
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 801 to 900 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Joanne Mills

    Mansion Airport has an historic past and regenerating the airport will bring employment and opportunities to the Kent area. I feel also with leaving the EU this could be a very vital hub for the... Read more

  • Julie Roberts

    I do not agree with Manston being used as a cargo airport as this will effect residence & bird life.

  • Keith Ross

    My concern with having a 24hr operating Cargo Hub at Manston is the pollution and disturbance this would cause to the surrounding area. Both for the people that live in the area and the wildlife along... Read more

  • Ken Self

    Dear Sirs Not only would my family and myself be pleased to see Manston airport become fully operational again but we really think it would present great business and job opportunities for a very... Read more

  • Malcolm Fairman

    I want plans to save and then use Manston Airport as either an airport or cargo hub to go ahead on the grounds that it will be good for the local economy, it will provide jobs, both at the start and... Read more

  • Malcolm Reynolds

    I am so disappointed that a lot of the people opposed to the airport knew it was there when they moved to Thanet I was born in Ramsgate 1946, and I remember the good old days, when we could pop down... Read more

  • Michael Hart

    I wish to object to this on the grounds of noise due to night flights.

  • Michael Jupp

    Whilst accepting that Manston has had aircraft activity for a century, what is now proposed is a total gamechanger. In the past, as a commercial airport the flight frequency and size of aircraft was... Read more

  • Michael L Cox

    The employment this project will bring to Thanet is much needed now that Pfizer pulled out with the loss of 6600 skilled jobs. This is an area known for its high unemployment with little prospect... Read more

  • Nadine Corner

    I do not want the plans to re-open Manston Airport to go ahead. The reason being there is enough pollution in this world, in the air that we breathe, the food that we eat and the water we drink. ... Read more

  • Peter Bateson

    I am opposed to the granting of a DCO for Manston Airport. I and my family have lived for 9 years in Ramsgate, directly under the approach path to Manston, so I remember the noise and disruption of... Read more

  • Peter Curtis

    Maintaining this airport for the purpose it was built, is paramount to this area, and to provide a viable alternative and option , other than London. This is an historic airport, which needs to... Read more

  • Philip Shearsby

    My self and my wife have lived in ramsgate on direct fly path since 1985, we had planes fly over our house then but only in the day time which was ok as we had 2 young children 5 and 2 years... Read more

  • Emma Kenyon on behalf of Ramsgate home pilates

    I am writing on behalf of my local pilates group to object to the reopening of Manston Airport. Our Pilates group meets during the evenings and is a time for exercise and quiet contemplation. During... Read more

  • Stephanie Avery-Reynolds

    1) Noise pollution. Having lived within an area in London where night flights were a regular occurrence I can only feel anxious and frustrated that Ramsgate town, where I currently live, will become... Read more

  • Stephen Hawkins

    i beleive manston airport will be a major asset to thanet and surrounding area bringing work and trade and the need for fraight capacity to increase in the uk after brexit building houses in an area... Read more

  • Stephen Larking

    Manston has been a major airfield for over ninety years, historically it has provided a landing ground for aircraft in distress and civil and military use, to warrant the airfield as no longer viable... Read more

  • Susan Pite

    I wish to object to this. Night flights for freight will cause very considerable noise and disruption to people’s sleep. This evidence is based on the noise of historical freight planes over... Read more

  • Trevor Brill

    Having lived below the approach to Manston for thirty years plus, I have experienced the noise levels (very intrusive) and the smell of unburnt kerosene after an aircraft has passed. Recent studies... Read more

  • Allan Clifford

    The Planning Inspectorate RE Manston Airport I write to add my full support for the revival of this airport not only for the employment it will bring but also as a much-needed catalyst for inward... Read more

  • Andrew Langsmead

    To support fully the re opening of Manston airport. For the creation of a fully functioning airport, to creat local jobsfor the good of the very poor area , which just wsnts to build houses and hzve... Read more

