
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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  • mark allen

    The flights over north and east St Albans have had a significant impact to reduce quality of life. Noise pollution and no doubt air pollution. Walking in Hertswood now to the accompaniment of... Read more

  • Mark Butterfield

    I am totally against this needless expansion for many reasons with the main ones being the impact the expansion will have on the local residents on top of what we already have to put up with and the... Read more

  • Susan Martell on behalf of Martell (Martell)

    Aircraft Noise and increased air pollution from traffic going to Luton and the plane itself and building on green belt or increased building due to the need for added infrastructure for this huge... Read more

  • Martin waggott

    After the last air traffic change ,we now have more and more planes flying low over our house .If you increase the amount of passengers we will not be able to our garden at all due to the noise of the... Read more

  • Mary Ann Lund

    We are in a climate emergency. While the UK should be committed to the terms of the Paris Agreement in order to keep the temperature rise capped by 1.5c, we are absolutely not on course to achieve... Read more

  • Matt Fisher

    We are in a climate emergency! The extra traffic, air and noise pollution all are a step in the wrong the direction. Show leadership at this level and stop this poorly considered environmental... Read more

  • melanie parker

    I am concerned about the environmental impact of air travel. I think that as the airlines increase the supply of destinations and frequency of flights, and market them heavily, then demand rises to... Read more

  • Michael Errol Smith

    Obviously it will make the flight path more busier, so the people in the flight path will have to be compensated for the extra disruption.

  • Mike Payne

    Whilst I live under the flight path into Luton, and there will be an inevitable increase in aircraft in and out, I believe that upgrading the airport and associated infrastructure is a good thing. Not... Read more

  • Miss Sophie Smith

    An expansion will be of significant detriment to us for several reasons. -The significant increase in both noise and air pollution which will affect our quality of life, physical and mental health.The... Read more

  • Mr Allan Thomason

    I note that London Luton Airport Limited (LLAL) is proposing successive increases from 18 mppa now to 21.5 mppa by 2027 (+20%) then 27 mppa by 2037 (+50%) and 32 mppa by 2040 (+78%). LLAL’s proposals... Read more

  • Mr garry greensmith

    This project will change my way of life as it effecting my lifestyle before this project is passed. Planes flying to low causing noise levels above the recomend levels submitted by government and... Read more

  • mr johan ward

    Luton Rising expansion plans do not represent the community. The expansion plans are an attack upon the luton community and surrounding areas. The plans will degrade the quality of life for people.... Read more

  • Mr P Sturgess

    I have concerns about noise and air pollution, and the strain on local infrastructure. Current operations do not always stick to agreed flight paths so the problem will only get worse with expansion.

  • Mr Peter M Graham

    I live under the flight path for landings when there is an easterly wind and planes fly over at well under 1000 feet. When outside, all conversation is effectively impossible, likewise telephone... Read more

  • Mrs J Glass

    Whilst I can understand the reasons for the airport expansion, and I can see the benefits that it will bring to the town, I am against the proposals. This is due to the impact it will have on the... Read more

  • Mrs Jacqueline Murray-Fowler

    We don't want the skies above us becoming like our roads - over congested We have lived directly under the incoming flight path for 27 years, having previously lived in Slip End (our choice - yes) &... Read more

  • Mrs Jane sheppard

    We do not have the infrastructure locally to support expansion of the airport. The local roads are already too busy due to our proximity to the motorway . The noise would definitely Impact on the... Read more

  • Mrutyunjaya Kuruvatti

    I do not support the airport expansion. It will have a highly negative environmental impact and should not not be approved for this reason alone. We should be trying to reduce and not expand air... Read more

  • Ms Gail Foster

    Grave concerns about the impact on environment. Especially the increased air pollution and noise levels around Park Town and surrounding villages around flight path.

  • Ms Jane Timmis MBE

    I am a Borough Councillor and Parish Councillor for an area heavily affected by the Westerly flightpath. I am a member of the Luton Airport Consultative Committee and the Noise and Tracks Scrutiny... Read more

  • Neil Blake

    Hi, I live right under the current flight path for the Luton airport and the noise pollution is already significant day and night. This proposed development would only increase the frequency of planes... Read more

  • Neville Doe

    Our ref: PL00764682 PINs Ref: TR020001 The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of... Read more

  • New Economics Foundation (New Economics Foundation)

    About the New Economics Foundation 1. This relevant representation was prepared by Dr Alex Chapman on behalf of the New Economics Foundation (NEF). NEF is a charitable think tank with a mission to... Read more

  • Nicholas Cox

    We are in a climate emergency, people are dying and species are becoming extinct. We need to achieve nett zero as quickly as possible. Fossil fuelled aviation is not compatible with this aim. There... Read more


