
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 701 to 800 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Terence Arthur Cross

    Mallard Pass Proposers, I write to express my strongest objections to the proposed Mallard Pass solar project. While agreeing in principle to the need for advancing sources of green energy, in this... Read more

  • Virginia Stuart

    Constructing this solar farm alters the landscape in both practical and aesthetic ways. The land will no longer be able to be used for anything but the generation of power and local wildlife habitats... Read more

  • William Vipond

    Solar Panels should be on roof tops not agricultural land. The government should give subsidies to property owners to encourage solar adoption at a household level. Covering the countryside is panels... Read more

  • Alison Squirrell

    loss of food production land.

  • Andrew Thomas Puttick

    Worried about funds for decommissioning, and the need to ensure return to agricultural usage and not just left for future generations to deal with the problem. Concerned over the loss of agricultural... Read more


    This project is far to enormous in size, whilst I understand we need more alternative sources of generating clean power, the project needs much more sensible revision in also allowing more thought for... Read more

  • Benjamin John Taylor

    We are short of food and energy but sacrificing one for the other is counter productive this will scar the landscape for years to come making fitting recycling the panels have a whole world of energy... Read more

  • Beverley Miller

    We are worried that they are going to take your garden land

  • Caroline Needham

    The proposed geography is too large creating a blot on the landscape. It will cover large quantity of farm land at a time when importing food stock is expensive and challenging .

  • Charles Ernest Tyers

    This project should not be given permission to be built, if so, we are destroying arable farm land for the sake of our Government(s) past and present included inability to solve our current power... Read more

  • Charlotte Gervis

    Mallard Pass solar farm is NOT a farm! a farm is where food is produced, crops are grown and livestock is raised! 2,175 acres of prime agricultural land should not be taken out of food production to... Read more

  • Christina Alexander

    My concerns regard impact on this beautiful area of countryside and wildlife. I do not object generally to solar but it is the sheer scale of the development and what it will mean for future... Read more

  • Christine Heather Ingram

    Impact on our quality of life and community: It is a huge area of solar panels instead of trees, wild life with established habitats and land that is of good agricultural quality. The lanes and main... Read more

  • Claire McArthur

    I fully support renewable 'green energy' and understand it's importance with the current climate crisis. However I do not understand the rationale for such a huge development on green farmland it... Read more

  • Colin Vincent

    1. This is a large area of quality agricultural land to cover in glass especially now we are suffering food shortages a better solution would be to install solar panels above car parks, on factory... Read more

  • Colin Wilding

    I wish to register my strong objection to the application for the Mallard Pass Solar farm proposal. My reasons are as follows: 1. Loss of a huge amount of prime agricultural land - the UK needs to... Read more

  • Craig Huntbatch

    The enormous scale of the proposed plant will totally destroy the agricultural landscape and harm the local environment. The mass industrialisation of the area will harm wildlife habitats and have a... Read more

  • Darren John barratt

    I don't think that this development is appropriate. It's taking a large bite out of the countryside in the smallest county and will permanently damage the aspect of the villages its surrounding.

  • David John Hopkins

    Food producing farmland should be the last option for solar power generation

  • Diana Kennington

    Construction issues from initial build noise, HGV lorries, increase in traffic due to the work force, cable laying to sub stations and extensive traffic measures effecting the local area and villages.... Read more

  • Elizabeth Jane fairham

    I feel that the area chosen is very unsuitable being on good arable land and so near the lovely Georgian town of Stamford which already has big traffic problems. Also, the size of the site is vast... Read more

  • Elizabeth Margaret Ashby

    * The scheme is taking out 1,052 acres of valuable farmland and will be a blot on the landscape for many years, as well as reducing rights of way. There are many brownfield sites in the area that... Read more

  • Essendine Parish Council (Essendine Parish Council)

    Essendine Parish Council strongly oppose the Solar Farm project. It brings only negative impacts to our community and unacceptable upheaval for the very inefficient production of electricity.... Read more

  • Francesco Candeliere

    Solar is for Spain, Offshore Wind is for us. Poor solar irradiance requires too much land to make a profit. Here one company makes a small profit but our countryside is ruined forever. Stop this solar... Read more

  • Geoffrey Burgoin

    Environmental impact far out weighs Environmental advantages i.e. taking up good farm land we need for food production. pollution coursed during construction (transport and machinery working)... Read more

  • Graham Wright

    Scientists now believe that the steady destruction of wildlife will tip over into total ecosystem collapse. Many believe the massive and current losses of biodiversity are the start of a new mass... Read more

