
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 801 to 900 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Sally Gaskell

    My concerns about this expansion are: Light pollution Noise polllution Air Pollution Incresased traffic/parking issues Loss of natural habitat Location of airport being on a hill makes it unsuitable... Read more

  • Sarah Caroline Beeley

    a) I have been told by my Estate Agent that the London-Luton airport expansion would de-value my property by 5% b) Noise pollution would dramatically increase if air traffic increases by 80% c)... Read more

  • Sarineh Tahmasi

    The new proposed plans will exacerbate issues we have dealing for years which include: -Extreme noise pollution of flights that occurs during the day and through the night -decreased air quality... Read more

  • Shirley Day

    I am very anxious about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. Life in the village is already adversely affected by the constant flow of planes causing us to stop speaking and having to turn the... Read more

  • Stephen John Merchant

    I am against the application, it will cause irrevocable damage to the local wildlife & green areas. At a time when green & park space is more vital to the health and well-being of humans and nature... Read more

  • Stop Low Flights From Luton (Stop Low Flights From Luton)

    - There has previously been a lack of enforcement of planning conditions. Independent noise monitoring and effective control is now vital; - There was only very limited chance for the general public... Read more

  • Tadeh Tahmasi

    The new proposed plans will exacerbate issues we have dealing for years which include: -Extreme noise pollution of flights that occurs during the day and through the night -decreased air quality... Read more

  • Carol Foley on behalf of The Foley Family

    I wish to register a complaint about the expansion of Luton Airport. Not only will this cause more air pollution with increase of flights but also the volume of traffic. This Summer we have already... Read more

  • The Trustees of the Paul Tompkins Will Trust (The Trustees of the Paul Tompkins Will Trust)

    hedgerow restoration and screening needs to be compatible with the landowners ongoing use of the land and not affect its development potential.

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party for the proposed scheme. The Woodland Trust strongly opposes the proposed scheme due to its direct impact on T343, an ancient ash tree... Read more

  • Veronica Gorman

    I live on the flight path. The noise from the aircraft impacts on my sleep and I can often hear the noise even over my TV and if I have friends round. With more traffic this will really impact my... Read more

  • Victoria Peck-Cooper

    Effects on living conditions for my household and community if expansion is approved. My village is in direct line of significant impact and the proposed expansion would be extremely detrimental to... Read more

  • Vikki Miller

    My concerns are many but include the increase in crime from people travelling into the country just to commit crime. I caught burglars in my neighbours house and they had flown in to commit crime &... Read more

  • Vinod Tailor

    I believe that expansion is not needed in Luton. The council must focus on creating other green clean jobs.

  • Wendy Ann Hall

    My concerns and objections are 4 fold. 1). SAFETY. I live directly below the flight path in LU1 3RW, roughly 5 to 10 seconds from the planes touching down on the runway, so I hear when the landings... Read more

  • Wendy Hooper

    Take off noise impacts on day to day life as cannot hear a conversation. Flights late at night, early Sunday morning are both busy times which do break sleep patterns. Aviation fuel odour unpleasant.... Read more

  • William O’Leary

    I’m 100% against this proposed project

  • Zuleikha Malik

    I think expanding the airport will give more opportunities to the town it will be a positive impact for the town. There will be more businesses and more opportunities to travel to different locations... Read more

  • Adrienne Jo Pritchard

    Living in St Albans means that pollution will hugely impact my day-to-day life and health both from CO2 emissions and noise from aircraft, particularly unsociable late night flights. Airport expansion... Read more

  • Alan Buttery

    I disagree with any further expansion of London-Luton airport on the grounds of noise, traffic and environmental damage.

  • Alan Chapman

    I oppose any increase in air traffic in the Luton area for environmental reasons. Air pollution, noise and construction activity should not be tolerated when all the evidence shows that we must reach... Read more

  • Alexandra Daar

    The expansion of Luton Airport is not required. There is not enough demand from passengers to fly. The town's residents need less pollution.

  • Alice Morton

    I am very concerned about the recent application by Luton Rising to nearly double the capacity of Luton Airport, accommodating up to 32 million passengers. This is particularly worrisome considering... Read more

  • Andrea Gregory

    Pollution is one of the main reasons. We have the M1 & airport on our doorstep. Noise levels of 32 million passengers a year is unacceptable. They already take off all day. What happened to carbon... Read more

  • Ann Simmonds

    After reading the documents provided by Luton Rising I still have concerns regarding excess noise and pollution over my house and Stockwood Park. They are as follows: a) Increased frequency of flights... Read more

  • Annie Hitch

    We should not be expanding air travel anywhere.

