
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 801 to 900 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Miss Sian Twigge

    My concerns about the damage to an area of both national and international significance as the standing stones at Stonehenge are just a tiny part massive area of archaeology and setting, described by... Read more

  • Nick Jones

    The proposed tunnel will cause needless, irreparable damage to one of the world's, most iconic Word Heritage Sites. UNESCO describes it as a ‘landscape without parallel’, and its advisers say the... Read more

  • Nycki Owen

    How many times have we destroyed and damaged our priceless ancient sites in the past? I can't believe there's anybody would agree to a road or tunnel being built anywhere near Stonehenge, one of the... Read more

  • Odo Saunders

    Concern about the potential damage to the archaeological heritage of the site that will be caused by this unwanted development.

  • Ollie Barron

    Damage to the area and the invaluable artefacts. Increased road noise and associated pollution damaging the experience of people attending the sacred sites and damage to the sites themselves from... Read more

  • Sam McAdams

    Given that it is common place for archaeological sites of profound importance to be left in situ for future generations when archaeological techniques are further developed, it seems ridiculous that... Read more

  • Tiffany Stephens

    Stonehenge is one of the most sacred sites in Britain. It's integrity should be maintained and protected. The needs of commuters is in my opinion irrelevant. We must uphold our heritage not destroy it... Read more

  • William Brown

    I oppose this planning application on the grounds of the destruction of this site and surrounding countryside and the environmental impact of more road traffic in the area

  • Andover Ramblers (Andover Ramblers)

    Andover Ramblers have two interests. One is to ensure the plans accommodate walkers and open up the right of way network for people to enjoy. Two is to promote easy vehicle access to the west of... Read more

  • Brian Simms

    I believe that the cut and cover tunnel will destroy very important archaeological evidence.This will no longer be available for our future generations.In the future there will be technological... Read more

  • Brian Turner

    This brief note is intended to register my objection to road building in the vicinity of Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I believe that the landscape of which Stonehenge is a part is a... Read more

  • Captain Nick Kettlewell,RN

    As a former Wiltshire County Councillor for Amesbury and thus for Stonehenge I have continued to engage in the debate of routeing the A303 past Stonehenge for the past twenty years. I like to think... Read more

  • Carrie Jackson

    The form is very simple – you fill in your details* Give the reasons why you are objecting without going into great detail. Examples could include (but please use your own words): Irreparable... Read more

  • Daniel Demmel

    I strongly oppose this scheme on multiple grounds: * In general road budget should be focused on fixing and improving existing roads, especially with the backdrop of climate change it's not... Read more

  • David Durkin

    I strongly object to any tunnel with entrances or exits that are constructed within the boundaries of the World Heritage Site. I strongly object to the construction of any related roads or service... Read more

  • Gillian Madge

    Stonehenge is a world class heritage site. Please make sure it will be fully protected for us all and future generations. The proposed road sounds as if it will possibly cause structural damage to the... Read more

  • Grant Munro

    I think Stonehenge should be prioritised over any roads for traffic.

  • James Bickerton

    The Stonehenge World Heritage Site MUST be preserved as an absolute priority. NOTHING should be allowed to 'taint' this historic, world famous landmark and link to our prehistory. It is SACRILEGE that... Read more

  • Jennifer Smethurst

    I believe this will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Jim Rayner

    I would like to see Green Bridge no. 1 be built as a 'standard concrete & steel structure'. The 'green capacity' of this bridge could then be moved into the World Heritage Site. This change would then... Read more

  • John Phillips

    I merely wish to register my support for the scheme and hope that it can be constructed as soon as possible. I have been satisfied that my original concern regarding the effect of the tunnel on... Read more

  • Jonathan Dixon

    I have summarised my objections in a bullet list. To be clear, I object to this new road entirely. My objections include: - Fact that building more roads does not ease congestion, it attracts more... Read more

  • Kelly Cannon

    I object to this project because of the damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site that would inevitably occur. I am concerned that no alternative has been proposed that would not damage... Read more

  • Laura Lorson

    As an American journalist who covers arts, culture and history, I care a great deal about the issue of historic preservation, and I am deeply concerned about the way this project is being handled. The... Read more

  • Maggy Simms

    I believe the cut and cover tunnel plan is destructive to the archaeology and heritage of the wider area and will destroy the world heritage site's potential for future archaeological research.