  • Heather Sharpe

    I wish to register my comments on the proposed development of Mallard Pass Solar Farm with key issues and impacts in 4 areas: 1. Scale; the proposed size of the project will completely overwhelm the... Read more

  • Heather Uzzell

    I wanted to comment on the scale of the proposal. I am in favour of renewable energy but not on a large scale in one area where the parent organisation which is often not located in the area or even... Read more

  • Helen Strickson

    Should stay as land for farming Shouldn’t have to import food , relying on outside countries

  • Isobel Pearce

    I oppose this development. Rutland cannot support this huge development. Our MP opposes it and I support her views on this matter. I believe another huge solar development is planned for Rutland too... Read more

  • Jean Jakeman

    I am opposed to the proposal because I feel very strongly that solar should be on brownfield land and rooftops. The proposed site is vast and swallows up valuable agricultural land when it is most... Read more

  • John Martin Greenwood

    Live on the edge of the planned development.It will affect my life.

  • Jonathan Scott

    I am concerned about loss of wildlife habitat as well as many acres of fertile farmland and the impact this will have on the livelihoods of local people. This development will also be an obvious... Read more

  • Kerry Anne Hockham

    I have a number of objections to the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Project development and would like to raise a number of points for consideration. While energy security is essential, so is food... Read more

  • Kerry Vincent

    This is an area of great natural beauty which the residents have purposely moved to, to enjoy. The thought of walking through a glass wilderness is repugnant added to which we will be under constant... Read more

  • Kirsty Vincent

    Firstly I would say that I am and always have been concerned about our environment and so looking to cleaner energy is important, however, this shouldn’t be achieved at the expense of the environment.... Read more

  • Linda Brookes

    As a former resident of Braceborough I am extremely concerned about the impact of this proposal on a lovely rural area, it's amenities and wildlife. As a UK national I am extremely worried about the... Read more

  • Lucy Thompson

    Huge loss of diverse landscape for wildlife. Visually scarring. Ruins natural beauty of countryside

  • Mark Warren

    We have the following major concerns regarding the Mallard Pass Solar Farm Our address in Essendine comes within new plans that are included under the categories of interest section 44 of the 2008... Read more

  • Michael John Jakeman

    I am opposed to the proposal because I feel very strongly that solar should be on brownfield land and rooftops. The proposed site is vast and swallows up valuable agricultural land when it is most... Read more

  • Mrs Jane Edwina Fennell

    Don't want mallard pass to go ahead, thank you

  • Mrs Sarah Colledge

    Examining Authority The proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm is going to have a major, irreversible impact on the local land, environment and residents. This proposal swallows up large swathes of prime... Read more

  • Mrs V Stokes

    I consider it borderline insanity to even consider covering valuable farmland with an ocean of solar panels. An area so vast that its impact will be considerably damaging in a multitude of ways. We... Read more

  • Marilyn Anne Nicholls on behalf of Nicholls and Geddes (Nicholls and Geddes )

    We are vehemently opposed to any solar farm which uses valuable,productive, agricultural land.After water, food production is the most fundamental human requirement. 2 Unacceptable industrial scale. 3... Read more

  • Nick Crossfield

    I think it's a great idea, if after 20-30 years a newer better source of energy is available the solar farm could be easily dismantled and returned back to agricultural land. This would benefit the... Read more

  • Paul Allen

    Please find my comments, concerns and considerations about the proposed Mallard Pass Solar Farm Development: Proposed site objection The size of the proposed site is utterly astonishing, with it being... Read more

  • Peter Gilbert

    Countryside views being changed. Reduction of house value. Work traffic during construction.

  • Peter Linfoot Crowther

    Where to start? I am not against solar but its limitations in the UK for effective electricity generation need to be recognised and taken into account. I am against opportunistic change of land use... Read more

  • Peter Smith

    Whilst we are in agreement of the need for renewable energy, we feel that a) the size of Mallard pass and resulting energy generated does not warrant the damage to the local arrable countryside and is... Read more

  • Mrs Valerie porter on behalf of Porters (Porters)

    We are very concerned about the loss of valuable agricultural land especially at a time when we should be looking at becoming more self sufficient as a country as has been highlighted by recent food... Read more

  • Rhian Smith

    Whilst we are in agreement of the need for renewable energy, we feel that a) the size of Mallard pass and resulting energy generated does not warrant the damage to the local arrable countryside and is... Read more

