
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 601 to 700 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Carole Gowland

    I agree that RiverOak are given planning to operate Manston Airport for Aviation

  • Chris Gillan

    I am against this application because of noise polution concerns.

  • Chris Kennedy

    manston is needed to help with the burden of cargo at Gatwick and will supply staff to help with the day to day running of the airport as it already has cold storage and bonded... Read more

  • Cllr Sarah Larkins

    After careful consideration I have no objection to Riveroak proposed DCO of Manston Airport. I live right under the flight path on the Nethercourt estate at the Manston end. I am trusting [Redacted]... Read more

  • Dianna Midgley

    I have lived in Thanet all my life, I have seen Manston Airport as an RAF base, passenger and cargo hub, it has also been used for emergency landing when required. The Air and Sea rescue unit was... Read more

  • Helen Parkhurst

    Manston Airfield has been in place since any of us lived here. It there is a chance that it can continue as a viable airfield then it must be encouraged. If we lose the airfield then I fear we are... Read more

  • Jayde Storey

    Closer airport for short haul flights and more local jobs. More housing not a good idea.

  • Jennifer Rath

    NOISE and POLLUTION, LOSS OF INVESTMENT, DAMAGE TO THE QUALITY OF LIFE FOR ALL IN THIS AREA..... The noise was so loud and the plane making it was so low that I instinctively ducked down. I was... Read more

  • John Bird

    I have used Manston airport as a passenger to and from Manchester with great success. I realise that only freight flights may be possible in the near future but still think it is an important asset... Read more

  • John Knight

    The reopening of Manston Airport. We move into a new and perhaps an unknown era regarding transport. Manston Airport is in a prime position to help,this would in some way take the pressure off... Read more

  • Katie Cox

    I first came to live in Ramsgate over fifty years ago as a child and have lived here on and off since then. I would like to object to the proposed development of a cargo hub at Manston on three... Read more

  • Laura Nickoll

    My key concern regarding the possibility of Manston becoming a cargo hub with frequent night flights is the effect the noise and pollution will have on the health of my children, and other young... Read more

  • Laurie Hudson

    I did not agree that the RSP application is in the national interest. I do not believe it is in the local interest residence in Thanet or north-east Kent either. The site is too remote to be... Read more

  • Lawrence Norton

    I have seen no evidence to convince myself that a freight hub is required in this area or would be successful, all the numbers seem to be generated with no proof or evidence of this being required. ... Read more

  • Lynda Cooper

    I believe that Manston as an up and running airport is vital to the future of Thanet in that it will bring much needed jobs to the area, boost the economy of the island further as well as being a... Read more

  • Madeleine Virginia Sparkes

    All three of London's main airports ( Heathrow,Gatwick and Stanstead)are suffering air space congestion. Travelling to all 3 is stressful due to traffic congestion which in turn increases pollution... Read more

  • Marianne Dissard

    I live onboard a boat in the Ramsgate harbour. I've had first-hand experience with loud motors within ear range of the Marina dwellings (scooters, motorbikes, cars, not to mention trucks that had... Read more

  • Martin Hudson

    I oppose the RSP’s application for DCO on the Basis that it is not in the national interest to have a cargo hub on a remote patch in far East Kent. There is far more capacity at other airports that... Read more

  • Maurice Loft

    I want to see the airport back where it belongs at Manston.

  • Mr Geoff Booth

    I oppose this DCO as it is not in the national interest and is flawed In the interest of brevity I will only write about two facets of the arguments put forward by RSP. “Night flights will be... Read more

  • Mrs Catherine Hoenes

    Yes I have understood Mrs Catherine Hoenes [Redacted]

  • Mrs. K. Matthews

    I would very much like to see Manston Airport re-open as an airport. I feel that this is, and always has been, a depressed area and the airport would bring many jobs of varying types. It would... Read more

  • Pam Clewley

    I wish to say that I am strongly against Manston being reopened by River Oak because I believe the only way that they can make this venture work is for several night flights to take place probably on... Read more

  • Paul Anthony Moore

    I was born and raised in Broadstairs, I am currently a local councillor and Mayor of Broadstairs & st. Peters, Town council. I value the airport as an asset t our community, it will create jobs,... Read more

  • Paul Howlett

    Manston airport should be maintained as an airport which will bring much needed investment and jobs to the Thanet area. Instead of burdening the area with the overspill of London boroughs which will... Read more

