
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 401 to 500 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Colin Taylor

    This is an ill-conceived scheme that will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s... Read more

  • Coral Reynolds

    The Stonehenge World Heritage Site is a unique and priceless landscape, so important to us for so many different reasons. The damage to the site caused by the building of the expressway could be... Read more

  • Dario Gerchi

    This plan would cause enormous damage to this invaluable World Heritage Site. In fact UNESCO is advising that the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. It would also make the Stones... Read more

  • David Brown

    This development is within a site and setting that is unique, described by UNESCO as 'a landscape without parallel.'. 'There are not two Stonehenge.' It is just simply not known what lies in the... Read more

  • David Cavany

    stop the tunnel you are desecrating an ancient sacred site

  • David Chapman

    I remember when one could wander at will among the stones at Stonehenge and realise that it was a privilege to do so. I know that time cannot return, but the site, in protecting it, has been... Read more

  • David Cockshoot

    There has been a great need to build a modern and effective road past Stonehenge for a very long time. The A303 is a vital trunk road and is so often bottle-necked near to Stonehenge. I am strongly... Read more

  • David Hazell

    I am greatly concerned that the current A303 road proposals will have a damaging effect on the Stonehenge ancient monument because: UNESCO’s international advisers have said that the scheme should... Read more

  • David Higgins

    Much of the World Heritage Site's beauty and value is in landscape as a whole so the current proposals would do irreparable damage. The plan does not mitigate the risk of disruption to rare... Read more

  • David Mee

    Words fail me that you can contemplate any further works near Stonehenge

  • David Miller

    This is a reckless development in an area of such national and international significance for understanding our past.

  • David P Marson

    The main point I wish to make is that I know the tunnel has to be built but it has to be long enough to eleminate traffic noise from the monument and that no part of the road, cuttings and associated... Read more

  • David Rawlins

    This is a very sensitive site; unless it is handled very sensitively a lot of our past will be destroyed. A team of archeologists should oversee all work, and have the power to stop any further work.... Read more

  • David Watts

    I want the A303 alterations to fully protect Stonehenge and all the surrounding area for future generations.

  • David Wilson

    The proposed development should be refused consent because the scheme will inevitably damage the integrity of a World Heritage Site, destroy important archaeology not only at Stonehenge but the... Read more

  • Deborah Evans

    The proposal will do untold damage to a National Treasure and World Heritage Site. While other neolithic stone circles exist in these Islands, Stonehenge is unique and must not be damaged.

  • Denis Parrett

    I am the Flood Warden for Shrewton and look after the community as regards the River Till and Ground water levels and as such am concerned about how the said road improvements will effect our... Read more

  • Denise Corlett

    This is an internationally important archaeological site, nothing like it anywhere else in the world. It's a huge part of our culture and we should be doing everything in our power to preserve it and... Read more

  • Derek Pitman

    Stonehenge is a world known historic icon. It must be preserved and its integrity maintained. The 21st Century must be kept as far away as possible from its doorstep. I am conscious of my heritage... Read more

  • Diane Murphy

    This is a rare , ancient historic site and should not have any type of invasive work done near it . This will threaten the stability of a world heritage site and shows contempt of our heritage. The... Read more

  • Don Church

    The proposals will destroy irreplaceable archaeology, severely damage a World Heritage Site (indeed the proposal has been condemned by UNESCO), and does not suggest any alternatives that lie outside... Read more

  • Doran Waclawiak

    This is an internationally recognised area of major historical and archealogical significance. It enhances national prestige and brings increasing tourism revenues. The proposals treat this area as if... Read more

  • Dr H Kean

    As a historian and heritage academic I am concerned about potentially inappropriate issues being raised in this context of national heritage and history.

  • Dr Robert Insall

    Any proposed scheme should avoid damage to the whole World Heritage Site, so precious and unique. The current proposed road scheme damages significant areas of the Site.

