
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 600 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Guy William Frank Gilman

    This development is on prime farmland and recent events have taught that we must be more self efficient with our food supply. It will be a major blight on the local landscape and Essendine will be... Read more

  • James Saralis

    I am a local resident and I would like to object to this proposal. The scale of the proposal is inappropriate for the location proposed. We are a small rural community surrounded by high quality... Read more

  • Jasmine Ann Sorbi

    I feel the Mallard Pass solar farm proposed around our beautiful villages will be not only be far too large but hugely inefficient clustering sub-stations with disastrous consequences for the... Read more

  • Jeremy Whittingham

    I believe that we should support infrastructure projects and I am well aware that there will always be an impact on both local people and the surrounding environment. This particular solar farm does... Read more

  • Jonathan Jelley

    I am strongly against these proposals on so many levels: sheer scale visual impact sourcing concerns loss of habitat traffic impact loss of productive land loss of amenity safety concerns increased... Read more

  • Josh Pollock

    Sirs, I wish to register my support for this scheme. Given the current energy crisis and concerns about food security, Mallard pass seems to be a bit of a lightning conductor for anti-solar sentiment... Read more

  • Martin John Ball

    It is my considered opinion that the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm development is inappropriate in scale as it will take out of production too much prime agricultural land all in one place. I also... Read more

  • Mr M R Chapman

    I am a local resident who will be affected by this development directly I have diligently attended the webinar’s and consultation meetings, I have read with interest every report published by MPSF,... Read more

  • Mrs Karen Parsons

    Wildlife being affected also extra traffic on the country roads

  • Mrs Sue Renner

    I strongly oppose the erection of this massiveSolar Farm as it will blight our beautiful landscape and definitely have an adverse effect on the ecology of this natural environment. Not only will it... Read more

  • Patricia Burbidge

    It will ruin viable agricultural land and destroy the ancient natural landscape. There must be unused industrial sites or non productive land that is not close to growing residential areas that can be... Read more

  • Rebecca Myatt

    This is an appalling use of agricultural land, which could bring serious and long-term environmental and economic destruction to this green rural space for years to come.

  • Sharon Laryea

    While I support renewable energy, the sheer size of this development proposal is grotesque in its scale and in my opinion the adverse impact on the local area seriously outweighs any upside. We made a... Read more

  • Stephen Robert Davies

    I am extremely concerned that there will be an excessive switch from prime agricultural land to power generation which should be undertaken in more environmentally friendly ways. In addition, I am... Read more

  • Susan Burgoin

    This project will be a huge impact on the local environment, villagers, general public, wildlife, biodiversity and habitats. There will be (yet another) loss of food producing land and agriculture, as... Read more

  • Violet L Cook

    I live in the area designated for the Solar Farm proposal and I’m very unhappy about it. 1. I do not think Stamford should have to bear such a huge responsibility for solar power when it is a rural,... Read more

  • Diana Granville Wilson

    The scheme proposes to make use of good arable land which will then be lost to agriculture for nearly half a century, possibly more if fertility is affected. Problems with flooding are inevitable,... Read more

  • Dr Majed Kebbeh

    Increased Flood Risk for properties in the flood prone village of Greatford and the local area. Misuse of vast area of good quality agricultural land. Desecration of massive area of wonderful quality... Read more

  • Hilary Field

    Whilst I support greener energy this project is so big it will dominate the landscape. Use of buildings to site solar panels would be more appropriate. This will have a negative effect on the local... Read more

  • James Williams

    Mallard Pass Solar Farm – objection I write to register opposition to, and concern about, the Mallard Pass Solar Farm proposal. I am an affected resident, and wish to be kept informed as an interested... Read more

  • Jonathan Allen

    Construction issues: 2 years of noise, light pollution, disruption and damage across 2,105 acre site and surrounding area. *Cabling to new sub-station may now run through Essendine on A6121 with... Read more

  • Lauren Allen

    Construction issues: 2 years of noise, light pollution, disruption and damage across 2,105 acre site and surrounding area. *Cabling to new sub-station may now run through Essendine on A6121 with... Read more

  • Mary Johnston

    I am opposed to this project on so many levels and have no confidence that it will be cost effective or appropriate for the country's energy needs long term. Our country needs to protect its... Read more

  • Pete Holland

    As a local resident to the Mallard Pas site, i want to register to be able to keep up to date with the progression of the application and also to be able to add my views and thoughts. In principle, I... Read more

  • Sarah Elmore

    I am someone who uses the bridle way Bra/1/1 on a regular basis I love the beauty of the countryside,this beautiful area will be ruined for walkers and riders who don’t use the paths to get from A to... Read more

