
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1201 to 1300 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Steven Wilson

    I am against the proposal

  • Susan Mary Mullett

    The proposed development will totally destroy some of the the beautiful countryside around our village. The development offers no benefit to local people and the greater likelihood is that it will... Read more

  • Susan Osborn

    Road network surrounding the project and up to 20 miles away will not cope with the increased heavy goods vehicles. Lorries regardless proposed links will use the current roads as this is the shortest... Read more

  • susan pope

    1. It will decimate farmland and woodland and destroy the natural habitat for many different species. Furthermore, Tritax were not able to provide any evidence at the consultation that similar managed... Read more

  • Talbert Dick

    Concern over 24/7 noise. Traffic congestion. Effects on the infrastructure, particularly drains and the additional prospect of more flooding. We struggle to cope with existing traffic through the... Read more

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party for the proposed scheme. The Woodland Trust strongly opposes the loss of T486, a veteran oak tree that is set to be felled for the... Read more

  • Thomas Herbert Griffiths

    If they do the improvements the the roads around the area then I have no objections to the plan we need jobs in this town.

  • Tina Dawn Robinson

    I am worried about the excessive noise, pollution, road congestion on an already over stretched road infrastructure. This project will probably run on a 24 hours and 7 days a week basis. Everybodys... Read more

  • Tom Bradley

    Considerable concerns over the severe impact to local wildlife, countryside amenities being reduced and a wider impact on an already heavily strained road and rail network. There are several, major... Read more

  • Tom Coles

    I am very concerned that the impact this freight exchange will have on the village centre of Narborough has not been considered. The level crossing in the village already delays traffic and causes... Read more

  • Tracey Amanda Demott

    I use the Burbage Common on a daily basis for walking, dog walking and consider it a free of charge leisure activity. It is a beautiful, green open space teaming with wildlife and used by thousands of... Read more

  • Tracey Pratt

    Impact on traffic around Hinckley. Noise of trains.

  • Trevor Kirtley

    The area is saturated existing and new warehousing projects, e.g, Magna Park expansion, Hinckley A5. The M69 is already a severe bottle neck at the M1 junction and additional traffic from the proposed... Read more

  • Valerie Moran

    Daventry is under-used as per report, freight moved down 9% lowest since records began, Freight Lifted down 17% as per October to December report 2022 compared to a year earlier, it's Obvious Daventry... Read more

  • Wayne Ridgway

    Traffic in Hinckley and surrounding area's is getting worse, the roads are not fit for purpose for the amount of lorries and the once beautiful town is expanding on all sides creating more traffic. If... Read more

  • Wendy Howe

    It will impact adversely on the lives of those living in the nearby villages. There will be noise pollution from the trains and lorries, and air pollution from fumes. This will not help climate... Read more

  • Whetstone Parish Council (Whetstone Parish Council)

    Lack of mitigation offered at both Highways Infrastructure and impact on local existing neighbourhoods,

  • Wigston Parva Parish Meeting (Wigston Parva Parish Meeting)

    Initial observations and objections from Wigston Parva Parish as part of registration are as follows. More detail will be added as the proposed project application process continues: The application... Read more

  • Y. Daniel

    Traffic management/volume of traffic on already busy roads. Impact on Burbage Common, a well used open space full of wildlife, flora and fauna that will be greatly impacted by noise pollution during... Read more

  • A Tye

    My concern is the impact on wildlife in the area caused by building, increased traffic, air, light and noise pollution, etc. Wildlife and the environment are much more important than a rail freight... Read more

  • Alan Parker

    1. Additional pollution from the thousands of trucks per day will negatively impact Burbage Common, which is right next door. 2. The M69 / M1 junction is not capable of taking the additional traffic... Read more

  • Alexander Luke Toone

    This proposal should not go ahead for the following reasons: a) The existing road infrastructure cannot cope with the current traffic levels especially on the perimeter road and the junction with the... Read more

  • Alexandra Hayes

    Loss of green space in our area. The affect on the Burbage common beauty spot, ie, wildlife, noise, views, visitors mental welfare etc The immense increase in HGV traffic in the local area across a... Read more

  • Alison Deacon

    I went to the consultation information session - Very concerned about the effect on local roads. A road was assumed that I believe is not happening. In theory road traffic should use M69. This is... Read more

  • Alison Langham

    The environmental cost is too high for this project to be considered. Stop putting money and profit above everything else. This area is low in in-employment and is not in need of this project, for... Read more

  • Alison Searle

    Concerns over increased traffic - the volume of traffic & pollution from fumes. Loss of wildlife & green spaces Proximity to Burbage Common & Woods, Elmesthorpe Plantation & Aston Firs (some of which... Read more

  • Amanda Hack

    I’m a local County Councillor and want to ensure that the views of local people are included.

