
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1101 to 1200 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Gary Dumigan

    Manston Airport is the jewel in Thanets crown, it will bring much needed highly skilled jobs to a very deprived area, with brexit we need another airport to take the freight from new markets that we... Read more

  • Holiday Homes Against Manston (Holiday Homes Against Manston)

    Since Manston failed and closed its doors for the third time in May 2014 Thanet has seen a significant increase in tourism. Visit Kent published data in 2016 covering 2015 that showed that more than... Read more

  • Jacqueline Smith

    the airport should be used for aviation - this will allow for better transport links to other parts of the world and the country for both commercial, food transportation and travel options. This will... Read more

  • Jan Gipson

    I truly believe that using Manston Airport as a Cargo Hub, with all the business and local jobs that this will create is the best possible use of the site and facilities. I am 68 and remember the... Read more

  • John Haslett

    I am most concerned that any use of the Manston airport site for night -flights would be extremely disruptive for my and my families` sleep patterns. This is not an imagined problem but a memory of... Read more

  • Karen West

    I have safety concerns with cargo planes flying so low over my house causing sleep disruption not only to me but my husband and children as well. Pollution including unburnt fuel, nitrous and... Read more

  • Kevin Bird

    I am appalled that this planning application is even being considered by the Directorate given the flawed business model presented by RSP with its over optimistic projections and inaccurate data... Read more

  • Laura Marks

    Irrationality There is no rational case or evidence for the DCO application as I see it. Additional capacity exists at numerous existing cargo facilities in the UK (East Midlands and Stansted),... Read more

  • Lesley Robertson

    I should like to see Manston Airport open for business, for cargo and later passenger travel as soon as possible. This area is crying out for employment and investment. Thanet needs Manston Airport,... Read more

  • Martin Jewell

    The loss of Manston as a usable aviation site has two significant issues for the area of Kent in which it is located. 1. No Lower Airspace Radar Service is detrimental to aviation safety. This is... Read more

  • Med clean south (Med clean south)

    To create good payed local jobs preventing the need of commuting to other airports to carry out our work

  • Michael Redmond

    1. The airport will encourage entrepreneurship and business opportunities. It will become a magnet for relatable businesses that benefit from exporting high value products that an airport cargo hub... Read more

  • Mr Anthony Whitehorn

    I write as a resident of Herne Bay situated beneath what would be the flight path of cargo planes operating from Manston airport. My representation concerns (a) the proven damage to health in... Read more

  • Mr J Ager

    Mr James Ager representing my family. I live under the proposed direct flight path and am deeply concerned regarding the following— 1. Night flight noise = lack of sleep 2. Pollution = effecting our... Read more

  • Mrs Barbara Cawte on behalf of Mr Robert Cawte

    My husband fully supports manston and we flew out of it some years ago .It was easy and quick

  • Mr. M. Skerratt

    As a Thanet resident of some twenty years, I would like the opportunity to give my positive views on the potential reopening of Manston Airport, rather than any alternative use. In summary the main... Read more

  • Mrs West

    I wish to appose Manston being opened as a cargo hub due to it being detrimental to our health due to the amount of air pollution and sleep departmentation from on going night flights. Including for... Read more

  • Mrs. Marian Doidge

    I am a resident of Ramsgate and have been for 13 years, I live under the flight path to the once known Manston Airport. In the years I have been a resident and living under the flight path we had... Read more

  • Nigel Briant

    I am deeply concerned about the proposal, when Manston previously had some flights the plans flew over Herne, the plans were so low you could see the pilots, and pictures rattled inside the house, the... Read more

  • Nigel May

    I want Manston Airport to return as a working airport to create jobs and wealth for Thanet and the country as a whole. It is of national importance.

  • Peter Worrell

    Noise from aircraft day and night. Potential loss off property values. Drop in quality of life. Pollution from both aircraft and increased road traffic.

  • Raymond John May

    Can I just say that Manston Airport should of never closed,the people of Thanet want the Airport open again as a freight-hub which will employ many local people, Thanet is one of the worse employment... Read more

  • Richard A Smith

    I would strongly urge the inspectorate to not seek to "green light" this project. Submissions by RSP have been deeply flawed and mis-leading in terms of noise modelling and their intentions regarding... Read more

  • Rubina Florini

    I strongly believe a cargo airport in Manston means high level of noise during the day and night with significant consequences in our health. At the moment we are all aware of the environmental... Read more

  • Sally Smart

    I feel the proposals to reopen Manston airport as a cargo superhub have been fraught with uncertainty and misinformation. The highly technical documents offered by RSP have been deliberately... Read more

  • Sara Dumigan

    Manston needs to stay to bring long term jobs to the area and a future for Thanet

  • Sarah Wallace

    Failure to establish an economic case for creating a freight hub at Manston and lack of credentials on the part of the applicant: There is no national policy to develop dedicated air freight hubs in... Read more

  • Shirley Davis

    The damage this proposal would inflict on the children of Thanet and Herne Bay. Damage to Health of Pollution and noise during the day. Damage to health and mental health with night... Read more

  • Stephen John Waller

    Dear Sir/Madam My representation is short and to the point. I have lived under a flight path to Heathrow airpor,t in Twickenham and believe me, no-one, other than those who can sleep through... Read more

  • Susannah Pomery

    I live in Ramsgate and have an interest in what happens at Manston in the future. I oppose the airport but am not opposed to mixed use development there.