  • Sharon Whincop

    Solar is the least efficient of all renewable energy sources. On average it can only deliver 11% of its stated output. On-shore wind is 3 times more efficient, off-shore even more efficient. That's... Read more

  • Alison Eaves

    The proposed solar farm is too large and is of an inappropriate size for the area. It will have a significant negative visual impact on the area along with irreversible damage to prime agricultural... Read more

  • Barholm and Stowe Parish Meeting (Barholm and Stowe Parish Meeting)

    The parish I represent has 2 main objections to the project: 1/ The use of good grade 2 agricultural land for this purpose is not sensible, it should be used for food production; and other lower grade... Read more

  • Bob Blakeborough

    Solar panels should not be erected on good quality agricultural land. The UK needs all the productive farmland that it has to grow food.

  • J R Wright

    As a local resident who frequently walks and cycles in the area of the proposed development, I strongly object to the proposed solar farm for the following reasons: Site size& location - The size and... Read more

  • John Hawkins

    Solar panels should be placed on the roofs of large buildings where they will be unobtrusive. They should not cover valuable farmland which should used for growing crops.

  • John T. Gore

    I object, bad idea, good farm land.

  • Mathilde Esclapez

    Utilising farming space for solar panel farm owned by non-UK companies in the middle of the beautiful English countryside is outrageous. Please don’t aggress our soil and countryside with such an... Read more

  • Michael James Eaves

    This project is out of proportion for the area and would swallow up a huge area of valuable prime agricultural land, damaging biodiversity and habitats for wildlife. The scale of the solar panels and... Read more

  • Mrs Hazel M Williams

    I am not against solar panels as a source of energy but I believe that they should be sited on existing roofs. I believe that it is wrong to take farmland out of production to site solar panels and I... Read more

  • Sharon Elizabeth Keys

    I am concerned that the site will impact on our countryside, wildlife, and the change to the infrastructure of surrounding areas with the level of heavy plant entering the area. This will have a... Read more

  • Mr. Peter Alan Reed on behalf of The Reeds (The Reeds)

    Loss of farmland . Traffic. The environment. Compulsory purchase.

  • Tracey Matthews

    I wish to lodge my thought of opposition to the Mallard Pass proposal to build a large solar farm around the village of Essendine, Rutland and surrounding areas. This planned development should not be... Read more

  • Adrian Wright

    Consultations should be about being open with the community and if the community does not want this development then it should not happen. This is an area of rural natural beauty and it needs to be... Read more

  • Alan Barnes

    My concerns about the proposed structure are as follows a. The use of perfectly good farm land when the local population is increasing all the time with developments in Bourne and Stamford. b. The... Read more

  • Ann Christine Barnes

    I am concerned about a)the use of good agricultural land being used for a solar farm. Food prices keep rising and we need land to grow more crops. Industrial units and new housing can quite adequately... Read more

  • Christian Adams

    The size of this project and the visual impact in the countryside. Loss of excellent agricultural farm land and the time scale before any solar energy benefit would be received, fifteen years !

  • Diana holden

    I object to the proposal for the Mallard Pass solar farm to be sited around Essendine for the following reasons: Loss of BMV farmland at time of growing concern about Food security. There needs to be... Read more

  • Francoise Mougeot (Francoise Mougeot) on behalf of Francoise Mougeot (Francoise Mougeot)

    I object to the Mallard Pass Solar Scheme

  • Guy St.John Burkett

    I live close by the affected site, and have many connections within the proposed area, including using it almost daily for leisure and recreation. The site is out of scale to the area it is proposed... Read more

  • Jennifer Kearsey

    The project would destroy a productive farming area and an area that is important for leisure activities.

  • Julie Williams

    How Ridiculous to destroy such a beautiful rural area by such an awful development. Why are we not using the sides of motorways or factories/government buildings. You would never think of assessing... Read more

  • Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust)

    Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust would like to thank the Planning Inspectorate for the opportunity to become an interested party in this planning application. We have been in communication with South... Read more

  • Richard Stitson

    My concerns are primarily about the use of productive farmland for the solar array. UK needs food security as well as self sufficiency in green energy, IMHO would be much better to use the length of... Read more

  • Sally Jane Threapleton

    This project will have a huge impact on where I live just outside Stamford with its lovely countryside,abundant wildlife narrow lanes,Bridle way’s and footpaths which are greatly used by many people... Read more

  • Terry Sutton

    This is planned to be one of the largest solar farms in Europe and will cover swathes of agricultural land. While we need alternative energy we also need to safeguard our ability to feed the nation.... Read more

  • Carl Sismore

    Negative impact on local environment and scene of the land. Traffic and construction pollution in developing the solar farm.