  • Andrew Hickton

    This development will have a significant adverse impact on the quality of life and community of Hinckley, Burbage and all of the surrounding areas. I could understand the rational for this is we... Read more

  • Andrew Johnston

    This is a convenient location for vital employment and logistics. The plans have been well thought out. The buffer area between the site and Burbage Common & Woods will increase biodiversity in the... Read more

  • Annette Thomas

    This proposal will cause absolute chaos and carnage in the area. Local roads cannot cope already with the increase in traffic, so if this goes ahead the consequences will be horrendous. This area is... Read more

  • Anthony Allen

    Issues are: Increased traffic through the village which is already a busy thoroughfare will occur regardless of a new road or bypass. Increased air pollution, light pollution, noise pollution and harm... Read more

  • Barbara Pike

    The environmental impact will be devastating. A beautiful area of local nature will be ruined forever. Local people will lose an amazing space which will detrimentally impact their mental health. The... Read more

  • Becky-Anne Barrett

    Object entirely to the plans. Large area of the countryside will be destroyed and Will detrimentally change the area forever including rural villages. wildlife will be affected and it will cause... Read more

  • Ben Westman

    I am very concerned about the negative effect on wildlife population that is already in decline, should this not be a major consideration, considering the current effect of countryside being lost,... Read more

  • Brian Box

    Burbage is on the edge of this railway development an no way can it cope with the extra traffic .

  • Brian James Bradburn

    The road infrastructure of the area, already under stress, would be further overloaded. The amenity of open countryside in the area is already compromised by several distribution centres. This... Read more

  • Cari Dodds

    Concerns over impact of additional traffic in area


    We do not want it

  • Caroline Ann Drodge

    I’m concerned about the extra traffic it will bring, noise, environmental damage, the impact on Burbage, which already has huge traffic problems & over demand for schools & services. This will add to... Read more

  • Caroline Clarke

    I feel this will be a blight on the landscape - I don’t think we should lose all of our green spaces.

  • Caroline Foreman

    Too much traffic , nighttime noise of the trains and environmental impact of the green fields of the proposed site .

  • Caroline jackson

    There are already lots of empty warehouses why do we need more? The traffic increase is bad for air pollution Villages will be spoilt

  • Caroline Mccabe

    I am extremely concerned that Burbage Common will be severely affected by the proposed rail freight terminal. The Common is a valuable and much used area for relaxation in a peaceful environment. This... Read more

  • Caroline McCarty

    Impact on local road network, infrastructure, congestion. Loss of precious open spaces and countryside

  • Carolyn Jane Carvell

    I have recently moved into this area from the city of Leicester. I have been reassured since my move that my new surroundings are much safer in terms of air quality and light pollution. I have also... Read more

  • Charlotte Cassidy

    The proposed development does not seem necessary or of strategic national importance, given a number of factors. The site lies very close to a number of other rail freight interchanges and similar... Read more

  • Charlotte Green

    The proposed site is in the location of small villages and next to the green space of Burbage Common. A local visitors spot for the wildlife and walks in the woods, with bluebells and other flowers... Read more

  • Christina Elizabeth Lewis

    I am 44 years old and have a small holding with my husband on burbage common road elmesthorpe where we have horses donkeys sheep chickens and ducks with a large pond with fish. The property is on the... Read more

  • Claire Orton

    Concerns re infrastructure - extra traffic, noise, lack of shops / Gp surgeries. Narrowing of road in Sapcote - huge impact on quiet village - HGVS will be coming through 24hrs a day - esp with M69... Read more

  • Clare Iliffe

    Lack of infrastructure in our area to cope with this development. Noise pollution with both rail and the actual terminal. Development is next to a beautiful peaceful common used by residents and... Read more

  • Craig Roger Lewis

    I am [Redacted] years old and have a small holding with my wife located on [Redacted]. The property is on the boundary of the proposed development. I am against the proposed development as no... Read more