  • Anthony Booth

    We need to cut back carbon emissions. This will increase them and breach the Climate Change Act 2008. It involves climate change denial. Climate breakdown will prevent my grand children - everybody’s... Read more

  • Anthony Walpole

    Luton rising have identified me as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the of the implementation of the proposed development, Consequently I am taking this... Read more

  • Arriva (Arriva)

    We believe that the sustainable growth of Luton Airport is of huge importance to the future of Luton and will bring great benefit. In addition to bringing additional jobs for those living in Luton, it... Read more

  • Barbara Jean Squires

    I object to any further expansion of Luton Airport and the increase of flights for the following reasons: 1. Noise Pollution: a. The expansion will cause a continuous noise to this quiet country... Read more

  • Barry Guy

    I object to the proposal on the grounds it will have a detrimental effect on health due to the increased noise levels. The proposal dishonestly claims no significant increase in night time flights by... Read more

  • Brenda Moran

    Luton Rising have identified me as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the of the implementation of the proposed development, Consequently I am taking this... Read more

  • Dean Campbell on behalf of Campbell family (Campbell family)

    We reluctantly accept that there is a need for the airport to expand and that there will be an increase in daytime flights and noise accordingly. The airport propose that the number of night flights... Read more

  • Carl Andrew Brittain

    Given the climate crisis there is no way we should consider expanding aviation in any way at all. The proposal should be rejected.


    Main issues and impacts: aircraft noise, additional road traffic, pollution, the environment, suitability of the site for expansion.

  • Caroline Bandcroft

    Night flights increasing Environmental impact Road infrastructure unable to cope as it is Rail travel unreliable and at capacity Air pollution already poor Track record of airport owners management of... Read more

  • Catherine jones

    I wish to object to the Luton airport expansion due to the negative environmental impact it will have on both the local area and the wider community The expansion will increase noise and nighttime... Read more

  • Charles Simpson Organisation Limited (Charles Simpson Organisation Limited)

    Proposed Luton Airport Expansion. REF: TR020001 Property addresses: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48,... Read more

  • Charles Simpson Rentals Limited (Charles Simpson Rentals Limited)

    Proposed Luton Airport Expansion. REF: TR020001 Property addresses: 52A, 52B, 54A, 54B, 56A, 56B, 58A, 58B, 60A, 60B, 64A, 64B, 68A, 68B, 74A, 74B, 76A, 76B, 78A, 78B, 82A, 82B, 84A, 84B, 86A, 86B,... Read more

  • Charles Simpson Rentals Limited (Charles Simpson Rentals Limited)

    Proposed Luton Airport Expansion. REF: TR020001 Property addresses: 3, 7A, 10A, 12A, 16, 17, 18, 19, 34, 34A, 80A, 90, 104 The Grove, Woodside Park Homes, Woodside, Luton. LU1 4LR. Property addresses:... Read more

  • chris bloomfield

    I oppose this expansion disruptive night flights increasing environmental impact access roads unable to cope now rail link unreliable and at capacity air pollution already bad Airport cannot be... Read more

  • Chris Howe

    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposal to expand Luton Airport. After careful consideration and evaluation of the circumstances surrounding the situation, I firmly believe that... Read more

  • Christina McElligott

    The expansion of Luton Airport is a huge concern to me as a single parent of 2 children living with me. My main concern is that the value of my house, which I own, will devalue considerably as will... Read more

  • Christopher Jones

    Concerned resident on potential flight path

  • Claudia Balara

    Luton Rising wrote to me on 9 May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I wish to object to the proposed... Read more

  • Colin Albert Malam

    For those of us living under the flightpath to Luton Airport, the main issues are noise and climate pollution. With the capacity restricted to 18 million passengers a year, the noise is just about... Read more

  • CPRE Bedfordshire The Countryside Charity (CPRE Bedfordshire The Countryside Charity)

    CPRE Bedfordshire and CPRE Hertfordshire joint response to the Application by London Luton Airport Limited for an Order Granting Development Consent for the London Luton Airport Expansion project. 1.... Read more

  • CPRE Hertfordshire (jointly with CPRE Bedfordshire) - the countryside charity (CPRE Hertfordshire (jointly with CPRE Bedfordshire) - the countryside charity)

    This representation has also been submitted by email to CPRE Bedfordshire and CPRE Hertfordshire joint response to the Application by London Luton Airport... Read more