  • Caroline Adams

    I strongly object to this application for the following reasons 1. Monumental size and mass industrialisation on the visual impact of the landscape 2. Loss of prime agricultural land at a time when UK... Read more

  • Colin Beecham

    I strongly oppose the proposed mallard solar farm installation, due to: The loss of prime agricultral land. A massive Negative impact on the local biodiversity, habitats and ecosystem, major negative... Read more

  • Janette Bradley

    I do not think it acceptable to put solar panels on green fields.

  • Jessica Shield

    This is an abhorrent proposal. It is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. It will absolutely ruin the natural beauty of the area. It is not a true “green energy initiative”. Solar panels have a... Read more

  • Julian Laybourn on behalf of Julian and Nicky Laybourn (Julian and Nicky Laybourn )

    This project is going to use a vast area of agricultural land that would be better served producing food for the country. The size of it is just too big and will destroy the beauty of the area.... Read more

  • Russell Walker

    Gross misuse of prime agricultural land. Should be used for food production, not inefficient generation of electricity. And an environmental eyesore.

  • Victoria Wolfe

    I am shocked at the size of this proposed project and the huge loss of farming land that will be lost to the project. I fully support solar energy projects but not at the cost of huge swathes of land.... Read more

  • Daniel Bancroft

    Constructional issues: During construction I have concerns about increases in air and noise pollution via disruption to local traffic, increased noise levels from construction machinery, increased... Read more

  • Duncan Ian Macgillivray

    objecting to farm land which is needed for crops which shortly will be needed due to global warming .Solar panels can be fitted onto buildings which are used as warehouses. Several villages will have... Read more

  • Gareth Davies MP

    I am writing to you in order to express my significant concerns, and those of many of my constituents, about the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm development which has now entered the Pre-Examination... Read more

  • Helen Woolley

    Mallard Pass Solar Farm Relevant Representations Submitted by: Helen L Woolley BSc (Hons) and Geoffrey W Woolley We object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm proposal because: 1. The primary driver for... Read more

  • Julia Minton

    I strongly oppose the proposed plans to build extensive solar panels across prime agricultural land. Whilst I under the need to produce more renewable energy there are other better ways than using... Read more

  • Julian Cardew

    Destruction of a vast area (2170 acres) our local countryside. Risks to local wildlife.Risk of flooding risk. Loss of valuable productive agricultural land for at least 40 years. Dubious data for... Read more

  • Mary Sheila Reeves

    1. Project will have a huge negative impact on the local area in many ways: i) Loss off valuable arable land ii) a detrimental effect on a large area of countryside which is enjoyed in many ways by... Read more

  • Michael David Alder

    I am writing as an individual but I am also Chair of the Solar Campaign Alliance. My Professorship is in the Rural Environment and I specialize in agricultural and environmental matters including land... Read more

  • Peter James Dobson

    I write as a technical advisor to some of the local residents who are opposed to this project. There are at least 5 issues that should rule out the approval of this project: 1) Solar energy is very... Read more

  • Rachel Vidler

    The building of renewable solar farms is a positive thing to the area!

  • Simon Hothersall

    Understanding the potential environmental impacts of the project, including impact on flora & fauna and water table/flood risk due to the change in land use

  • Adrian Francis Roger Forsell

    I am against Mallard Pass for the following reasons 1) The scale of the solar farm is in excess of 2000 acres and will surround the village of Essendine in which I live and I will be able to see part... Read more

  • Alan Edwin Mear

    1) I seriously question whether installing solar panels is the best use of good farm land when so much of the world is near starvation. 2) I accept the need for much more "green" electricity, but... Read more

  • Ann Fleming

    Prime green field site being used

  • Anna Coxe

    1) Scale 2) Agricultural land being taken out of production at a time when food security is more volatile and a risk. 3) Lack of confirmation and legal obligations to remove structures and return to... Read more

  • Annabelle Breslin

    We are completely opposed to this project on the basis that: 1. It covers too large an area being nearly 4 times larger than any existing solar site in the country – and placed in the middle of the... Read more

  • Anthony Chick

    I believe that this site is too large and encompassing for the village of Essendine and the surrounding area , to the extent that there will be a severe and detrimental impact on the local community .... Read more

  • Betty Grindey

    I wish to strongly state my objections to the mallard pass Solar farm. The site is far too big, impacting adversely on the neighbouring villages and wildlife. The panels are so large ruining the look... Read more