  • Penny Perrott

    The appalling effect of the proposed 24 hour 7 days a week cargo hub at Manston is a frightening prospect for Ramsgate residents. The vibrations from the low flight path would have a detrimental... Read more

  • R Byles

    With increasing demand for airport capacity within the UK. Manston Airport represents an opportunity to accommodate air freight entering and departing the UK. With both Heathrow and Gatwick airports... Read more

  • Richard Davies

    Manston Airport is the only sensible alternative for both the Local economy/Employment opportunities. Manston Airport is a necessity for the National Economy to help with the other major airports... Read more

  • Robert Hudson

    I am a long time resident of Ash, a village close to Manston. I confirm my wholehearted support for this application to re-open Manston Airport for aviation, particularly for passenger flights. I... Read more

  • Shirley Weller

    I do not support a freight hub/airport at Manston. Several airline companies have already tried to make Manston a viable business and have been unsuccessful. Huge debts have arisen at each attempt.... Read more

  • Stephanie Jones

    Closer airport Increased jobs and revenue for area Increases destination opportunities

  • Stuart Atchison

    I have been a resident if Ramsgate for all of my life, 48 years, and have always lived in the flight path of Manston airport. I fully support the redevelopment of Manston airport as a working airport... Read more

  • Tim Connoll

    Would be great for thevarea to bring in revenue and release further jobs for local people. Would be a shame to loose the airport to housing. Having an airport for short haul flights would be amazing... Read more

  • Yvonne Wills

    Manston was/is/and would be a Vital transport hub to the Eu and beyond. It is narrow minded and would be false economics if the future to get rid of Manston. Security of the Nation and Northern... Read more

  • Alan Richard Clark

    The reopening of Manston Airport will bring a much needed economic boost to Thanet and a wider area of neighbouring East Kent. It will not impose the strain on utility resources that an alternative... Read more

  • Anne Pittaway

    I am a resident of Thanet, and I think it is critically important for the nation to keep the resourse of Manston Airport that already exists, and will be most needed, in the months and years after... Read more

  • David Taylor

    We need housing here at mansion not spread across Thanet overcrowding it’s already stretched towns. We Do NOT need noisy freight planes flying all night with people moaning to local press as before.... Read more

  • Dawn Stockley

    Manson has been an airport for many years. Those living nearby have always known this. Having an operational airport for freight and/or passengers will bring much needed jobs, revenue and visitors... Read more

  • Dennis E. Franklin

    See attached

  • Evelyn Mathews

    I am representing myself Evelyn Mathews as I am a resident of Ramsgate, living in Plains of Waterloo one of the areas that will be affected by the proposed airport at Manston. Concerns The health... Read more

  • Gemma Hancock

    • Stone Hill Parks proposed new settlement will not only answer Thanet’s growing housing needs, but deliver thousands of jobs and put Manston on the map as a regional sports and leisure destination.... Read more

  • Gordon Vaughan

    I would like to register my concerns and hope the planning inspectorate will ultimately object to the plans to turn the Manston airfield into a dirty, noisy freight cargo Hub. At the original... Read more

  • Henry Borton

    The airport would be an asset and would provide employment

  • Igor Sliwa

    Hi I would like to say why I need a Manston Airport to run. I’m in love in aviation as I been growing up in city with a plane factory in Mielec-Poland. Airport is needed for me not only as I love any... Read more

  • Jennifer Phelan

    The reopening of Manston airport will bring much needed jobs to this area. Houses on this site would certainly not do that. Manston has been an airport for over 100 years, this being the case,... Read more

  • Jonathan Bailey

    Manston is an airport with a illustrious past and important future, both for the local area and the nation. During a recent flight from London Gatwick, it took an hour and a half to taxi and take off.... Read more

  • K Doulton

    Manston should remain as an operational airport. We are constantly being told that new runways are required yet we have one of the most famous and historical right here lying empty. The only... Read more

  • Kate Baker

    Mansion airport is a necessary airport in this part of kent; bringing much needed relief for freight and passenger transport from Dover and serving countries in Europe and access to USA. The airport... Read more

  • Keat Farm Ltd. (Keat Farm Ltd.)

