Philippa Gough

    I am a resident of Herne Bay and as such am concerned that the proposed expansion of Manston Airport may lead to: - significant noise day and night; - significant risk to my and others health day... Read more

  • Phillip Spain

    Every opportunity should be given for Manston to remain as a working airport to provide employment for current and future generations. Thanet is a peninsular and, unlike more central areas,... Read more

  • Prof David Lane FCILT

    It is clear we need both jobs and housing. Both proposals for Manston therefore have merit. The upside of the airport proposal is skilled jobs and the ability to attract further businesses to... Read more

  • Ramsgate Coastal Community Team (Ramsgate Coastal Community Team)

    We ask that PINS examine more closely the socio-economic benefits claimed for the Development Consent Order and the effect that the noise and low-frequency vibration, and visual impact of low flying... Read more

  • Ramsgate Neighbourhood Plan Group (Ramsgate Neighbourhood Plan Group)

    We ask PINS to consider the merits of the location and to weigh the purported strategic importance of RSP’s application for a Development Consent Order against the dis-benefits of the proposal for the... Read more

  • Raymond May

    Submission Points to Planning Inspectorate. Re: RSP’s DCO Application for Manston Airport Mr Raymond May I am representing myself/wife Weakness of Business Case • Geographical Location-... Read more

  • Rebecca Sales

    I wish to strongly oppose a DCO for a 24/7 Cargo hub at the former Manston Airport Site. My reason and concerns are as follows: 1) RSP's suitability - they have no proven track record in... Read more

  • Rebecca Wing

    I am making this submission in relation to RiverOak Strategic Partner’s (RSP) application to create a 24/7 Cargo Hub with one of the largest capacities in the UK. I am from a 25-year teaching... Read more

  • Residents Against Night Flights (Residents Against Night Flights)

    We strongly oppose the granting of a DCO 24/7 Freight Hub at Manston for the following reasons: Night Flights At the consultation in Ramsgate, in news media, through [Redacted] (MP), [Redacted]... Read more

  • Pierre Jeanrenaud on behalf of Residents of Ellington Road

    7 October, 2018 Dear Sir or Madam: We are writing in response to the Manston Development Consent Order (DCO) submitted by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) and would like to draw your attention... Read more

  • Richard Klein

    Manston Airport means Jobs, Education, Travel !

  • Richard Oades

    I am a planner with many years experience in research and consultancy. I approached the proposal to reopen Manston airport with an open mind. My permanent home is in Ramsgate. 1. Assertions... Read more

  • Robert Schweizer

    The cargo airport plan is the obvious, most appropriate way forward for Manston. The other, most bandied plan, for an industrial park/housing/shopping is an affront, which would only have a negative... Read more

  • Rosemary Schweizer

    Manston Airport is a very important local resource and can provide really meaningful employment in a region where it is sorely needed. At a time when the pressure on airports can only increase, it... Read more

  • Ross Stevens

    * Area of Thanet desperately needs significant inward investment - this opportunity with RSP provides that. * Area desperately needs long-term professional jobs - giving the local community... Read more

  • Rowena Weston

    Creation of jobs, both highly skilled and unskilled in a financially depressed area where a number of skilled manufacturing jobs have been lost to date. Preservation of a first class runway, one of... Read more

  • Sally Tedder

    I oppose the plan for a cargo hub at Manston. I moved to Ramsgate in 1965 with my parents. My sisters and brother were born here. I went to Clarendon House – directly under the flight path to... Read more

  • Samantha O'Hara

    I wish to register my opposition to the Manston DCO application for the following reasons:- Flights over my house day or night will be intrusive to the extent that life would become... Read more

  • Sandra

    I wanted to register my objection to the manston airport site being used for the purposes of a cargo night flights or day flights for that matter I have two young children who are at school in... Read more

  • Sara Pini

    I would like to voice my concerns on this public consultation. 1. Economy. How will the tourism in Ramsgate and Herne Bay be affected? What is the forecasted house price devaluation based on... Read more

  • Sarah Lane

    My concerns about the Manston Airport planning application are as follows: 1. Noise Pollution over the densely populated town of Ramsgate. 2. Night flights - these should not be allowed at all... Read more

  • Sarah Rowse

    I am deeply dismayed by the prospect of Manston Airport reopening under the proposals put forward by Riveroak Strategic Partners (RSP) and wish you to note my strongest possible objection. As a... Read more

  • Sasha Jenkin

    I live on the flight path of Manston Airport and know that it will be impossible for my family and I to sleep with regular flights through the night; the planes come so low. They were extremely loud... Read more

  • Save Manston Airport association (SMAa) (Save Manston Airport association (SMAa))

    SMAa wish to highlight the large number of benefits of a reopened and thriving airport. Some particular examples, and other important points are : The key NEEDs for Manston Airport will help with... Read more