  • Dagnall Village Hall (Dagnall Village Hall)

    Being in Dagnall we are interested in keeping abreast of developments particularly those that will be detrimental such as the increased volume of flights

  • Daniel Robson

    Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. Specifically, I am concerned about the effects that expansion would have on the community if... Read more

  • Chancellor’s School (Chancellor’s School) on behalf of Danielle Louise Durant-Taylor (Danielle Louise Durant-Taylor)

    Herts County Council have declared a climate emergency. The facts of climate change and nature loss are indisputable. No airport should be expanding. The Luton area suffers from terrible air... Read more

  • David Endon Stuart Shipley

    I wish to register my objection to the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport’s annual passenger limit from 18 million to 32 million. My concerns are as follows: Governance and financial... Read more

  • David Morton

    In 2012, Luton Airport had stated that reaching a growth of 18 million passengers by 2028 would be sufficient to support local employment opportunities and bolster the regional economy. Luton Rising... Read more


    The project allows for the increase of passengers from 18 million passengers per annum to 32 million. My house is directly beneath the landing flight path when approaching from the east and when this... Read more

  • Debbie Case

    I am very much against this expansion as my house is directly under the flightpath when planes land from the west over Dunstable Downs. When I moved here over 10 years ago air traffic was much less... Read more

  • Deborah Manners

    I would like to know about this project as it may have a number of impacts on the environment in my area

  • Dominic Edward Burnell

    I object to the proposed london Luton Airport expansion, under Planning Inspectorate ref number TR020001. My essential objections are: 1. It will massively increase the noise levels over my property... Read more

  • Elizabeth Hamilton

    Others will no doubt be submitting detailed and technical comments about the 'Luton Rising' proposals. My comments are very simple. I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposal to... Read more

  • Ethos Farm (Ethos Farm)

    I write in relation to London Luton Airport DCO Application and would love to show our support. Luton Airport is an amazing transport hub and its amazing that the airport already supports 16,800 jobs... Read more

  • Fiona Margaret Bloomfield

    I wish to full object to the expansion of Luton Airport Reasons: Disruption to sleep at night due to increasing flights including freight The impact to the surrounding environment Impact to air... Read more

  • Gail Jackson

    I cant believe that anyone is considering expansion of Luton airport. We have a climate emergency - plane travel contributes horrific amounts of CO2 into our atmosphere. Feel the temperature now..... Read more

  • Gary Moore

    Reasons why I’m totally against the expansion: The destruction of green space, the felling of trees on the A505 to incorporate the dual carriageways. The massive increase in pollution from the... Read more

  • George Edward Perkins

    I wish to strongly oppose the expansion of Luton Airport from 18 to 32 million passengers a year for the following reasons: Air pollution [REDACTED] and am sure I am affected by the pollution caused... Read more

  • Gulielma Butcher

    There is much poverty in Luton which is not recognised nationally. Airport expansion will create jobs and add to the town's economy, plus points needed to have a social input and finance services. The... Read more

  • Hampton Inn by Hilton London Luton Airport (Hampton Inn by Hilton London Luton Airport)

    Full support the project and the economic, social and environmental benefits

  • Hayley Daniels-Lake

    The infrastructure is nowhere near big enough to support the plans. I have seen the plans for the roads which will ruin the local area and often these plans such as wigmore(?) With 4 traffic lights... Read more

  • Heidi Walker

    Noise pollution Air pollution Traffic problems

  • Tim North & Associates Ltd (Tim North & Associates Ltd) on behalf of Holiday Extras Ltd (Holiday Extras Ltd)

    These comments are raised on behalf of Holiday Extras Ltd, a leading UK distributor of on- and off-airport car parking spaces. My clients sell a range of holiday related products in addition to... Read more

  • Ian Laidler

    I am directly affrected by this proposal and would like the opportunity to comment further at a later date

  • Jan Dvorak

    Luton Rising wrote to me on 9 May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I wish to object to the proposed... Read more

  • Jane B Read

    Environmental impact of expanded aircraft facilities anywhere as we seek to reduce our CO2 emissions. Goes against our national targets. Infrastructure gains must be in line with these. Already 3... Read more

  • Jane Payton

    Considering the environmental crisis that the world is facing I think that any expansion that involves an increase in the use of fossil fuels is totally irresponsible. The increase in noise pollution... Read more

  • Janet Gerrard-Wright

    I would like to be kept in the loop regarding these plans as I am concerned about the environmental impact and increased flight traffic.