  • Terry Boarder

    I believe that Manston airport must be used as an airport as against being used for housing or factories, etc; with the possible building of the new Thanet Parkway station, that would open the airport... Read more

  • Adrienne Ayres

    i am very much in favour of an airport at Manston. i believe that the infrastructure can deal with it and it could take pressure from the London airports and relieve some of the congestion on the M25... Read more

  • Alan Poole

    I have serious concerns regarding the damage to the environment of a cargo hub airport from aircraft exhaust gases and unburnt fuel pollution. Concerns about the pollution caused by 'run off' from... Read more

  • Rob Kenyon on behalf of Albion Place Heritage (Albion Place Heritage)

    Our group is firmly against night flights of any description. We mainly represent owners of residential buildings which are predominantly Georgian / Regency grade 2 and are prevalent in the local... Read more

  • Alison Humphry

    I wish to register my opposition to a cargo hub at Manston airport. I have significant concern regarding the noise and other environmental impact which will be occasioned by the hub. I am concerned... Read more

  • Andrew McCulloch

    I support the DCO application for the following reasons - by no means an exhaustive list 1. Improved educational opportunities. Within the summary of this project is a proposal for a flight... Read more

  • Ann Hermitage

    Having lived in Margate all my life and for the last 47 years just a mile from the Manston Airport I think the proposed Riveroak plan can only prove beneficial to the people of Thanet. We desperately... Read more

  • Anna Alward

    As a psychotherapist, I work with people who suffer from insomnia. I am particularly concerned that night flights will disrupt the sleep patterns of residents.

  • Barrie Coombs

    I object to the development of Manston for the following reasons.We will be particularly affected as our home is in the landing flight path.Night flights will affect sleep patterns and... Read more

  • Brian J Dickerson

    its easy we are at the end of the county no way out no way in only if you have a car we got manston airport so lets use it just look at the rest of england thay all have airports and got lots of work ... Read more

  • Chris Dewhurst

    Manston is rare national and local strategic resource. The development of a civil airport would add tremendously to the jobs of the area. And in times of national emergency it can accommodate heavy... Read more

  • Chris Newing

    My representation concerns the flight path. Previously commercial flights took off and landed over Ramsgate and flew out over Reculver. The cargo flights come in to land over HERNE Bay. They are... Read more

  • Colin Cooke

    1. As an existing infrastructure it should be allowed to further develop. 2. Kent is in need of new business opportunities with a ready made workforce. 3. The Riveroak group have shown good plan and... Read more

  • Savills (Savills) on behalf of College of St John the Evangelist the University of Cambridge

    The presence of old dilapidated landing lights on property owned by St John's College, Cambridge, is a tremendous interference for the landowner and the tenant farmer. As such the landowner is very... Read more

  • David Green

    I oppose granting a DCO 24/7 Freight Hub at Manston and ask that the appointed Examining Authority thoroughly interrogate the following areas: 1. Qualifications and experience of the applicant. RSP... Read more

  • David Manser

    I remember the last time Manston had night flights and they frequently came over my home at two or three in the morning, I spoke to the then owner of Manston and was told it was happening because the... Read more

  • Denise Case

    I am a strong supporter of Manston Airport re-opening for many reasons. I would like Kent & Thanet to have the number and high quality jobs that Manston Airport will bring. An airport will also bring... Read more

  • Dorothe Steidinger

    I oppose the reopening of the air port as proposed by RiverOak Strategic Partners: - noise pollution in open air areas - which cannot be mitigated -, which will harm residents' and tourists'... Read more

  • Graham Ralph on behalf of Ernest Pay (Ernest Pay)

    I object to the reopening of Manston airport on the following grounds: Noise - when the airport was open it had a noticeable impacted on my health. I live immediately under the flight path, the... Read more

  • Frances Judith Turton

    I object to the proposals 're Manston Airport on the following grounds:- 1. High levels of air pollution which recent research links to intellectual dysfunction in ALL age groups. 2. High... Read more

  • Gail Ryder Richardson

    The main point of my submission is that the re-opening of Manston as an airport will have a detrimental impact on tourism and leisure within the town. Ramsgate is a historic seaside town with... Read more