  • Scott Miller

    Before Manston closed, when there was a ban on night flights (except for emergency and humanitarian flights) we suffered under occasional flights over our Grade II listed circa 1940s home which lies... Read more

  • Sherlock Aaron Oldale

    I’m writing to ask PINS to reject RSP’s project for the following reasons. Viablity: Long history of failure - Manson Airport never made a profit or broke even. In fact, it has lost over £100... Read more

  • Sue Edwards

    I would like to object to the proposed plan for cargo flights to resume at Manston on the grounds the only way for a company to make this plan financially viable is to adopt night flights. Nights... Read more

  • Susan Kennedy

    Below represents the main areas I wish to comment on during the examination period but would ask to reserve the right to add to these areas. NSIP: • The proposal contradicts national aviation... Read more

  • Susan McCartney

    I strongly believe that Manston Airport is good for the local area. It will create many jobs for the local community. Manston can take pressure off Heathrow & Gatwick. I do believe it will be a... Read more

  • Susanne Ford

    I am writing to express my extreme concern that the introduction of a freight hub at Manston Airpirt which involves regular night flights will have a detrimental effect to the area in many ways.... Read more

  • T Hogben

    More Jobs Convenient Flights Better use of land

  • Tara Moore

    I wish to lodge an objection to Manston Airport being turned into a freight airport with an excessive number of flights. This would have a detrimental effect on the quality of life for those in the... Read more

  • ceri diffley on behalf of Teachers Against Manston Cargo Hub

    We’re expressing deep concerns. In a month when a reported 169 local authorities breached annual legal limits on nitrogen oxide, and the Guardian reporting "could see Manston reopen as a cargo hub,... Read more

  • The Ramsgate Society (The Ramsgate Society)

    The Ramsgate Society, with over 700 members, asks the Examiners to consider the following points : 1. The application claims ‘national significance’ yet it is not underpinned by any objective... Read more

  • Tim Williams

    I refer to Riveroak Strategic Partners documents TR020002-0022457-73 section 4.11 "Movements" and TR020002-002458-73 section 6.03 "Road Typologies". I do not believe that the Applicant has... Read more

  • Timothy Bentley

    Before retiring in 2001, I was a director of Pfizer Ltd., based at Sandwich. Apart from responsibility for finance and a range of internal services, I had the responsibility for liaising with district... Read more

  • Trevor Francis

    1- Disruption to local roads - freight traffic etc. 2 - Lack of supporting infrastructure generally. 3 - Detrimental to both local community, way of life and tourism due to noise pollution and... Read more

  • Trevor Roper on behalf of Way Forward

    This group comprises of a small community living between 250 to 800 meters south of the Manston runway. Comments on some of our listed houses by RSP are that “Modern background noise is likely to be... Read more

  • Wednesday Lyle

    I wish to express my concern about the plans for a cargo hub and night flights. I am a resident of Ramsgate and believe that any flights, day or night will have a detrimental effect on the community... Read more

  • Wendy Morris

    I am strongly opposed to the Manston Cargo Hub. Reasons: The effects to physical and mental health of noise pollution and disturbed sleep will create an array of social problems in an area that is... Read more

  • Wesley Clark

    As a lifetime resident of Thanet that know resides in Ramsgate I want to express that I am totally against the reopening of Manston Airport in any form other than for use by vintage aircraft. The... Read more

  • Why Not manston?

    Why not Manston? would like to see Manston reinstated as an airport for the following reasons: 1. To bring prosperity to an extremely deprived area 2. To provide numerous jobs that are above... Read more

  • William Law

    I wish to express my desire to see Manston reopening as an Airport Bringing much needed Jobs to East Kent Bringing travel options to the area

  • Alan Barker

    I am in favour of the reopening of Manston Airport and the completion of this project by Riveroak Strategic Partners Ltd. My reasons (in short form only) are as follows: 1. The benefits to the... Read more

  • Alan Porter

    I am concerned that there will be an unacceptable huge increase in road traffic and subsequent pollution. I am concerned at the noise that will disturb me and my sleep. Also it will affect children... Read more

  • Albion House Hotel, Ramsgate (Albion House Hotel, Ramsgate)

    Dear Sirs My wife and myself write to register our concerns about the work by RSP to create a cargo hub at Manston airport. There would appear to us to be significant roadblocks towards this... Read more

  • Alison Jones

    I am very concerned and opposed to the Manston Airport Cargo Hub. I feel Ramsgate is on an 'upswing' . There are new restaurants and businesses around the harbour, families moving in beacuse of the... Read more

  • Amanda Mepham

    As our property is under the flight path of Manston Airport the noise and polluction that would effect us greatly lack of sleep unable to use outdoor space infact would effect the quality of our... Read more

  • Andrew Gibson

    I am totally opposed to a cargo airport due to noise pollution. it will have a negative effect on all residents.