  • Caroline Richardson

    Ramsgate has the country's only Royal Harbour and is a Cinque Port. There are around 450 listed buildings or sites and four conservation areas within the town. In 2017 Ramsgate became one of only... Read more

  • Carolyn May

    The reopening of Manston Airport will be deleterious to the Isle of Thanet as the infrastructure of access roads is inadequate tourism which is vital to the area will be threatened and reduced air... Read more

  • Claudia Maxtone-Graham

    1) I was told by a wartime Lancaster bomber pilot that he crash landed at Manston & was saved by a mile-long runway. 2) It seems a pity to lose this asset to the nation 3) There is access over... Read more

  • Daren Reed

    I am interested as a resident who lives within half a mile of the airport. I am interested in the noise levels of the aircraft using the airport? Also, what guarantees are there that jobs will go to... Read more

  • Susan Edwards on behalf of Florence Helen Edwards

    DO ANY OF THE MP'S OR OWNER'S OF THE COMPANY THAT WANT MANSTON AIRPORT LIVE UNDER THE FLIGHT PATH ? I BET THEY DON'T AND NEVER WILL. I have asked my daughter Sue to send this for because I feel so... Read more

  • Gary Lewis

    [Redacted] a director of Riveroak states in his biography that has over thirty years in aviation and travel. He fails to mention that during this period he was a director 30 travel related companies ... Read more

  • Hugh Cripps

    1.Airfreight movements within the UK are declining from 108000 in the year 2000 to 52000 in 2016 and are assumed by the Dept of Transport to continue at this level for the foreseeable future. Even if... Read more

  • Ian Warner

    I reserve the right to make further representations following scrutiny of the application.

  • Janet Avery

    MANSTON OPENING AS A CARGO AIRPORT WILL BE A TRAGEDY FOR RAMSGATE. Cargo planes 24/7 . Lorries carrying cargo. Homes will be ruined. Would the company reinforce rooves and install triple glazing ? I... Read more

  • Janet Brown

    Night flights have been shown to have an extremely negative impact on people's health who live in the vicinity of night flight paths. It is for this reason that I strongly object to a cargo airport... Read more

  • Jiill Gardner

    Ramsgate is an historic tourist town which would be blighted by round the clock cargo planes flying over Ramsgate. With the already declining town centre it would only add to the woes and... Read more

  • Joanna drake

    My property at [Redacted] will become a dud of a place to rent and live if there are 24/7 planes flying by. My seaview flat was bought with the intention. Of it being a peaceful and relaxing... Read more

  • John Millar

    As a local resident of Thanet, who lives under the flightpath of Manston Airport, I would like to fully support the plans to re-open Manston Airport for aviation. I have lived in Thanet all of my... Read more

  • Ken Hardiman

    On a personal level I think that the opportunities in the past to make Thanet a better place to attract business to the area and optimise our infrastructure to enable better employment opportunities.... Read more

  • Michael Thompson

    Dear Sirs, In March 2016, Reynardine Software set up a website for persons to place a pin on a map indicating their location and a brief comment of their support for the return of Manston... Read more

  • Michael Wheatley-Ward

    In my youth I lived near Heathrow Airport and saw it grow to a major employer in the West of London. I moved to Ramsgate 24 years ago and have seen the area decline despite positive moves to counter... Read more

  • Mr Webb

    I would like to raise the following points in relation to the DCO and support the application to make Manston an airport again. Thanet does not need more housing, there are not services in place to... Read more

  • Mrs. K. E. Shewen

    Dear sir / madam I am writing to object to application RSP has made to reopen Manston airport on the following grounds Particulate pollution Contrary to RSP’s claim there is scientific... Read more

  • Pew Property (rental) Ltd (Pew Property (rental) Ltd)

    Business Plan In RSP’s justification for a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) they state they intend to provide an airport which, by year 20, will achieve 17170 Air traffic... Read more