  • Braceborough and Wilsthorpe Parish Council (Braceborough and Wilsthorpe Parish Council)

    Braceborough and Wilsthorpe Parish Council relevant representation to Mallard Pass Solar Farm Dear Sirs To be clear, Braceborough and Wilsthorpe Parish Council on behalf of the Parishioners strongly... Read more

  • Karl Breeze on behalf of Breeze family (Breeze family)

    I think there are a lot of people objecting to this because of nimby-ism, and that includes our local MP who they appear to have won over. The location of the new electricity substation makes this a... Read more

  • Carlby Walkers (Carlby Walkers)

    Sheer scale of the solar farm is impossible to mitigate impact on our lightly undulating countryside. It would completely ruin locality amenities. The point of walking is to take in natural beauty and... Read more

  • Christopher Steward

    The destruction of prime agricultural land and wildlife space for profit when lots of brown field sites are available at less cost both to the end user and future generations!

  • Cinnia Bermingham

    Prior to the war in Ukraine we were relying too much on imported food. Ukraine highlighted this and currently with food shortages due to climate change abroad we should be growing more seasonal crops.... Read more

  • David Hetherington

    Good agricultural land being misused. At nearly 11ft tall the panels and associated boxes will a be real blot on an otherwise amazing landscape. Completely altering the the rural feel of the rural... Read more

  • David Norton

    I fully support the proposed project. In the short term in brings work to the area, longer term it provides a significant amount of clean energy. Increasingly evidence show how bad intensively managed... Read more

  • Debra McMillan

    1 It seems ludicrous that the largest solar sight is being erected in the smallest county. 2 Loss of agriculture land when we are trying to become more self sufficient and less dependent on other... Read more

  • Denise Jacobi

    The increase in heavy traffic will be too much for local roads. Herds of wild deer roam this proposed site, where will they go? Detrimental to all other wildlife. Detrimental to those living nearby... Read more

  • Edward Minton

    An appalling proposal for a beautiful stretch of the countryside which is prime agricultural land. The disruption and pollution to the area whilst building the solar farm will be detrimental to the... Read more

  • Edwin Christmas

    The size and scale of the proposed development removes an unreasonable amount of productive farmland at a time when the UK should be ensuing food security is further up the political agenda. The size... Read more

  • Elaine MacGillivray

    Regarding the Mallard pass Project. Why would we need to use arable land. We need this land for future food which we are told by climate change persons that in the future due to climate change food... Read more

  • Elisabeth Faulkner

    I strongly oppose the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm as I believe it will have a huge negative impact on the roads, wildlife, local economy and the people that live in the surrounding villages. As a... Read more

  • Elizabeth Ann Barton

    The devastation to the countryside and surrounding villages. Reduction in prime agricultural land. Home grown produce should be increasing not decreasing in order to reduce the cost and burden on... Read more

  • Elizabeth Anne Nunn

    The Mallard Pass plan shows multiple fragmented areas rather than one or two distinct blocks of land. This will lead to: (I) seriously disrupted traffic flow along narrow country lanes particularly... Read more

  • Emmeline Glover

    I object to the application to build a solar farm as it will be a devastating loss of countryside, destruction of wildlife habitat and unsightly for local residents.

  • Graeme Mitchell

    I live within several hundred metres of the South of the proposed development and I object to this proposal on a number of separate grounds; - Flood risk - Visual impact general / glare from panels -... Read more

  • Helen Mitchell

    I live within a few hundred metres of the South side of the development and I object to the proposal on a number of separate grounds; - the sheer size of the development is inappropriate for the... Read more

  • Helena Gore

    I'm really concerned and unhappy about this project. I have stated the reasons previously, but these include disruption to local business, wildlife, scenery and increased traffic. It could have... Read more

  • Ian Halliday-Pegg

    1) loss of agricultural land impacting food security, when there’s adequate brownfield in the region. 2) Inappropriate low-carbon choice for grid-level production. A modern U.K. (Rolls-Royce) small... Read more

  • Iris Nolan

    I object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm. In particular, I strongly object to the following points: - The size of the installation: The sheer scale of this proposal is simply overwhelming. It’s the... Read more

  • Isobel Mary Hill

    My main concern is loss of agricultural land in the light of threats to the nation's food security. Solar panels should be installed on roofs or on brownfield sites instead. The sheer size of the... Read more

  • Ivan Helstrip

    You need to provide sewage works doctors nhs dentist green areas . You need to keep old public rights of way intact and install an appropriate road system to be able to cope with the traffic