  • Andrew Kane

    Dear Sir/Madam I write to strongly oppose the proposed DCO by Riveroak Strategic Partners (‘RSP’) in relation to the former Manston Airport site, Kent and to be registered as an interested... Read more

  • Andrew Kelly

    I am concerned that regular night flights over Ramsgate will devastate the local tourist industry and badly effect the health of my family by denying us the chance of a full night's sleep.

  • Andrew Reynolds

    Having lived in Ramsgate for over 10 years now, I am greatly concerned at the prospect of Manston Airport re-opening as a cargo hub. Since my arrival here with my family a decade ago, I have seen this... Read more

  • Andrew Somers

    I am a resident of Broadstairs and I am opposed to night flights due to the pollution of the environment including fumes and noise levels.

  • Angela Tighe

    I have lived in Ramsgate since 1962 and feel that Manston was and still should be an airport.

  • Ann Morrissey

    We lack any major investment in East Kent and this project will be a welcome boost to the economy. Besides the immediate employment opportunities at Manston there will undoubtedly be a demand for... Read more

  • Anne-Louise McArthur

    Risk of air pollution and the damage that is caused to health because of this. Recent studies in London have shown a 40% increase in dementia than those people who live in an area of clean air. Our... Read more

  • Antonia Courcier

    I wish to submit my objection to the development of Manston Airport as a cargo hub. I live in Ramsgate with my husband and two children. I am concerned about the proposed development for several... Read more

  • B Alexandra von Ronn

    I am writing to register my opposition to the plans for a operational cargo airport at Manston as proposed by RiverOak Strategic Partners. I oppose these plans as a resident of Ramsgate, a home-owner... Read more

  • Barney Harsent

    I am a Herne Bay resident and my reasons for registering are as follows: firstly, I do not believe that sufficient evidence has been put forward to show that this is an application of National... Read more

  • Emily Agolini on behalf of Ben Agolini

    I want Manston to be retained as an operational airport; - To alleviate some pressure from the larger London hub airports - To make the most of the sizeable runway to provide a diversion option for... Read more

  • Bernice New

    The south east needs an airport. It is a large area and with the roads overloaded to get to existing airports this would ease congestion to. This area is very deprived so not only would it provide a... Read more

  • Brendan Cunningham

    I moved to Ramsgate 4 years ago. I love the following. It is small enough to have a community feel but large enough to have privacy. The Royal harbour is breathtaking. It is the only Royal... Read more

  • Brian Daubney

    The RSP application and campaign is based on the assertion Manston needed to be saved. A derelict strip of concrete only became sought after, when it was being saved. RSP’s offshore bid depends on... Read more

  • Tony Uden on behalf of Brockenhurst Road residents (Brockenhurst Road residents )

    We are a group of residents living in Brockenhurst on Ramsgate’s East Cliff, directly under RSP’s proposed flight path. Our street comprises ordinary households, two small units for vulnerable... Read more

  • Carol Messenger

    Cllr Carol Messenger - I would like to register my interest as a resident and as a local councillor. It is important to plan for the future of Thanet by securing much needed jobs. RSP’s proposal... Read more

  • Carole Winter

    I strongly support the reopening of Manston Airport. It is vital now and, even more so in the future, to have another airport facility for,as numbers of flights increase at Gatwick and Heathrow, the... Read more

  • Cathy Rogers

    I write to oppose the proposed Air Cargot Hub at Manston. 70,000 people’s health, wellbeing and quality of life is at risk if this proposal gets consent. I‘m a Ramsgate resident and live under the... Read more

  • Charlotte Ellis

    I am representing myself Charlotte Ellis as I am a resident of Ramsgate, living in [REDACTED] one of the areas that will be affected by the proposed airport at Manston. Concerns The health of me... Read more

  • Charlotte Wilson

    As a resident of Thanet for many years, I have experienced life here both with and without an airport. I have many concerns regarding the reopening of the airport on a number of different fronts... Read more

  • Chris Barton

    Dear Sirs I am writing to you to state my opposition to the proposed DCO of Manston Airport by RSP Limited and to register as an interested party. As a resident of the Village of Cliffsend it... Read more

  • Christine Holmes

    i feel that we need the airport opened for many reasons. We, the people of the county and the whole of England, need the facility to be able to travel and to import and export goods to and from... Read more

  • Christine Hyde

    Please register me as an interested party who is against the proposed plans by RSP to DCO the Manston airport site. • The air and noise pollution and the adverse impacts and damage to the... Read more

  • Christopher Harman

    Yes i support the reopening of Manston Airport as a cargo hub

  • Christopher Tipping

    I have lived in Ramsgate with my family for 14 years, directly under the flight path. We experienced at first-hand the impact and noise of cargo planes arriving, during daytime and nighttime hours.... Read more

  • Christopher Wellard

    I am writing to support the re-opening of Manston as an airport, which undoubtedly constitutes an infrastructure project of national significance. Surely UK PLC cannot overlook the importance of such... Read more