  • Philip Tuohy

    See attached

  • Roger Best

    There is an absolute need for additional runway capacity in the U.K. and Manston airport is perfectly placed geographically to provide that extra capacity. The runway can accommodate all known... Read more

  • S. Lengthorn

    Manston could represent the future for Thanet, by providing employment and prosperity for years to come. This in turn would mean opportunities to reduce the unemployment levels of the area, and give... Read more

  • Sarah Bowman

    I have lived at my current address since 2007 when the airport was operating. Operations were sparodic but when flights were happening, places flew directly over our house. My representation will... Read more

  • Southern Gas Networks PLC (Southern Gas Networks PLC)

    Dear Sirs The Re-Opening of Manston Airport, Kent Application for a Development Consent Order We write, on behalf of Southern Gas Networks PLC (“Southern Gas”), in response to the application... Read more

  • Sue lumpkin

    Thanet needs to have an airport. I used this airport twice when going on holiday and also a day trip to Dublin. It could take the strain off the overcrowded London airspace and is the logical place to... Read more

  • Susan Edwards

    PLEASE HELP, YOU'RE OUR ONLY HOPE. I cannot express strongly enough,how much opening Manston airport to night cargo flights is going to affect and ruin the lives of the people who live closest to... Read more

  • Tracey Sharpe

    I am opposed to the mansion air port site being used as a cargo airport

  • Susan Edwards on behalf of Walter Hilditch edwards

    I am 90 years old. I am not good with words, I am telling my daughter Sue what I would like to say. I don't know how long I have left on this earth, but I would like to be able to enjoy the time I... Read more

  • Adrian Mason

    That the proposed development will cause disruption to the lives of thousands of people resident in the areas below the flight path. The implementation of night flights will cause health problems to... Read more

  • Alan Welcome

    RSP has not established that a cargo-hub at Manston is a NSIP. RSP’s submission draws on work by[Redacted] seeking to establish NSIP status. I believe that many of her findings are seriously flawed.... Read more

  • Anthony Fuller

    We request that the Planning Inspector examines RSP’s actual proposal for night flights. • Opaque documentation, lack of transparency and contradictory statements by the applicant means that... Read more

  • Beverly Lockyer

    I want to submit representation for the re-opening of Manston Airport, and to say how much this is needed to create work for an ever increasing population of thanet. where we are sadly lacking in... Read more

  • Brenda Jones

    I am extremely concerned about the noise levels that River Oak Strategic Partners seem to need, when Heathrow who is the largest of our airports does not have these noise levels. Also a major concern... Read more

  • David Alan Lister

    The re-opening and development of Manston will- - Provide a nationally valuable facility in increasing airport capacity in the South East, this being vital post Brexit - Make a massive contribution... Read more

  • David Steed

    I have lived all my life within sight and sound of Manston Airport .I have seen and heard ever quieter Planes operating from it for 70+ years . I have also seen the ever decreasing prosperity of the... Read more

  • Dennis Hyde

    I have lived in Ramsgate all my working life. I have seen the stead decline of my home town from a thriving one to a poverty stricken third world one. The main reason for this state of affairs is... Read more

  • James Shepherd

    My views on reopening manston Airport are that,thanet and its people need it,for jobs for the economy and for the historic part manston played in ww2, I have lived in thanet my whole life my... Read more

  • John Jones

    1) I am extremely concerned about the high noise levels that RiverOak Strategic Partners. (RSP) seem to think is acceptable. The figure they have requested for night flights is prohibited from London... Read more

  • Kevin Pressland

    As a resident of Ramsgate for 5 years this November coming I see the potential of Ramsgate and indeed Thanet as a whole. The proposal for a Cargo hub at the old Manston Airport will damage the area in... Read more

  • Megan Garrett-Jones

    I am writing as a resident who objects to a freight airport opening in my area. I am concerned that the noise pollution from the proposed airport will be to the detriment of Ramsgate and surrounding... Read more

  • Michael Topliss

    I am writing this representation to support the re-opening of Manston airport. I have flown to and from Manston airport on many occasions since the 1960's and it has always been a pleasure to use. The... Read more

  • Miss Joanna Kurn

    I think they should open it as an airport as will benefit all people Living in Thanet area and make more jobs for people!!