    Dear Sirs/Madams, I write to voice my company’s support for the reopening of Manston as an airport. We have seen so many housing developments in this area over the last few years and another of the... Read more

  • Keith Guilder

    I fully support the development of a cargo airport. Thanet doesn't need another big housing development, it needs more jobs! Mansion has been an airport for years, it has the longest runway in Europe.... Read more

  • Margaret Symonds

    The Government has said that it requires 17,500 homes to be built in Thanet, of which approximately 3,000 have already been built. Housing for rent in Thanet is expensive and usually only available... Read more

  • Mark Huttley

    I am for the reopening of Manston Airport as an airport/freight hub. This country is chronically short of freight hub space and there is talk of expanding Heathrow etc when there is already a fully... Read more

  • Mr Philip James Neale

    From the information I have gathered since moving to Ramsgate 5 years ago. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that a airport is viable at Manston especially when you offset the amount of people... Read more

  • Mr Roger Pittock

    1/ The resources we have in Thanet are stretched ,ie Doctors other services ,with the increase of 3,000 to 6,000 people thanet will be gridlocked. 2/ For any growth without hard ship there must... Read more

  • Mrs Janice Best

    The infrastructure needed to take freight to other places is not in place, worried about noise and air pollution as live right under flight path with planes only being some 400/500 feet above my... Read more

  • Neill Tickle

    I’m very concerned by the high volume of flights proposed. Having been local and seen many iterations of an airport try and ultimately fail the volume of activity required to sustain an airport will... Read more

  • Nina Taylor

    As a local resident, having had the opportunity in the past to fly from Manston, it would be preferable to use this means of transport in contrast to the current options. As a teacher, I welcome... Read more

  • Opensonics (Opensonics)

    Noise pollution causing total disruption to work.

  • P.G. Farndon

    Manston has an ideal location for an airport, where approaches can be made over the sea and being the highest point in Thanet does not suffer from fog or poor visibility. The rail connections can... Read more

  • Paul Howard

    Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR020002?   I wish to submit my views during examination which are evidence based in support of the Development Consent Order for Manston Airport in Kent and will be... Read more

  • Ray Beerling

    I have been a resident of Thanet for 66 years and witnessed its slow deterioration over many years. There is high unemployment with little prospect of improvement. Plans to build thousands of houses... Read more

  • Richard Tunnicliff

    This vast area is a one off and should not be used for housing.

  • Robin Cross

    I live very near the closed airport in manston Road and feel that it would be a extremely positive and constructive to re open the airport and totally agree with everything that river oak are... Read more

  • Roy Bonner

    Thanet area desperately needs job, need the ability to travel by the quickest possible way, needs the additional businesses that will come with the development of the airport. Development of the... Read more

  • Susan Hammock

    As I live directly under the flight path to Manston I am concerned about the night flights and the added noise and air pollution to my village. Our Village school is under the flight path too. I... Read more

  • Terry Smith

    Good afternoon, I have lived in Thanet for almost all of my 66 years.As a former teacher at a local secondary school, I have seen the gradual decline in the employment opportunities for our local... Read more

  • Tony Matthews

    Re-opening Manston as an airport or freight hub would bring industry and jobs back into the area. Mansion is easier to reach than Gatwick from a large part of Kent, and the basic airport facilities... Read more

  • A Burton

    Thanet is a deprived area seriously lacking in job prospects . Most people living in Thanet travel outside of it for work each day . To build more houses without the opportunities for work in the area... Read more

  • Andrew Doughty

    As a local resident of Ramsgate, who frequently travels west along the A299/M2/M20, I am concerned that the proposed River Oak Strategic Partners document has little viable , realistic traffic... Read more

  • Denis G. Holton

    1).Available airports for heavy freight aircraft are very few in the southeast of the UK. In fact, if one draws a line east to west across England based upon Gatwick, there is no other existing... Read more

  • Derek Peter Davenport

    Manston had been an operational airport or military base for over 100 years prior to its closure in 2014.The plan by RSP to re-open the airport as a freight hub,aircraft recycling centre and passenger... Read more

  • Jan

    The airport is sadly missed - it was a very friendly easily accessible airport and provided very useful travel together with employment for various other companies, such as training and repair shops.