    Local roads and infrastructure are full of traffic. Regardless of the public transport available a substantial amount of airport users will still drive causing greater traffic locally. Green... Read more

  • Oliver Clarke

    I’m opposed to the expansion

  • Oliver Ryman

    I think it is marvellous that the airport is expanding so will serve many more destinations than presently. My Wife and I always try to fly from Luton as it's such a great and easy to use airport.... Read more

  • P van Weede

    The proposal to expand Luton airport will cause immense and continued environmental damage over a huge area and should be rejected. Any further expansion will result in an exponential rise in air and... Read more

  • Pam Waggott

    I am against any further expansion of Luton airport. You did not listen to the people of Stevenage during the previous consultation and expansions. The planes come in far to low across Stevenage when... Read more

  • Patrick Diamond

    Noise and pollution

  • Paul Brecknell

    Expansion will lead to an increase in overflights of a densely populated area (including northern St Albans, which though not on the current flight path nevertheless suffers numerous overflights every... Read more

  • Paul Hunter

    I have a deep concern for the negative impact the expansion will have. Whilst I understand the need for improvement and development to include further employment, there is a greater need for us to... Read more

  • Paul Johnson

    I have several issues: 1. For the UK is to become carbon neutral by 2050 we MUST reduce - NOT increase the use of Aircraft - This proposal is targeted to increase capacity from 18M to 32M passengers... Read more

  • Paul Kenneth Solly

    I do not agree with the proposed expansion of Luton Airport for the following reasons 1.Impact on the enviroment 2.Flight arrivals/departures are already taking place in the early hours of the... Read more

  • Paul Stephen Rawlinson

    This plan should be rejected. The airport authority has delivered on none of its previous commitments in terms of noise, pollution and infrastructure mitigation. It is inadequately overseen by Luton... Read more

  • Paula McCann

    On a daily basis when we have planes flying over currently when having a conversation in the garden you have to stop until the plane has gone. I work from home and teach online. I am having issues... Read more

  • Pauline Jill Weston

    An expanded airport means more CO2 emissions when our planet is already in serious danger from the effects of climate change: more extreme heat and drought (water shortages, particularly in the global... Read more

  • Pauline Roby

    As a country we are committed to lowering emissions to reduce Climate Change. The increase of any traffic via Airports would lead to a huge increase of emissions. Increase of passengers would lead to... Read more

  • Peter Norrington

    I object to the proposed airport expansion due to, but not limited to: - negative impacts for human and non-human populations and environments, such as increases of noise, air pollution, transport... Read more

  • Phil Skone

    UN scientists repeatedly deliver stark warnings about the impact of climate change on people and the planet. Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and... Read more

  • Philip Morrisey

    I reside c.10 miles from Luton Airport and existing levels of activity at the Airport already create excessive and unwanted noise levels, due either to flight takeoffs or to flights above the village... Read more

  • Philippa Eke

    I object to the proposed further expansion of London Luton Airport. The many reasons for objection include increased pollution, increased aircraft noise and increased traffic. We are in a climate... Read more

  • Pitstone Parish Council (Pitstone Parish Council)

    Pitstone Parish Council wishes to register as an interested party and continue engagement with this consultation. Pitstone is one of the settlements likely to see an increase in aircraft noise from... Read more

  • Preston Parish Council (Preston Parish Council)

    Preston Parish Council objects to the proposals put forward and strongly oppose any further capacity expansion at Luton Airport for the following reasons: Impact on Communities: The quality of life in... Read more

  • Qaisar Hussain

    Luton Rising wrote to me on 9 May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I wish to object to the proposed... Read more

  • Ralph John Penny

    Flights over Redbourn already cause substantial nuisance. Local roads are already overcrowded and would be much more so with this development. Climate heating demands less aviation pollution, not... Read more

  • Renata Woodhams

    Concern about the increase in air pollution and noise. Continuous flow of aircraft over house already and am worried about the impact of increased pollution on my sons health with more flights.

  • Robert Clarke

    The time is past and long gone when people need or require an expanding airport or degradation of green spaces and living conditions. The only benefit of expanding business infrastructure in the local... Read more

  • Ronald Sutton-Jones

    We are very concerned about how the expansion of Luton airport would affect the local community with the increase of noise level and air pollution.

  • Rosalind Hancock

    The pollution of the airport already makes Luton, where I work one of the most polluted in the country. I work with vulnerable people, many with poor health. The airport is losing money meaning Luton... Read more

  • Rosanne Kenealy

    Luton is the most air-polluted town of it's size in the country. But Luton council wants to double the number of passengers. Luton Airport is already a huge carbon emitter. How can increasing the... Read more

  • Rosy Skone

    Impact of more planes in the air will further destroy what little protection we have against destroying the ozone layer,and further damaging our planets chance of survival.

