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London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 200 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • David Farr

    Destruction of centuries old village life (where my family have lived for over 300 years). Air pollution making it unbearable to continue to live in my house. Noise pollution making it unbearable to... Read more

  • David Glazebrook

    The day-to-day life of the community, and our house has not been considered in the expansion plans for Luton Airport. The increase in noise, and being under a flight path for substantially increased... Read more

  • David John Brown

    The expansion of Luton Airport would increase noise & air pollution in its vicinity. It is already difficult to sleep at night in warm weather with windows open due to aircraft noise. In some weather... Read more

  • David Lyon

    I oppose the Application as it does not include sufficient mitigating actions for work or operations outside of Luton Borough. As a property owner in St Pauls Walden, I have been planning to establish... Read more

  • David Martin Rhodes

    I am a resident of the village of Bendish and the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA) will have a significant negative effect on this village in general and on my home and work life. My... Read more

  • David Paul Ascott

    I object to the dramatic increase in aircraft movements and noise which the proposals will generate . As a St Albans resident the noise starts with a barrage of activity flying over the house from 6... Read more

  • David Robertson

    Noise and air pollution

  • David tree

    My main concerns are the environmental impact of the project, both the pollution aspect but also the impact on nearby parks. Also the impact on the populous around due to the changes. Flooding is also... Read more

  • David Wyn Griffiths

    Concern regarding consistency of an airport expansion plan with the climate crisis and government policy on becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Concern regarding aircraft noise, air pollution and blight... Read more

  • Deanna Joan Newell

    Already Oldhill Wood is adversely affected by increased noise and pollution from the increase in aircraft flying over . We were advised by Luton Airport representatives that if the airport expands its... Read more

  • Diane Bernier

    I think this project goes against fighting climate change as aviation produces a significant part of world carbon emissions. Luton already has the worst air pollution in the UK so it would only make... Read more

  • Dorian Walton

    The expansion of Luton Airport would be a serious step backwards environmentally; we all need to be travelling less, not more. We live directly under the flightpath of the airport and are constantly... Read more

  • Dorothy Ann Browne

    Every morning we are wakened by the early morning flights from Luton . The first flight is usually shortly after 6`00 am and from then on every 15 minutes there are flights overhead. In the winter... Read more

  • Dr Jacqui A Hart

    I strongly oppose this application for the following reasons I believe that such a significant expansion would 1) result in a considerable increase in noise, which is likely to exacerbate the... Read more

  • Dr Judith Pillinger

    For the past months, the once tranquil area of rural South Cambridgeshire has been plagued by a massive increase in flights approaching LLA resulting from the change in flight paths. The consultation... Read more

  • E Kavanagh

    Luton Airport expansion is entirely contrary to reducing carbon emissions causing the climate emergency and cannot go ahead on environmental grounds. The recent changes in stacking flight paths... Read more

  • East Midlands Railway (East Midlands Railway)

    Luton Airport provides vital air transport links to the South East of England and beyond, providing hundreds of thousands of passengers with the opportunity to expand their horizons. The airport... Read more

  • Elaine Miller

    The volume of documentation and its technical basis makes it almost impossible for a resident to review and I worked in the airline industry for 20 years! After 17 years we are now unable to sleep... Read more

  • Brown & Co (Brown & Co) on behalf of Eldridge Family

    Our clients are the owners of [Redacted] which is a detached residential property sitting in grounds of approximately 5 acres. The property is located approximately 550m north-east of the airport... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and the ability to travel within the local area. The roads from the... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. How will the expansion... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. The roads from the villages... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside, the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. The roads surrounding the... Read more

  • Elisabeth Helen Bird

    I am concerned about the infrastructure surrounding the expansion and how this will impact both the countryside and the traffic and ability to travel within the local area. The roads to and from the... Read more

  • Elizabeth Jane Hughes

    As a resident living less than 10 minutes drive from the airport I am aware that there will be an impact on the local roads - but I am sure that this will be addressed at the planning stage and in... Read more

  • Elizabeth Widdowson

    I am objecting to the extent of the expansion, almost doubling the number of passengers and therefore the flights is not consistent with the country's efforts to combat climate change. Already there... Read more