  • Janice Sharon Burnell

    I object to the proposed London Luton Airport expansion, under planning inspectorate ref number TR020001.My key objections are : 1.Noise levels of aircraft flying over my home will affect my quality... Read more

  • Jason Owen

    Being in Dagnall I’m concerned for the detrimental effects such as the huge increase in volume of flights and the extra noise they will cause I’m surprised the govt thinks the expansion is good when... Read more

  • Jennifer Clare Hutchinson

    Concern in re: various environmental effects, cost-benefit analysis, financial implications.

  • Joe Connolly-Wright

    Given the recent climate data – including the unprecedented marine temperature spike around the UK – to choose to expand Luton airport would be beyond consideration by anyone in touch with their own... Read more

  • John Long

    As a resident of Slip End village for almost 17 years, I have a number of concerns regarding this airport-expansion project. Over this period there has already been a significant deterioration in the... Read more

  • Julia Shand-Milne

    Concerns over noise, air pollution and additional traffic in the area during construction as well as afterwards.

  • Julian Gannon

    The expansion of Luton Airport will result in an increase in Green House Gas emissions from the present 521,741 tCO2e to 983,869 tCO2e by 2043. This is an estimated 80% increase based, amongst other... Read more

  • Julian Morgan Skeens

    Noise Pollution: I reject the planning application due to the massive negative impact on all areas of human health and sleep in this area, added to the fact that there has been historic negligence in... Read more

  • Julie Elizabeth Furnivall

    We know that in Luton people may die 8 years earlier than in other parts of the country. This is a horrifying statistic. Air pollution and traffic pollution are major culprits. I do not want a huge... Read more

  • Kate Appleby

    In 2012, Luton Airport expressed that achieving a growth of 18 million passengers by 2028 would adequately benefit local employment and boost the regional economy. Given this, the recent application... Read more

  • Keith Tolladay

    Increased noise and pollution.

  • Kelly Ann Watson

    Increased noise, construction pollution, loss of green space are just a few of the things that will make living in out village unbearable.

  • Kelly Butterfield

    I am concerned about the expansion plans due to the impact on the environment and the substantial noise and pollution impact to residents living within the flight paths.

  • Kerry Toyer

    The proposed expansion of Luton Airport, will devastate some of the most beautiful countryside and wildlife in this part of the UK. The destruction that it will cause to these rural areas, is a... Read more

  • Lolita Puckova

    Living in Luton for 3 years, I enjoy the fact that I have the airport at my doorstep. I use the airport very frequently and I'm finding that it needs more space for the number of users. I do support... Read more

  • Lorna Swain

    My primary concern is the destruction of Wigmore Valley Park, as this will result in the loss of yet another community open space in the Stopsley/Wigmore area, when we already have a shortage of open... Read more

  • Louise Haden

    I do not want this to go ahead because I want to keep Wigmore Valley Park as it is. It's by far my favourite park in Luton and beyond and I love the tranquillity of going there for walks - it's local... Read more

  • Lucy Moore

    We should be decreasing C footprints not increasing them. The noise, air and visual pollution from flight paths will be increased to the detriment of the population

  • Lynn Morton

    As a home owner who would be immediately impacted by the increase in air traffic this will affect my and my family's day to day life with noise pollution, as well as it reducing the value of our... Read more

  • Margaret Rosemary Oliver

    I am registering as an interested party in the proposed Luton Airport Expansion (Reference Number TR020001) From plans submitted, my property, [REDACTED] is still directly under the flight path. The... Read more

  • Martin Christopher Bates

    We should be flying less. The risk to the planet through climate change is worse than the benefit of giving more people the ability to take more flights for holidays or business. The local area... Read more

  • Martin Peter McBride

    This airport expansion should be subject to strict conditions relating to: 1) flying times; 2) aircraft noise & pollution evels. Flights should cease at midnight and not commence until 6.00. Modern... Read more

  • martina dvorak

    Luton Rising wrote to me on 9 May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I wish to object to the proposed... Read more

  • Mary Rose

    I wish to strongly oppose the expansion of Luton Airport from 18 to 32 million passengers a year for the following reasons: Air pollution [REDACTED] and am sure I am affected by the pollution caused... Read more

  • Matilda Moran

    Luton Rising has advised me that I have been identified as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development, Consequently, I... Read more

  • Matilda Walpole

    Luton rising have identified me as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the of the implementation of the proposed development, Consequently I am taking this... Read more

  • Michael Jaye

    I’m concerned about the noise pollution impacting communities in the vicinity of Luton airport, especially resulting from night/early morning flights.