  • Rita Sally Crowther

    I am against the Mallard Pass solar farm as the destruction of arable farming land at the time of population growth means we are increasingly relying on foreign imports of food which are becoming more... Read more

  • Roberta Richardson

    Is is to big Damaging the local environment Taking valuable agricultural land away from food production

  • Rupert Hope-Shaw

    Loss of farmland Roads not Suitable for large amount of heavy veichles Damage to local beauty Damage to local well being and mental health

  • Sally Watstrup

    This proposal is catastrophic . Far too big and the impact on the surrounding areas will be a disaster. We need our green open spaces. The future generations need ghis desperately. The scenic... Read more

  • Sandy Williamson-Noble

    I am opposed to this solar farm because of its size, its use of solar panels manufactured in China rather than UK, and the loss of agricultural land which we can ill afford as an island nation. I am... Read more

  • Sarah Powell

    I am opposed to the proposition of the solar farm as I feel that it will have a massive impact on the area in which I live. We live in a beautiful part of the country which will be spoilt by such an... Read more

  • Simon Chapman

    Concerned about - loss of productive agricultural land & food security - size and scale of what’s proposed - too - Infrastructure impact, particularly during construction stage with only small &... Read more

  • Simon Teesdale

    We are concerned about this project as it seems far too big for the area in which we live. I don't believe that it has to come as close to the villages and residential houses. I believe that farmland... Read more

  • Stuart Allan Fairham

    Destruction of vital arable land.Totally unsuitable access roads already used as rat runs.Ridiculous size.Battery storage huge safety risk.Why not site on less verdant land .plenty exists in eastern... Read more

  • Susan Wilding

    I wish to register my strong objection to the application for the Mallard Pass Solar farm proposal. My reasons are as follows: 1. Loss of a huge amount of prime agricultural land - the UK needs to... Read more


    The Mallard Pass Solar Farm is a huge transformation of agricultural land to industrial land. This is unacceptable when, having left the European Union, the nature of the new food trading relationship... Read more

  • Gale Rushen on behalf of The Rushens (The Rushens)

    We( 4 adult members of the family) strongly object to the proposed Mallard Solar farm. ,Firstly we object to the sheer scale of the proposed sight and the impact it will have on the wonderful diverse... Read more

  • Timothy Maddren

    I think the proposed development is just too large. This isn't nimbyism; I do not live in the immediate vicinity but I do not think any rural location in the country should have such a large... Read more

  • Tom Richardson

    My objections are to do with the construction of the site mainly to do with traffic on a very tight roads leading out of braceborough. I also completely disagree mallard pass seeking compulsory... Read more

  • Trevor Burfield

    Loss of Farm Land - Agricultural Land used for growing food should not house a Solar Farm. Best and Most Valuable Farm Land should not be used for anything other than agricultural use, 41% plus of the... Read more

  • Victoria Kinmond

    Among the issues with this proposal are - the sheer scale - the visual impact - traffic impact - habitat loss - loss of amenities

  • William Couzens

    Essendine will be totally surrounded by solar panels in turn transforming the town from a rural town into an industrial town. The solar panels are overdeveloped which will create visual and audio... Read more

  • Yvette Powell

    I am opposed to the solar farm because it will totally destroy a huge area of food growing land and wild animal areas.

  • Alicia Kearns

    1. Size of Development: If constructed, Mallard Pass would be by far the largest Solar Plant in the UK to date. As such, full and proper consideration is required to assess the greater impact this... Read more

  • Jacobs (Jacobs) on behalf of Anglian Water (Anglian Water)

    Anglian Water is the statutory undertaker for water and sewerage services in the application area. Jacobs UK Limited is supporting Anglian Water as an Interested Party in this examination. We note... Read more

  • Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board (Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board)

    The Black Sluice Internal Drainage Board has an interest in this project for any matters concerning the Land Drainage Act 1991 (as amended) with regard to any works within any ordinary watercourse... Read more

  • Bo Turner

    Massive impact on the vast and varied wildlife we have around us. Visual and environmental impact on the surrounding conservation area villages. As I understand this Solar Farm only produces 11% of... Read more

  • Brett Faulkner

    Worried about the Compulsory Acquisition Rights over my property. The negative affect it will have on my property value and its resale potential. Access/disruption to my property during the two year... Read more

  • Brian William Sears

    Overall size of the proposed installation Use of prime agricultural land for this development Disruption caused during the lengthy period of time to carry out the works with heavy transport on local... Read more