  • Emma Atkinson

    Extremely concerned about expansion of Luton. There will untild impact and damage to Cambridgeshire due to the stack and additional air traffic. Additional pollution and environmental damage without... Read more

  • England's Economic Heartland (England's Economic Heartland)

    England’s Economic Heartland (EEH) would like to register as an interested party to the Development Consent Order for the expansion of Luton Airport. EEH is the sub-national transport body (STB) for... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Summary These Relevant Representations contain an overview of the project issues which fall within our remit. They are given without prejudice to any future detailed representations that we may make... Read more

  • Faiza Malik

    Luton cannot cope with mega projects and this expansion project will mean worse living standards for locals as it will not increase sustainable jobs substantially. The pollution from the airport will... Read more


    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport, as outlined in the application for the development consent order. As a resident of Breachwood Green, a... Read more

  • Frances Bowes Lyon

    what is the evidence for demand for this increase in numbers? At a time of global climate crisis, we should not be increasing airport capacity and encouraging more flying. A better investment would be... Read more

  • Frances Burton

    Increased noise nuisance. Increased parking in village by those using airport thereby avoiding parking fees

  • Francesca Turner

    *The proposal is not online with the local plan of 2017. *The local roads with become very busy as they will provide links to terminal 2. This will have an impact on my ability to commute to work and... Read more

  • Gary Starling

    I strongly object to the airport expansion on the grounds of increased: 1. noise 2. pollution - air quality [REDACTED] 3. road congestion 4. More night flights - planes leaving at 4.30AM is currently... Read more

  • Gavin Stevens

    My main issues with this expansion are Increased air pollution. Increased noise levels causing personal harm to my health by disrupting sleep with excessive noise. Increased air braking causing... Read more

  • GDPR-002

    I have two main reasons for opposing the Council’s plan to expand the airport.The first is about climate change and the second is the impact the expanded airport will have on the lives of the people... Read more

  • GDPR-003

    - I Object to the proposed project of the expansion of the airport - The proposed plans will result in hugely increased levels of many different types of pollution, namely light pollution, noise and... Read more

  • Gerri Meredith

    Luton is the most air-polluted town of its size in England.

  • Gillian Mourant

    I strongly object to the proposed increase in passenger numbers and associated building works for the following reasons: 1. Any increase in aviation runs counter to the government’s stated aim and... Read more

  • Graham A Hoad

    Proposed extension of airport will result in further noise nuisance for those of us living under the paths taken by all aircraft. The increased use of fossil fuel burning aircraft goes against... Read more

  • Helen Beavis

    I am worried about number of planes early morning. I don't want more roads and big dual carriageways in luton or the surrounding areas. I would like less planes not more and less building, road works... Read more

  • Helen Evans

    I strongly object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport as set out in the application for the development consent order. It will have a significant negative effect on the environment and on the... Read more

  • Helen Farr

    Noise levels will be unbearable. Traffic levels through the surrounding villages will be unbearable. We will not be able to use our garden. Our village will be destroyed. The project will be an... Read more

  • Helen Halsey

    I am concerned about the impact on the local environment and infrastructure of the proposed expansion.

  • Helena Mary Catherine Cotter

    1. The potential expansion for me personally will affect the quality of life we all have around here - poor even at current levels. Air quality is worse than ever with the volume of traffic, the M1... Read more

  • Hertfordshire County Council (Hertfordshire County Council)

    Relevant Representation of the Hertfordshire Host Authorities 1. Pre-Submission The host authorities’ consultancy team 1.1 Pre-submission the Hertfordshire host authorities (Dacorum, Hertfordshire and... Read more

  • Hugh Francis Lawrence

    This expansion will cause adverse effects to those in the vicinity of the airport who are unfortunate enough to be under the flight path. These effects will include increased noise, pollution and a... Read more

  • Ian Alderman

    I object to the plans for Luton Airport to expand its passenger capacity to 32mppa for the following reasons:- 1. The expansion of Luton Airport will undeniably result in an increase in Green House... Read more