  • Martin Gem

    The new road not impact on the World Heritage Site in any way.

  • Matthew Sutcliffe

    I am objecting to your plans for the A303 where it passes Stonehenge. I have often enjoyed the view whilst driving past and feel it should remain possible to see these stones from a distance for free.... Read more

  • Mollie Semple

    Stonehenge is an important historical, spiritual and ancient site. We are losing so much of our heritage in the name of so called 'progress' and enough is enough!

  • Mr. Duncan Noble

    In my view the proposed scheme will irreparably damage not just the area presently designated as a World Heritage Site, but the wider environment that is part of the essential context of the... Read more

  • Mrs Iris Holden

    I am concerned about the plans to isolate Stonehenge from the A303. The view of Stonehenge from the A303 is a symbol of permanence which, in my view, gives reassurance and pleasure to countless... Read more

  • Mrs Lindsay Cutts

    I was saddened to hear of the habitat disturbance at Blickmead recently and really cannot understand why certain parties still intend to carry on with detrimental work in the area. Having grown up... Read more

  • Ms Catharine M Newman

    Stonehenge is unique......if the archaeology is damaged irreparably we lose our heritage and our deeper understanding of our ancient ancestors. It will be a loss for the world and deprive future... Read more

  • Ms Ros Smith

    I am very unhappy about the application for changes to the Stonehenge roadways, for a number of reasons: - I believe that this will destroy areas of this important achaeological setting in ways... Read more

  • Pauline Moran

    A classic example of knowing the costs of everything (building a cheaper by-pass) and the value of nothing (StoneHenge) If this goes ahead...History will not look kindly on you. Would love to... Read more

  • QinetiQ Group Plc (QinetiQ Group Plc)

    My organisation has a number of employees (c1000) who use the A303 on a daily basis to access the Boscombe Down Airfield site and any service diversion or works to the A303 will affect the travel... Read more

  • Regina De Giovanni

    Unesco has recommended that this work should not proceed. Please stop. Thank you

  • Robert Griffin

    These proposals will irretrevably damage the archaeology of the sites either by design or neglect. There have already been reports of damage to the archaeology of the Stonehenge... Read more

  • Susan Hopkinson

    The unique architectural heritage of this area needs to be protected and undisturbed for future generations. There would be significant damage if this scheme were allowed to go ahead. I am also... Read more

  • Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society)

    ABOUT The Society was founded in 1853 to “educate the public by promoting, fostering interest in, exploration, research and publication on the archaeology, art, history and natural history of... Read more

  • Amesbury Town Council (Amesbury Town Council)

    Please see attached

  • Dawn Watson

    I strongly disagree with any further desecration of the World Heritage site. Once you destroy this, it will never be able to be recovered. This does not just impact the current generations but also... Read more

  • Gemma Ellis

    I favour minimal intrusion into Stonehenge and the area around it. I favour cutting back on existing intrusions like the road running close by that was removed recently. For the A303 my view is that... Read more

  • Geoffrey Allan

    The current plans are likely to damage this World Heritage Site. UNESCO do not support the plans in their present form. THe unique character of the site and its surrounding area should be protected... Read more

  • James Higgs

    PROW: The proposals within the application unjustly affect existing public rights of way and fail to make adequate provision for their conservation. This is contrary to both the recommendations... Read more

  • Kate Prendergast

    I am an academic archaeologist by training. My D.Phil research, undertaken at the University of Oxford, focused on evidence for astronomy in the ancient societies of the British Isles. Stonehenge was... Read more

  • Leon Maschner

    The Western tunnel entrance should be moved further westwards making the tunnel longer, or a covering put over the A303 where it is down in the cutting creating a green tunnel. I would like there to... Read more

  • Lynn Evans

    The strange vibrations that are present at this site is not easily understood by our modern? view, we have yet to catch up with the ancient mind that is much more advanced than we the ignorant give... Read more

  • Lynn Lovell

    The land around Stonehenge is sacred land. Stonehenge was a central meeting place for the British tribes. Leylines run from here all over our blessed country. We are constantly uncovering new... Read more

  • Mrs Lindy Ayubi

    This scheme will cause Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. Points that are of huge relevance and seem not to have been... Read more


    NATS anticipates no impact from the proposal and has no comments to make. Regards S. Rossi NATS Safeguarding Office

  • Paul Workman

    I have great concern about the impact of road construction in the Stonehenge environment.