  • caroline frances webb

    My main objection is the size of this project which will use up hectares of good agricultural land which is needed for crops. The UK is suffering from food shortages partly brought on by Brexit, and... Read more

  • Charlotte Dickens

    I recognise that solar energy is the way forward but the sheer size of this site in this location is totally unacceptable. To propose a project that takes precious farmland, surrounds villages ,... Read more

  • Christopher Bell

    I cannot understand why as a local resident we would be supportive of this plan. There are no benefits for the local community unless of course you class permissive footpaths surrounded by solar... Read more

  • Christopher Brown

    I write to express my strong objections to the Mallard Pass scheme for the reasons set out below. While I recognise some effort has gone into mitigating the immediate impact on the local area, there... Read more

  • Christopher William Rentowl

    1 - Loss of good agricultural land 2 - An unsightly blot on the picturesque landscape.

  • Clare Beaver

    I am against Solar panels going on productive Farm land It is going to destroy the surrounding Countryside & the wildlife that live there It industrialises the Countryside. Solar panels should be put... Read more

  • Corinne Irving

    Serious concerns about the use of prime agricultural land and food security. The current shortage of some fresh items highlights the dependency of this country on imported fresh food. As well as... Read more

  • Daniel Joseph Blaes

    I do not agree that the use of quality arable land should be taken up with solar panels. Food security is as important if not more so than energy security. I want to feed my family not starve to death... Read more

  • Danielle Wheeler

    I do not agree with the proposal for Mallard Pass farm. This will have a huge impact on our beautiful country side. This is right next to the village where I live. Am concerned about the impact this... Read more

  • David Whittle

    I believe this development is entirely out of keeping and proportion with the rural area it threatens. It will in essence destroy a very large area of natural beauty which cannot be replaced. There... Read more

  • Declan Carr

    I think this project will be detrimental to the local country side

  • Dr David John Trawford

    Subject: Mallard Pass Solar Park Proposed Development. Dear Sir I am writing to reiterate my objections to the proposed Mallard park solar development on land near Essendine and surrounding villages... Read more

  • Elaine Mary Sutton

    to register an objection on grounds this is 'gross over development of agricultural land', Renewable energy sources of this kind should be on buildings. Solar panels would be placed on much needed... Read more

  • Elizabeth Shaw

    It will be an eyesore and we need the land to grow crops and feed livestock. It will not benefit our country at all and if planning is granted it could be the start of many more solar monstrosities.

  • gary joseph perry

    We are already losing farm land in the area to housing (without solar panels fitted), gravel quarrying and returning it to Fenland marsh, that's without covering it in solar farms. We are now seeing... Read more

  • Geoffrey Radley

    I am concerned at the loss of productive arable land that would result from the construction of this very large solar array, especially as a substantial proportion of the area proposed for the solar... Read more

  • George Bremner

    The lack of food security for the UK should be a strong consideration when any proposal such as this is presented. The land would be lost to agriculture for ever. The destruction and devastation to... Read more

  • Georgia Bremner

    Mallard Pass - Beautiful untouched part of the countryside, surrounded my solar panels will be so unsightly - Such a vast area - I’m all for renewable energy and preserving the environment but I don’t... Read more

  • Georgie Teesdale

    I am concerned about the size of the project and that it will ruin our countryside. I also don't understand why solar panels are not fitted to all new large industrial units which are continually... Read more

  • Georgina Iveson

    I think this is a huge project that will impact upon a very attractive landscape. It will destroy the wildlife, wildflowers and look awful from the road. This will cover a HUGE area.


    - Sheer size and scale of proposed development - Loss of productive land - Use of agricultural land versus buildings / brown field sites - Flood risk - Further amenity loss on top of that lost in... Read more

  • Jacqueline Holman on behalf of Holman Family (Holman Family)

    As a family, we are generally in support of solar and we recognise that the funding of a project of this scale means that it must me market-led. However, we have the impression that this project has... Read more

  • Hubert Lawson Nunn

    • Firstly the size of the endeavour in area terms far surpasses anything that has gone before. • Secondly, the landscape over which it will sprawl is both rural, beautiful and has no significant... Read more

  • Ian Scrivens

    This will ruin the village, infringe on our freedom of movement and decimate the local environment

  • Jack Charrington

    Loss of agricultural land for food production Huge change to local environment - Huge disruption and traffic near school in Great Carterton Compulsory purchases of homes in Essendine Low output of... Read more