  • Mrs J. Collins

    I would like Manston to continue as an airport. It is in a strategic position in relation to Europe and I believe will bring jobs into our area for the younger generation as Thanet needs investment to... Read more

  • Pat Scutt

    I would like to register my interest in keeping Manston as an airport, either for cargo or, hopefully, for passenger flights. My interest is that, once it's gone, it's gone and can never be brought... Read more

  • Peter Ruranski

    The area of Thanet is a deprived area with a very high rate of unemployment. The re-opening of Manston airport for freight and passengers will provide an opportunity for all sorts of new jobs from... Read more

  • Sandra Dunn

    I live under the flight path and Iam very concerned about the noise and air pollution that will occur with every plane....The planes fly very low over the houses...which in turn might affect... Read more

  • Tim Spencer

    You've undoubtedly been inundated with much technical and legal advice explaining how wrong it will be to allow a freight hub at Manston that claims to be "in the national interest". From a... Read more

  • Tim Sperryn

    No Government policy statement has said the UK needs a new freight airport. The Department for Transport does not predict any growth in the number of freight flights. Therefore, the application must... Read more

  • Cris Ford

    This will be a disaster for Ramsgate. It will cause air and noise pollution, impacting on the health of the population. It will have an extremely negative effect on tourism which has recently been... Read more

  • D Small

    I support the reopening of the airport which will be important post Brexit and has most of the infrastructure in place,which is not the case if thousands of new homes are built with retail parks etc... Read more

  • Helen Howe

    NOISE: The Incoming Flight path over Herne Bay will affect at least three primary schools and at least seven nursing homes, plus the hospital. Past experience showed it was impossible to hold a... Read more

  • Jason Jones-Hall

    I am submitting this response as both a private individual and business owner in Ramsgate. A major part of my business is focused on placemaking, including economic regeneration based on the built... Read more

  • Kathleen Benfield

    Dear Sirs, I have lived in Ramsgate for the last 21 years, and I remember the airport when it was open, under the MOD and as a domemestic airport. I am directly under the flight path, and the noise... Read more

  • Mr R A Cross

    Living directly under the previous flight path we will suffer considerable noise damage, which will extend to night time disruption as well, with the consequent possible health implications of... Read more

  • Samantha Holmans Thompson

    We wish to object in the strongest possible terms to RSP's proposal for a cargo hub based out of Manston, on the grounds of negative impact on health, education, the environment and our burgeoning... Read more

  • Sarah-jayne Benfield

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, I am writing to you as I have grave concerns over the proposed development at Manston Airport. I have lived in Thanet all my life, and in the flight path for about 22... Read more

  • Steve Howe

    I wish to register my concerns about the paucity of public engagement by RiverOak Strategic Partners (RSP) regarding the western approach to Manston runway. Mapping provided in consultation documents... Read more

  • Susan Sullivan

    I object to the development of Manston airport as a major cargo hub with some passenger flights as the flights will take place directly over Sandwich and Pegwell Bay nature reserve. This is an... Read more

  • Jean Robinson on behalf of the Robinson family

    I am writing to you on behalf of my husband and daughter. We all live directly under the flight path in Beltinge and we are all very concerned about your plans for a cargo airport at Manston. I will... Read more

  • Terry Prue on behalf of Wellington Crescent Association (Wellington Crescent Association)

    The Wellington Crescent Association was formed to represent the views of owners and residents of Wellington Crescent - one of the principal historic buildings in Ramsgate. Our listed 200 year-old... Read more