  • BNP Paribas Real Estate (BNP Paribas Real Estate) on behalf of Royal Mail Group Limited (Royal Mail Group Limited)

    Royal Mail Group Limited (Royal Mail) supports London Luton Airport Expansion, but is seeking to secure mitigations to protect its road based operations during the scheme’s construction and... Read more

  • S Pentland

    The question that actually matters in a democracy is how do the proposed changes impact CITIZENS. Harpenden already suffers from the HIGHEST cumulative amount of aircraft noise - thanks to overhead... Read more

  • Samuel Brownjohn

    In the midst of a climate crisis I must voice my extreme concern at plans to expand Luton airport and double the passenger numbers. If the UK is to reach net zero by 2050, we cannot as a country... Read more

  • Samuel Kwiatkowski

    These plans will worsen the climate crisis, increase air pollution, create more noise, and increase road congestion. These change will be hugely negative for local communities.

  • Sandra Elizabeth Calow

    Flight paths over my area have increased significantly over the past few years, and the aircraft are often lower now. More planes will mean more disruption.

  • Sandra White

    I am extremely concerned about this project, on the grounds of climate change, and also pollution and disruption to local people. It seems to me that we need urgently to start placing higher value on... Read more

  • Sandy Wayne

    I sent and hand delivered my comments today. Another reason to not have be heard is the insistence on submitting on line only. This disfranchises those who want to convey their opinions. Please read... Read more

  • Sara MacNaughton

    I live in Letchworth Garden city......I thought I was far enough away from the noise and disturbances of the planes flying to and from Luton airport. In the last few weeks I have been noticing(and... Read more

  • Sarah Rhodes

    I am a resident of the village of Bendish and the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA) will have a significant negative effect on this village in general and on my home and work life. My... Read more

  • Scott McNamee

    London incredibly well serviced by 3 other massive airports in Stansted, Heathrow and Gatwick, and it's incredibly irresponsible to the climate and emissions to be expanding any Airports or Air... Read more

  • Sean Scully

    Having been employed ion the local area for over 4 years I can see how essential the Airport is to the local infrastructure. Given the decline in manufacturing and post covid issues the area needs the... Read more

  • SEMLEP (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership) (SEMLEP (South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership))

    I am writing on behalf of the South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP), in support of Luton Rising’s positive impact on the local economy, through London Luton Airport (LLA). The... Read more

  • Serafina Butterfield

    I object in the strongest possible terms to this expansion as I feel that the noise generated by the airport at its current levels is invasive to my normal daily life, by it being allowed to go to 32m... Read more

  • Shahriar Shahidi

    I am totally against the expansion. The proposals are for people to make a lot of profit at the expense of the environment.

  • Sheila Brown

    The only problem I can foresee is planes hovering over my house while stacking to land.

  • Shirish Trivedy

    In adequate entrance and exit to the Airport.Only one way. Traffic congestion and in authorised parking In Ashcroft Road.

  • Simon John Mawdsley

    The Royal Society has warned there is no single, clear, sustainable, alternative to jet fuel able to support flying on a scale equivalent to present day use. Therefore doubling the size of Luton... Read more

  • Slip End Parish Council (Slip End Parish Council)

    To: The Planning Inspectorate Ref: Luton Airport 20th June 2023 Slip End Parish Council (SEPC), a prescribed consultee in terms of this consultation, strongly opposes the plans of London Luton Airport... Read more

  • St Paul's Walden Bury Estate Company (St Paul's Walden Bury Estate Company)

    St Paul's Walden Bury Estate Company manages a small area of country between the busy urban cities of Luton, Stevenage, and the towns of Hitchin, Welwyn, Harpenden. This green area provides a lung for... Read more

  • St Paul's Walden Bury Events (St Paul's Walden Bury Events)

    1. Expansion of Luton Airport will have a damaging effect on St Paul's Walden Bury, a beautiful historic house and garden (Grade 1 listed) enjoyed by the public. See website... Read more

  • St. Albans Aircraft Noise Defence (St. Albans Aircraft Noise Defence)

    Noise Envelope Design :- * Noise control monitoring needs to be of a higher standard than in the past. * Luton Airport breached its noise limits in 2017-2019 without redress. * Luton Airport's... Read more

  • St. Albans Quieter Skies (STAQS) (St. Albans Quieter Skies (STAQS))

    STAQS wishes to register as an interested party to represent the communities it serves to the north of St. Albans. St Albans Quieter Skies (STAQS) is registering as an interested party due to our... Read more

  • St.Albans and District Friends of the Earth (St.Albans and District Friends of the Earth)

    We object to increased numbers of flights from Luton Airport because 1. We should be cutting our greenhouse gas emissions, not increasing them. We currently have no viable method of low carbon flying... Read more

  • Stephanie Riddle

    We are facing catastrophic climate change. Projects of this sort are inexcusable and irrational.