  • Georgian Brickwork (Georgian Brickwork)

    I have lived here since 2009, I have personal experience of living under the fight path before the airport shut. I know that the low flying aircraft are unbearably noisy and they have a negative... Read more

  • Gerald Spencer

    I am against the proposed cargo hub for the following reasons: 1. It will ruin the quality of life for local residents under the flight path 2. In depth analyses by the local authority have reported... Read more

  • Graham Farrant

    I object to the Manston airport application on a number of grounds as follows: 1. The negative noise and air pollution of cargo planes on the environment, the residents who live in the flight path,... Read more

  • Haydon Rouse

    I am a long term resident of Herne Bay and do not agree or want a cargo hub airport at Manston. The geography of Herne Bay means that the eastern and western parts of the town are raised and higher... Read more

  • Helen Newton

    I live in Ellington Rd in Ramsgate and am absolutely horrified at the thought of Manston Airport being used as a freight hub. My particular concerns are :- 1. Impact of noise levels on my health and... Read more

  • Howard Ross-Parker

    I have lived for 37 years about one mile south of the runway, so am directly affected by this proposed development. I wish to object strongly to the proposal, primarily based upon the noise that... Read more

  • Ian Stace

    Bringing back aircraft to Manston would be a disaster for the whole area. Gone have the days of the occasional RAF jets flying over and landing at this historic base. I spent all my young days at... Read more

  • Janet Maxwell

    I am writing in favour of retaining Manston as an airport and my reasons are as follows: Expansion of existing airports will be time consuming, costly and have devastating consequences for... Read more

  • Jemima Brown

    I strongly object to the proposals to upgrade and reopen Manston Airport via a DCO. My family and I live in Broadstairs so will not be as adversely affected by a filthy, polluting 24 hour cargo hub as... Read more

  • Jennifer Maidman

    I live near the proposed development. I intend to submit representations regarding the impact if the project economically and socially, at the local level and more widely. Other areas of interest... Read more

  • Graham Ralph on behalf of Jennifer Pay (Jennifer Pay)

    I object to the reopening of Manston airport on the following grounds: Noise - when the airport was open it had a noticeable impacted on my health. I live immediately under the flight path, the... Read more

  • Jim Driver

    Ramsgate and indeed the whole of Thanet (including Margate and Broadstairs) is a coastal area that only exists and survives because of tourism. No one who visits a seaside town wants to hear planes... Read more

  • John Dimmock

    I'm an interested party because I believe Manston is an asset of national importance and must be preserved for aviation purposes. It's well-known that the airport's management under previous... Read more

  • John Hermitage

    I am fully backing the River Oak proposal. The SE needs the airport and is ideally situated to become an import export hub especially with Brexit happening in the very near future.

  • John Minor

    I am strongly opposed to the re-opening of Manston Airport as a cargo hub, because such action will detrimentally affect my quality of life as the village in which I live is directly under the flight... Read more

  • John Walker

    I want to see Manston reopen as soon as possible, for the good of the Country, the good of Thanet and employment. The history of Manston is long and memorable, It is the longest runway in this part of... Read more

  • Keith Taylor

    I will be commenting as a Member of the European Parliament for South East England, including Kent, to object in the strongest way possible to RiverOak Strategic Partners being granted a Development... Read more

  • Laurence Richard Muston

    The South-East of England no longer has an internationaal airport but with Brexit pending it will need an improved infastructure for goods and passengers into and out of the UK. The road network from... Read more

  • Malcolm Story

    Use of Manston Airport as a cargo hub with night flights would be detrimental to the health and well-being of all residents of Ramsgate, of which I am one. Reputable research has shown the risks to... Read more

  • Miss Sarah Hart

    I object to this application on the following grounds; significant noise, risk to health, harm to children's education, drop in quality of life, pollution & environmental damage, loss of valuable... Read more

  • Mr J Graeme Ammundsen

    As a resident of Broadstairs, I firmly believe that Manston Airport should be re-opened primarily as an air freight hub, and I support the interest and involvement of River Oak in this process. The... Read more

  • Mr Michael Holton

    Living on Nethercourt just 1.75km from the end of the runway I am extremely concerned about the health implications of having planes flying over my house at 135m high 24/7/365. There are not only... Read more

  • Mr Mike Lockwood

    I am objecting to Riveroak's proposal(s) based upon :- !. Noise Pollution from Aircraft 2. Air Pollution from Aircraft 3. The huge increase in heavy vehicle movements to and from Manston... Read more

  • Mrs Ann straker

    I am objecting to the use of mansion airport for cargo planes as I like to sleep at night and also the pollution causes by the flights and the Lorrys which will be used to take the goods on the... Read more