  • Wendy Binstead

    Wendy Binstead I want the Manston Airport to be a reality again we do not want houses we haven't the infrastructure to cope. The airport returned will give much needed jobs to the area. W Binstead

  • William E. Stannard

    I am writing to say that previous Airline projects have been unsustainable, both financially And passenger wise due mainly to Manston's geographical location. The present roads and rail... Read more

  • Andrew Phillips

    I have lived at [Redacted] Ramsgate for 24 years. The area is St Lawrence which is on the direct flight path in and out of Manston airport on the Ramsgate side of Manston.I do not want a cargo plane... Read more

  • Andy Harvey

    As a Councillor and local business owner I feel the proposals for the Manston Airport site are imperative to local employment and economic growth.

  • Bryan Worthington

    my objection to this airport development is because of the potential noise during the day and more specifically at night further more the uplift in heavy transport to and from the airport will produce... Read more

  • Davena Green

    I am very concerned about RSP's proposals to acquire a DCO to re-open Manston Airport as a Cargo Hub. Ramsgate is not a suitable area for heavy planes with its many listed properties many built... Read more

  • Deborah Ann Nuttall

    I am writing to object to RiverOak Strategic Partner's (RSP) proposals for a 24/7 cargo hub at Manston Airport on behalf of myself and 2 children. We have lived in Ramsgate for over 15 years and... Read more

  • Dolena Orr

    My Concern is having an airport running 24/7 will impact my quality of life and all people around us having lived near Gatwick I know what this can be like. Significant noise day and night will mean... Read more

  • Doreen Brown

    Having lived at my address for 30 years and in a direct line with the runway at Manston, I feel I am in a position to state how the noise created by those planes was horrendous during the time the... Read more

  • Deborah Ann Nuttall on behalf of Doreen Margaret Fearn (Doreen Margaret Fearn)

    I am outraged at RiverOak Strategic Partner's (RSP) proposal for a 24/7 cargo hub airport at Manston. I have lived in Ramsgate for over 14 years and have witnessed the rebirth of Ramsgate as a... Read more

  • Joanne Tuffs

    I believe that the plans for Manston Airport submitted by River Oak to reopen will be catastrophic for Ramsgate, principally on the environment and the quality of life of residents. Past use of... Read more

  • Kenneth Pearson

    Dear Sir What a wonderful opportunity for this part of Kent to have a company so adamant on having the old Manston airport opened up again to bring much needed employment to a very bad area for jobs.... Read more

  • Lizbeth Langston

    PROPOSED CARGO HUB AT MANSTON AND ADVERSE EFFECT ON WILDLIFE IN THE AREA Sandwich and Pegwell Bay Nature Reserve is a Ramsar wetland site of international importance and is also an SSSI, has SAC... Read more

  • Margaret Sole

    I am fully in support of the re-opening of Manston Airport for many various reasons. And one of the most important is the high quality jobs it will bring & it will also kick start the re-generation of... Read more

  • Margate Civic Society (Margate Civic Society)

    Margate Civic Society wishes to fully support this application by RiverOak Strategic Partners. Manston airport is an asset of national importance, having been in existence for 100 years and should be... Read more

  • Raymond Douglas

    please bring back Manston as an Airport Thanet badly needs regenerating and the country needs it too.

  • Robert Higman

    I wish to register as an "interested party" as I am in agreement with the proposal to use Manston Airport for freight traffic. I feel it will bring much needed jobs to the area and also provide the UK... Read more

  • Samara Jones-Hall

    I am a resident of Ramsgate and Ramsgate-based business owner. I hold a solicitor’s practicing certificate and am on the Rolls but do not currently practice law. I, also, do some work for the Bar... Read more

  • Stephan Coupland

    I am very unhappy about the proposals to re-open Manston Airport with night flights. My wife and I live in Alland Grange Lane that has open fields between the original cargo hub about 800 meters... Read more