  • Stephen Morley

    The level of air traffic from Luton airport is already too high. Noise disturbance from flights in and out at all times of day and night is a nuisance.

  • Steve Gent

    I wish to object against the DCO application, as it will have an adverse impact upon my health and quality of life, along with that of other local residents and nearby communities. I’m a resident of... Read more

  • Steve Hawkins

    There is no such thing as the 'sustainable development' of an airport! This council has been forced into a state of perpetual, suicidal (for future generations) overdevelopment for a generation... Read more

  • Steven Frank Argent

    Concern regarding the increase in aircraft and aircraft noise whilst on approach to landing which is directly over many residential homes in Stevenage.

  • Sue Humphreys

    Hedges The V shaped hedge between 7.32 and 7.44 on our land in Tea Green is not necessary as the airport cannot be seen here due to rising ground. The hedge 7.39 in front of our house will block... Read more

  • Sue Lyons

    Airport has already exceeded its optimum operating capacity. Not possible for the roads around the airport to take more traffic.Pollution from noise is causing stress and effecting health. More cases... Read more

  • Surinder Bhatia

    Don’t expand Luton airport due to the detrimental effects it will have in the environment both directly and indirectly

  • Susan Briggs

    I feel that more overhead flights will be a detriment to the lives of the people living in Slip End. We already suffer many flights a day causing headaches, tension and anxiety. I am worried about the... Read more

  • Susan Davies

    This is an opportunity to demonstrate how an airport can expand operations while improving it's green credentials in a meaningful way.

  • Susan Wellstood-Eason

    Luton Airport is losing money and will continue to do so with current financial constraints on the majority of people. Increasing throughput will contribute to pollution both locally and more widely.... Read more

  • Talla Lee

    Too much pollution and this county is suppose to be reducing pollution. Will put strain on infrastructures. This is for monetary gain and not for benefit of majority. I live a few miles from the... Read more

  • Tania Louise Clarke

    I was born at The L&D, lived in Dunstable and Luton until 16 and now in Hertfordshire. One of the revelations of lockdown was the improvement in air quality and noise reduction. Not having planes... Read more

  • Ian Anthony Bluemel on behalf of The Bluemel family (The Bluemel family)

    We object most strongly to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport on the following grounds:- • Climate Change Climate change is the biggest and most dangerous threat to civilisation and our planet.... Read more

  • The Gillen Family

    Residents of Tring and surrounding areas already experience significant aircraft noise from aeroplanes flying into and out of Luton Airport. As we are under one of the 'stacking' areas for London... Read more

  • Allan Roy Gilpin on behalf of The Gilpin Household (The Gilpin Household)

    There is too much aircraft noise already, this proposal will almost double the amount of noise we have to suffer. Our house is literally the last house that aircraft fly over when they are landing... Read more

  • The Mall Luton (The Mall Luton)

    We have been pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. We would like to take this opportunity to express support for Luton... Read more

  • The Rumball family (The Rumball family) on behalf of The Rumball family (The Rumball family)

    Noise Pollution Environmental impact Loss of green space Increase in traffic Day and Night disturbance Village life affected

  • Timothy Peter Gentry

    I am concerned about the impact of noise and air pollution on local communities, especially the young, as well as the impact on the climate.

  • Transport for London (Transport for London)

    1. Introduction 1.1 This Relevant Representation is submitted by Transport for London (TfL) on behalf of the Mayor of London in regard to the Development Consent Order (DCO) application pertaining to... Read more

  • Unite the Union (Unite the Union)

    Unite welcomes the opportunities that expansion will be provided for quality employment and apprenticeships. Unite is determined that these apprenticeships provide the skills needed for the future... Read more

  • Valerie Luckins

    Have spent weeks under the flight path from Luton Airport which makes our lives a misery with planes coming over every few minutes - whenever there is an easterly wind. Huge concerns about the... Read more

  • Valerie Male

    I am concerned about the increased noise from aircraft flying over Wheathampstead. I am concerned about an increase in road traffic through the village and Harpenden particularly on the Lower Luton... Read more

  • Wendy Cook

    I disagree with the expansion and these plans for several reasons: * the environmental effect this will have on the surrounding area * the added disruption, especially noise levels that this will have... Read more