  • Daniel Garnor

    I would like to start by saying that our family have lived in the local villages close to the proposed HNRFI site all of our lives and regard this area as being an extremely important piece of the... Read more

  • Darren James Statham

    This application will negatively affect the local area by increasing traffic on the surrounding highway network. These roads are to capacity and will be unable to handle additional traffic.... Read more

  • David burlingham

    To whom it may concern. My name is David Burlingham, I am, [redacted], adjacent to the proposed development by tritax. I write to communicate concerns regarding the proposed development by tritax... Read more

  • David Crooks

    My major concerns about the proposed project are: - The environmental impact, including the destruction of established farms and associated fields used for crops or grazing. - Noise and light... Read more

  • David Green

    There will be a negative impact on the open space in the Burbage Common / Elmeshorpe area, reducing the enjoyment of the immediate countryside to where I live due to the destruction of open and... Read more

  • David Moore

    I am a resident of Elmesthorpe and my house would be in close proximity to the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange that is proposed by Tritax Symmetry (Hinckley) Limited. It is my view that the... Read more

  • David Parsons

    Burbage village already has parking problems which cause traffic to jam up on an ongoing daily basis. Tritax has estimated 32 trains in and out from the proposed facility. This will result in an extra... Read more

  • David Payn

    Our roads won’t be able to cope. Burbage common is used by walkers , joggers , cyclists, horse riders and many more. The rail plans will kill our common

  • David Searle

    My main concerns are the negative impact on the local area this unnecessary warehouse development will bring. We all know the rail element is a white elephant to achieve SRFI status. This development... Read more

  • Debbie Wilbur

    This development is not welcome or needed. This area is already very well served by warehouses and no more are needed. The proposed development would be very detrimental to an area that has already... Read more

  • Deborah Jarvis

    This proposal will totally destroy village life for a number of villages, the sheer scale will swamp the local villages and ruin our much loved and utilised nature reserve Burbage Common. The... Read more

  • Derek Frearson

    This is inappropriate for the area, will increase traffic and pollution as well as destroying wildlife. It will create noise and adversely affect the quality of life of residents and those who enjoy... Read more

  • Doreen Mitchell

    My concerns our for the additional traffic that will add to increased pollution and more importantly the adverse effect that more rural land being lost to construction will have on the wild life,... Read more

  • Duane Mellor

    Concern about how it will impact the environment between the villages and the common. Also it seems that the carrot of fixing the one way M69 junction is unjust, this needs to be done. Also the local... Read more

  • Susan Stevenson on behalf of Eileen Goult

    Very concerned about the impact on the local environment and wildlife. With so many rail hubs in the Midlands already this seems to be unnecessary and extremely harmful to the surrounding area.

  • Elaine Maxfield

    This will have a negative impact to wildlife and the environment! Not to mention the noise!

  • Eleanor Bradley

    Concerns around traffic implications around Hinckley and surrounding area. Cumulative traffic impacts on huge number of depots built in the area recently. HGV traffic substantially increasing. Loss of... Read more

  • Eleanor Ray

    Hi, the rail freight interchange would drastically increase traffic on roads that are already at capacity and through villages that are unable to cope with current levels of traffic. A high level of... Read more

  • Elizabeth Clark

    Destruction of local wildlife habitat and disruption to surrounding countryside as well as noise pollution and higher footfall through a less urban environment causing more risk of criminal damage,... Read more

  • Ellen Gibson

    - 9,000 HGV's + employee vehicles & all the negative effects that come with them, including air & noise pollution & the increased accident risk. - 16 cargo trains per day, approx. 32 movements per... Read more

  • Emma Anne Huntley

    Burbage common is a beautiful area which should not be impacted by introduction of infrastructure or railway. This would be a real loss to the Hinckley & Burbage community, and I would also believe... Read more

  • Gazeley UK Limited (GLP) (Gazeley UK Limited (GLP))

    Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (the Project). This relevant representation is submitted by Gazeley UK Limited, part of the GLP group (GLP), in respect of the Project which will require the... Read more

  • Graeme Kennett

    The main issues are that the development will dwarf the local area with it's huge infrastructure requirements, add massively to the volumes of HGVs locally, permanently remove 650 acres of food... Read more

  • Groby Parish Council (Groby Parish Council)

    Dear Sirs Re: Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange Following a meeting held on Thursday 15th June 2023, members of the Planning & Development Committee of Groby Parish Council agreed to submit... Read more

  • Hannah Gill

    First and foremost I am a resident of Enderby Village, which sits 8 miles or so from the planned HNRFI development. As well as a resident I am also one of two District Councillors for the Village. I... Read more

  • Hannah Roberts

    This will be detrimental to the local wildlife. There is already a decline in wildlife, this only exacerbates an on-going problem!