  • Richard Metcalfe

    The current A303 is a public right of way for all classes of user. As such it provides an important link for users of BOATS joining byway AMES11 and 12. The proposed scheme removes the rights of... Read more

  • Robert Scott-Jupp

    The scheme as planned will do irreparable damage to archaeological sites, including the recently discovered site at Blick Mead. No consideration has been given to alternative schemes that avoid any... Read more

  • Sally Rich

    This proposed new road is bad for the environment birds etc The stones should not be hidden from view it's already disappointing that you can't access them

  • Steve Cox

    I have concerns on the following points Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the... Read more

  • Stuart Haigh

    Having read through the plans I believe that the closure of the BOAT running next to stonehenge which I use regularly as a member of the TRF is unjustified and unnecessary. I strongly object to this... Read more

  • Thomas Grayson-Smith

    The proposed A303 Stonehenge development would cause irreparable damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, its archeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a “landscape without parallel”.... Read more

  • Carter Jonas LLP (Carter Jonas LLP) on behalf of Travelodge Hotels Limited

    Travelodge Hotels Limited (“Travelodge”) are the UK’s largest independent hotel brand with more than 560 hotels and 40,000 guest bedrooms across the UK and Europe. TLLC CMPROPCO11 Limited are the... Read more

  • Wiltshire Ramblers (Wiltshire Ramblers)

    Wiltshire Ramblers is broadly supportive of this long-overdue initiative to improve the A303 between Amesbury and Berwick Down, but would like to repeat some of the requests/observations we made in... Read more

  • Yvonne Gillian

    I would like to express my objection to the proposal to alter the road system around the sensitive World Heritage site of Stonehenge. I feel that the current proposal would be most detrimental to the... Read more

  • Avebury Parish Council (Avebury Parish Council)

    Avebury Parish Council (APC) has an interest in understanding possible risks to the site and village through the unintended diversion of would-be visitors to Stonehenge, discouraged as they may well... Read more

  • David Hobbs

    I am very concerned that the current plans will cause Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, and understand that the international experts of UNESCO have also strongly opposed it.

  • Diana Graham

    The traffic congestion at Stonehenge 303 should be solved by limiting site visits NOT building a tunnel. The monument has more than one function: it is not only an attraction for tourists. It is... Read more

  • Dr Andrew Shuttleworth

    In making my representation on the A303 Stonehenge Scheme I would wish to begin by stating my support for the scheme as a whole; an effective dual carriageway bypass of Winterbourne Stoke and the... Read more

  • Dr Brian Kemplay

    I object to this scheme on the basis that it is very likely to destroy the unexplored wider environment of the stones. As the years go by more and more evidence is unearthed on the context of the... Read more

  • John Hughes

    y Submission will cover, but not limited to, the following matters. National and World Heritage. Landscape value Traffic data Cost. PS. The link to you, given in the e-mail from [Redacted] ,... Read more

  • Judith Whiteley

    The planned site for one of the tunnel’s entrances threatens one of Stonehenge’s most significant aspects - the direct line of sight from the stones to the setting sun on the winter solstice.

  • Penelope Rowe

    I am deeply concerned that the planned tunnel is likely to cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. Any tunnelling or... Read more

  • Peter Barker

    I wish to object to the proposal because I am very concerned that the Stonehenge World Heritage site will be damaged and that it will no longer be visible from a freely accessible location.

  • Roger Brake

    I am concerned about the potential damage to the World Heritage Site which will be caused by the construction of the tunnel, it's portals and associated works on and affecting the existing road... Read more

  • Stuart Fyfe

    Flyover at Countess is not the best option there. Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • California Cultural Resources Preservation Alliance, Inc. (California Cultural Resources Preservation Alliance, Inc.)

    An expressway affecting the archaeological features and setting of a UNESCO World Heritage Site is a terrible idea. It will cause irreparable damage to the Stone Hedge world famous heritage site and... Read more

  • Cycling Opportunities Group Salisbury (COGS) (Cycling Opportunities Group Salisbury (COGS))

    I am interested in making sure that Highways England commit to providing a good network of safe routes for use by cyclists and walkers which link local communities and provide good opportunities for... Read more

  • Deborah Conway-Read

    I am extremely concerned about the effect of this development on the archaeology of the whole area. Priceless information will be lost for ever. The setting of England's most iconic structure will be... Read more

  • Fleur Doidge

    The plans for new road construction will interfere with and probably destroy forever the amenity and archaeological heritage of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Stonehenge plus nearby prehistoric... Read more

  • Frances Bolland

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site and should be treated with respect for future populations to marvel and enjoy. I am concerned what the excavation work will destroy or damage .The A303 has always... Read more

  • Hal Ewing

    Whilst it is clear there is a need to do something to relieve traffic on the A303, the current proposal is obviously flawed. It is described by the International Council on Monuments and Sites and... Read more

  • Howard Carter

    Reopen the Drove & stop the tunnel plans.