  • Ian Otter

    I believe the expansion of London Luton Airport is crucial to the economic development of the region and Luton in particular. It will deliver thousands of skilled jobs and have a direct benefit on the... Read more

  • Ian Stewart

    Destruction of well established green space. Unnecessary expansion as capacity in the SE is sufficient especially as demand will flattline In thefuture. Impact on local roads is all theoretical and... Read more

  • Ivinghoe Parish Council (Ivinghoe Parish Council)

    Ivinghoe PC has concerns about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport for the following reasons:- It will have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of our parishioners because :- a) An... Read more

  • J Christmas

    Pollution & air quality: 3 most relevant pollutants to human health - all pollutants to the whole environment should be considered, not just those 3 these deemed most relevant to human health. There... Read more

  • J Stephens

    The expansion is not needed and will cause a lot of environmental issues.

  • J Thompson

    I have lived in Caddington for over 20 years and was aware of the aircraft . The current amount to aircraft flying over my house has already increased over the 20 years and is already a noise... Read more

  • Jackie kenneford

    Unbearable and constant noise! Airplane pollution!

  • Jacqueline Clarke

    Noise from aircraft flying over my home, wakes me up from 6am. Air pollution. Increased traffic .

  • Jacqueline Rainbow

    I am concerned that the proposed development will impact detrimentally on the traffic flow and air pollution this caused in and around Luton

  • James Ashby

    The proposals seem balanced and reasonable. There is appropriate mitigation for the proposed loss of parkland to the East of the airport. Luton Airport is a major employer for the local area and... Read more

  • James Howard Borcherds

    I object to the expansion of Luton Airport. In order to make the UK more sustainable we need to reduce the number of flights and encourage travel by more sustainable methods. The UK should be looking... Read more

  • Home owner (Home owner) on behalf of James Sizer (James Sizer)

    The current Airport is quite noisy, last week it was revving up at 2am in the morning & woke us both up. It regularly operating late at night after midnight & disturbs our sleep. My wife is [REDACTED]... Read more

  • James Thompson Browne

    At its current size, Luton Airport is already a major disruptive and problem presence in the local area. A large number of aircraft take a flight path directly over Harpenden causing major noise and... Read more

  • Jane swain

    No to traffic lights and our lovely parks we need

  • Janet Frances Stevens

    I am concerned about the loss of Wigmore Valley Park which I use to walk my dog on a regular basis. There are no other parks of this size nearby which allow dog owners to let their dogs run off lead.... Read more

  • Janet Wheeler

    The airspace in my area is getting busier and busier. The AD6 change has been disastrous and allowing further capacity at Luton will ruin our rural area forever. It’s already bad. I wholeheartedly... Read more

  • JC Harryman

    Impact on local areas in terms of noise/traffic / environment

  • Jennie Payne

    There is a lack of science to show what the impact of this expansion will be on rural communities. The noise pollution created already by the ad6 flight path is unbearable at times and I am terrified... Read more

  • Jennifer Morrison

    Concerns about noise, particularly living under flight path with planes low over our property, engine thrust will be worse with the proposed increase in numbers. This will affect sleep and... Read more

  • Jennifer Summerbee

    The noise is intolerable and the airplanes go all through the night. They start at 6am and go one after another. I am concerned about the pollution from the planes as well.

  • Jennifer Willis

    There is not enough consideration for the impact of traffic on the local community. There is unnecessary change proposed for the local green areas such as wigmore park which is already a valuable... Read more

  • Jeremy Jason Lane

    I am affected by the increased noise pollution from planes now circling closely overhead which is detrimental to [REDACTED] as I am located in a semi rural area which previously was calm and tranquil.

  • Jessica Edney

    I am deeply concerned about the expansion of Luton airport increasing carbon emissions and air pollution at a time when we face ecological collapse and climate breakdown. In the short term, this... Read more

  • Jessica Pike

    I am concerned that an airport expansion is being considered in a climate emergency. We can’t afford more emissions from aviation at this stage and this money would be better spent investing in more... Read more

  • Jill Robertson

    Air, land and noise pollution

  • Jill Toogood

    Main concerns, 1. Increased emissions 2. Increased noise, in particular with older aircraft types & engines currently used at LLA 3. Traffic & Transportation, in particular in the village of Slip End... Read more

  • Joanna Broughton

    We are impacted greatly by the increased airplane traffic that appear to be too low and consequently a substantial noise is created.