  • John Forrest

    I am totally against Manston again becoming an operational airport, totally against night flights and the fact that local inhabitants will not have the opportunity to benefit from passenger flights.... Read more

  • Martin Hopkinson

    Thanet's economy depends heavily on tourism and on schools in which English as a foreign language is taught to secondary school children from abroad. Income from this provides a significant amount to... Read more

  • Mary Smith

    I support the re-opening of Manston Airport. The airport is a nationally strategic asset. It should be opened with aim of providing commercial, passenger and freight business. Opening Manston would... Read more

  • Mr. Antony Emptage

    From: Antony Emptage [Redacted] Sent: 13 September 2018 22:06 To: Manston Airport Subject: Manston Airport reopening. Dear Sir, as a Ramsgate resident whose house is directly under the... Read more

  • Mrs Julie Forrest

    I am worried about pollution. I am worried about noise. I am worried about bird and sea life. I am worried about the economic future for Ramsgate. We need to live in a clean living environment... Read more

  • Mrs Karen Payne

    This area is out on a limb and relies very heavily on road links. We have a ready made airport, that needs proper investment, on our doorstep, which would encourage european & international travel &... Read more

  • Robert Farrant

    A Local resident that will be affected adversely by this development

  • Robin Willi

    I am the owner of [Redacted] and affected by the potential compulsory acquisition orders in conjunction with the opening of the former Manston airport facilities for cargo and other traffic. The... Read more

  • Ron Corkhill

    I am concerned about noise levels especially night noise levels in Cliffsend which is just south of the main Manston Airport runway

  • S.Stillman

    the idea that manston airport will reopen as a cargo hub is I feel a non starter, it will ruin the lives of everyone living near or under the flight path, I have lived here all of my life and in... Read more

  • Sion House Management Company Ltd (Sion House Management Company Ltd)

    Manston DCO - Register as an Interested Party Sion House is a block containing six flats occupied by mainly retirees. It lies directly under the flight path of aircraft approaching Manston Airport... Read more

  • Terence Coleman

    Manston never has and never will be a commercial success. Many have tried and inflicted misery on the local population with their noise and pollution. The most recent being the mighty Dutch national... Read more

  • Andrew Hurst


  • Anne Fallis

    I grew up in Thanet and still have family living there. I hope that residents, and the government don’t allow the prospect of a valuable asset that could bring new life to the area to pass them by. It... Read more

  • Barbara Parsons

    I object to the proposed application to reopen Manston as a airport This will result in unacceptable night noise resulting in a risk to health and well-being through sleep deprivation Increased... Read more

  • Carol Alston

    I object to the planning application for night flights from Manston. There will be Significant noise,day and night. Significant risk to our health, day and night. Harm to our children’s education. A... Read more

  • Chris Mullin

    To whom it may concern, I am a resident in Ramsgate that lives in the flight path of the airport with my young family. The proposal to reopen the airport at Manston as a cargo hub is something that I... Read more

  • Cliffsend Parish Council (Cliffsend Parish Council)

    Cliffsend Parish Council have considered the status of Manston Airport many times, as the airport adjoins the Northern border of the village and has provided employment for village residents for many... Read more

  • Dave Ford

    The Airport would be a disaster for Ramsgate. The Noize and pollution would be very bad. It would deal a massive blow to tourism in the town who would come to have planes every few minutes. I... Read more

  • David Frankel

    I am very concerned about the current plans for the use of Manston Airport as a cargo hub, especially in respect of the proposed night flights. I have lived in central Ramsgate, under the airport’s... Read more

  • David Jennings

    I believe there are better uses for the Manston Airport land that would generate more jobs, of higher value, that are more sustainable. Moreover, these other uses could also leave space to relieve the... Read more

  • David Neiles

    I live right on the flight path, my wife is retired and I'm coming up for retirement, we have an extended family with children, gran children and great grand children, all of which live in Ramsgate,... Read more

  • Elaine Flower

    I grew up in Thanet & it used to be a brilliant place,but over the years it has declined to such an extent that when I had my family we moved away to where there was a chance of a meaningful life for... Read more

  • Graham Ralph

    I have lived in Ramsgate 59 years and feel I have a good understanding of the impact Manston has had on the town and the potential damage to people’s lives if it is allowed to open again. Noise -... Read more

  • J C Davies

    Riveroak’s Major Accidents and Disaster Assessment and Mitigation Plan (TR020002/APP/5.2-3) fails to address the following risk factors adequately – (i) the proximity of Ramsgate (population 40,000)... Read more

  • James Flower

    Mansion airport would provide an economic boost to the area, by making use of a site already set up to take commercial airlines there is a golden opportunity to do the right thing. Secure local... Read more

  • Janet Prue

    The re-opening of Manston Airport would have a detrimental and devastating impact on the town of Ramsgate and its surrounds. Ramsgate is a unique area of Georgian and Victorian architecture, with its... Read more

  • Jean Cumbers

    I want Manston to return to being used as an airport. The ongoing planned improvements will bring much needed long term work into the area providing a future for any resident in the proposed areas for... Read more