  • Dr. Chris Tonge

    The Stonehenge area contains one of the most complete ancient landscapes in Britain. To fully comprehend any part it requires an understanding of the whole. The preservation of the integrity of the... Read more

  • Duncan Collier

    • There is no coming back from this proposal once it goes ahead. The damage to this, arguably a beating heart of this land and its attendant culture(s) over many thousands of years, cannot be undone.... Read more

  • E.Sansom

    i strongly object to this major disruptive and potentially destroying road works through one of the most iconic 'sacred' and prehistoric sites of england and indeed the whole world. Seeing the stones... Read more

  • Edward Mitchell

    Rabid road building, continuing to raise capacity for even more cars, is highly inappropriate in this moment of global warming - made yet worse by constructing through an area of outstanding value... Read more

  • Edwin Robson

    I object to the desecration of this most sacred site. UNESCO have described the site as a 'landscape without parallel' and their international advisers have said that the scheme should not go ahead... Read more

  • Elaine Blackman

    I believe that the proposed road scheme will do incalculable damage to Stonehenge & the sacred landscape surrounding it.

  • Elena Pan-Sesar

    I have objections to tbe proposed scheme for the following reasons: 1. Stonehenge is a UNESCO registered World Heritage site and this road scheme compromises the integrity of the area in many ways,... Read more

  • Elgiva Tiptaft

    The site is ancient, unique and precious. I’d like to see it honoured for its age and magnificence, allowed to stand unadulterated in ancient mystery and timelessness. The current plans to... Read more

  • Elizabeth Bavister

    To retain its historical authenticity, no further damage must be done to the site of Stonehenge. It is a World Heritage Site, and far more important in the long term than the convenience of having a... Read more

  • Elizabeth Trueman

    1. Irreparable damage to a World Heritage site. 2. Alternative options not fully explored. 3. Harm to wildlife and flora. 4. Damage to a sacred site. 5. Expert opinion ignored. 6.Public opinion... Read more

  • Ellen Barnes

    This WHS, its archaeology and its setting will be seriously damaged by the proposals. Unesco have said that the scheme should not go ahead in this "landscape without parallel". The current view from... Read more

  • Emma Curtis

    I am deeply concerned by these proposals. I believe that they will cause irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site, both archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without... Read more

  • Emma Lloyd

    My concerns are that the road construction will cause massive and irreversible damage to the structure, integrity and environment of our world heritage site.

  • Emma Spurgin Hussey

    These plans are likely to: * cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site and its archaeology and setting, which has been described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s... Read more

  • Enid Knight

    When I was a child I was taken to Stonehenge and we walked freely among the stones. Since then I have been disappointed to find it all fenced off and we had to pay to cross the road and visit the... Read more

  • F W G Whiting

    My representation will: - Challenge design aspects of the A303 Stonehenge road scheme around the village of Winterbourne Stoke - Offer alternative, solutions to flaws in the current design -... Read more

  • Fay Funnell

    I have been using the A303 for 40 years and the ability to see Stonehenge as I drive past is of great importance to me. I understand that UNESCO are opposing this plan and I believe other options... Read more

  • Fiona Bradley

    This is a massively destructive road scheme which will have a detrimental effect on this World Heritage Site

  • Fiona Wall

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Francis Edwards

    I feel that this project will damage the unique archaeological landscape

  • George Bailey

    1. UNESCO have said that damage would be caused to the archaelogy, a 'landscape without parallel', so should not go ahead. 2. Damage to other mesolithic site. 3. Original consultation flawed as no... Read more

  • Gordon Stephens

    I am concerned at the effect on and possible damage to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge and to the Blick Mead Mesolithic site. The lack of appropriate and suitable options in the plan is... Read more

  • Gus Hauptfleisch

    Good Day, I strongly object to the underpass as it will cause damage to the site and surrounding areas. I realise you are trying to solve the traffic in the area but sending it underground is... Read more

  • Hazel Tufton

    Stonehenge is a “one off”. It is special and should have special treatment. We just can’t go on destroying the environment just for money and convenience. It can never be replaced. We are relying... Read more

  • Heather Elston

    I don't think the A303 should not be built over with a tun el. The disruption to Stonehenge and surrounding area will impact on the present wildlife and surrounding countryside unnecessarily so. We... Read more

  • Heidi Mitchell

    Please resconsider the plans for the A303. Stonehenge is a national treasure which MUST be protected. Having wonderful areas of interest such as this world heritage site should be protected at... Read more