  • Joanne Butler

    The expansion of London Luton Airport will have a detrimental affect on the environment at a time when we should be reducing emissions not increasing them. The noise impact on communities both close... Read more

  • Joanne Lemon

    I have concerns about the airport expansion, in particular the noise pollution, air quality, additional traffic and inadequate infrastructure as l live near the flight path.

  • Jocelyn Poulton

    Inappropriate and lack of consultation over new route . Impact of noise. Visual impact and more recently smell of fuel in air

  • Jody Nason

    I strongly object to the expansion of Luton airport and the changed flight plans. We have noticed a significant increase in aircraft noise over our property in shefford which impacts our ability to... Read more

  • John Boyle

    I fully support this project. Due to the economic growth that it will bring to the town.

  • John Davies

    Planning for a massive increase in air travel is completely counter to the government's carbon reduction policies. There is no prospect of hydrogen or other non-carbon technologies being available for... Read more

  • John McAlister

    Concerns over continiuing disruptive noise, poor management and conflict if interests

  • John Ormiston

    I question the financially viablility of this expansion as Luton airport already has debts of over £500 million and its prevous auditors raised concerns over value-for-money (public money). It is also... Read more

  • John Tattersall

    With the implementation of the new Luton Airport stack there is already been a massive increase in noise pollution across swatches of countryside in Cambridgeshire, especially the villages between St... Read more

  • John Timoney

    Environmental damage caused by the increase in passenger numbers: Air pollution Noise pollution Traffic congestion Traffic pollution Destroying a community park

  • Jolanta Leszkowicz-Luks

    The proposed expansion of London Luton Airport is raising several concerns among local residents. I believe this expansion needs to be halted due to excessive noise, pollution and road traffic.

  • Jon Perry

    We live under the flight path and are concerned about both (a) the increase in flights overhead; and (b) the timing of such flights (potentially increase throughout the night). We are particularly... Read more

  • Judith Morris

    This goes against present thinking as with issues of climate change air travel should be reduced not increased.

  • Julia mooney

    I'm worried about the additional pollution , the traffic pollution that the areas around the airport will endure. My health condition will worsen along with other. Their are 3 primary school in the... Read more

  • Julie Mann

    The effect on Wigmore Park and the wildlife

  • Juliet Lyal

    I am very concerned about the increased pollution caused as the result of expanding Luton Airport. Luton is already one of the highest polluted towns of its size in the UK and this is not the way for... Read more

  • K Oogarah

    Noise pollution, environmental pollution, increased traffic around the north harpenden area

  • Karen Hakesley

    The proposed link road using Eaton Green Road is in breach of the adopted local plan. That this is a residential area and the local roads (including 3 schools) will be used for access to Terminal 2.... Read more

  • Karen Linda Stewart

    I reside under the existing flight paths and the noise from the planes is already intolerably loud especially in the summer months the planes fly over every 2-3 minutes. I have to halt my... Read more

  • Karen Ryan

    Aircraft noise which affects my day to day life, disturbing sleep. The change in flight paths which has brought planes from around the world to an area where there were no planes other than small... Read more

  • Karen Say

    Good afternoon, With reference to your Luton rising letter dated 9th May 2023, we have been asked to submit our comments to you, regarding your expansion plans by 23rd June. We as residents (owner of... Read more

  • Karen Susan Chapman

    I do not want the airport expanded onto our park. We should be looking to enhance green space, not to destroy it

  • Karen Sutton

    Expansion of the airport will have a significant detrimental impact on the rural communities underneath the approach routes to the airport, communities that will receive no benefit from the expansion.... Read more

  • Karina Klimaszewski

    Luton airport have already exceeded noise limits compared to what was originally approved. Many planes fly over our house on the way up and the noise is already too much and is affecting our... Read more