  • Helen Anderson

    Concerned about the impact on the local environment

  • Helen Cassidy

    I wish to register my objections to the proposed Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange. The proposed development does not seem necessary or of strategic national importance, given a number of... Read more

  • Helen Marriott

    Impact on the country side Concerns on infrastructure of roads local and surrounding area Is it a needed? Are other in area at full capacity

  • Helen Wolfe

    I am very concerned about the increase in traffic, congestion and pollution next to Burbage woods.

  • Huncote Parish Council (Huncote Parish Council)

    Huncote Parish Council’s relevant representations to the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange proposal Huncote Parish Council (HPC) has considered the application submitted by Tritax Symmetry... Read more

  • iain westman

    Dedicated green space / farmland being threatened by this development, emphasis is put on global warming and leaving the countryside untouched to allow the wildlife to increase , there has been a... Read more

  • Ian Barber

    This project appears to be a stealth method for back door warehousing in the so called “golden triangle” between the road connections of the M6, M1, M69 & A5. I feel the the developer, Tritax... Read more

  • Ian Sylvester

    I am against the Rail Freight Terminal on the edge of Burbage Common, Leicestershire. 1/ it will ruin the outlook of Burbage Common. We have so few green spaces left in Burbage. 2/ there would be many... Read more

  • Inbal Bland

    I object to the proposed project due to its adverse impact on local wildlife and park facilities (Burbage Common) that serve the whole local population; the increase of traffic and overall pollution... Read more

  • J Hayes

    My concerns relate around increased heavy traffic and the environmental impact on Burbage Common

  • Jacqueline Mary Pinnegar

    Extra traffic through surrounding villages on already congested roads. Damage to important Burbage Common both for wildlife, and the thousands of people who enjoy the common and woodland

  • Jacqueline Wallis

    This development does not seem appropriate to the area. It builds on good farmland next to Burbage Common which will have a detrimental impact on the enjoyment of a beautiful public amenity (of which... Read more

  • Jai Evans

    From the proposed development there will be a huge influx of additional traffic coming through Sapcote village main roads, Hinckley road and Leicester road. If the proposed opening of the M69 junction... Read more

  • James Raven

    We already have over subscribed services and the infrastructure can’t cope currently. Adding the interchange will cause further strains on the infrastructure. The M69 cannot cope with the additional... Read more

  • Jane Baker

    Main concerns are damage to our local environment and wildlife caused by increased vehicle numbers on the roads and by train because of workforce and product parts and deliveries. This will impact not... Read more

  • Jane Davies

    Impact on area will be enormous.Health issues re 100s of HGVs transporting container.Enviromental impact re Burbage common,gone forever can never be replaced.lights at night will affect surrounding... Read more

  • Jane Phillips

    The effect of the proposed development on the local area will be devastating to both the local residents and the wider community never mind the damage to wildlife and the natural environment. I have... Read more

  • Janet Amanda Schofield

    An environmental and community disaster will be caused if this development is permitted. Importantly, the proposed hub is not required, given the number of other transport hubs already in use in the... Read more

  • Jason Roberts

    This will be detrimental for local wildlife, an already ongoing issue we have in this country.

  • Jennifer Davis

    I have grave concerns on a number of front’s regarding this proposal. In broad terms these are; 1. Whether there is a genuine need for such a facility given the proximity of others within a 10/20 mile... Read more

  • Jennifer fishwick

    The proposed plans have not taken into account increased traffic at the M1 J21/M69 junction. Traffic here already causes tailbacks at peaks times. Accidents and incidents are frequent and cause major... Read more

  • Jennifer peet

    I am concerned about the following therefore object to the proposal: 1) the impact on traffic, both from increased road traffic within the immediate area and delays at rail crossings in the local... Read more

  • Jo Baker

    The lack of consideration for local communities within this application are glaring. Reduction of green spaces No consideration to traffic increases