  • Julia P B MacBeath

    The plans will damage the archaeology and the surrounding environment of Stonehenge and UNESCO have made their objections clear.

  • Lozz Starseed

    I object to the A303 Stonehenge expressway because... •Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ •UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Mike Pitts

    My view is that the in this complex proposal, the benefits of the works to landscape and heritage exceed the costs, which are not insignificant. I take into account not just the World Heritage Site... Read more

  • Mrs Laura Derry Fellows

    Stonehenge, Blick Mead & the whole WHS landscape are under threat from this scheme, potentially losing the "World Heritage" status assigned by UNESCO. This is an area containing a unique collection of... Read more

  • Ruth Parham

    I object to the proposals for the A303 Stonehenge for the following reasons: -- The plans in their current form will irreversibly damage and degrade the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, having a... Read more

  • Victor Anderson

    Stonehenge and the surrounding area is part of my heritage and I want to see it protected. My mother took me there, I have taken my son there, and I would like to believe that my descendants will be... Read more

  • Al Russell

    The construction of this byway constitutes a very real threat to human culture and would set an extraordinarily dangerous precedent to the future handling of immeasurably important cultural artifacts... Read more

  • Andrew Fitzpatrick

    I wish to comment on the scope, methods and appropriateness of the archaeological works that will be proposed in the draft Detailed Archaeological Mitigation Strategy which will be available at the... Read more

  • Carly Bannister

    I have read about this construction plan work, concerning Stonehenge Heritage Landscape. I have taken the time on the project, studied the advantages also the disadvantages by making alterations for a... Read more

  • Elizabeth Wilson

    I object to the proposed tunnel. The immense value of Stonehenge, of all monuments, requires us to take a long-term, not a short-term view. The proposed tunnel will do immense and irreparable harm... Read more

  • Ewa Piskorz

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Kate Tobin on behalf of Forestry Commission

    I will be representing the Forestry Commission who are the government's experts on forestry and woodland. I will be looking at the application in relation to the protection, improvement or expansion... Read more

  • Friends of Coldwater (Friends of Coldwater )

    Friends of Coldwater champions sacred landscapes, especially in this time of climate chaos when populations are being threatened with change too vast and quick to accommodate peaceful human... Read more

  • Oliver Denman

    I have have listened to the concerns of archaeologists and I believe the tunnel development cannot ensure that the archaeology of this important and yet not fully understood landscape will not be... Read more

  • Robert Parker

    I object to this proposed highway development because of the effect and destruction it will cause to Stonehenge site as defined by it's UNESCO World Heritage status.

  • Roger Upfold

    As a local cyclist to ensure that the needs of non-motorised users (NMUs) are considered both on the route of the A303, the associated roads and rights of way around the WHS, and the wider area, and... Read more

  • Tom James

    1. That the byways in this area are a significant local amenity. 2. That there is no justifiable reason for closure of the byways to vehicular traffic. 3. That the level of free public access on... Read more

  • Wiltshire Council (Wiltshire Council) on behalf of Western Gateway Shadow Sub-National Transport Body

    Confirmation that the Western Gateway Shadow Sub-National Transport Body supports the scheme.

  • William Gowers

    Stonehenge is one of this country's most important Neolithic archaeological sites - and one of its most mysterious. New information about the origins and purpose of Stonehenge has been discovered... Read more

  • Charles Moore

    Public rights of way need to be protected and remain open to all users. Byways AMES 11 and AMES 12 will require part of existing A303 reclassifying to BOAT to prevent these byways becoming dead ends.

  • Danielle Ridley

    I am concerned about the irrepreable damage that could be caused to this most important world heritage site, I am also shocked that this is an option when such an important and historical site could... Read more

  • Darren Thompson

    My interest is that Public Rights of way should be kept open for all to enjoy, now and for future generations.