  • Mrs Susan Holton

    As Nethercourt residents living 1.75km from the end of the runway we will be particularly affected by plans for a 24/7 cargo hub at Manston with planes at approx. 135m almost directly... Read more

  • Nicholas Iddenden

    Significant noise day and night An impact on people’s quality of life Pollution and environmental damages Significant risk to our health

  • Nigel Phethean

    We live at [Redacted] which is a Grade II* 17TH century red brick and part coursed flint building under plain tiled roof. Built in 1713 on 16th century foundations with Dutch (or Thanet) Gables the... Read more

  • P J Kehoe

    I am a concerned resident, I fear for my children and grandchildren, about polluting in an already very busy area. I am concerned about the environment of our area, and about noise and quality of life... Read more

  • Raquel A Charsley

    Dear Sir/Madam, I wish to register my deep objection to the proposed Cargo Hub Airport that RiverOak Strategic Partners are planning to develop and implement in Thanet. I have lived in Ramsgate for... Read more

  • Rosemary Coombs

    I object to the development of Manston airport as my concerns are for Health, environment,Noise pollution sleep deprivation,spent unburnt fuel being on the landing flight path, damage to... Read more

  • Simon Crow

    Sirs I am opposed to this application. Accordingly, I wish to make a representation at the examination stage of the DCO. The main grounds for this are as follows. However, please note i) this is... Read more

  • Steve Wheeler

    I have severe concerns about Manston being returned to a functioning airport, specifically that of a cargo hub that will result in night flights over Ramsgate. As a resident with a young child I am... Read more

  • Susan Fitzell

    I oppose the planning application that would permit cargo flights from mansion airport hub. I believe this would be environmentally damaging to the area due to the type of older less efficient planes... Read more

  • Susan Girdler

    I support the re-opening of Manston as an Airport for the following reasons: 1. Manston has a runway which is 2752 m long. If houses are built on this runway where, other than the proposed runway at... Read more

  • TG Aviation Limited (TG Aviation Limited)

    As a Flying School based at Manston prior to its closure TG Aviation support the re-opening of Manston as an airport for the following reasons: 1. Manston has a runway which is 2752 m long. If... Read more

  • Vanessa Gray

    I’m really concerned that the infrastructure of Manston Airport will be lost to housing. It’s madness to lose such vital facilities that I’ve known as an operational airport.

  • William Dixon

    I am a regular visitor to Ramsgate, staying there several times a year. I stay in a flat on the flight path. The whole house used to shake when planes went overhead. They come in very low over... Read more

  • Zara Mckenzie

    I wish to register my disagreement with the proposed cargo hub at Manston Airport. As a member of the community living under the flight path I am concerned about the impact of noise and pollution on... Read more

  • Keith Peter Adams

    I do not want the airport to open because of the health risks from jet engine pollution and the noise aspect every day and night.

  • Adem Mehmet

    Below is a summary of representations regarding the RSP DCO application. A larger document that references specific chapters within the application and verified evidence available in the public domain... Read more

  • Alex Wells

    I live in very close proximity to the airport site and will be affected by the day to day running of the airport. I AM IN TOTAL SUPPORT of the application to return the airport site to a fully... Read more

  • Alexandra Gale

    I am recording my favour towards Riveroak's plan to redevelop Mansion airport as a commercial aircraft hub. In the light of Brexit, it is obvious how much our country will need every location and... Read more

  • Allison Murdoch

    As a teaching assistant at a local primary school, I am deeply worried about the proposal to turn Manston Airport into a cargo airport. Our school has only just received a "Good" rating from Ofsted... Read more

  • Andrew Blaydes

    We support the reopening of Manston Airport as proposed by RiverOak. The airport did offer a vital service to this part of the country and was an essential element of cargo and aid getting to many... Read more

  • Andrew Hopper

    I am keen to start an AOC and commence operations based at Manston. This would be small twin work with a mix of passengers and cargo and training. There is a lack of good facilities in the south ... Read more

  • Annabel Spicer

    My parents live in Ramsgate and have done for the last 25-30 years. It's a very special place. It has the prettiest harbour and the area is just starting to regenerate into a really pleasant place... Read more

  • Annie Lamb

    To bring long term employment to a very needy area, for people of east Kent to access flights locally without the hassle of a long road journey to Gatwick/ Heathrow, indeed even people from South east... Read more

  • Anthony Shephard

    Dear Sir or Madam, I am a 70 year old retired welfare worker and live at a retirement home in Ramsgate with over 110 other residents. At our last meeting we overwhelmingly supported the motion that... Read more

  • Barbara Warner

    I oppose the granting of A DCO for a 24 hour operation freight hub on the former Manston airport site. RiverOak strategic partners (RSP) have consistently failed to show they have funding in place... Read more