  • Helen Denning

    I am deeply concerned about the impact of the expansion of the A303 on Stonehenge, it being such an incredible historic monument. It brings people to Britain so is good for the economy, but it is so... Read more

  • Henry Lowther

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Hilary Douglas-Wood

    I am deeply concerned about the evironmental and aesthetic impact of this development. The importance of getting this right is immeasurable. Stonehenge is just the most important historical sight in... Read more

  • Hilary Hampton

    I am concerned about the proposals as a resident of Wiltshire but also as someone who appreciates archaeology. The main issues for me are: - the number of experts who have objections to the... Read more

  • Hugh Williamson

    Having until recently lived in the Amesbury area for 4 years, I passed Stonehenge and its related Neolithic remains in the World Heritage Site on many occasions, a superbly uplifting experience, and... Read more

  • Ian Bendle

    This will be so wrong if it is allowed as it will destroy a place of beautie and of historical interest I am against the plan to put a bypass through the Stonehenge site as it would create more... Read more

  • Ian Brodrick

    I object to the form and concept of the Stonehenge Tunnel. That is on the basis of extensive experience in infrastructure and as a qualified archaeologist. The locale and setting of the monument... Read more

  • Isabelle Vinet

    I strongly object to the 303 Stonehenge expressway because it will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. In fact,... Read more

  • Ivan Clowsley

    These road works will damage a unique site of historical interest and future generations will not forgive us it must be stopped.

  • Jacqueline Heraty

    Stonehenge is both archaeological and spiritual importance. The site is both deeper and wider than previously thought, and excavations to alter access will destroy parts recently dicovered, and have... Read more

  • James Blake

    Stonehenge lies in a complex and unique archaeological landscape, recognised as being of world-class importance. It shoould be fully protected, as a matter of highest priority. The A303 Stonehenge... Read more

  • James Davies

    I am against this proposal, it would cause terrible impacts to the heritage sites in the area, and untold damage to the local environment and wildlife.

  • James Rodwell

    I feel that the scheme should not go ahead in its current form as I believe the entrances to the tunnels should not be within the World Heritage Site boundaries and that the current plan goes against... Read more

  • Janet Hicks

    Stonehenge is an immensely important archeological site, acknowledged as being the most important in Europe. In my opinion to even consider a shortcut for traffic to be a viable reason for risking... Read more

  • Jason Hargreaves

    I am concerned about the following areas in particular: Significant dame to the UNESCO WHS caused by the proposal, despite UNESCO's advice not to proceed The damage that will be caused to Blick... Read more

  • Jessica Potter

    I don’t believe this is a necessary risk of what is unnown historical relevance. That land is a time capsule to the past and it will be destroyed!

  • Jill Kempshall

    As a member of the public I consider that the proposed road will cause untold damage to: the heritage assets represented by the stones and the Blick Mead mesolithic site; the unique landscape in... Read more

  • Jillian Head

    The Stoneheenge site is an iconic landscape known and appreciated accross the world. Hence its World Heritage status. Unesco describs it as a 'Landscape without parallel.' Future generations will see... Read more

  • Jim Fisher

    1. Damage to the World Heritage Site 2. In the consultation, no alternative given which would not do such damage 3. Conflict between such road proposals and the government's stated policy of acting... Read more

  • Joan Osborne

    I am concerned that irreparable damage will be caused to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’, particularly given that UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Joan Smith

    Stonehenge is an almost unparalleled site of archaeological importance, recognised by historians and UNESCO. Preserving it for future generations is far more important than a risky and misconceived... Read more

  • Joanna Millett

    I am very concerned about the proposed scheme which would do damage to our past and to a world heritage site of great significance to this country. Construction will destroy archeology and cause... Read more

  • John Ashton

    I am very concerned about what is proposed for the area around Stonehenge and would like to be kept informed.

  • John Brown

    UNESCO’s international advisers believe the scheme will be detrimental to what is a world heritage site. Large amounts of archaeology will be destroyed by the scheme.

  • John Davis

    The wanton destruction of archeology yet to be discovered, both inside the WHS andbearing in mind that although the WHS is defined nobody knows the full extent of the archeology, outside the area... Read more

  • John Dunbar

    this scheme has already damaged an ancient platform. No more industrial digging on this delicate artifact filled landscape.

  • John Firth

    I am against any road worked in and around Stone henge without proper consultation with the English Heritage.

  • John Hendry

    This plan is wanton vandalism on a monumental scale, build the road as far away as possible, at least 2 miles from the site. John Hendry Whilst not by any means the oldest of our stone... Read more

  • John M Clements

    Do not go further and destroy this UN registered site of great archaeological importance. Should you continue with the economic "underground bypass" the site. ever expanding, will be ruined. Please... Read more

  • John M. McGee

    I believe that we ought to consider very carefully before contemplating damaging precious sites whihc cannot easily be replaced or 'mended'.

  • John Moon

    The construction of a dual carriageway at the western end of the tunnel will cause irreparable damage to much archaeology and ruin the integrity of this unique landscape. Visitors to the western end... Read more

  • John Mortimer

    I am conderned about irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting. It is a ‘landscape without parallel’ according to UNESCO and its international advisers say the scheme should... Read more

  • John Nicholas Metcalfe

    The proposed scheme would wreak incalculable damage on a highly valuable site, understood as such around the world but seemingly not in our own country. It would represent a catastrophically... Read more

  • John R Hartill

    1. I agree with UNESCO’s international advisers who say this scheme for a WHS should not go ahead in its present form as it will cause irreparable damage 2. I have significant concerns about damage... Read more

  • John Rose


  • Jon Humphrey

    No further damage should be done to the archaeological landscape of Stonehenge. Future generations would be appalled at those who decided that road widening should be at the expense of England’s... Read more

  • Josephine Dickinson

    Stonehenge is a site of international importance and the land around it contains much that is still to be investigated by archaeologists. The fabric and character of the visible and invisible... Read more

  • Josephine Gabriel

    I'm concerned that these plans should not go ahead due to the possible damage to an archeological site, because of noise pollution, changes to the current view from the road and disturbance to bird... Read more

  • Karan Smith

    I object to this plan due to the following reasons: Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’; UNESCO’s international advisers... Read more

  • Karen Fishet

    I think the stones should always be visible from the road. They are our heritage and not to be owned by anyone but the public. I also don't want the birds to suffer from This extremely disruptive... Read more

  • Karen Jordan

    The whole Stonehenge landscape has an outstanding universal value that is of immense significance for all people for all time, and this transcends any consideration of sorting out a 21st century... Read more

  • Karen Matthews

    This is known to be a landscape without parallel. There is great risk of damage to this world heritage site, its setting and its archaeology. There is a distinct lack of alternative options in the... Read more

  • Karl Lerocq

    Having a deep interest in the Neolithic landscape, and being a Stonehenge (and its environs) visitor for over 20 years, I'm deeply concerned over this project. I have talked at length with the... Read more

  • Kate Kenzie

    This disastrous plan would cause serious damage to the whole site, a huge upheaval to the wildlife of the area most probably resulting in great loss, and the additional noise pollution from vehicles... Read more

  • Katherine Suzanne Bray

    Surely there must be an alternative route for the road so as not to desecrate Stonehenge. Also nesting sites for rare bird species ( stone curlew and great bustard ) should not be put at risk as... Read more

  • Kathy Kirby

    I am most concerned that irreprable damage will be done to my grandchildren heritage. A one way System around the Stones could be a solution.

  • Katrina James

    I object to the A303 being built near, on, above or below the Stonehenge and it's surrounding prehistoric land. The contractors have already damaged one area just buy surveying and the BBC ridiculed... Read more

  • Kelly Williamson

    I am dismayed at the apparent lack of care and concern about the damage this work will cause not only to a highly important, respected and beautiful landmark, but also to the wildlife around it. This... Read more

  • Kevin Webb

    I object on the grounds that the proposed solution ignores internationally recognised expert advice and does not take into account the wider archeological importance of the surrounding site. The... Read more

  • Lady Roisin Robertson

    I object to these plans: Because they will cause long-term and detrimental changes to the valuable Heritage site, in terms of disturbance of other (as yet unfound) historical characteristics: Because... Read more